Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 331: Kill God Again, Upgrade Again

From within the magic circle.

Countless halos flashed.

Wait for the magic circle to calm down.

In this undead world, there were suddenly hundreds of thousands of troops dressed in black armor.

"You're going to attack the wizarding world?

Looking at the scene in front of her, and then looking at Ying Qi's smile, Dai Lisi said in surprise.

"Murderers are always killed.

"Those who violate my Daqin, my Daqin will certainly do so.""

Ying Qidan laughed.

It was at this time.


above the sky.

A giant eye appeared in vain.

There was an icy coldness in his eyes.

"Creation... God of Creation."

Dai Lisi and the elf behind her all changed their expressions and hurriedly knelt down.


In their world, the existence of the Dao of Heaven is what they think is the same existence as the God of Creation.

"The way of heaven."

"Finally, you have shown up."

Looking at the Heavenly Dao in the void, Ying Qi smiled lightly, without any fear.

"Isn't he even afraid of the God of Creation?" Dairis looked at the calm Ying Qi and was horrified.

And this time.

The magical world of Tiandao has moved.

A terrifying power of law volleyed into the sky.

It fell directly on Ying Qi and even all the officials of the Great Qin Dynasty. Suddenly, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this side of the world could not be absorbed by the officials of the "Six Four Seven" of the Great Qin. They could sense it, but could not absorb it.

This is the authority of heaven.

under the avenue rules.

The way of heaven cannot directly attack the living beings, if it is not a thunder calamity, if it is illegal, it is within the rules.

But obviously.

In this magical world, there is no real thunder tribulation.

"It seems that the way of heaven in all the worlds is the same.

"There are avenues bound.

"I bet right again."

Ying Qi smiled slightly.


His eyes became cold.

A wave of hands.

It's the emperor's order.

"The emperor has a purpose.


Bai Qi drew his sword and ordered the whole army.

All the Daqin troops rushed towards all parts of the undead world with the momentum of the raging waves.


In addition to occupying this undead world, it is also the hub of this magical world, attacking other spaces.

Although this side of the world is a high-martial world, those so-called gods do not all have a world. Their so-called gods, such as this undead world, are a space that exists in this world itself, but it is only a space that exists in the so-called world. God has taken possession of it.

And the key to their ability to absorb the power of faith is because this space has turned into their own divine domain.

"Who, exactly, are you?"

Doris looked at Ying Qi with solemn eyes, with an unspeakable sense of fear.

"I, Emperor Daqin."

"The future ruler of this magical world." Ying Qi calmly said.

"How are you going to deal with me?" Dai Lisi's tone was a little weak.

The life beads were all mastered by Ying Qi, and she could not be Ying Qi's opponent at all.

"Do the math."

"Besides you, this world is still three so-called gods.

Ying Qi looked at Dai Lisi jokingly, and said, "I want you to lead the way and find them. 35

"You're not going to shoot me?" Doris asked in surprise.

"From the current point of view, it seems that you don't want to be an enemy of me, and I will naturally give you the opportunity to protect the ethnic group."

"Of course. 39

"You have to make a choice."

Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

Hear this.

Doris was silent.

But in the face of the domineering Ying Qi, she found that she had no choice at all.

And she can also be sure that the six gods who entered the Daqin world have really fallen.

"I would like to submit to you.

"I just ask you to protect my elves."

Doris made a quick decision.

The barrier that originally protected the elves under his command also dissipated.

"very good.

Ying Qi nodded and smiled.

Then he walked in front of Dali.

The elf is tall and tall, and this Dairis is also tall, but she is still half a head shorter than Ying Qi, and when Ying Qi is close, Dai Lisi has a sense of tension.

in this magical world.

Even though the elves have the protection of her elf god, but in the mortal world, elves are reduced to hunting targets. Once captured, they will be sold to various places of wind and moon.

Even if Dairis has any anger, there is nothing to do. Her followers are only her elves, compared to countless human beings, those gods are on the side of human beings.

This time the six gods have fallen, although Dai Lisi has a sense of unease, but more is a kind of carefree.

"Take me to the Dark God. 99

Ying Qi said bluntly.

"The magical world is extremely huge, and although you have brought hundreds of thousands of troops, it is still far from enough.

"And the Dark God, Dragon God, and Sea God are all very strong, are you sure you can deal with them?" Dalis said with some worry.


She is not worried about Ying Qi, but worried that if Ying Qi is not an opponent, her end will not be very good.

"When you enter my Daqin, I teach you a rule.

"Teach it only once."

Ying Qi's eyes narrowed, and a coercion that surpassed the sky instantly fell on this Dailis: "My words are the orders of the heavens and cannot be violated."


Feeling this monstrous pressure, Doris nodded nervously.

"The first one, the Dark God.

"The second one, Sea God.

"The third one, Dragon God.

"One by one.""

Ying Qi said solemnly.

