It has been a month since worshiping the moon.

Baiyue dies, the world is not peaceful.

For Nanzhao, it was even more unsettled.

After learning about the death of the worship of the moon, he has been suppressed by the worship of the moon. The witch king, like a puppet, completely let go, and quickly taught the worship of the moon to subdue it. For those who are loyal to the worship of the moon, the witch king is also the first. Once he showed his courage, he ordered someone to kill him directly.

Nanzhao at this moment.

It's all under the control of the Witch King.

There is no more oppression of worshiping the moon.

Therefore, the current Witch King has also reached an extreme expansion.

"The Witch King."

"Now that Her Royal Highness has returned, I wonder what the Witch King is going to do?"

Elder Shi asked respectfully.

He was a Nanzhao official who was loyal to the Witch King, and he was also the adoptive father of Baiyue in the past, but the reason for Baiyue's transformation was also because of him. He was too old-fashioned and believed himself to be loyal.

"In the past, Baiyue held power, which made me unable to control Nanzhao. Now that Baiyue is dead, I naturally shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing Nanzhao.

"The world in the Central Plains is in chaos now, clans are fighting each other, and all the heroes are rising. Our southern "687" edict can indeed be spared now, but in the long run, if our Nanzhao does not take the initiative to attack, there will be serious trouble. 35 The witch king said in a deep voice.

"Wizard King, are you going to send troops to the Central Plains?

"This matter, the old minister feels that it is absolutely necessary."9

"The Central Plains is vast and there are many strong people. For the Central Plains, our Nanzhao is only a small country. If we send troops to the Central Plains, it may cause our Nanzhao to destroy the country." Elder Shi said solemnly.

Hear this.

There was a bit of dissatisfaction in the Witch King's eyes, but he didn't show it: "Elder Shi, you misunderstood, I do have the idea of ​​entering the Central Plains, but I did not rush into the Central Plains."

"Does the Witch King have any ideas?" Elder Shi asked respectfully.

"I have already contacted the Yuwen clan, and they have a relationship with their clan. With the help of their clan, I, Nanzhao, can invade the Central Plains. 35 The Witch King said with a smile, his eyes full of self-satisfaction.

After Baiyue's death, no one suppressed him anymore. This Witch King completely released himself, and it was extremely inflated.


"Do you want the Witch King?"

Elder Shi thought of a possibility and looked at the Witch King in shock.


"As my daughter, the princess of Nanzhao, Ling'er naturally has to share the country's worries and marry the Yuwen clan, which is beneficial to my Nanzhao."

"Furthermore, the husband I chose for him is the future successor of the Yuwen Clan. Yuwen Chengdu, known as the strongest of the younger generation, already possesses the power to shatter at a young age.

"With such an outstanding person, Ling'er will naturally not be at a loss." The Witch King said very proudly.

It seems that this has also found a good next home for Zhao Linger.

"But the princess is already married." Elder Shi was still a little hesitant. ,

Although he is a die-hard loyalist of the Witch King, and although he is old-fashioned, he is not the kind of treacherous villain who breaks people's marriages, which is not a good thing.

"Although I am not in the Central Plains of Nanzhao, the matter of marriage depends on my parents. As Linger's father, everything about her naturally belongs to me."

"It's really whimsical for an anonymous person to marry my daughter." The Witch King snorted coldly, not taking Ying Qi in his eyes at all.

And for Zhao Linger, he doesn't have any father-daughter friendship.

"Then how to deal with that person? Blow him away from my Nanzhao? Or?" Elder Shi asked hesitantly.

"If he is acquainted, save his life and give him some money to play. If he does not, then let him stay in Nanzhao forever." The Witch King said coldly.

"But the princess will never sit back and watch."

"As the daughter of the witch queen, I'm afraid she also possesses the magic of the witch queen. 35 Elder Shi said.

"With Elder Shi here, without the worship of the moon, you are the number one person in Nanzhao. Even if she has an immortal art, could she still be the opponent of Elder Shi? The Witch King sneered.

In short.

For this marriage, the Witch King has completely made up his mind.

Not going to regret it at all.


"Report to the Witch King.

"His Royal Highness the princess and the concubine are almost at the capital."

A Nanzhao soldier ran into the hall, knelt down and told the Witch King.

"finally come.

