Chapter 113 If I am Targeted by the Crown

“This time my Daqin Lantian Camp and Hangu Camp have a total force of 600,000.”

“And I have more than 100,000 troops under my command, with a strength of close to one million.

“Indeed, your Li Mu is very capable, based on the generation of the city, with two-winged cavalry, 300,000 troops are enough to fight with my Da Qin army, if my Da Qin attacked.”

“The casualties on both sides will inevitably be more than one hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, or even three hundred thousand.

“You also know that this battle is bound to be defeated.”

“But you look at the General Zhao Jun in the city behind you, and then look at the great Qin Ruishi behind me.

“They are also human beings. They are also raised by their fathers and mothers. They are like us, flesh and blood, with seven emotions and six desires.”

“They are even more of our Yanhuang and Huang ethnic groups. We have the same roots and belong to the same family.”

“If this battle were to start, it would be a bloody battle. Hundreds of thousands of living creatures will be destroyed by you, and my Yanhuangqingzhuang will also be destroyed by hundreds of thousands. In the future, the foreign races will condense and overthrow the Yanhuang of the Central Plains. , Towards destruction, is this what you want to see?

“In the future, my Yanhuang ethnic group will live under alien humiliation and bullying. Is this what you want to see?

“Li Mu.

“Perhaps you have loyalty in your heart and the righteousness of being a minister, but do you know the righteousness of the ethnic group?”

One country, one household, personal honor and disgrace, how can it compare with the safety of the ethnic group?

“When Han was destroyed in the past, Han Fei only wanted to die in order to serve the country, in the name of full loyalty, but he learned that the Yanhuang tribe was the only one, and the Yanhuang tribe was in danger. They live in one family and one family, but face my Yan and Huang clan.

Han Fei “If you can do it, don’t you live on the border, and you know the dangers of foreign races can’t do it?”

This “Fangzhongyuan land has been divided for countless years, and wars and wars have been shrouded. My Yanhuang clan has suffered countless wars and nobles, ignoring the suffering of the people of Li, and living with flesh and blood. Those kings who are born noble are even more dedicated. One’s own selfish desires, how can the life and death of the people in the world be controlled?

“This world has been divided for so many years, and it’s time to end.”

“Only Da Qin can put an end to this troubled world, determine the nations, and bring the world into one. My Yanhuang and Huang clan will have no wars and will enjoy peace forever.”

“Under the peace and peace of my Yanhuang clan, one door, why is it true? For those corrupt and powerful? For those kings who don’t care about the life and death of the people? Why bother?”

“When Han was destroyed, King Han abandoned the whole city, and even abandoned his ministers and fled.

“When I broke Handan, King Zhao, whom you were loyal to, even his prince and his own son were abandoned.”

“After I broke Lianpo, I besieged your loyal King Zhao, do you know?”

“In order to survive, he was even willing to cede all Zhao’s land to me, only begging me to let him go.”

“This is the king you are loyal to, the king who can abandon everything in order to survive.

“Furthermore, you, as the generation born in the land, did the Zhao kings of the past give you real equal treatment? Have you given your generation the kindness of the real Zhao people?”

“It is not worth it to die for Zhao, but to surrender for the righteousness of the ethnic group is the real righteousness.

“The purpose of telling you today is to persuade you to surrender, for the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers under your command, for the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, and for the sake of our Yanhuang and Huang to retain the strength to deal with the troubles of foreign races in the future.”

“I can say it all.”

“I won’t say more.

“I’ll give you half an hour.”

03 “If you don’t stop after half an hour, then assume that I haven’t said it.”

“The king’s fate is hard to violate, and the dominance of the world is the general trend and cannot be violated.Zhao Qi said in a deep voice, every sentence was like a thunder sound, hitting Li Mu’s heart and even his soul.

After speaking.

Zhao didn’t waste any more time.

Got up from his seat.

Turned around and walked towards the blood tiger.

However, Li Mu sat on the seat with a complicated expression. Looking at his trembling body, it was obvious that he was in infinite struggle and psychological struggle at the moment.

The city is closed.

