magic door.

All the powerhouses of the Demon Gate gathered in the Demon Gate Hall.

Zhu Yuyan, as the lord of the Demon Sect, sat on the throne, even though she was a woman, she was infinitely majestic.


Zhu Yuyan's complexion changed, and suddenly there were more memories than before in her mind.

"Kill the strong man who worshipped the moon... I actually fell in Nanzhao. 35

After this memory appeared, a look of fear appeared on Zhu Yuyan's face.

The scene of being killed by Ying Qi is present in memory.

And there was no chance for her to recover at all.

Her body suddenly turned into a bubble in the sky and disappeared.

It seems that in this world, she should not exist.


"What's going on here?"

"How can the Yin queen suddenly disappear?"

The sudden disappearance of Zhu Yuyan surprised all the Demon Sect experts.

And this moment.

Not just Zhu Yuyan.

Buddhism, Cihang Jingzhai.

Just like Zhu Yuyan, Fan Qinghui suddenly had more memories in her mind, and her whole person also turned into a bubble and disappeared.


Daoxuan also turned into a bubble and dissipated.

Not only that.

Li Pu.

Yuwen valve.

There are also strong men from Goguryeo, and strong men from many sect forces in the Central Plains.

Almost at the same time, it turned into a bubble and disappeared between heaven and earth.

a time.

The situation in the world has changed drastically.


The Sword Saint in the hall suddenly opened his eyes.

"Ten years ago. 35

"how come?"

"Emperor Qin actually broke the time and space restrictions, reached the time and space of ten years ago, and also killed the master of the three gates.

"Many of the world's top powerhouses also died in his hands."

"Those strong men were killed by him ten years ago, and ten years later?""

The Sword Saint's expression was tense.

Suddenly there was a memory in his mind that he didn't have before.

And this moment.

Look above the starry sky.

Dozens of life stars fell at the same time.

If there is an astrologer, a person who is proficient in divination, or a cultivator above the Shattered Realm, seeing this scene, they can figure out why the fate star fell.

"They really fell."

"All this was done by Emperor Qin. 35

The Juggernaut watched in horror as countless stars fell.

The memory of ten years ago, fully presented.

this moment.

The Sword Saint finally understood why Ying Qi had let him and Jiu Jianxian go.

Eyes turned.

"Congratulations to the host who has greatly changed the process of the Immortal Sword World and rewarded a Immortal Rank treasure chest." The system prompted.

"The star of life falls, and the master of life falls."

"Time and space are confused, reverse time and space.""

"It really helped me a lot.

"Let me solve many serious problems for Da Qin in one fell swoop.

Ying Qi stared above the void, the fate star fell, and everything was reflected in Ying Qi's eyes.

enough to prove.

Everything ten years ago is connected ten years later. ,

"System, level up."

Yingqi communication system said.

This time, he killed so many strong men and gained more than 2,000 experience points, which is enough to make Ying Qi rise at least 2 levels.

"The host's order is accepted."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 73.""

‘Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 74. ""

"It still takes 3.9 million experience points to upgrade to level 75, please make persistent efforts," the system prompted.

Ying Qi's level has reached level 70 and above. From that moment on, the required experience points are all 9 million, and Ying Qi can guess the experience required when he reaches level 80 and enters the fairyland. I'm afraid the value will double.

The higher the level, the more experience points are required.

The golden light flashed by.

Ying Qi's strength has been improved again.

"Level 74, Transcending the Four Realms of Tribulation. 35

"Wonderland, soon.""

Ying Qi smiled and was very happy.

"Open the immortal treasure chest.

Ying Qi gave another order.

"The host's order is accepted.

"Open the immortal treasure chest.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the World of A Chinese Ghost Story, a high-quality immortal weapon "Devil Slayer Sword"." The system prompted.

"Immortal-rank high-grade divine weapon, Demon Slayer Sword? 99

"Are you kidding me?"

"Although it's not too far away from the fairyland, but the magic weapon of the fairy level is not yet possessed.""

"Now that I have obtained this Devil Slayer Sword and the blessing of the divine weapon I possess, my strength will be even deeper. 35

Hearing the system prompt, Ying Qi was stunned.

How could Ying Qi not know about this Demon Slayer Sword?

A Chinese Ghost Story.

This is a world with ghosts and monsters. Immortals and gods may also exist in it, and this magic sword is a magic weapon possessed by a powerful sword cultivator in this world. It has a unique killing effect on monsters and monsters. It is also very powerful in itself.

After all, its level lies in the immortal rank, and it exceeds a large rank of the Lingshuang sword owned by Ying Qi now.

"Lingshuang sword, he can bestow it on Xi'er someday." Ying Qi smiled.

God thought a move.

Immediately extract this immortal-rank high-grade Demon Slayer Sword.

