Chapter 138

Face the power of dozens of guards.

The envoys of Qi Chuyan of the Three Kingdoms could only walk outside the hall with annoyance, and a dozen sharp soldiers immediately followed out.

“King Qin.”

“We, Wei Guo, are willing to pay all the price and beg King Qin to stop.

“King Qin,

The envoy of the State of Wei sat slumped on the ground and howled.

“Get out.

Xin Sheng said coldly.

A few sharp men directly set up the envoy of the State of Wei and took pictures directly out of the hall.


The hall was quiet.

“Zhao Qing.”

“You did a good job.

Ying Zheng smiled at Zhao Qi, very pleased.

“To serve Daqin is the duty of a minister.”

Zhao Qi replied immediately.

“Have you seen the general’s performance?

“I, Qin Tianwei, must have such boldness.”

“The four countries are united, why is Daqin afraid of me?”

Ying Zheng looked around the court officials and praised them with prestige.

“Great King Shengming.

The ministers shouted in unison.

“Okay, can Zhu Qing still have this melodrama?” Ying Zheng nodded and asked prestigiously.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“Thanks to the great king Tianen, the minister has been resting for more than a month, and Zhao Di still has a lot of military affairs to deal with.”

“So tomorrow the minister is going to be guarded by Zhao Di.”

Zhao Qi took advantage of this to speak out.


Although Yingzheng was reluctant to leave his son, but for Zhao Qi’s future, Daqin will be able to dominate the world as soon as possible, father and son will recognize each other, and it will be a chance to move Dong’er to the king’s tomb and be named queen.

Yingzheng had to give up.

“Xie Dawang.”

Zhao Qi thanked him immediately, and then took his seat again.


North Korea will continue.

But it’s still some common trivial things.

Until the end of the meeting.

Yingzheng issued an edict to disperse the dynasty.

“Zhao Si, there is no need to return to the palace after the dynasty is scattered. Your wife, the real person, has already sent someone into the palace.”

“Wait for a drink with others, it’s a widow who will do it for you.

Ying Zheng said to Zhao Qi who was about to turn around and leave the hall.

Zhao Qi was taken aback, then bowed and bowed: “Thank you, King.

The officials saw this scene.

All eyes cast envy.

“The king’s favor to Zhao is truly unmatched.

“When I first returned, I went to the city gate to welcome him, and later he hosted a banquet for Zhao Qi alone in the Zhangtai Palace. Now Zhao Qi is going to return to the land of Zhao. The king actually practiced Zhao Qi himself, and even called Zhao Qi’s wife. .”

“This kind of grace, let alone the other generals, even the many sons of Da Qin have never had it before.

“Well, I don’t know when I will be able to receive such a privilege.

Watching this scene.

Many courtiers secretly thought of Zhao Qi very much.

“Zhao Qi, how good is he?”

“Damn it.”

Li Si saw this scene.

My heart is very secret, very jealous.

He has been working under the leadership of Yingzheng for decades, and he has been awarded the honor of drinking alone with Yingzheng before, but it is all past tense.

And now.

Perhaps the most favored courtier in the eyes of the king was Zhao Qi.

For Li Si 603.

There is jealousy in my heart.

But it is more of a kind of regret.

If Li Yan’er hadn’t been abandoned at the beginning, with his son-in-law relationship, he could definitely go further in the future, but he would have abandoned all of this personally.

“The Lord is really going farther and farther.

“future.”This Da Qin’s official second only to the emperor may only be the Lord.”

“Although I am acting as Dai Jiuqing, but it is not enough. I must give that pronoun. Only in this way can I help the Lord in the future, and I can’t waste the exercises given by the Lord.

Han Fei smiled excitedly when he saw his master being so favored. Of course, what Han Fei is now entering the Qin Dynasty is not all he pursues in the world of the ethnic group, but also his own pursuit of longevity in martial arts in the future.

Manchu dynasty civil and military, all envied Zhao Qi for winning Wang’s favor.

But the only one was very calm.

That is Meng Yi.

“Envy and go.”

“But waiting for grace is beyond the reach of ordinary courtiers.”