"The Dark God is in the undead world, please come with me." "Dalis immediately led the way.

Naturally, Ying Qi did not hesitate and followed directly.

This time into the magical world, Ying Qi naturally had a plan.

After all, most of the powerhouses in this magical world have perished because they invaded Daqin.

Next, as long as the remaining gods are dealt with and their divine realm is taken care of, there will be nothing in this magical world that can stop Da Qin's soldiers.

First destroy the realm of the gods, and then determine the mortal world of this world.

This is Win Qi's strategy.

The depths of the undead world.

Dark Shrine.

Accompanied by a top battle.

But it didn't last long at all.

"One sword separates the world."

A blood-red sword energy volleyed out.

Cut through the void directly.

The God of Darkness who merged into the darkness was beheaded by a sword.

The entire Dark Realm of the Undead screamed.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 65 enemy, obtaining 4.5 million experience points, obtaining a high-grade "Dark Magic Secret Tome", and obtaining 1,000 top-grade spirit stones. The system prompts.

"Two left."

Looking at the dark god who was killed by his sword in front of him, Ying Qi muttered to himself.

in this world.

It is different from the crushing and killing in the Daqin world.

In this magical world, they have the strength comparable to the Void Realm, so Ying Qi also put in all his strength to kill.

"Is his strength close to that of the God of Creation? 55

Dai Lisi looked at Ying Qi with awe in her eyes.

If she had never seen the fall of the six gods in the Daqin world, but the powerful dark god in front of her was killed by a sword, she had seen it with her own eyes.

"The fate of the gods has already appeared." Dai Lisi secretly said in her heart.

"Next, Poseidon. 35

Ying Qi said to Dai Lisi.

"it is good."

Doris nodded immediately.

Sea God Domain.

Another battle started.

The results are obvious.

The magic soldier in Ying Qi's hand slashed another false god.

Along the way, all the alien powerhouses in this Sea God Domain were beheaded.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 63 enemy, obtaining 4.3 million experience points, obtaining the high-grade "Water Magic Secret Tome", and obtaining 1,000 top-grade spirit stones.

"Congratulations, the host has reached the experience points required for the upgrade, do you want to upgrade the level?" the system prompted.


Naturally, Ying Qi would not hesitate.

Level up to level 65.

"The last one, Dragon God.

Ying Qi collected the resources in this God's Domain.

Did not stop.


Under the guidance of Doris, he came to the Dragon God Realm.

The so-called dragon gods in this world are naturally not the divine dragons in the inheritance of Yanhuang, but the giant dragon family.

Dragon God is also the strongest of the giant dragon clan.

Enter the Dragon God Realm.

Take a look.

There are giant dragons of various attributes everywhere, and there are countless Yalongs flying in this God Realm, and there are also many Yalong beasts galloping on the ground.

Although the giant dragon clan and the divine dragon clan are two different concepts, they are different groups, but one thing is the same, that is, the dragon is inherently promiscuous. Once they can't bear it, they can even cross the ethnic group. The origin of the dragon.

"Very good. 35

"With such a large dragon group, I, Daqin, can create hundreds of thousands of dragoons.""

Looking at the scene in the Dragon God Realm, Ying Qi smiled.

So many giant dragons, so many sub-dragons, these will become the help of the great Qin power.

"The last dragon god, force it out. 35

Ying Qi stared at the depths of this Dragon God Realm, and burst into a monstrous aura.

Boom, boom, boom.

The entire Dragon God Territory trembled under this momentum.

Under this momentum, countless giant dragons were crushed into the ground from the void.


A roar sounded in the Dragon God Realm.

A golden dragon that reached more than twenty feet rushed out of the Dragon God Realm and quickly charged towards Ying Qi.


When it was just before and after Yingqi Mian 1.7.

Although he was fierce, he was extremely humble.

"This esteemed majesty, I don't know what is going on in my Dragon God Realm?

This giant dragon was very humble and asked very gently.

"He is the Dragon God?"

Ying Qi turned his head, looked at Dai Lisi beside him and asked.


Doris nodded.


Seeing this dragon god's performance, she was also very surprised.

This has never been seen before.

"Nonsense, I won't say more.""

"Now I give you two ways."

"One, die."

"Two, surrender to me."

Ying Qi said to the golden dragon in front of him.

"I choose two.

The golden dragon nodded without any hesitation, without even any entanglement.

"Dragon God, did you know about the Dark God and the Sea God?" Dairis couldn't help asking.

"Your Majesty is powerful, I got the news by chance, hehe.""

The golden dragon replied honestly.

hear this.

Ying Qi completely understood.

Why is this Dragon God so acquainted, and the feeling is that he is afraid of death.


This dragon god surrenders to himself, which is more useful than killing it.

This side of the Dragon God Territory will become the source of Daqin's cultivation of spirit beasts and battle heads.

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