The Witch King smiled, as if the goal was about to be achieved.

"The Witch King."

"Are you really determined to enter the Central Plains and form an alliance with the Yuwen clan? Elder Shi's expression became serious.


"Elder Shi, is there anything to worry about?"

"Baiyue is now dead, and Nanzhao has all been under my control. There will be no accident if you help Elder Shi." The Witch King said firmly.

"The princess is my Nanzhao princess. According to my Nanzhao customs, she is also a saint of my clan. Just like the witch queen, she was born with powerful supernatural powers. If the witch king forces the princess to marry, I am afraid it will backfire."

"So, the old minister has a proposal to let the princess willingly leave the anonymous family and marry me in Nanzhao. Elder Shi said with a serious face.

"Elder Shi, what should you say?" The Witch King immediately asked.

"In the beginning, the witch was for the safety of the people of Nanzhao, or even to die. Her Royal Highness must be the same. She treats the people like children. With the hearts of all the people, Her Royal Highness will definitely make a choice."

"In this way, it's not like you persecuted the Witch King." Elder Shi said.

hear this.

The Witch King's face brightened: "Elder Shi is worthy of being the pillar of my Nanzhao, good, good, let the people's hearts force Ling'er to make a choice, leave that anonymous person, and let her marry me in Nanzhao, so that I don't need to speak in person. "5

"Come on."

"Quickly issue a notice to gather all the citizens of the capital in front of the palace."

The Witch King immediately ordered.

the other side.

A carriage slowly moved towards the capital of Nanzhao.

Ying Qi and Zhao Linger sat in the car.

When he came to Nanzhao, Ying Qi did not move directly from the void, but came all the way from Yuhang City in a carriage, which can be regarded as a kind of adjustment.  …

since these days.

Ying Qi has fully mastered the magical powers of the Sacred Heart Art, and has also upgraded the various martial skills rewarded by the system to the perfect stage.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Zhao Linger's thoughts on her face, she still felt a little uneasy, Ying Qi asked with a smile.

"Brother Qi, I'm just a little scared. 35

"After all, my impression of my father is very unfamiliar, and his status in my heart is not even as good as that of my grandma. Back then, he dealt with his mother with his own hands. He was so cruel, I really don't know how to face him. Zhao Linger said bitterly.

Although young.

However, Zhao Linger is a descendant of Nuwa after all, so she is naturally very sensible, and the events of that year are naturally vivid in her mind.

It was impossible for her to forget.

"If you don't count your blood, your father really isn't a man."

Ying Qi didn't have any fondness for this Witch King because of Zhao Linger's relationship.

According to their own understanding.

This witch king is not a good thing, and it can even be said that he is an idiot, not a man.

Said he was an idiot, and was stunned by Baiyue's step-by-step seizure of power, saying that he was not a man, that he could not even protect his own witch queen, and even personally ordered Lin Qinger to be killed.

What kind of man is this?

For Ying Qi.

The purpose of coming to Nanzhao this time is very simple. To wake up the water monsters and subdue them, and add help. The second is to control Nanzhao. The third is to find the five spirit beads. As Ying Qi knows, one of the five spirit beads is in This Nanzhao territory.

As for the attitude of the witch king, Ying Qi would not care.

Ying Qi won't give in because Zhao Linger has a good impression of this witch king.

There are many concubines in his harem, if they treat their little relatives differently, what is it?

Ying Qi is not that stupid.

"However, you don't need to worry about 1.7,

"With me here, he wouldn't dare to do anything to you.

"Just treat it normally.

Ying Qi comforted Zhao Linger.


Zhao Linger nodded.

After leaving her hometown for ten years, Zhao Linger actually wants to see what her former hometown has become.

But in my memory.

In the past, when her mother was about to be executed, those evil people who were bewitched by the Moon Worship Cult raised their hands high and shouted loudly. This scene made her unable to forget.

If this is still the case ten years later, Zhao Linger will really only be disappointed in this hometown.

Under the influence of Ying Qi.

Although Zhao Linger is still gentle, she is not so virgin anymore.


"Descendants of Nuwa.

"The Witch King."

"I wish you could know each other."

Ying Qi stared at the front, the capital of Nanzhao was already in sight.

And this time.

In the capital city of Nanzhao, hundreds of cavalry came directly on horseback, and the goal was to win Qi's carriage.

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