Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 373 Emperor, can I challenge the eldest son of the emperor?

Li Xiaoyao, the cultivation base of the peak of the Martial Dao Heaven and Human Realm.

Liu Jinyuan, the cultivation base of the peak of Wendao Heaven and Human Realm.

The confrontation between the two young heroes is naturally very eye-catching.

The strength of the two people's full-strength shots is even comparable to the powerhouses in the first and second stages of the Shattered Realm. The entire formation light curtain is filled with the power mobilized by the two people's shots, causing the formation light curtain to be knocked out in waves.

If this kind of power is not protected by the formation, the small half of Xianyang City will be turned into ruins.


"Because of my intervention, everything in this fairy sword world is in chaos."5

Looking at the duel between the two sons of luck, Ying Qi smiled.

Under the process of the original fairy sword world.

Except for Li Xiaoyao, everyone else died, and the end was extremely tragic.

but now.

They are all still alive, and everything is because of the arrival of Ying Qi and the arrival of Da Qin.

"Jun Wu'an. 39

"Han Qing.""

"They are the disciples of the two of you. In your opinion, who will win this battle?"

Ying Qi smiled and looked at the two courtiers behind him.

Bai Qi and Han Fei.

Undoubtedly, they are all important ministers of Da Qin, and Bai Qi's strength has reached the peak of the Void Realm. It may not be long before he will become the second person in Da Qin to achieve calamity.

Although Han Fei is a little weaker, he also has the cultivation of the Seventh Void Realm.

Both of them are the top powerhouses in Daqin.

"In this battle, Wu Anjun's disciples should be superior. 35 Han Fei smiled and said directly.

"Brother Han is very polite.

"This victory is five to five.""

"The two of them are evenly matched." Bai Qi smiled and replied.

Having said that.

Both of them had smug looks on their faces.

After all, the disciples they taught have reached the end of the Heaven and Human Realm battle, which is enough to prove their ability to teach their disciples.

after this war.

The two of them can become famous in Daqin again.

"All right.

"You stop bragging about each other. 39

"Victory and defeat.

Ying Qi said with a smile.

And this moment.

on the ring.

After hundreds of rounds of collision, the strength of both of them was rapidly consumed.


The two turned the last strength of their bodies, Li Xiaoyao turned into a sword shadow full of killing intent, Liu Jinyuan was shrouded in a monstrous aura, and the two charged each other.


The entire formation was swept away by the force of the collision, and the formation rippled continuously.


The sword shadow must be sharp.

Liu Jinyuan's monstrous energy dissipated.

The whole person flew upside down, fell to his knees on the ground, and vomited blood.

One hit is the winner.

Li Xiaoyao, won.

But after the war.

Li Xiaoyao was also out of breath, all the true essence in his dantian had been exhausted, so it could be seen that this battle was not easy for him to win.

"Victory is decided."."

"Li Xiaoyao, win."

"Won the first place in the Heaven and Human Realm Competition.

The Sword Saint announced loudly.

this moment.

The audience in the performance hall was boiling.

To be able to see the battle of these powerhouses, all kinds of tricks, incomparably gorgeous, martial arts, Wen Tao, immortal Tao, and even magic, these cultivation methods belonging to Da Qin are fully displayed, which is a testimony for them.

at the same time.

As Li Xiaoyao came out on top, his name also entered the ears of countless Qin people.

"First place, I grant him a request."

Ying Qi said to the Sword Saint.

"The emperor's decree.

'Li Xiaoyao can make a request, this is a special reward from the emperor for the first place in the competition. 99 Juggernaut said to Li Xiaoyao.

"Your Majesty.

"The Caomin has received the great kindness of the emperor and has no requirements." Li Xiaoyao replied respectfully.

Looking at Ying Qi in a high position, the emperor of Daqin, his eyes were filled with awe.

There is no more indifference when I first met Ying Qi in Yuhang City.

This is the change in identity.


For Ying Qi, Li Xiaoyao not only respected the emperor, but also thanked Ying Qi for opening him to the path of cultivation.

"My word, I will never go back on my word.

"You are only one step away from the realm of heaven and man, I will give you a broken pill to help you step into the broken."

Ying Qi smiled and waved his hand.

