Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 367 World promotion, strength skyrocketing


Daqin Tiandao immediately moved, and the Eye of Heaven with endless heavenly power suddenly turned into a black hole, swallowing the past towards the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Sword World.

The latter was imprisoned, and there was no chance of any confrontation at all.

In an instant.

The consciousness that belongs to the Heavenly Dao is wiped out.

The origin belonging to the fairy sword world was quickly swallowed and transformed by Daqin Tiandao.

After a long time.

Daqin Tiandao quickly turned into the eye of the sky, and there was an unspeakable joy in the giant eye. Obviously, after swallowing the fairy sword, it got a lot of benefits.

Ying Qi watched quietly and nodded to Da Qin Tiandao.

The latter understood immediately.

Quickly escaped into the void.


Another transformation that belongs to the Daqin world begins.


The Immortal Sword World was directly pulled into the world barrier of Daqin, and it was juxtaposed with the other worlds controlled by Daqin, giving the Daqin world a tendency to defend.

This act of pulling into the barrier naturally made the entire Daqin world start to shake.

Within the barriers of the Daqin world, all the worlds are shaking frantically.

However, the imperial court had made arrangements in advance. After the earthquake began, the government and the army immediately dispatched to maintain the order of the Daqin world.

As the Sword World was pulled into the barrier.

The void land in the Daqin world also began to transform.

The void becomes firmer, and the earth becomes firmer.

05 at the moment.

The world of Daqin already has the level of high martial arts, which is enough to accommodate the existence of powerhouses in the transcendence realm.

And unlike the world of Immortal Sword, the way of heaven has restrictions on those who are able to transcend the tribulation realm. In the Daqin world, as long as it is Ying Qi's courtiers, Ying Qi will not impose restrictions on them, as long as they have the ability to break through.

As for the folk sects and folk cultivators, it depends on their fate.

He had never really entered Daqin and was loyal to Yingqi, so naturally he could not get the real resources of Daqin.

If you want to get something, you have to give it.

After swallowing the origin of the fairy sword world, the whole world has already opened the promotion mode.

next moment.

The aura between heaven and earth began to soar rapidly.

In the Tiangong closest to the sky in the Daqin world, you can feel the transformation of the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth is obvious.

"Is this the world promotion?

"The aura between heaven and earth has increased dozens of times, and it is more intense than the aura of the world I was originally in.

The swordsman thought in shock.

Still that sentence.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could they have imagined this scene.

"The promotion of the world, the whole world celebrates.

"Send my will."

"I am in the Qin world, and I will be exempted from taxes for one year.""

"I should be happy with all the people of the world.

Ying Qi turned around and said to all the courtiers.

"Emperor Shengming."

Manchu civil and military shouted in unison.

"Imperial fortunes are promoted, when there is national fortunes."5

"All my ministers in the Qin Dynasty are given the blessing of the country. 99

Ying Qiwei shouted, it was the pardon from the supreme ruler of the Qin Dynasty.

"hold head high.

The black dragon roared.

Countless national fortune brilliance was released from its dragon body.

With the connection of national fortune, he will fall toward every Qin courtier.

"The Sword Saint is enshrined for my Daqin First Grade.

"Fengfeng Jiujianxian is dedicated to my Daqin first-class product. 99

"Enjoy my great Qin Guoyun.

Ying Qi's eyes narrowed and fell on the Sword Saint and the Wine Sword Immortal.

"The minister leads the order.

The two responded immediately.

Two people's names were immediately added to Daqin's imperial dynasty list, which also established their national fortune connection with Daqin.

at the same time.

The monstrous national fortune fell towards the bodies of the two.

National fortune is coming.

Both looked shocked.

Because for the first time they got such a majestic national power, a power they had never seen before.

Almost only in an instant.

The bottleneck they had been trapped in for a long time was instantly washed away.

"Crossing the Tribulation Realm.

"I'm going to do it today.

For Jiujianxian, with the addition of the National Games, the bottleneck was instantly broken, and the bottleneck that had trapped him for thousands of years was finally broken today.

The calamity he had longed for for a long time has finally come to pass.

On the other hand, Juggernaut's body was aroused by a stronger momentum. Obviously, under the impetus of the national fortune of the Great Qin Dynasty, he would also usher in a breakthrough.

Not just the two of them.

The other ministers of Daqin, and even all the ministers in the world of Daqin, were very excited after being promoted after Guoyunjia.

Above the entire Heavenly Palace.

