Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 332 Level 66, Capture the Magic World!!

For Da Qin.

If it is to attack the magical world like the first attack on the comprehensive martial arts world, it will take time to conquer this world.

However, the magical world's surprise attack on the Daqin world caught Ying Qidu by surprise, and they also gathered most of the world's power into Daqin, and they were wiped out in one fell swoop.

at the same time.

Daqin's surprise attack on this magical world also caught the magical world by surprise.

This is also the key to Daqin's ability to quickly wipe out the divine domain of this magical world.

But in just half a year.

The Divine Realm space of this world has been controlled by Da Qin.

These God Realms include the Undead Realm, the Sea God Realm, the Dragon God Realm, the War God Realm, the Beast God Realm... There are a total of nine God Realm spaces.

Said to be God's Domain.

In fact, these nine spaces are based on the different spaces of the magical world. The space is not large, equivalent to a Xianyang, covering an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers, but the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in it is more than a hundred times richer than that of the magical world.

After Daqin completely controls this world, Daqin's world will definitely be able to devour this magical world, and it will definitely be able to usher in a big increase.

Elf world.

Under the elf tree.

Two people are standing.

Ying Qi, and the elf god Dairis.

At this moment, both of them were staring at the towering tree in front of them.

This elf god tree towers into the clouds, and it seems to connect the sky and the earth of this elf god realm.

"This is the divine tree of our elves, and the mother who gave birth to our elves. I am the first elves of the elves, and I was born from the divine tree.

"It's not just me, all the clansmen are the same, born from the tree of gods and born as a result."

"So our elves have no male elves. 99

"Because we were all nurtured by the mother of the elf tree." Doris stared at the tree in front of her, and said in awe.

"I didn't expect this world to be able to breed a high-quality fairy tree that is close to the acquired spiritual root." Ying Qi looked at the fairy tree in front of him and sighed.

"The Immortal Rank? The acquired spiritual root?"

Doris looked at Ying Qi in surprise.

"This is based on the level of my Yanhuang inheritance." Ying Qi said.

Above the immortal rank, it is the god rank, but if it is based on the level standard of the Great Thousand World, the god rank is equivalent to the acquired spiritual root.

Although the acquired spiritual root is nothing in the Daqian world, but in the world under the Daqian, the acquired spiritual root is definitely a treasure.

"Oh. 35

Doris nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

But it can be seen.

For more than half a year, Dai Lisi has been following Ying Qi as a guide, and she no longer has the kind of fear she started with.

"How many people are there in your elves?" Ying Qi asked.

"Less than five million." Doris replied.

"This world has existed for so many years, and your family's population is less than five million?" Ying Qi was a little surprised.

"Although our elves have a very long lifespan, what happened to the divine tree in the past few thousand years has only given birth to less than 300,000 clansmen. 35

"And the clansmen living in the elf world are only one-tenth of our clan, most of the other clansmen are in the magic continent, human beings are extremely greedy, and the appearance of my elf clan is outstanding, and many clansmen died because of human hunting and killing. , and most of them were sold by humans to that kind of place." Dalis said sadly and angrily.

"From the time you stayed behind that magic circle, I could see that you were different from those people.

"Your situation is completely coerced by them," said 33 Yingqi.

"If...if you control the magical world in the future, how will you treat my elves? 35

Doris raised her head and looked at Ying Qi expectantly.

"Do you know the law?"

Ying Qi turned around and looked at Dai Lisi.

"Sovereign power is granted by God, and the law is just the product of the gods to restrain mortals for their beliefs. For the strong, the law is useless at all. Doris sneered.

"Then if I tell you."

"The empire under my control is a law-based empire, what do you think?" Ying Qi asked again.

"The law constrains mortals, can the emperor's law still constrain your strong men?" Dalis raised her head and looked at it.

"In our empire, no matter who violates the law of Qin, they will be punished, even if they are my sons, even if they are the strongest ministers under my command, they will be treated equally. 35

"In our empire, all the people are protected by the law. If anyone dares to violate the law and deal with them, they will be severely punished by the law. Ying Qi said solemnly, with a kind of emperor domineering.

Now Daqin is the imperial dynasty.

But as time passed, the national power of Da Qin increased.

In the future, Daqin will transform.

Fortune is promoted.


Even the legendary Holy Court.

The laws of Daqin will also advance with the transformation of national strength.

Now is the law, and later is the ordinance.

Now it is the Qin law that restrains the subjects of Da Qin, and in the future, it will be the world controlled by the heavenly rule that restrains Da Qin, and the immortal ministers of Da Qin.

"Can my elves also be protected by the law?

Doris' eyes flashed with excitement.

"As long as it's me, Qin Zimin, I can naturally.

Ying Qi smiled and gave her a positive look.

"Then my elves won't be kidnapped by humans again? Will they be killed for no reason?" There were even tears in Doris' eyes.

"No more. 39

"As long as you submit to my Great Qin and become a citizen of my Great Qin, everything will be protected by laws. 35 Ying Qi said mildly.

"Thank you, thank you.

Doris couldn't hide her excitement and kept thanking her.

As the god of this world, she is aloof, but no one knows how much she has endured over the years. She wants to protect her clansmen, but there is no way.

She had even personally killed many villains who had robbed her clansmen, but she was besieged by the gods, but now Ying Qi's words gave her hope again.

