Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 333 Promotion to the Imperial Dynasty!!

The triumphal banquet in the Palace of King Qin lasted a day and a night before it ended.

Ying Qi also put down his tense mind and rested well after fighting for seven years.

Time flickers.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

This month, Ying Qi did not intervene in the affairs of the Daqin world, but rested in the harem. He spent a few days with Li Yaner, who had been separated from him for a long time, and then took good care of the concubines in the harem.


Yaoyue and Lianxing, who were included in the comprehensive martial arts world, were naturally introduced into the harem.

During this month, Ying Qi naturally put down everything to enjoy, and did not pay attention to the affairs of the dynasty.

a month later.


Ying Qi stood on the top of Mount Li, staring at the void.

Behind him, many of Daqin's Heaven and Human Realm powerhouses followed and respectfully stood behind Ying Qi.

"The land of the other world has been controlled, and the world of the other world is in my hands.""

"The luck that belongs to that side of the world belongs to my Daqin." Ying Qi stared at the void and said in a deep voice.

The many strong men behind them were solemn and did not dare to say much.

There is about luck, about the foundation of the dynasty, this is not a level they can reach.

"The luck of the dynasty is obvious.

Ying Qi gave a low drink.

on itself.

The brilliance of countless luck is in shock, and the entire Lishan Void is covered by the power of luck.

Even if it is Bai Qi, Dugu Qiufeng and other powerhouses, they all feel insignificant under this monstrous luck. The luck of the dynasty has gathered the luck of all the people of the dynasty.

At the moment when the power of luck condenses.

A black dragon that reached 450 zhang rushed to the sky from Ying Qi's body, turning 620 into a huge dragon, standing on the top of the void.

This black dragon is the manifestation of the fate of the Great Qin Dynasty.

"Nawu Daqin's luck."

Ying Qi stared at the black dragon.

Run the Yun Dynasty Cultivation Technique to cast the Holy Court.

"hold head high

. "

Long Yin shook the sky, as if breaking through the limits of the world.

I don't know how far it is from the world of Daqin, but the luck of countless Daqin people in the world of comprehensive martial arts began to converge.

The comprehensive martial arts world has a huge territory and an extremely large population.

Compared with the population of Daqin World, it is several times larger.

Moreover, the Yanhuang ethnic group is the main body, the number of ethnic groups exceeds 300 million, and the population of other ethnic groups is close to 200 million.

such a huge population.

Not only surpassed the Daqin world.

Moreover, as a higher level of the Chinese martial world than the Daqin world, their cultivation level is even higher than that of the Daqin world. Every Daqin territory and Daqin people, their luck belongs to Daqin.

The Casting Court operates.

The fortunes of the Qin people in the world of comprehensive martial arts converge.

I saw that the black dragon of luck on the void began to frantically swallow the luck, and countless light of luck crossed the distance of the world and merged into the dragon body of the black dragon.

The black dragon is enveloped by the endless radiance of luck, but its transformation can be clearly seen.

The dragon body is growing rapidly.

"One side is in the world of martial arts, with a population of hundreds of millions."

"Far beyond the background of my Daqin world. 35

(afbh) "Emperor Dynasty, can be expected."

At the same time that Ying Qi was running around casting the Holy Court, he stared at the black dragon in the void, looking forward to it.

Once in the imperial dynasty.

It will be a real leap for Daqin.

Enter the imperial dynasty.

The fortune of the Great Qin Dynasty will be transformed into the fortune of the imperial dynasty, which is stronger than that of the dynasty, and the fortune of the country will become stronger, which will greatly promote the cultivation of the officials of the Great Qin.

Boom, boom.

The luck was madly swallowed by the black dragon, and its dragon body also grew rapidly.

in a blink.

He directly broke through five hundred feet and entered the middle grade of the dynasty. One side of the world's luck was more majestic than Ying Qi imagined. The emperor's luck was increasing wildly, and the growth of the black dragon's body was not slow.

Behind Win Qi.

All the Daqin powerhouses looked at them with serious expressions, and the power of luck that suffocated them let them know the power of luck.



The brilliance of luck shook.

The black dragon entered six hundred zhang directly.

Dynasty high-quality, into.

But this is far from over. One side is in the martial arts world, how majestic the luck is, and today, Ying Qi is going to the emperor's dynasty.

Entered the imperial dynasty.

