Chapter 137 Zhao Qi’s Anger

The next day.

The North will open.

The hundreds of civil and military officials of Da Qin walked into the Palace of King Qin in an orderly manner.

Zhao Qi is among them.


Of the five generals of Daqin, only Zhao Qi remained in Yang, but Zhao Qi would also return to Zhao’s land a few days later, starting preparations to destroy Wei.

And today.

It was Zhao Qi’s last meeting before leaving.

Standing at the head of the military minister, wearing a Daqin official gown.

On the left is Sangbang Wang Shuo.

Being able to become an admiral at such a young age and standing at the head of the military ministers is enough to show the glory of Zhao Qi.

Shang Dynasty today.

Many people looked at Zhao Qi in awe.

Following the Daqin civil and military orderly entered the palace.

Zhao Gao’s voice came from the high position in the hall: “The king enters the hall, and the officials welcome him.”

“For ministers, see the king.

“May the Great King Wannian and the Great Qin Wannian.”

The civil and military men of the Manchu dynasty held the dynasty and bowed to the high position.

Inside and outside the hall are the voices of the mountains.

Under the voice of this mountain.

Wearing a mian gown, Ying Zheng, with a Qin Wang sword on his waist, walked out with a majesty that overwhelms the world.

As soon as he came.

The power made the civil and military in the whole hall feel it.

Ying Zheng walked to the throne, looked down at the civil and military in the hall, and then raised his hand: “Flat.

“The minister waits for King Xie.”

All the ministers said in unison,

Began to take seats in an orderly manner.

The dynasty in this era is not like a foreign dynasty in later generations.

A slave who needs to kneel down and bend his knees before the meeting.

In this era, the rituals are perfect. If it were not for sacrifices, the courtiers would not kneel at all.

“This is the real domineering face of Qin Shihuang.”

“When I am alone, it really treats me a lot.”

“The king is so powerful, so be it.

Zhao Qi Yu Guang looked at the mighty Qin Shihuang and exclaimed in his heart.

If you have never seen the majestic moment of Qin Shihuang, you may not have such a contrasting feeling.

“This kid.”

Yingzheng Yu Guang looked at Zhao, the head of the military minister, and seemed to see a sudden look on Zhao Qi’s face. He also smiled in his heart.

However, thinking that Zhao Qi will leave Xianyang in one or two days and return to Zhao’s land, he still feels reluctant to win the government.

After finally knowing the existence of his son, Ying Zheng wanted to make up for the relationship as much as possible.


Fortunately, Zhao already has a child, and he can also cultivate a good relationship between his two grandchildren. This is not about power, but about true affection.

Even if it was Ying Zheng, he didn’t want this rare family relationship to deteriorate.

“With the original memorial, there is no such thing to retreat to the court.

Zhao Gao yelled loudly.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“The minister has this play.”

Wang Shu stood up and said loudly.


Ying Zheng looked at Wang Shu.

“Han Jing Dading is completely under the control of Daqin.

“Master Feng Quji has left Han Jing to manage Zhao Jing’s government affairs.

“Nowadays, Master Feng Quji has made arrangements for everything in the Korean border. Government affairs and taxation in the Korean border have all contacted Xianyang.” Wang Du respectfully started.

“Feng Quji and Han Fei contributed a lot to the stability of the Han border.

“Xiangbang recorded the merits for the two officials.” Yingzheng said calmly.

“The ministers lead the edict.” Wang Shrunk bowed, then took his seat again.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“The minister has this play…”

Zhaohui opened as soon as possible.

There are many officials who stand up and start to play. It is some state affairs that need to be played.

Zhao Qi just watched quietly, bewildered.


He is in control of a large army, and there is really nothing to start.

If there is.

That is, when I first came, I gave Yingzheng a mouthful and dispatched Ren Qi to the army as the chief general. However, Yingzheng had no objection to this matter and readily agreed.

Time passed gradually.The Chaohui has also entered a real state.

But Zhao Qi is really going to fall asleep.

But Zhao Qi didn’t know.

During his sleepy process, the high-ranking Ying Zheng has been secretly observing him.

“This kid.

“I’m really used to it on the battlefield, and I’m so tired in this court.

Looking at Zhao Qi’s performance, winning the government is both good and funny.


Suddenly, Ying Zheng opened his mouth to the court officials: “Well, there is no need to report these trivial matters to the widows. Where are the envoys of the Four Kingdoms?”

“Back to the king.