Perhaps her clansmen will no longer have to hide in the elves world, or in the forest of elves.

Can go out with integrity.

"you are welcome.

"This is what my Qin people deserve."5

Ying Qi smiled and comforted.


With a gesture of her hand, Dai Lisi's life bead appeared in her hand.

"This magic weapon is good, it has the effect of healing, but your elves will be my people from now on, this is useless, I will give it back to you." Ying Qi handed the life pearl in his hand to Dai Lisi.

Looking at the life pearl in Ying Qi's hands, blushing flushed on Dai Lisi's face.

Since the loss of the life pearl, Dai Lisi did not know how many inexplicable touches she had had.

Seeing Ying Qi coming back, Dai Lisi had an unspeakable feeling.

"Did you know, Emperor?"

"This life bead was born with me after I was conceived by the divine tree. It can be said that it is my lifeline, and the divine tree said at the beginning that if anyone takes my life bead, whoever is mine..."

At this point, shyness appeared on Dai Lisi's face.

"Your what?

Ying Qi was a little inexplicable.

But the next moment.

Dai Lisi walked directly to Ying Qi, stepped on her feet, and gradually approached Ying Qi.

when the two meet.

A green ray of light fell from the divine tree, wrapping the two of them, and then the divine tree opened up a strange space and contained the two of them.

Time is passing by at this moment.

Elf world.

After a storm.

It's been a few days.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the blessing of the elf god tree, gaining 5 million experience points, and having obtained upgrade experience points. Has the host increased the level?" The system prompted.

"Upgrade." Ying Qi did not hesitate.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 66." The system prompted.

"I didn't expect to be able to benefit from doing this."

"The secret of the elf god, the bead of life, this is really a coincidence. 35

Looking at Dai Lisi next to her, Ying Qi sighed a little.

When he got this magic weapon, Ying Qi was still a little curious, but now he fully understands it.

"From today onwards, you are the real controller of my elves,"

"Mother Shenshu has also admitted you.

Doris said softly.

"Don't worry. 99

"In the future, no one will bully your elves in our empire." Ying Qi said with a smile.

After Daqin takes control of this magical world, the elves will become the subjects of Daqin, but now that Dai Lisi has dedicated herself to become her own woman, loves the house and Wuxia, the status of the elves will naturally rise.

Although there are many women in Yingqi, there are very few powerful women, and even fewer women can share their worries.

And then.

The elves are extremely talented in bows and arrows, and there is also the unicorn, the head of the elves, who is also a flying cavalry.


Doris nodded.

"Do you know why your elf god tree has reduced the number of elves in the past few thousand years? 39 Ying Qi said with a smile.

"Why?" Doris asked immediately.

"Because the source of this world consumes a lot, the energy obtained by the divine tree is not enough to breed so many elves." Ying Qi said.

The world is divided into levels, and it also has source consumption.

This magical world has existed for many years, and the source consumes a lot. Although it is a high martial world, it may not be as good as the Daqin world in terms of the power of the source.

"Emperor, ministers, please see me.

at this time.

Bai Qi's voice came from outside the divine tree.


Ying Qi said 647 words to Dai Lisi, walked out of the divine tree, and appeared outside.

And this moment.

Bai Qi came with the generals.

Magic Continent.

Daqin has already conquered all the divine realms in this world.

All the different spaces are under the control of Da Qin.

The next step is to attack the Magic Continent.

Bai Qi naturally led the future to ask for his life.

"Chen and others see the emperor."

Seeing Ying Qi's figure, all the ministers immediately bowed and bowed.

"Be flat.

Ying Qi nodded.

"Xie Dijun." All the ministers said in unison.

"How? Ying Qi looked at Bai Qi and asked.

"Back to the emperor. 39

"All the God's Domain spaces in this world are in the hands of my Daqin. The next step is to attack the core of this world." Bai Qi respectfully said.

Nine God's Domain Spaces.

Attaching to this world is not the real subject, but the magic continent.

As the main body of this world, the land of this magic continent is larger than the comprehensive world of martial arts. There are more than one billion living beings, and there are many ethnic groups, such as westerners, dwarves, orcs, half-orcs, dragons, elves, and sea clans.

The Divine Realm space wants to enter the magic continent through the teleportation array, and the world is limited by the way of heaven, and the gods cannot go to the realm, so the gods have always been able to capture believers through their hands. They belong to the Divine Realm space and are not allowed to enter the magic continent. .

However, for Da Qin, this is naturally no obstacle.

The existence of anomalies is what frightens the heavens in this world, and without the power to deal with anomalies, the heavens in this world are even more afraid.

"I grant you the full authority to transfer troops. How many troops you need will be transferred from Daqin."

"Capture this world at all costs.""

"The sooner the better.

"If the alien race in this world dares to hinder, kill.

"There is no Yanhuang family in this world, so you don't need to be too restrained."

Ying Qi said coldly.

The magic continent is indeed huge, but can it be bigger than the three worlds of Daqin?

There are more than millions of soldiers in Daqin.

It's only a matter of time before this magical world is captured.

As for war, in the world with the Yan and Huang clans, the Great Qin Ruishi still had a little restraint in killing, but in this alien world, or a world corrupted by the beliefs of the gods, only killing can be deterred.

"The minister waits for the order.

Bai Qi said in unison.

PS: I am very grateful.

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