Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 333 The treasure chest of the immortal rank

five years.

In a flash.

For Da Qin.

It has been nearly six years since I set out on this magical world.

The realm of the gods.

Now the magical world has also been successfully controlled by Da Qin.

these five years.

Daqin has invested millions of troops in this world, attacking and destroying all countries and ethnic groups in this world, destroying the dead.

This world is limited by the space of the gods, and the powerhouses gather, which also allows Da Qin to better deal with those top powerhouses, and only five years to control the speed of this world.

in this magical continent.

The strongest person is nothing but a great master, the Daqin army comes, and the action of the Daqin strongman is the power of the gods for the creatures of this world.

How can they compete.

Elf world.

under the tree of gods.

"Kai playing the emperor."

"The magical world has been settled, and I, Daqin, have taken charge of this world. 55

"Please show me the emperor.""

Bai Qi told Ying Qi in an excited tone.

"Take control of this world and rule it with a heavy code." Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

This world is more complex than the world that Daqin has conquered in the past. The belief in the gods is deeply rooted in this world. For Daqin to control this world, those mad believers of the gods will definitely stir up the wind and rain. Governing it will allow Da Qin to firmly control the world.

Troubled times use heavy code.

Moreover, in this world without the Yanhuang ethnic group, Daqin could treat him with the most cruelty.

Dare to make trouble, kill it.

Dare to make trouble and exterminate the clan.

"The minister leads the order.

All the ministers said in unison, and then retreated.

"Congratulations to the host for taking control of the high-grade low-grade "Magic World", rewarding a second-order dungeon portal, rewarding a chance to imprison the heavens, and rewarding a fairy-level treasure chest." The system prompted.

"This world completely belongs to Da Qin. 99

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

Immortal-level treasure chest, this is the first time Ying Qi has obtained this level.

If it is a treasure chest of the lowest level, it can open the magic weapon of the heaven level, or even the fairy level, then the treasure chest of the fairy level can be opened at least the fairy level, and even the treasures of the god level can be opened.

All in all, big money.

"Open the Heavenly Rank Treasure Chest. 99

Ying Qi gave an order.

The Heavenly Rank treasure chest obtained by beheading the gods last time has not been opened, and it happened today.

"Open the Heavenly Rank Treasure Chest.

"Obtain the high-quality immortal-level exercise "Sacred Heart Technique"." The system prompted.

"Sacred Heart Art, very good."

"My martial arts technique can finally be changed. 39

Seeing this exercise, Ying Qi smiled.

The Heavenly Rank Treasure Box has a high-quality cultivation technique from the Immortal Realm, which has to be said to be extremely lucky.

after all.

With the increase of Ying Qi's strength, the combination of Jiuyang Shengong and Jiuyin Sutra can no longer bring much improvement to Ying Qi.

This Sacred Heart Art was born from a world with a stronger level than this magical world, and it was a practice practiced by the first powerhouse in that world, created by Emperor Shitian.

Combined with the many sects of that world, all methods are unified, and the peerless divine art created.

Cultivating this Sacred Heart Art can not only strengthen the true essence, but also prolong the life essence, immortality, and the resilience will skyrocket after injury. It can be said that this is an immortal art.


This Sacred Heart Art is not just a practice method, it also contains many martial arts, which are very powerful.

"Open the Immortal Rank treasure chest."."

Ying Qi gave the order again.

"Open the treasure chest. 35

"Get the high-quality "Dragon Egg" of "Magic Child Nezha World". The system prompts.

"Dragon Egg?"

Seeing this reward, Ying Qi was stunned.

Although it was a god-level, it made Ying Qi not so much looking forward to it.

Originally, he thought of opening the second volume of Casting the Holy Court, or the second volume of the Star Art.

Now comes a pet egg.

"never mind."

"This divine dragon egg is also a genuine divine beast bloodline, stronger than the blood tiger. 35

"After the contract recognizes the master, it will be a great help for me.

After thinking about it, Ying Qi was no longer annoyed.

After all, when he was still in Daqin, the pet egg blood tiger he got all benefited Ying Qi greatly. He had the power of a blood tiger. I don't know how many battles Ying Qi won.

With the increase of Qin's national strength.

The growth rate of the blood tiger is not slower than that of Da Qin's courtiers, on the contrary, it surpasses countless Daqin courtiers.

As Ying Qi's mount divine beast, it can naturally obtain endless resources, as well as Da Qin's national fortune.

Moreover, on the battlefield, it belongs to the heaven of the blood tiger, which absorbs the vicious aura and enhances its strength. Now the strength of the blood tiger has reached a level comparable to the Shattered Realm.