A porcelain bottle flew towards Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao took the porcelain bottle excitedly, held up his hands, and bowed: "The grass people thank the emperor for the gift."

"All right."

"Continue the great competition of Shattered Realm."

Ying Qi smiled slightly and announced.

The Great Competition in the Heaven and Human Realm took a day, but the subsequent battles would not take that long because there were not so many of them.

But when it comes to Shattered Realm, and even the battle of Void Realm.

It will be more beautiful and more powerful.

These are enough to attract the attention of countless spectators and make them unable to extricate themselves.

For ordinary people, watching this battle is considered to broaden their horizons, and they can boast more capital in the future.

But for the people who have stepped into the path of cultivation, it is a great opportunity. In the battle of so many strong men, they can also comprehend.

"The emperor has a purpose.

"Open the Shattered Realm Competition.""

Juggernaut announced immediately.


Another round of lottery, dozens of Shattered Realm cultivators rely on luck to decide the victory.

The war begins.

"In the Shattered Realm, there are quite a few familiar faces.

"Magic door, Dao door, Buddhist door. 99

"I didn't expect them to participate in the competition.


Ying Qi's spiritual sense swept away, and many powerhouses in the Shattered Realm fell into Ying Qi's eyes.

Although not so much familiarity among them, but there are.

Magic Gate Wanwan.

Cihang Jingzhai Shi Feixuan.

There are also the broken realm powerhouses among the many gates in the world of fairy swords.

After Daqin took the sword, some of these sect forces were destroyed by Daqin, and some of them were very aware of current affairs and surrendered to Daqin.


Perhaps in the hearts of many of their sects, there is hatred for Da Qin Youjing, which cannot be erased in a short period of time.

But as long as the Great Qin prospered for one day, they would not dare to mess around.


If Da Qin really came to a dead end, the dynasty collapsed and the country was destroyed, then Ying Qi would also drag the whole world to be buried with him.

after all.

If Da Qin really came to an end, Ying Qi would not allow everything he created to become the wedding dress of others.

This is his character.

Time flickers.

Big match started.

But only half a day.

The battle of the Shattered Realm is over.

The top ten have already won.

The first place in the Shattered Realm Competition, Shi Feixuan.

The Sword Saint announced loudly.

Hear the announcement.

A smile appeared on Shi Feixuan's face.

The battle just now.

Formally confronted her former enemy, Momen Wanwan.

But in the end, she came out on top, winning Wanwan by half a trick.

"Give me a request.""

Ying Qi spoke again.

"The emperor has a purpose.

"The first place in the Shattered Realm can make a request, which is bestowed by the grace of God.

The Sword Saint said to the concubine Xuan.


Shi Feixuan turned around and looked at the figure in the high position.

For Ying Qi, Shi Feixuan has both awe and hatred in her heart.

Because her master died in the hands of the Great Qin Emperor, Ying Qi.

But for the survival of her Buddhism, she had to surrender. This is the world today, and those who do not obey the Great Qin can only be destroyed.

Under the power of Daqin.

Not to mention the mere Buddhist sects, many sect forces that once (Zhao Dehao) had conquered the world have been suppressed.

In the previous world, their sects were above the world, covering the sky with one hand, but now only the Great Qin is above all living beings, and the sects in the world are dispensable for Da Qin.

"I have heard for a long time that the eldest son of Emperor Qin is powerful, and he is the most outstanding among the younger generation."

"Master concubine Xuan, wants to challenge the eldest son of the emperor, Yingxi, but I don't know if the emperor approves? 35

Shi Feixuan raised her head and looked at Ying Qi Dao who was above the high position.

The words fell.

A piece of boiling.

Everyone looked at this teacher Feixuan with shock.

Obviously she didn't expect her to make such a request,

Challenge the eldest son of the emperor and say nothing else.

This is an invisible provocation to the Daqin imperial family.

If she wins, it will definitely damage the face of the royal family.


It was under the watchful eyes of her that she wanted to make Da Qin suffer a secret loss.

Ying Qi frowned slightly and glanced at the teacher Feixuan, how could Ying Qi not understand her careful thoughts.

"Hee. 35

Ying Qi opened his mouth and said.

"Yes, Father.

Yingxi's expression was calm, and she walked out slowly.

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