Because “Zhao Qi is the son of the king, and I am the true eldest son of Da Qin.

Wait until “the moment the king and the prince recognize each other, it is the moment when the prince becomes the prince.”

“At that time, I’m really looking forward to your expressions.”

“But until that day, no matter how you want to stop it, it will be impossible.” Meng Yi smiled in his heart, looking forward to this day very much.

In this time.

Zhao Qi will rise step by step.

At the same time, the Meng family will also develop greater strength and more supporters for Zhao Qi.

Wang scissors, frame work.

They will all belong to Zhao Qi’s secret supporters.

Wait until the day in the future.

The day when the millions of elites in Daqin were under the control of Zhao Qi, even if someone dared to stop it, it would be a dead end, and in terms of etiquette, winning politics would dominate everything.

Dominate the world, the prestige of one emperor through the ages.

Nothing can suppress winning politics anymore.

His eyes turned.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

One by one the maids brought in the cooked meals.

When Yingzheng comes back, everything has been arranged.

And in the temple.

Li Yan’er was already there with the two children.

However, compared to the familiarity of the two children, Li Yan’er is a little more cautious. Now she is in the most prestigious place in Da Qin, and it is also the place of the supreme kingship.

She couldn’t even come to such a place as she wanted to.

And because of her husband, she not only became the general’s wife, but also received the favor of the current king.

Now she doesn’t know how many women admire it.


“I’m not used to it.”

As soon as Ying Zheng walked in, she looked at Ma’er Li, who was somewhat restrained.

“The minister’s wife, see the king.” Li Yan’er immediately stood up and bowed to Yingzheng.

“You don’t need to be cautious here, you look at your Zhao Qi and you are very relaxed.

Ying Zheng smiled, Yu Guang looked at Zhao Qi who walked in behind him.

There is no restraint in the court, and the whole person is very relaxed.


Zhao Qi smiled and shouted as soon as she saw Ma’er Li.

“elder brother.”

Li Yan smiled immediately and yelled sweetly.



The two little guys also ran over quickly, shouting obediently and politely.

“Do you want Aye?”

Ying Zheng held one in one hand and asked lovingly.


The two little guys replied very well-behaved.

Really good”.

Winning smiled with enjoyment.

Then he turned his head to Zhao Qi and said, “Sit down. Today, we will have a meal with our family and let you practice.”

For the words of winning politics.

Zhao Qi is not surprised.

Because Zhao Qi has heard this more than once in this period of time. In Zhao Qi’s mind, perhaps Yingzheng really regards his two children as grandchildren.

This is a good thing.

“Yan’er, sit down.”

Zhao Qi was not polite, and took Li Yan’er to sit down.

While Ying Zheng was sitting in the main seat, the two little guys, one on the left and the other, were affectionately attached to the victory.

After seated.

“What are you guys still waiting for?”

“Will forget worry for the widow?”

After Ying Zheng sat down, he confronted Zhao Qi angrily.

“How did you know that I brought it?” Zhao Qi said silently.

“Your kid is a treasure chest.” Ying Zheng said irritably.


Zhao Qi smiled, taking one from the waist in his arms.

A hip flask was in his hand.

Then directly filled Ying Zheng and himself.

“Daddy, Aye.

“What’s your good drink?”

“I also want to drink.

Zhao Yuqi asked very curiously.

Zhao Xi also blinked his eyes, full of expectation.

“This kid can’t drink.

“You can drink it when you grow up.” Yingzheng said gently.

“Oh well.

The two siblings were a little disappointed.

Seeing my father and Aye drinking so much with gusto, I was naturally very curious.

“Widow” I heard that you practiced a battle formation under your army, which can be offensive and defensive. You used the power of that battle formation to break through Handan. What is the difference between that battle formation? Compared to the battle formation that Daqin originally practiced. ?” Ying Zheng asked curiously while drinking wine.

“This battle formation is a battle formation studied by the minister himself, and it has indeed improved the combat power of the army, but this battle formation has a problem.” Zhao smiled and said.

“What problem?” Ying Zheng asked curiously.

“Only by my own training can I learn. If there is no leader in my main formation, this battle formation can’t be used.” Zhao Qi said frankly.