“The Four Kingdoms and the Four Ministers are now in the side hall waiting for the king to be summoned.” Meng Yi stood up and respectfully enlightened.


Ying Zheng waved his hand.


Meng Yi immediately winked at the guard guard outside the hall.

And at this moment.

Zhao Qi also woke up from the sleepy stage.

“Finally got to the point.”

Qi Chuyan “The Three Kingdoms are trying to force Da Qin to give up attacking Wei, while Wei is a fox and a tiger.”

“Waiting to see the joke.” Zhao Qi smiled from the bottom of his heart, looking forward to the good show this time.


Outside the hall.

Then came four figures dressed in official robes of his country.

It is now the only remaining ministers of the Four Kingdoms in the Central Plains except Daqin.

Wei, Qi, Chu, steam.

When these four envoys entered the temple.

Then he bowed to the high-ranking Ying Zheng: “The foreign minister pays homage to King Qin.”

The envoys of the four countries came at the same time.

It seems that they are all dependent, and they seem to have discussed something in advance, so there is no awe after entering the palace.

“Flat body.”

Ying Zheng glanced at a few people, focused on the envoy of the State of Yan, and then withdrew his gaze.

There are no accidents.

This envoy of the State of Yan can also be regarded as a familiar acquaintance from when he was young, and he used to be Yan Taizi Dan and Yan Dan who were the host of Zhao State.

“Xie Qin Wang.”

The envoys of the four countries stood up, raised their heads, and looked at Ying Zheng in the high position.

“Ying Zheng.”

Yan Dan looked at the tall figure, jealousy flashed in his eyes.

In the past, he was the same as the host in the State of Zhao, and his status was the same. Even at the beginning, his Yan Dan’s status was much higher than that of his winning political leaders. At that time, although Ying Zheng was a proton, he had not yet been crowned prince, and his Yan Dan was. Has been named a prince. But now Ying Zheng is the supreme King of Qin, and Yan Dan is still the prince. He has been the prince for decades.

The gap in status.

It also made Yan Dan very jealous in his heart.

But Yan Dan can only blame his father for being alive.

If his father is not dead, he can only be a prince.

Tonight, “Your envoys from the four countries came to Xianyang to see you, why is it?”

Ying Zheng stared at the four, prestigiously.

Today, “the four foreign ministers came here under the edict of the kings of our four kingdoms to come and discuss the affairs of the Wei state with the Qin king.” Yan Dan stood up with a domineering attitude.

It seems that at the moment his four countries are united, so that he also has a bargaining chip and relying on.

“This Yan Dan is really a fool.

“It’s no wonder that the assassination of King Qin was made in history. King Qin did not stabbing him without mentioning it. By the way, he gave the Da Qin division the prestigious extermination of the Yan, so that the last Qi and Chu have no way to send troops to help.”

“Now I think that the alliance of the four countries will be able to fear Da Qin, and yet he threatens Qin Shihuang with a domineering attitude.”

“This can only be commented on, looking for death.”

Zhao Qi watched this scene calmly, sneer and mockery in his heart.

“What else can we discuss about Wei Guo?”

Ying Zheng glanced coldly.

“In the past few years, Qin has prospered the innocent soldiers, destroyed Han, and destroyed Zhao.

“Now Wei Guo is also under your eyes, Qin State, for the sake of peace in the world, also ask the King Qin to promise that he will stop attacking Wei and not attack Wei.” Yan Dan said righteously.

“Yan Dan.

“Are you joking with real people?”

Ying Zheng was extremely angry and laughed.

This Yan Dan is really as naive as ever.

“What does King Qin mean by this?”

“Could it be that Qin Xing’s helpless soldiers can’t express themselves in the world?” Yan Dan also said a little angrily.

Widow “What do you mean, I still need to explain it to you?”

Yingzheng sneered.


His eyes turned to Zhao Qi.


“You tell the envoys of the countries why Daqin sent troops.

Ying Zheng faced Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi did not hesitate and stood up immediately.


He is good at it.

“I don’t know if you entered Daqin on behalf of He country?”

Zhao Qi stood up and faced Yan Dan flatly.

“Naturally it represents my Dayan entering the Qin Dynasty, seeking justice for Wei and a promise from the King of Qin.”

“If King Qin didn’t give me a reply from the Four Kingdoms today, then my Four Kingdoms would not sit idly by.” Yan Dan said sternly.

“Swallow Prince Dan.”

