Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 361 Killing the Devil, Jiang Ming, and Upgrading

"tell me the story."

Ying Qi smiled slightly.

The Sword Saint has no selfish thoughts.

His request may also be guided by Shushan.

"Many years ago, because of one person, I, Shushan, was calculated by the three sects, and almost ended in the end of the sect."

"That person killed all the disciples of Shushan, and broke my inheritance of Shushan. My master was also unhappy for the next hundred years. Even if he had the cultivation base of transcending the calamity, he would eventually go into the devil and die."

"And that person was once a disciple of my Shushan, and also the most gifted genius in my Shushan, Jiang Ming."

With a bitterness on his face, the swordsman told what happened in the past.

Even after so many years, for this Sword Saint, it seems to have become his obsession and cannot be forgotten.

"Jiang Ming is still trapped in the lock demon tower, do you want me to free it?" Ying Qi looked at the sword saint and said.

"He has fallen into a demon, and it is impossible to wake up again. In the demon lock tower, all the demons have been invaded by his demonic energy, and it has become a demon domain. The lock demon tower has reached its limit. If it continues, the lock demon tower will collapse and the world will be destroyed. Demons dance. 99

"703" "Although I have some strength, I am not the opponent of the old master, and fighting against the same sect is a taboo for me in Shushan, and no disciple can violate it. The swordsman said helplessly.

"In this way, Jiang Ming has been enchanted, and his strength is stronger. If he can kill him, he will gain a lot of experience points." Ying Qi secretly said in his heart.

Think of this.

Of course there is no reason to refuse.

"I can deal with him.

Ying Qi said.

Hear this.

Without any hesitation, the Sword Saint bowed to Ying Qi Yi and said, "In the name of the head of Shushan, I swear to heaven that all of Shushan will enter Daqin, be loyal to the emperor, respect the will of the emperor, and drive for the emperor.

"I, accept your allegiance."

Ying Qi Takong stepped forward and helped the Sword Saint up.

"Chen, Xie Dijun.""

The Sword Saint thanked him immediately.

"Let's go, it's not too late. 95

"When I went to Shushan, I also solved the calamity for me, Daqin.

Ying Qi waved at the Sword Saint, tore open the void, and stepped into it.

The Sword Saint did not hesitate, but also directly stepped into the void passage, and the two figures disappeared in the void of Nanzhao.


Lock Demon Tower.

Many Shushan disciples have surrounded the lock demon tower, and many flying swords have been cut out from the void, and the entire void is volleyed by sword intent.

The demon lock tower vibrated violently, and bursts of terrifying demonic energy were vented from it.

The formation of the Demon Lock Tower also cracked layer by layer.


This demon lock tower can no longer withstand the terrifying demonic energy inside.

"Why hasn't the Patriarch Patriarch come back?"

"The demon lock tower is about to collapse, and if the demons inside rush out, there will be a major event in the world. 55

"Go and report to the Sect Master, please come back quickly..."

Thousands of Shushan disciples controlled their swords, forming a flying sword barrier, which stabilized the demon lock tower.

At this time.

The void is broken.

Two figures stepped out from the void.

"The day has come after all. 99

"He's going to rush out of the lock demon tower. 35

Seeing this scene, the Sword Saint frowned and said helplessly.


Ying Qi glanced at it, but didn't pay attention.

Glancing at the Shushan disciples surrounded by the Demon Locking Pagoda: "Let them stop."

"Shushan disciples obey orders.

"Stop Edgeworth."

The swordsman said to all the disciples.

"Yes. 35

The words of the Sword Saint are absolute orders in Shushan, and no one dares to violate them.

The disciples of Shushan recalled their flying swords one after another. Suddenly, the demon lock tower lost the stability of the flying sword, and the demonic energy rushed.

Boom, boom, boom.

The formations of the Demon Locking Pagoda shattered layer by layer, and a tyrannical magic light burst out from within the Demon Locking Pagoda, turning into a figure with disheveled hair and a body shrouded in demonic energy.

right after him.

Thousands of demons eroded by demonic energy rushed out of the lock demon tower.


Shushan was shrouded in demonic energy, and the demonic energy formed a dark cloud, obscuring the heavens and the earth.

"Senior Brother Jiang Ming.

Looking at the figure shrouded in demonic energy, the Sword Saint's eyes flashed with sadness.

once Upon a time.

When the swordsman first entered Shushan, the object of his most reverence was Jiang Ming, but later Jiang Ming was bewitched and enchanted.

slaughtered the entire Shushan.