“Boy, you’re talking and laughing with the widow again. Is it possible that the battle depends on the people?” Ying Zheng said in an angry voice.

“Majesty, this minister really hasn’t bluffed you. How about someday you send the generals from the other big camps to our military high school to see if they can teach them back.” Zhao Qi smiled.

The way of battle.

It was originally not a product of this world, and Zhao Qi’s refining war weapon “Jiangxin” is the core of the battle formation.

It won’t work without Zhao Qi’s personal training.

It is equivalent to having the heart of the generals as the mainstay, forming a core of the formation, allowing the military’s combat power to be integrated.

“The widow really wants to send someone to try to see if it’s really that amazing.” Ying Zheng laughed.

Of course.

He also saw what Zhao Qi looked like. He was telling the truth, not fake.

“What the kid said is really so magical? The battle formation depends on people to practice?”

“How many secrets this kid still hides, Laozi can’t see through it either.” Winning thought strangely in his heart.

“What do you think about returning to Zhao Di?” Ying Zheng asked again after taking a bite of meat.

“Stabilize Zhao Jing and wait for the opportunity to destroy Wei.

“However, with my legion camp not enough, although Wei’s national strength is weaker than Zhao’s, there are hundreds of thousands of troops. Even though the envoys of the three kingdoms of Qi, Chuyan and Qi were shocked in the court today, if my Great Qin attacked Wei, they would definitely Will not sit back and watch.

“After all, adbc is cold. If we can’t destroy Wei in a short time, the Three Kingdoms will definitely send troops.

Zhao Qi said solemnly.

“If you are allowed to lead the eradication of Wei, which barracks do you need to send troops?” Ying Zheng asked Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi looked at Winning in a slightly different mirror.

“Naturally, the Hangu military camp is the best. As long as the king sends an edict, the generals of the dynasty will move eastward from the Hangu camp, and the ministers will attack from the south from Zhao Di. If the two groups are encircled, they will surely attack the State of Wei.” Zhao Qi replied.


“A real person gives you authority.”

“After you return to the land of Zhao, if you find the right time and immediately raise your troops to destroy Wei, you need the help of Wang Jianhangu Daying, but you can directly pass the order to him, and the widow will secretly give him a royal edict, as long as you receive you The commander ordered, immediately mobilize troops.” Ying Zheng said to Zhao Qi.

“My lord, are you serious?”

“The minister will directly attack Wei without passing you?” Zhao Qi looked at winning the government with some disbelief.

The authority given by Qin Shihuang is really great.

This is equivalent to directly deploying troops beyond the royal power, and it is an army of six hundred thousand.

Such authority.

In the history of Daqin’s destruction of the Central Plains, only the king could cut it, but in the process of ruling the army, Wang Jian was very good at protecting himself, and repeatedly asked Qin Shihuang for rewards during the expedition. Ying Zheng was assured of his commanding troops. After all, one person commanded an army of 600,000, and the consequences would be disastrous if he turned and betrayed.

And now Qin Shihuang is so casually handing over the two big camps, the 600,000 army, to himself, and giving himself the right to start the eradication of Wei at any time.

This honor, this trust.

Who in the Great Qin Dynasty can get it now?

“Boy, are you all surprised at the trust of widows?”

“No way, who told you to be Laozi’s son? Everything that Laozi hits now will be yours in the future.

Seeing the incredible on Zhao Qi’s face, Ying Zheng smiled in his heart.

It seems to be able to see Zhao Qi’s astonishment as a kind of enjoyment.

“The words of the widow have already been said, so it is natural to say everything.” Ying Zheng smiled.

“The minister will never fail the trust of the king. After the minister returns to Zhao, as soon as the time comes, the minister will immediately mobilize troops to destroy Wei.” Zhao Qi immediately clasped his fists in his hands and said with a serious expression on his face.

Destroy Wei.

It’s another moment of great feat.

The power of killing the king.

It is an opportunity to gain countless experience points.

Improve strength.Zhao Qi will never miss this.

Wait after Wei is destroyed.

Qi Chuyan, and the Three Kingdoms.

They are both Zhao Qi’s targets.

