Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 374 Provocation of the royal family, destroy Buddhism

After Ying Xi stood up, she looked at the teacher Feixuan indifferently.

He had been taught by his grandfather for many years, and he had practiced many emperors' ways, so how could he not know the intentions of this master concubine Xuan.

Ying Xi flew up and stood in the sky, exuding a kind of imperial power, the majesty of the eldest son, the majesty of the king, without concealment.

This is also the first time that Yingxi has appeared in front of so many people.

"I am the eldest son of Emperor Qin."

"In the legend, I am the most mysterious prince of the royal family except the first emperor and the emperor. The emperor went on an expedition, and the eldest son of the emperor supervises the country and takes charge of the country, so that everything in my Daqin is in order."

"I didn't expect to see the eldest son of the emperor appear today. 95

"The appearance of the eldest son of the emperor has the outline of a monarch, and it really is a father-son inheritance.

"So young and majestic, he deserves to be the eldest son of my Great Qin Emperor..."

As soon as Yingxi appeared, many people were immediately excited.

"In the world of Immortal Sword, the head of Buddhism was killed by my father and emperor, and your Buddhism had to surrender to my Daqin in order to protect it, but you hate my Daqin, but you know that it is not my Daqin opponent. If you anger my Daqin, your Buddhism will not exist. 39

Ying Xi stared at Shi Feixuan and said coldly.

The words fell.

Shi Feixuan's face changed suddenly.

She did not expect that the eldest son of the Great Qin Emperor in front of her would be able to penetrate her mind.

She wanted to say something, but there was an unspeakable unease in her heart.

"You can't do it with me, Daqin, as an enemy."

"But you can blaspheme my Daqin face. I am the eldest son of the Daqin emperor, the eldest son of the father emperor, and the eldest son of Daqin's supervisory country. I represent the face of my Daqin royal family. If you defeat me under the eyes of all the people, you can Falling on the face of my Daqin royal family.

"I don't know, am I right?

Yingxi smiled indifferently.

The words fell.

In the auditorium, the expressions of all Qin officials and subjects changed suddenly.

Shi Feixuan challenged the eldest son of the emperor. Although it was rude, except for the many ministers of Daqin, they didn't think so much at all, but at this moment, Yingxi just said it, which changed everyone's mind.

Looking at the teacher Feixuan, they all glared at him.

"This woman is really dangerous."

"I actually want to bring face to my Daqin royal family by defeating the eldest son of the emperor.

"Back then, that Buddhism was my enemy in Daqin, and the emperor's kindness forgave this Buddhism. It's just that she didn't appreciate it. She even wanted to be my enemy in Daqin."

"Damn it to the extreme.

"This woman, don't live. 99

a time.


Even in front of the magic image, many people scolded one after another, and everyone looked at Shi Feixuan and was extremely angry.

Her sinister intentions aroused public anger.

see this scene.

Shi Feixuan's face turned pale, she did not expect that Ying Xi would directly break her.

"No need to talk nonsense."

"My son can accept your challenge."

"But you are not qualified to play carefully in front of my father.

"So, I'll give you two paths.

"First, if you win, you can live, and the glory that belongs to your first place also belongs to you, (afbh) you Buddhism is safe and sound.

"Second, if you lose, you die, and Buddhism does not exist."

Ying Xi stared at Shi Feixuan and said coldly.

The words fell.

Shi Feixuan's face changed completely.

She was just a little careful, if she could lose the royal face, it would be considered revenge for her dead master, but she didn't expect that Ying Xi would be so eloquent.

This kind of careful thinking of hers is simply a joke in front of the royal family.

"It seems that I underestimate the royal family.

"That's right."

"I do have the intention to damage your royal face."5

"The revenge of killing a teacher, Shi Fei Xuan dare not forget it for a day.""

At this point, Shi Feixuan no longer hides.

"So, I'll give you a chance to shoot.

Ying Xi hooked her finger at Shi Feixuan.

"Ha ha.""

"it is good.

Shi Feixuan laughed loudly, and murderous intent suddenly flashed in her eyes: "If Shizun hadn't entrusted Buddhism to me, why would I have to survive, since I have torn my face with the imperial court, I will kill this Yingxi with all my strength today, and die together."


The magic weapon in Shi Feixuan's hand turned, and the spiritual power in her dantian suddenly changed.

A Buddhist holy light sword was intended to converge on her body.

The entire void trembled under this sword intent.

"The sword is clear.

Shi Feixuan gave a low drink.