“If Ben will remember it well.”

“In the beginning, Zhao attacked your country of Yan, who continuously sent envoys to my Da Qin for help? Without my Da Qin, would your country of Yan survive?” Zhao Qi sneered and mocked.

“The things of the past have passed. For Qin State’s troops, my Dayan also paid a sufficient price, and Zhao Guo also paid the price for attacking my Dayan that day. This matter has been exposed.” Yan Dan said confidently.

“Is it all right to pay the price?”

Zhao Qi smiled faintly, jokingly: “I am famous for destroying Han and Zhao.

“When the South Korean frontier army was in Daqin to aid your country of Yan, they committed crimes on the territory of Daqin for no reason, and even killed many people on the border of Daqin, so that Zhao Guo could have a chance to destroy your country of Yan.”

“I have no choice but to send troops to attack South Korea in order to save you Yan.

“All of this is to save your Yan Kingdom from being destroyed by Zhao, but when it comes to your mouth, it becomes Wudao Xingbing.”

“Have you forgotten that Da Qin sent troops to you at the request of the State of Yan?”

“It seems.”

“Your country Yan is really unfamiliar with a white-eyed wolf. If you don’t have my Da Qin, you can still survive in your Yan country? If you don’t have my Da Qin, you still have a chance to be here?”

“I had known this, it would be better to let Zhao Guo destroy your Yan Kingdom, and see if you, a man of subjugation, would still be so arrogant.” Zhao Qi ridiculed loudly.


“What the general said is extremely true.”

“At the beginning, Da Qin shouldn’t have sent troops to aid the swallows.

“Deserves his Yan Kingdom to be destroyed.”

“Yan, it’s so ridiculous…”

The civil and military staff in the Great Qin Dynasty laughed tauntingly.

Yan Dan’s face also turned blue in an instant, his original aura was struck by a few words from Zhao Qi, and he instantly became lonely.

“This kid.”

“Good eloquence.”

“Black can also be said to be white.”

Ying Zheng also smiled, looking at Zhao Qi’s gaze very pleased.

The so-called war of annihilation of the country.

The teacher is famous.

It is indeed a key to the battle.

Daqin destroys Han.

Naturally, he also seized the rare opportunity of Zhao Guo attacking Yan, and Yan Guo also asked Daqin to send troops.

As a result, Han was caught off guard and destroyed.


Yan Dan’s face was blue and staring at Zhao Qi: “If you say that Qin State killed Han because of my Yan State, then why do you want to destroy Zhao?”

“Is this also famous for being a teacher?” Yan Dan said angrily.

“Is there no one in your Yan country?”

Zhao Qi glanced at Yan Dan and mocked.

“What do you mean?” Yan Dan’s expression changed, and he felt the insult of this sentence.

“I was ordered by the king to guard the Korean border, Zhao and Wei sent assassins to assassinate, and I almost made Lord Feng Quji, one of the great Qin Jiuqing, and I also killed Huang Quan, don’t you know this?”

“While Ben General and Master Feng are recovering from their wounds, Zhao Weixing has two hundred thousand soldiers and attacked Daqin.”

“Does this mean that the teacher is famous?

“Shi Yan, are you here to explain to Ben General?

“Are they famous for their divisions? Are they well-sinced soldiers?”

Zhao Qi said to Yan Dan ironically.


Yan Dan was a little at a loss after being tolerated by Zhao Qi repeatedly.

He didn’t expect Zhao Qi to have such sharp teeth.

He looked at the other envoys of the three countries around him, all of them bowed their heads and remained silent.


“Ben will tell you.”

“Zhao Wei attacked my Da Qin, violating my Da Qin Tianwei.”

“If it hadn’t been for my Da Qin Ruishi desperately to fight back, Zhao Wei would have invaded my Da Qin territory.”

“When I defeated Zhao and attacked Wei from the Great Qin Dynasty, everything is as it should be.

“If your country Yan wants to send troops to assist Wei, then I will be accompanied by Qin.”

“And you, Chu, and Qi. If you want to send troops to assist Wei, Da Qin will still accompany you.”


“Once your three countries dare to send troops to assist Wei, then you will be an enemy of Da Qin.”

“Even if Daqin sends troops to attack you in the future, I will be famous for it.

Zhao Qi sneered and scolded Yan Dan and the other three countries’ envoys.

The words fell off.The faces of the envoys of the four countries turned pale.

