Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 352 Forcing the palace? Forcing? Ying Qi is not used to it

When these cavalry came before the carriage.

Stopped immediately.

The person in the lead immediately dismounted from the horse, bowed and bowed to the carriage: "Chen Tang Yu, I welcome the princess' return to the country, and I have come here to welcome the princess' return to the palace by order of the sorcerer.

"Tang Yu is also considered a lucky character in this world." Ying Qi smiled in his heart.

"Brother Qi.

Zhao Linger nervously grabbed Ying Qi's hand.


Ying Qi said with relief.

Then he opened the curtain and said to Tang Yu, "Let's lead the way.

When Tang Yu saw Ying Qi, his face was surprised. From the news they got, the princess had married an ordinary person, but Ying Qi's temperament seemed to be unusual.

"The adoptive father said that the princess married an ordinary anonymous person, but this person has a very extraordinary temperament. Is the information wrong?" Tang Yu secretly thought.

But he quickly recovered.


Tang Yu shouted loudly, turning over again to lead the way.

The carriage also moved forward.


He entered the city and drove towards the palace.

But from the outside of the curtain, there is no one in and out of the city, just like an empty city.

And Ying Qi's spiritual sense has enveloped the entire Nanzhao City.

"Have trouble?"

Ying Qi sneered in his heart.

For the emperor for so many years, the emperor's ingenuity, power and tactics, Ying Qi completely mastered.

Deliberately gathering so many people to the front of the palace, not to welcome, but to attack 05.

Ying Qi just thought the Witch King's careful thoughts were a little ridiculous.

after all.

If the Witch King greeted Zhao Linger's return, there would never have been such a big battle in the early stage. After all, in the bottom of the Witch King's heart, there was no guilt towards Zhao Linger's mother and daughter at all.


"If you are in trouble, I don't need to show any mercy to you." Ying Qi thought with a sneer.


Under the guidance of Tang Yu, the carriage came unimpeded to the outside of the palace.

And this moment.

Hundreds of thousands of Nanzhao people have gathered outside the palace, and half of the people in this capital are gathered here.

"finally come."

Looking at the carriage that came, the Witch King had a smile on his face.

Under the guidance of Tang Yu, the people gathered in front of the palace city retreated one after another, and the carriage came to the palace gate smoothly.

And the Witch King walked to the carriage with a loving smile on his face.


"Father finally waited until you came back.

The Witch King stepped forward and said to Zhao Linger in the carriage.

"Linger, there is no way to hide.

Ying Qi smiled slightly.

Step out.

Seeing Ying Qi walking out, a look of disgust flashed in the Witch King's eyes, but it disappeared in a flash.

Zhao Linger had already been determined by him to marry the Yuwen Clan, and then use the power of the Yuwen Clan to attack the Central Plains, and Ying Qi was an obstacle to this bargaining chip.

How could he be happy.

Zhao Linger followed Ying Qi and got out of the carriage.

"Linger. 35

Seeing Zhao Linger, the Witch King showed a strong excitement.


Zhao Linger nodded, looking at the father who he hadn't seen in ten years, but there was no turbulence in his heart, only strangeness.

Seeing Zhao Linger, who was not very enthusiastic, the Witch King ignored it, turned around, and walked to the high platform that had been arranged for a long time.

"here we go?"

Ying Qi watched this scene calmly.

The Witch King's acting skills are indeed good, at least for now, no abnormality can be seen, but Ying Qi can naturally think of what he will do next.


For Ying Qi, this is simply a joke.

In the face of absolute strength, everything is ants.

The Witch King walked to the high platform and said to all the people who gathered together: "My people of Nanzhao, God is fortunate, take pity on my royal family, my daughter has been separated from me for ten years, and now she has finally returned, this is my joy, It is the joy of my Nanzhao.

"Congratulations to the Witch King.

Welcome to the return of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

"Congratulations to the Witch King...""

Hundreds of thousands of Nanzhao people shouted loudly.

Now that the news of Baiyue's death has come out, the Witch King naturally has the majesty that belongs to him and completely controls Nanzhao.

"Linger, no matter what happens next, you can just watch. 35

Ying Qi said to Zhao Lier.

"Brother Qi, what's wrong? Could something happen?" Zhao Linger asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I have everything." Ying Qi didn't explain too much.


The Witch King will reveal his purpose.

"My people of Nanzhao.

The Witch King raised his hand and shouted loudly.


Everyone quieted down and stared at the figure on the high platform.

"Today, I will let my princess of Nanzhao meet you." The Witch King said with a smile.