"System, practice Sacred Heart Art." Ying Qi said.

"The host's order is accepted."

"Transfer to the cultivation method "Sacred Heart Technique". The 35 system prompts.

next moment.

Golden light enveloped Ying Qi's body.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, countless profound and mysterious cultivation techniques poured in, and they were accepted and absorbed by Ying Qi.

Time also passed at this moment.

Now that Ying Qi is at the 66th level, the real essence in his dantian is extremely rich, and the conversion of the practice method also brings changes to the original real essence characteristics.

A month has passed.

Ying Qi exhaled a turbid breath, with a smile on his face: "As expected of a high-grade martial art, Di Shitian has a good talent, and he was able to create such a magical power. Now my martial arts strength is several times stronger than before. Besides, the Martial Arts possessed by this Sacred Heart Art are also very strong, each of which is at the level of heaven.”

There are nine kinds of martial arts in the Sacred Heart Art, all of which require the cultivation of the Sacred Heart Art to be able to perform.

Sacred Heart.

The Four Calamities of the Sacred Heart.

There is also the strongest Qiwu Despair. With this martial skill, Ying Qi can even be directly transformed into particles, as if invisible.

"The Wind and Cloud World, I don't know if I will have a chance to enter in the future. How will Di Shitian feel when he sees me performing the Sacred Heart Art?

Ying Qi smiled secretly in his heart.

What I have now is the gathering of the powerhouses of the heavens, the spiritual fire of the son of luck in the world of fighting qi, and now it is the exercise method of the first powerhouse in the world of wind and clouds, Emperor Shitian.

If they meet in the future, Ying Qi really wants to see their expressions.

"Dragon egg."

Ying Qi came back to his senses and was ready to extract the dragon egg.

The dragon egg of the god rank, the blood of the god beast, can definitely bring great help after hatching.

"System, extract dragon eggs." Ying Qi said.

"The host command is accepted. The system prompts.

next moment.

A human-sized dragon egg appeared in front of Ying Qi.

at the same time.

Devil boy Nezha world.

In a bottomless seabed, countless chains exist in the seabed, and countless pillars with carved formations stand on the seabed, forming an invisible formation, and a dragon is wrapped around each pillar. , Every dragon has revealed a terrifying dragon might.

The entire seabed was extremely depressed, as if these countless dragons were suppressing something.

And in the center of the bottom of the sea, on the largest pillar.

A blue dragon that reached a thousand feet raised its huge dragon head and looked at an unremarkable man in front of him.

"`〃 Got it?"

the old man asked.

"Got...it got it.

The man stammered.

Wave your hand.

A spirit orb flashing blue light appeared in the palm of his hand.

Even with the naked eye, one can see how dazzling this Spirit Orb is, possessing unimaginable power.

"Lingzhu. 35

Canglong looked at the Lingzhu in front of him, and Longan released a kind of excitement.

"My hope for the dragon race to escape is finally here.

"Incorporating the Spirit Orb, my son will be able to soar upward, break the curse of the high heaven on my dragon clan, and let my dragon clan escape from this bottomless abyss.

"Shen Xianren, my dragon clan thank you very much.

Canglong said with great gratitude.

"Each...each...each take what they want."

"I... I want to prove that I, Shen Gongbao, are the most suitable for the twelve golden immortals." The man also said loudly.

"Now it's up to the immortals to make a choice.

"Choose which of my sons.

Canglong said.

Two huge dragon eggs spewed out of his mouth.

A white dragon egg, a black dragon egg.

It seems to be yin and yang.

"What Lingzhu possesses (Wang Li's) is the power of the most masculine and masculine. Naturally, we must choose this white dragon, so that we can truly match the power of Lingzhu and fulfill our great wish."

"Prove that the demon clan can also stand in the world.

Shen Gongbao stared at the white dragon egg in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"it is good."

Canglong believed in Shen Gongbao's words, and immediately pushed the white dragon egg in front of Shen Gongbao.

"Lingzhu. 39

Shen Gongbao read a sentence.

Push the spirit bead in his hand towards the dragon egg.

burst time.

The Lingzhu and the Dragon Egg are united and become one.

Powerful energy erupted from the bottom of the sea, setting off a force that surpassed anything under the fairyland.


within this world.

Immortals exist.


Canglong said in surprise.

"This black dragon egg.

Shen Gongbao looked at the dragon egg that was shining with black light, thoughtful.

It was at this time.

The Black Dragon Egg was suddenly shocked.

Then suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

The sudden change shocked both Canglong and Shen Gongbao.

After being stunned for a while.

"How is this going?'

The two said in unison.

PS: I am very grateful.

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