Especially the envoy of the State of Wei, hearing the meaning in Zhao Qi’s words, Da Qin had no obstacles in destroying the State of Wei, and he was completely nailed.

The faces of the envoys of the other three countries were also very ugly.

He heard what Zhao said clearly, if they dared to send troops to assist Wei, then they would be an enemy of Da Qin. In the future, Da Qin will be famous for his country to attack them.

For this plain threat, they had no other choice but to fear in the bottom of their hearts.

After all, Daqin’s national power is now the world’s top, no matter which country’s national strength is inferior to Daqin.

To be an enemy of a single country against Da Qin is tantamount to looking for death.

“This is the envoy of the nations.”

“Extremely ridiculous.”

“I actually want to threaten Da Qin, a joke.

“The general said this is a good move.”

“My great Qin eradicated Han and Zhao, all of whom are famous and learned from all over the world.”

“Even if Wei is destroyed in the future, he is also famous for being a teacher…”

Manchu Qin Wenwu looked at the decadence of the envoys of the Four Kingdoms, and burst into laughter all at once.

National prestige shows.

Da Qin Tianwei, Da Qin minister, bent so proud.

It’s been a long time.

After Yan Dan calmed down, he gave Zhao Qi an angry and unwilling look.


He looked at the winning government in the high position again: “King Qin, is the hatred between Qin and Wei really irreparable?”

Wei Guo “In the past, it was because of Zhao Guo’s instigation to attack Qin with troops. Now Zhao Guo has been destroyed, and he paid the price for attacking Qin. I also asked Qin Wang to spare Wei Guo this time.”

This time.

After being endured so fiercely by Zhao Qi, Yan Dan’s tone was not as aggressive as before, but with a kind of pleading.

“Zhao Qi’s words are the attitude of a widow, my attitude is Da Qin.

My Great Qin will destroy the State of Wei.

Ying Zheng said coldly, with undoubted domineering in his words.

This time the envoys of the Four Kingdoms came here to force Da Qin to give up the attack on Wei and obtain Da Qin’s promise.

As long as the win is agreed.

After the envoys of the four kingdoms leave, the world will inevitably spread that Da Qin will give up attacking Wei. If Da Qin rises up again, the division will be unknown, and they will send troops again (the king’s good) to support the three kingdoms, as it should be.

This is the invisible game between countries.

after all.

If Wei Guo was destroyed by Da Qin.

They will also have a kind of cold lips and teeth. After Daqin annexed the Three Jins, they would definitely act on them.

“Ying Zheng.”

Seeing that Yingzheng was like this, Yan Dan was full of hatred in his heart because he didn’t show any face to his childhood friend.


If Ying Zheng knows what he is thinking, I am afraid that Yan Dan is too naive.

In the game between nations, wars and slaughter, fighting is fate.

What is his face?

“King Qin is here.”

“In the old days… the reason why we sent troops to attack Qin in the old days was because of Zhao’s instigation.”

“We are weak in Wei, and Zhao is strong. We dare not disobey Zhao’s orders at all.

“The foreign minister urged King Qin to disarm us, Wei, and I, Wei, is willing to pay all the price.”

“Ceding the city and losing gold and silver, I, Wei Guo, are willing.”

“Just begging King Qin to be willing to strike me Wei Guo…

The envoy of the State of Wei could hardly kneel on the ground, his face was pale, and he pleaded very helplessly.

This kind of humble appearance.

It confirmed a little.

Weak countries have no diplomacy.

However, Ying Zhengxin is ruling the world, how can there be any waves, and he glanced at the envoys of the four countries: “If nothing happens, see off the guests.”

“The king has an edict.

“Envoys of the Four Kingdoms, leave the temple.”

Zhao Gao hissed.

The chase order was issued directly.

Looked at winning politics like this.

The envoys of Qi Chuyan and the Three Kingdoms were all annoyed and unwilling.

As for the envoy of Wei State, it was difficult to kneel on the ground, full of powerlessness.

This time they came fiercely, and they were going to force Da Qin to retreat, but in the end it was still like this, they could not play a role in swaying Da Qin’s decision.

“Weak countries have no diplomacy.”

No matter “this is the case in all ages.”

Zhao Qi looked at this scene, and thought very much in his heart.

And at this moment.

Xin Sheng walked into the hall with dozens of guards and encircled the envoys of the four countries.

“The king has ordered Li.

“Everyone, please leave.

Xin Sheng said coldly.

PS: I am grateful if I ask for a monthly pass.

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