Shushan almost destroyed.

This also smashed the heart of the Juggernaut.

After Jiang Ming was born, his eyes flashed red, and it seemed that he no longer possessed any wisdom.

Looking at the Shushan disciples scattered around the Suoyao Pagoda, Jiang Ming drank coldly, his demonic energy surged into the sky: "Kill. 35

The demons that rushed out of the lock demon tower looked at those Shushan disciples, and all rushed out.

"Exorcism Guardian Road.

"Kill the demons.

A Shushan elder shouted loudly.

Yujian flew into the air, killing the demon.

Many Shushan disciples also killed the demons one after another.

The entire Shu Mountain immediately presented a fierce battle, the sword light whistled, and the demonic energy surged into the sky.

"Jiang Ming."

"You're out of luck."

Ying Qi looked at Jiang Ming, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Demon Slayer Sword appeared in his hand.

It seemed that he felt the presence of demons.


The Demon Killing Sword erupted with terrifying sword intent, and the masculine sword energy of Haoran instantly swept across the void.

Before the demon approaching this sword intent had time to react, it was directly beaten by the sword intent of this Devil Slaying Sword, killing him both physically and mentally.

The Demon Slayer Sword came out.

Jiang Ming also felt a strong crisis, and his red eyes stared at Ying Qi.


The monstrous demonic energy erupted, and Jiang Ming charged towards Ying Qi.

With the change of the wind and the clouds, the magic shadow turned into claws, and ruthlessly moved towards Ying Qizhen...

Starting with the Demon Slayer Sword, Ying Qi raised his hand and slashed.

Jianmang easily cut off Jiang Ming's claws.


Jiang Ming roared, as if he had really fallen into a demonic barrier.

He rushed towards Ying Qi.


Ying Qi waved his hand.

The Demon Slayer Sword came out of his hand and charged towards Jiang Ming.

Sword and shadow differentiation.

In an instant, ten thousand sword shadows were formed, directly surrounding Jiang Ming.

Countless sword shadows attacked Jiang Minghe at the same time.



The sword shadow took the air.

Hit hard.

Even though Jiang Ming's strength greatly increased after entering the devil, under this Devil Slaying Sword, his original endless devil energy was annihilated one by one.

Seems to have met his nemesis.

"My Shushan swordsmanship, the emperor has mastered it." The swordsman looked at him in surprise.

This swordsmanship has exerted such power, and the Sword Saint is also a little behind.

"If I didn't have the Demon Slayer Sword, it might take a while to get on you. 99

"But now, I can easily kill you.

Looking at Jiang Ming who was trapped in the sword circle, Ying Qi smiled coldly.

Inside the Demon Killing Sword circle, Jiang Ming's demonic energy was suppressed, and he had no chance to escape at all.

"Fire lotus.

The spirit fire gathered on the palms, and the energy in the dantian was rapidly consumed.

For this kind of demon head, the most masculine thing is their natural nemesis.

The spirit fire from the world of Dou Qi is naturally the same.

Is the nemesis of these devils.

Under the control of Ying Qi, the fire lotus on both palms merged.

The entire thousand-mile void was shrouded in the power of this spiritual fire.

"This fire seems to come from an extraordinary origin. 35

"Is it also a product of the fairy world? 99

The Sword Saint opened his eyes wide and looked at the spirit fire in Ying Qi 1.7's hands, shocked.

From the spirit fire, he felt a huge power.

"Dead. 35

When the fire lotus was formed, Ying Qi raised his hand and threw it, turning into a fire lotus volley and rushing towards Jiang Ming.

Fire Lotus rushed into the sword circle without hindrance.

When approaching Jiang Ming.

The power of the tyrannical spirit fire broke out in an instant.

As the strength of Ying Qi became stronger, the power of the spirit fire became stronger, and the power of this spirit fire had reached the fifth level of transcending calamity.

The moment after the spirit fire exploded.

The screams resounded in the Demon Slayer Sword Circle, but as the spirit fire burned, the roar also became weak until it disappeared.

'Congratulations to the host for killing a level 73 enemy, gaining 5 million experience points, obtaining the high-grade "Shushan Sword Canon", and obtaining 10,000 top-grade spirit stones.

"Have the experience required for leveling been reached, has the host increased the level?" the system prompted.

"Jiang Ming, this is really a surprise." Ying Qi smiled slightly, very excited.

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