Since Ying Qi was promoted to Daqin to the high-rank of the imperial dynasty, the world has also been promoted to the middle-rank of Gaowu.

The foundation of Daqin has fundamentally grown.

As long as the national strength obtained from this battle is consumed, the national strength of Da Qin can become stronger and stronger.

And this time after Dingxianjian world.

Ying Qi did not decide to go out to the heavens, and the war stopped just like this. He had just conquered such a huge world. If he continued to march without depleting the foundation, it would really be a waste of military power and self-destruction.

Win Qi act.

Thinking of it all came in a safe way.

If the expedition world is too powerful, there are immortals in it, and there is a power that won't be able to compete with Qi, even if you kill more Daqin troops, it will be useless.

At this stage.

Only by raising Daqin's national strength to the state of the corresponding world level, will Ying Qi decide the next offensive and expedition.


The world in Daqin passed quickly.

in a blink.

Just ten years have passed.

Great Qin's national power developed rapidly.

There are many strong people.

The world of Immortal Sword is also completely controlled by Da Qin.


Even the transformation of the people is great.

There is no math palace in the Daqin Empire, which has cultivated countless talents for Daqin, and served as a driving force for Daqin.

Comprehensive martial arts world.

outside a small town.

A warrior who has reached the realm of heaven and man is fleeing to a place in embarrassment, looking behind him from time to time, looking extremely nervous and frightened.

next moment.

A figure in a black dress stood in front of the fleeing man, blocking his way.

"The girl is so beautiful, why don't you go to Wushan with Tian Mou, why do you keep chasing Tian Mou so much, do you really like Tian Mou?

Seeing that the path was blocked, the ugly-looking man laughed and looked at the black-skirted woman in front of him with a sullen look.

"Tian Boguang."

"Over the years, dozens of women who raped good families, violated the Qin law, were arrested and imprisoned, and were punished by Heibingtai.

The woman in the black dress said coldly.


"Hei Bingtai is really powerful as a court eagle dog, but if you want to catch me alone, then you are too high."

"Today, Tian will take you, this little girl, and take you to Wushan together.

Tian Boguang laughed, and suddenly rushed towards the woman in the black dress.

At the same time, there was suddenly a handful of powder in his hand, and when he was about to approach, he threw the powder in his hand towards the woman in the black dress.

"Despicable means can't get on the table.

The woman in the black dress shook her head, showing sarcasm.

A wave of hands.

A golden barrier appeared, instantly crushing Tian Boguang's poisonous powder.

Then she took it easy for a while.

Hit it with one palm.

Long Ying smashed out of the air and slammed towards Tian Boguang.

"Subduing Dragon Palm,".

"Royal Secrets.

Tian Boguang's expression changed, and he quickly mobilized his true essence to greet him with a punch.


Energy overflows.

Tian Boguang was directly blasted to the ground, vomited blood, and struggled on the ground.

"You... who are you?"

Tian Boguang looked at the woman in black in fear.

And this time.

More than a dozen men in black came from the sky and landed in front of the woman in the black dress, all kneeling on one knee: "Your Highness Princess, the escort is late, please forgive me.

"your Highness?"

"The eldest daughter of Emperor Qin, Ying Yuqi." Tian Boguang opened his eyes wide, and a look of fear appeared.

"Take him.""

Ying Yuqi glanced at Tian Boguang and said coldly.


Several men in black stepped forward, took Tian Boguang directly, and banned Dantian.

"According to my Daqin law, what should he do? Ying Yuqi suddenly asked.

"Go back to the princess.

"He raped many people and imprisoned me in the Heibingtai Prison for a hundred years. 35 A law enforcement officer from the Heibingtai immediately replied.

"Too light.

"After taking the black ice platform, he castrated him, abolished martial arts, and let him die alone in prison." Ying Yuqi said coldly.


The head man in black responded directly without any hesitation.

Then wave your hand.

Several men in black directly took Tian Boguang away.

A mere celestial realm, in today's Daqin Empire, is no longer a strong person, and in the Black Ice Terrace, the celestial realm is even more abundant.

The world is peaceful now.

But Daqin, after all, has a vast territory and many worlds, and its population has reached billions.