Then he said to Zhao Linger and Ying Qi: "Come up.""

Ying Qi took Zhao Linger's hand very calmly and walked to the high platform.

"She is my daughter, the princess of my Nanzhao.

The Witch King pointed at Zhao Linger and said very excitedly.


The Witch King's gaze fell on Ying Qi again, and along with it, the gazes of all the people in Nanzhao below were the same. They fell on Ying Qi, and they were a little surprised when they saw Ying Qi holding Zhao Ling'er's hand.

"Linger, who is he?"

The Witch King asked in a slightly serious tone.

"He's my husband.""

Zhao Linger said directly.

The words fell.

The people of Nanzhao gathered below were in an uproar.

"The princess already has a husband?"

"The princess is my Princess of Nanzhao, and also the saint of my clan. Although she is a royal family, she should have the marriage words of the Witch King when she gets married.

"The princess got married like this, isn't it inappropriate for the ceremony?"

"Yeah, that won't work.

"How could my Princess Nanzhao marry someone else casually?"

Under the high platform, countless people are talking about it one after another.

"Linger, when did you get married? You didn't even tell your father?" The Witch King frowned and asked in a questioning tone.

Hear this tone.

Zhao Linger was also a little sullen.

"You haven't picked me up for ten years. I thought you forgot my existence."

Zhao Linger said indifferently.


The Witch King's face was full of anger, just about to scold him, but he didn't dare to explode when he looked at the people in front of him.

"In the past ten years, it is the father who owes you.

"In the days to come, King Father will definitely make up for you." The Witch King said gently, without showing any gloom in his heart.

"no need.

"This time I'm going back to Nanzhao just to have a look, and I don't plan to stay any longer. After reading it, I'll leave with my husband," Zhao Linger said coldly.


The Witch King frowned, and the anger in his heart became even more intense.

I want to speak, but I don't know how to speak again.

At this time.

Elder Shi, who was standing on the side, immediately gestured towards the crowd.


"His Royal Highness is my Princess of Nanzhao, and she is also a family of saints. You should protect my country of Nanzhao, and when the princess returns, how can she leave?"


"Back then, the witch queen was my saintess of Nanzhao, who guarded my Nanzhao people from generation to generation. As the daughter of the witch queen, Her Royal Highness should also inherit the great responsibility of the witch queen."

"Furthermore, my Saintess of Nanzhao must be engaged by the Witch King himself, even if they are married. How can I marry an ordinary person?"

"Princess, please think twice, don't go the wrong way."

"I also ask Her Royal Highness to stay in Nanzhao and protect the people of Nanzhao..."

One by one, the people of Nanzhao opened their mouths one after another under the provocation of those who were interested.

a time.

There was a commotion in front of the entire palace.


This was all arranged by the 690 Witch King.

Facing this kind of battle, Zhao Linger's face was a little embarrassed.

"It looks like you have the same personality as your mother.

Seeing Zhao Linger's embarrassment, the Witch King sneered in his heart.

The reason why he married Lin Qinger was because the original Nanzhao was divided into two clans, one was the Black Miao headed by him, and the other was the Baimiao headed by Lin Qinger.

Under their marriage, the two tribes of Nanzhao were unified.


"Originally, my father didn't want to say that, as the princess of my Nanzhao, your mother's daughter, you were born with a great responsibility to protect Nanzhao, and after you were born, your father and I made a marriage contract.

"The object of this marriage contract is the Yuwen clan in the Central Plains. You must know that Nanzhao is only a small country in a corner of the country, and there is a danger of destroying the country at any time in front of the big family in the Central Plains. Not long ago, the Yuwen clan sent someone to come and make it clear that they want to marry. Linger, if you don't marry the Yuwen clan, I will be targeted by the Yuwen clan in Nanzhao, even...even..."

"The Yuwen clan will direct their troops to the south, and millions of people in Nanzhao will be caught in the scourge of war."

The Witch King sighed and said helplessly.

As soon as this word comes out.

The hundreds of thousands of Nanzhao people gathered under the high platform were in a panic.

Although they didn't know what Yuwen Clan was, they were naturally afraid when they heard the millions of soldiers.


They spoke again.

"His Royal Highness, you must stay, otherwise my country of Nanzhao will be in danger.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness.

"You are my Saintess of Nanzhao, you won't just watch us get wiped out by the Yuwen clan.

The words sounded one after another, and Zhao Linger's face became pale.

And Ying Qi looked at this scene with a joke.

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