It is not only the cultivation of the Qin courtiers that will make great progress.

Ying Qi will also be upgraded again.

"Dynasty. 35

"Come on. 35

Ying Qi stared at the black dragon with anticipation in his heart.

to this moment.

If the previous is still uncertain, but looking at the power of luck that has not yet been swallowed, Ying Qi knows that the emperor is not looking forward to it.


Daqin must be able to enter the imperial dynasty.

After entering the imperial dynasty.

Then swallow the origin of the comprehensive martial arts world and bring it into the control of Daqin Tiandao. In the future, the level that belongs to the comprehensive martial arts world will become the Daqin world, and the world's spiritual energy will also become the Daqin world.

This is why Dugu Qiufeng said to Zhang Sanfeng and the others that day, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the comprehensive martial arts world will become scarce, and the world level will become lower.

Because Ying Qi once revealed the key to world promotion.

The Daqin world will devour the origin of the Comprehensive Martial World and bring it under the control of the Daqin Heavenly Dao. With the origin of his world, since the Daqin World should be the foundation, there will never be another martial arts in the world after the Comprehensive Martial World.


Zhang Sanfeng, Xiaoyaozi and the others seized the last chance on the road to martial arts.

If they miss it.

It will be really difficult to catch up with Da Qin in the future.

time flies.

The radiance of luck in the void of Mount Li became more and more intense.


The black dragon has grown to five hundred and ninety-nine feet, reaching the critical point with the imperial dynasty.

Enter six hundred feet.

Daqin will be promoted from the imperial dynasty to the imperial dynasty.

Achievement of the Great Qin Dynasty.

And Ying Qi will also become the emperor of the emperor.

Under Ying Qi's gaze.


The monstrous radiance of luck manifested from Mount Li, and at the moment of entering six hundred zhang, the luck seemed to have completed a transformation, from the luck of the dynasty to the luck of the imperial dynasty.

The power of national fortune has become more majestic.

It was as if True Qi had transformed into True Qi.

The same is true for Yun Chao.

"hold head high.

Daqin Qiyun Heilong roared, resounding throughout Daqin's world.

At this moment, its dragon body has grown to six hundred and twenty zhang, and it has completely entered the level of the low-grade imperial dynasty.

Emperor Dynasty, it is done.

"it is good.

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

The success of the imperial dynasty is of great significance to Daqin.

"Chen wait to congratulate the emperor, my luck in Daqin will increase again.""

Seeing Ying Qi's smile, all the ministers congratulated in unison.

"it's not finished yet."

Ying Qi turned around and said to the ministers.

Entering the imperial court, you can build a country and move the imperial court. All the ministers of the Qin Dynasty and the ministers who have the national fortune can enter the imperial court with a strand of true spirit.

That is to say, if he died for Daqin, and killed the enemy in battle for Daqin, the Daqin Dynasty would also use the power of the imperial court to protect the true spirit of his subjects and ensure that he still has the opportunity to reincarnate as a human being.


Now Ying Qi is not ready to build the Imperial Court of National Fortune.

The great fortunes of the empire and country are enough to make Bai Qi and Dugu Qiu defeat them into the Broken Realm, but if they want to enter the Broken Realm, they need to reach the world level.

Therefore, it is still necessary to improve the level of the Daqin world at this stage.

only if.

It can accommodate the powerhouses of the Shattered Realm.

After all, Daqin's courtiers are different from Yingqi. Yingqi's data-based physique can be upgraded as long as the experience points are reached, but his courtiers are not. They need to devour the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and achieve breakthroughs through cultivation.


"I want to use the opportunity to imprison the Heavenly Dao to imprison the "Comprehensive Martial World Heavenly Dao"."5

Ying Qi immediately issued an order to the system.

After completely controlling the comprehensive martial arts world, this reward is given to Ying Qi to deal with the world of heaven.

Although the way of heaven in this comprehensive martial arts world is not perfect, it is also the way of heaven. If you use the power of Ying Qi, you may only be able to deal with it with the power of humanistic luck, but if it does not exist in the core of the world, Ying Qi is also There is no way.

Therefore, Ying Qi must rely on the power of confinement rewarded by this system to complete the devotion of the world of comprehensive martial arts by the world of Qin.

Complete the world promotion.

"The host's order is accepted."

"To imprison the world of comprehensive martial arts. 99

The system prompt sounded in my ears.


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