Refining this magic weapon, Ying Qi's strength will rise again.

"The host's order is accepted.

"Extract the Demon Sword. The system prompts.


In front of Ying Qi, a quaint box suddenly appeared in front of him.

Even if it was in a box, the powerful sword intent emanating from it made the void where Ying Qi was in a state of silence.

The powerful sword intent swept through, making people shudder.

at the same time.

In a Chinese Ghost Story world.

in a dilapidated ancient temple.

A middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe, with a beard on his face and looking extremely vicissitudes was sitting cross-legged on the ground, closing his eyes and cultivating, surrounded by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth converging towards his body.

Spirit like a dragon.

It seems that the gloomy mountains and forests have been washed away by this spiritual energy.

But suddenly.

The sword box in front of the man suddenly disappeared.

The man who closed his eyes cultivating also abruptly opened his eyes with a look of surprise on his face.

"Why did my Devil Slayer Sword disappear?"

"And, my connection to it doesn't exist anymore?"

"Could it be that the damn Dryad stole it?"

"No, no, just because the old monster doesn't have this ability, it has no chance to touch the Demon Sword.

"But who would dare to steal my Yan Chixia's Devil Slayer Sword? 35

The man stared blankly at the open space where the sword box was originally in front of him, completely stunned.

Eyes turned.

Ying Qi looked at the sword box in front of him. Although it was simple and simple, it was made of few refining materials, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate the edge of this immortal-level sub-divine soldier.


0.....for flowers...

This sword box is useless to Ying Qi.

"This Yan Chixia has this magical weapon, and she still has a treasure in a box, is there no opponent?"

Ying Qi smiled teasingly.

A wave of hands.

The sword box is broken.

There is no bondage.

The Demon Slayer Sword inside also showed its edge, more than a hundred times more powerful than the Lingshuang Sword.

"Good soldier."

Looking at the Demon Slayer Sword in front of him, Ying Qi laughed loudly.

Direct drop of blood refining.

Just momentarily.

This Demon Slayer Sword was refined by Ying Qi, an immortal-level divine soldier, and was easily taken for his own use.

At the moment of refining.

Ying Qi also knew why this sword was called Demon Punisher. That was because this divine weapon was forged from the most yang and virtuous materials. It was masculine and upright, and had natural restraint against evil spirits and ghosts.

"I killed so many strong men, and the masters of the three sects also died.

"This world is bound to be more chaotic.

Take this opportunity.

"Attack this world in one fell swoop.""

Ying Qi put away the Demon Slayer Sword and stared at this side of the world.


God thought a move.


The copy portal opens.

The portal halo flickers.

all over the land.

Look again.

The area around the ruined Nanzhao capital was already covered by Daqin's black armored cavalry, and dragon knights and various sub-dragon cavalrymen appeared again in the void.

"Chen and others see the emperor. 35

"May the emperor's holy life be boundless and immortal.

Millions of Great Qin Ruishi stared at Ying Qi in the void and shouted in awe.

Yongcheng Camp.

Handan Camp.

The old Qin camp.

Northland Camp.

Hangu Camp.

Two million warriors from the five major battalions of Daqin came, and all the forces that belonged to the true core of the Daqin Empire came.

"My great Qin Ruishis.""

"The land of another world is vast and the resources are endless."

"I only ask for one thing.

"Everywhere the soldiers and fronts come, they are all Qin soil." Ying Qi looked down at all the great Qin Ruishis, and shouted loudly.

"I swear allegiance to the emperor to the death, and I swear allegiance to Daqin to the death. 99

"All the soldiers and fronts have passed are the territory of our Great Qin.""

'Those who do not serve me, Daqin, will be killed without mercy.

Two million warriors shouted in unison.


Under the leadership of various generals, they went to the Quartet.

This side of the world is not far from the day when it will be completely conquered by Da Qin.

At this time.

In front of Ying Qi, there was a gap in the void, and the Sword Saint came out.

Looking at the black armored warrior who shrouded the sky and the earth, the Juggernaut's eyes were also incomparably horrified.

this moment.

He seemed to want to understand something completely.

"Remember ten years ago?"

Ying Qi was not surprised when he saw the Sword Saint coming.

"I remembered.

Juggernaut looked at Ying Qi with complicated eyes.

"Now, do you have a choice?"

Ying Qi said to the Sword Saint.

The meaning is very clear.

"I guessed that Emperor Qin came from another world, but I didn't expect that Emperor Qin's Great Qin army could also come, and I didn't even think that Emperor Qin had the power to travel through time and space. 35

"I am willing to join Da Qin and submit to Emperor Qin.

"Only, can Emperor Qin agree to a condition for me?"

The Sword Saint stared at Ying Qi and said solemnly.


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