After being pushed by the national movement, the momentum after the breakthrough was startled.

"The national fortune is added.

Ying Qi spoke slowly.


Heilong released a more majestic national fortune, which fell directly on Ying Qi.

The emperor of Daqin has the most fortune in the country of Daqin.

With the promotion of the national movement as the power, it is the experience value.

"Congratulations to the host for gaining 25 million experience points, has the host increased the level? The system prompts.


Ying Qi said immediately.

Imperial Dynasty high-quality, 25 million experience points, Ying Qi did not have any surprises.

This amount of experience points is enough for Ying Qi to advance to two levels.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 76."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 77." The system prompted.

Gold light flashed.

Ying Qi's strength skyrocketed again in an instant, and an invisible aura erupted from him.

Even though countless ministers under his command ushered in breakthroughs under this National Fortune Plus, but under Ying Qi's monstrous weather, all the momentum of breakthroughs were dissipated in an instant.

The entire Tiangong belongs to Ying Qi's martial arts aura.

"Crossing the Seventh Stage of Tribulation.

"Wonderland, only a few realms away."

Ying Qi smiled slightly, and was very satisfied with the strength he possessed at the moment.


It is to stabilize the country, and then open the dungeon portal to fight again.

This time, the attack on the Immortal Sword World, on the whole, the national strength of Daqin is not comparable. If Ying Qi had not traveled to the Immortal Sword World ten years ago, and eliminated the powerhouses in this world in one fell swoop, perhaps the result would not have been so simple at all.


Daqin's national strength still needs to be improved.

At least.

Transcending the Tribulation Realm should not only be the Sword Saint and the Wine Sword Immortal.

The local courtiers who have always belonged to Daqin also have to give birth to strong men who can cross the tribulation realm.

The strength of the upper echelons of the empire is still weaker after all.

Then there is Daqin's army. Under the training of Ying Qi's resources, all the main soldiers must have a master-level cultivation level. If not, Ying Qi will not be sure to go to a stronger world.

after all.

The next world that Ying Qi thought about was the high-quality world of high martial arts, and a world of this level would definitely have an existence comparable to that of an immortal.


The development of the national strength of the Qin Dynasty is the foundation.

Time flickers.

Several days have passed.

Above the Heavenly Palace.

The momentum of the breakthrough also gradually calmed down.

Jiujianxian was the first to come back to his senses, he knelt directly in front of Ying Qi, and said with great excitement: "My minister thanks Dijun Longen, I am willing to be the emperor and Daqin, and die allegiance.

him at the moment.

Under the impetus of Daqin's national fortune, he has successfully entered the realm of tribulation.


Become a top powerhouse in Daqin.

In today's Daqin.

Win Qi's strength is respected.

Next is the Sword Saint, and then there is the Wine Sword Immortal.

Three tribulation-transcending realm powerhouses.

"This is the promise I made to you.

"Now that you can break through the calamity, you are also relying on yourself, and the fortune of our country is only to promote.

Ying Qi smiled slightly.

"If it weren't for the emperor's blessing of the country, it would be impossible for the minister to break through the calamity." Jiujianxian said excitedly.


Ying Qi glanced at all the Daqin powerhouses.

Bai Qi, Dugu seek defeat, Zhang Sanfeng and the others.

Eyes passed, with a kind of expectation.

"Now my Daqin already has a tribulation-transcending powerhouse. 99

"However, this is not enough. 35

"If you can stand on this heavenly palace, you will be a great person of Qin.

"I hope you will not live up to my expectations, don't waste Daqin's resources, and do your best to improve your strength."

"to this end."

"Chongwen Hall, Martial Arts Field, Fire Tower, all of them are open. 35

"All my ministers of the Qin Dynasty can enter it to cultivate."5

Ying Qi stared at all the courtiers and announced with a mighty voice.

"Xie Dijun Long En. 35

"The ministers will never disappoint the emperor. 35

All the ministers were excited and bowed in unison.

The Spirit Fire Pagoda is not very useful for those whose cultivation base has reached the Broken Realm, but it is extremely useful for those under the Broken Realm. One day of cultivation in the Fire Pagoda is comparable to that of cultivating outside for more than ten days.

And Chongwen Hall.

Not to mention Shangwuchang.

The power of this special building is more powerful than the fire tower.

Originally, these all needed authority to enter, and each courtier could only enter a few times a month.

Now that Ying Qi has opened up his authority and allowed all courtiers to enter, this is definitely a favor.

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