All the spiritual power was turned around, and the divine weapon in his hand turned into a streamer, hitting Yingxi.

It turned into a stegosaurus that alarmed the void, and the formation light curtain trembled.

This is her full blow, a sure-kill blow.

"This blow."

"It has already surpassed the Shattered Realm, and has the blow to kill the powerhouses of the Cave Heaven 1st Layer Realm."

"Can the eldest son take over?""

Looking at Shi Feixuan's sword, many people in Great Qin looked tense.

In front of many powerful officials, it is natural to see the power contained in this sword.

after all.

Although all the officials of the Qin Dynasty knew that Ying Xi's talent had always been outstanding, except for Bai Qi, who taught Ying Xi's martial arts, no one knew what his cultivation was, and it was always a mystery.

"That's it?

Ying Xi sneered, full of contempt.

next moment.

To refer to the sword.

The sword is like a shape, with a terrifying killing aura covering the void.

"One sword separates the world."

The sword finger slammed out, turning into a sword intent that was more vast than Shi Feixuan's full-strength strike.

Rush out in vain.


Sword Intent collided with Stegosaurus, the world changed color, and was infected with countless rays of light.

The stegosaurus that Shi Feixuan struck with all his strength was easily shattered and dissipated as energy in the sky.

And the sword intent that Ying Xi hit broke through the space, and instantly penetrated Shi Feixuan's body.

Let Shi Feixuan, who was suspended in the void, fall directly from the void to the ground, with bright red blood in her mouth.

"you lose.

"Therefore, there is no need for Buddhism to exist.

Ying Xiju looked down at Shi Feixuan and pronounced the sentence coldly.

The face of the Daqin imperial family cannot be damaged. Under the watchful eyes of the public, if they dare to think carefully about the imperial power, they must be severely punished. Otherwise, what is the majesty of the imperial family?

"Mr. Wu An.

Yingxi shouted loudly.

"The minister is here."

Bai Qi responded immediately.

"Destroy Buddhism.

"I am in the world of Qin, and Buddhism should not exist.

"Everyone in the Buddhist sect will not stay.""

Ying Xi said coldly, and dodged back to Ying Qi's side.

As for Shi Feixuan, who was already at the end of the battle, he had no idea at all.

"I... Buddhamen..."

Hearing Ying Xi's icy verdict, Shi Feixuan's eyes were full of despair, and her vitality was fading rapidly. In the end, she fell into a pool of blood unwillingly.

Originally in the world of Daqin, because of Daqin's tolerance, Buddhism could still exist, but because of her careful thought of revenge, she was no longer in trouble.

This is also cause and effect.

"As expected of my son."

Looking at Yingxi who returned, Ying Qi's eyes were full of relief.

This thought of Shi Feixuan could also be called Yang Conspiracy, and Ying Qi was unavoidable.

If Ying Xi should not fight, it would be detrimental to the royal family's face;

But Ying Xi directly broke Shi Feixuan's mind and took this opportunity to slaughter Buddhism in one fell swoop.

This method can only be said to be very good.

For this Buddhist.

In fact, Ying Qi didn't want him to exist from the beginning, but when he was in Daqin Dingxianjian, he once spread the imperial edict to the whole world, whoever surrendered to Daqin's sect, paid tribute, handed over the sect's books, and the list of disciples to Daqin. its existence.

And Shi Feixuan is also very aware of current affairs after taking charge of Buddhism, and naturally handed over everything that Da Qin asked for.

This also gave Da Qin no reason to do anything to Buddhism.

After all, if you destroy Buddhism, it will make many sect forces in the world of Xianjian uneasy to Daqin, because this is not true.


In the end.

Ying Qi did not like its teachings, why put down the butcher’s knife and become a Buddha on the ground, why should he cut off the seven emotions and six desires, if they were all like this, how would the people of the Qin Dynasty reproduce? How can all things prosper?

And today.

Shi Feixuan's move.

The intention to bring shame on the Daqin imperial family was smashed by Yingxi on the spot, which made the people in front of the eyes extremely angry, which also gave Daqin a reasonable knife to destroy the Buddha.

In general.

Ying Xi's handling method surprised Ying Qi greatly, this son of his own is really good.

Not only Win Qi.

At this moment, many Qin Wenwu behind Ying Qi looked at Ying Xi with admiration.

this game.

Yingxi handled it perfectly.

There will be no criticism for letting Daqin destroy the Buddha.

Because this is what he asked for by himself.


"My son did not disappoint you."

Ying Xi came to Ying Qi and bowed.

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