When the remaining countries are truly destroyed, with this feat, how can they be named Chehou?


The authority should be able to surpass the general.

To that position.

Even if the king wants to deal with himself, he has to weigh and weigh. Of course, from the current attitude of Qin Shihuang to himself, it is estimated that as long as he does not raise arms, nothing will happen.

Real people “trust you.

Ying Zheng also nodded solemnly, his eyes full of trust.

“If you don’t trust your son, who else do you trust?” Ying Zheng secretly asked.

“Thank you for your trust.” Zhao Qi smiled and returned to his freedom.


“You are the first contributor to kill Han and kill Zhao. When you kill Wei, thousands of people believe that you will still bring victory.” Yingzheng laughed and raised his glass.

Zhao Qi was not polite and raised his glass to touch Ying Zheng’s glass.

Then the two drank it.

“The King.”

“I’m going back to Zhao’s land, too.”

“Mom is unaccompanied in Xianyang. When the time comes, the minister will trouble the king’s helpers to take care of her.”

“In this world, apart from my mother who has passed away, their mothers are the most important people in this life.”

After three rounds of drinking, Zhao was a little drunk facing Yingzheng Dao.

“Do not worry.”

“Their mothers, the widows will take good care of them.” Ying Zheng said solemnly.

If your daughter-in-law and your grandson can’t protect them, it’s a joke.

Actually Zhao Qi didn’t know.

In General Xianyang’s mansion, among the thousands of servants, there are not only servants, but also many hidden black ice platform spies. Their existence is not to guard against Zhao Qi, but to protect Zhao Qi’s family.

If someone really wants to hurt Li Ma’er and the others, those spies will immediately take action.

“Thank you, King.

The king “Zhao Qi will always remember the kindness to Zhao Qi.” Zhao said gratefully.

Looking at Zhao Qi like this, Ying Zheng’s heart is also very relieved.

His own son values ​​love and righteousness.


“What do you think of your father?”

As Yingzheng’s voice changed, he asked seemingly casually.

But I was very nervous in my heart, even if I was a little drunk at the moment, winning the government was also unusually sober.

He wants to know what Zhao Qi thinks of himself in his heart, whether it is really impossible to reconcile.

Even if I knew that I was not deliberate at the beginning, but was forced to helplessly.

“Speak the truth.

“Chen was brought up by his mother since he was born, and he is completely unfamiliar with his father.”

“I have never seen him when I grow up so much.”

“Although I have hatred in my heart.

“But I can see from my mother that she has a deep friendship with her father, and it seems that she was forced to leave her father’s side in the first place because of helplessness.”

“But every time I ask her, she doesn’t tell me.”


“It’s really as I thought. My father really had to leave me and my mother. When I asked it in person, it was the answer I thought in my heart. Maybe I will forgive him.”

Zhao said in a drunken state.

He has never said this kind of hidden words to anyone, but today I don’t know why. Facing Qin Shihuang’s question, Zhao Qi may have said everything in his heart when he was drunk.

Hear what Zhao Qi said.

There was an unspeakable excitement between Ying Zheng’s eyebrows and a joy in his eyes.

“Qi Er.”

“What you think is true. At first, my father didn’t want to leave your mother and child. At first, your mother left to protect your father. At that time, your father was incompetent and could not protect you.”

“But it’s different now.”

“Father can protect you, as well as my grandson.”

Yingzheng was extremely excited at the moment, because he untied his heart knot.

There is no fear of winning the government for the recognition of the domination of the world.

He was afraid that Zhao Qi would never forget the hate, and now that Zhao Qi said, as long as he explained the original things clearly, Zhao Qi would also be relieved.

“One day, you will find your father and get the answer you want.” Ying Zheng said sternly.

“Haha, the minister also believes it.”

“Chen believes that my mother will not misunderstand people.” Zhao Qi also laughed.

The two of them were talking heart-to-heart, and the two little guys were eating food, but the only one was sober, and that was Li Yan’er.

She looked at her brother.

Looking at the winning politics in front of me, especially the nervousness when asking the question, Li Yan’er saw everything in her eyes, and there was a kind of thought in her eyes, and she seemed to think of something.

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