Under the people's heart, it is impossible for everyone to follow Qin's law and settle down in an orderly manner. Naturally, there are also wicked people who disrespect Qin's law and commit crimes after gaining strength.

This Tian Boguang is one of countless villains who disrespect Qin Lu.

these years.

To deal with the prisoners under the great master, the local government will deal with them, but once they are above the great master, they will be handed over to the Black Ice Terrace to deal with.

Today, the Black Ice Terrace is a department of Daqin that deals exclusively with folk cultivators. Unlike the shadows, who are called spies, today's Black Ice Terraces are called law enforcement envoys, who specialize in enforcing Daqin's laws within the territory of Daqin.

Once those prisoners are captured.

The lesser thing they committed was being thrown into a big prison by Hei Bingtai, and if they moved, they would be imprisoned for decades or a hundred years.

Qin Lu is cruel.

That's it.


"I just received an inquiry from the eldest son of the emperor, dare to ask when the princess will return to Xianyang.

The law enforcement envoy who cultivated in the realm of heaven respectfully looked at Ying Yuqi and asked.

"Does this stinky boy dare to control me?"

Ying Yuqi replied calmly.

"Go back to the princess."

"Of course this is not what the eldest son of the emperor wants to ask, but the emperor." The law enforcement officer said in awe.


Ying Yuqi was stunned for a moment, and there was some fear in her eyes.

As the princess of Daqin, she is not afraid of heaven and earth, but she is the only one who is afraid of two people.

One is her father and the other is her mother.

these years.

Ying Yuqi has hardly ever returned to Xianyang, and has been in the wild all over the Daqin territory. If she has nothing to do, she will go to the Black Ice Terrace to see if there is any task, catch the criminals, or go to play around the world, so chic.

As the eldest daughter of Ying Qi, she is also the eldest among the children.

"Tell Yingxi, I'll go back to Xianyang after playing for a few more months, so I don't need to bother my father to urge him. Ying Yuqi said helplessly.


The law enforcement officer replied respectfully.

"`" said. "

"Has there been any interesting things in our Daqin these years?

Ying Yuqi became interested, and suddenly asked.

"Go back to the princess.

"Now that I am connected to all walks of life in Daqin, if there are interesting things, there are indeed many, such as the martial arts conferences in various worlds, the Immortal Dao conference, and so on."

"It's a lot of fun.""

The law enforcement officer replied with a smile.

"Is it the kind of conference to choose the leader of the martial arts alliance?" Ying Yuqi immediately became interested.


"Now I don't have a martial arts alliance leader in the world of Qin. 35

"Whoever dares to choose this so-called leader will be immediately wanted by my court. This is disrespectful to the forces of Juzongmen."

"It's the equivalent of treason.

The law enforcement envoy said immediately.


"Now that the world is peaceful and everything is in the hands of the father and emperor, if those martial arts sects want to choose an alliance leader, it is a combination of civil forces, which is to become an enemy of my Daqin."

Ying Yuqi also nodded understandingly.

"Speak up."

"Is there a martial arts conference recently?"

Ying Yuqi asked again.

"Go back to the princess.

"It shouldn't be there recently, but if you travel around the world, there will still be a small-scale martial arts conference." The law enforcement envoy (Zhao of Zhao) immediately said.

"Boring. 99

"Forget it, this princess is going to play by herself."

Ying Yuqi waved her hand, her figure flashed, and she disappeared directly here.

So many years have passed.

Ying Yuqi's cultivation has also reached the Broken Realm. It is conceivable that her talent is not weak, but more of royal resources.

Looking at the distant figure.

"Auntie is finally gone."

"Call immediately, pay close attention to the whereabouts of the princess, and let the law enforcement officers in that place protect the princess."

The law enforcement envoy said to his subordinates, with a sense of relaxation in his tone.

"This time, I don't know where the brothers are going to greet Her Royal Highness. 35

Several law enforcement envoys said with a smile.

"Anyway, our mission is complete."

"Then just pay close attention. The law enforcement envoy said with a smile.


Ying Yuqi's status is too high, they don't dare to slack off, if something happens, they can't bear it at all.

Eyes turned.

Daqin world.


Heavenly Palace.

In the different space of the zoo.

Ying Qi is here.


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