Li Mu’s general watched quietly. They were too far apart. They didn’t know what their general said to Zhao Qi, but it was certain that Zhao Qi absolutely said something, leaving Li Mu still sitting on the spot.

But before the Great Qin Army.

Above the two tanks.

Wang Jian and Heng’s eyes became disappointed.

“After all, it failed.

“It would be great if we could avoid this battle with hundreds of thousands of losses.”


“Li Mu is a hero of the State of Zhao, and he is also a diehard of the State of Zhao. It is almost impossible to attack him and persuade him to surrender.”

The two thoughts of disappointment in their hearts.

But at the moment when Zhao Qi was about to turn over to the blood tiger and drive away.

Li Mu, who had been sitting without making a sound, spoke up.


“You have said a lot, and you are right.”

“The kings of Zhao in the past have never been kind to our generation, and Zhao Chaotang has also suppressed my generation, and even taxation is 10% more than that of the people of Zhao.”

“It is indeed not worth it to serve such a king.

“And as you said, there are 300,000 troops behind me, and your Qin Army has more than 700,000. Even if I have a perfect arrangement, I will lose in this battle. The two armies are fighting, this generation of land, this generation of cities will change. A sea of ​​corpses and blood.”

Even “Qin Jun will exhaust all the land under his anger.

“In this battle, the war of my family and the same room will consume the power of my family. It is unnecessary.”

“Also just as you said.

“This world has been divided for countless years. The war has continued in my clan. Tens of thousands, or even more, have been celebrating the lives of these countless years of war. For every Yan and Huang clan, what they long for is not war. It’s tranquility, it’s peace and peace.”

“Qin, it is indeed the only country in the world that determines all countries and rules the world.”


At this point, Li Mu raised his head and stared at Zhao Qi, with a question in his eyes: “Qin’s laws are strict, and the military merit system lies in the way of war, making Qin people yearn for war. If Japan and Qin dominate the world, Qin will dominate the world. Do you treat the Yanhuang and Huang ethnic groups equally in the world?”

“You said a lot.”

“The kingdoms under the world are divided, but they are all one race, but for so many years, even if they belong to the same race, they have hated each other, and all the countries have regarded themselves as the people of the other countries.”

“After Qin got the world.”

Qin State “How would the old Qin people treat the Yanhuang and Huang clan in all countries equally?””This, can you guarantee it?”

Li Mu asked in a deep voice, with a firm inquiry in his voice.

He waited for Zhao Qi’s answer.

If Zhao Qi answered well, maybe this bloody war of the same race that shouldn’t have happened will not happen, and hundreds of thousands of Yanhuang Erlang will not die in the bloody battle of cannibalism.

But if the answer is wrong and Li Mu is disappointed, this bloody battle is inevitable.

“I can promise.”

“The future world, the future Yanhuang, will definitely treat the Yanhuang tribe in the same way. There will no longer be any division of nations between the world, and there will no longer be any division of nations, and there will only be the Yanhuang tribe in the future.”

Zhao Qi said in a deep voice, with identification in his voice.

“You are only a courtier of the State of Qin, can you represent King Qin?”

“Although you are now in a high position, but under the kingship, as long as you anger the King Qin in the future, the kingship can instantly wipe you out. All your power and all your honors will be reduced to ashes.” Li Mu said in a deep voice. road.

“If there really is that day, do you think I am the kind of person who sits and waits to die?”

Zhao Qi stared at Li Mu and said with a deep meaning.

Heard this.

Li Mu’s eyes widened, looking at Zhao Qi in an incredible way.

After a long time.

“You don’t even have any respect for the king’s power?” Li Mu said differently.

“Respect, maybe there is it, but it’s not a complete respect.”

“I admit that everything I have today comes from Thailand, but everything I get is obtained under the framework of Qin Fa, because of my achievements in combat, not the real reward of King Qin.”

“I can’t do the so-called king let the minister die, the minister has to die.”

“If King Qin wanted my life, I would never give it to him. On the contrary, I would turn against him.” Zhao Qi stared at Li Mu and said something that he had never said to his men.

Of course.

For Li Mu to say this, there is no problem at all, because he is still an enemy at the moment, he can’t tell the secret, even if he tells the secret, no one will believe it.

These words.

This is what Zhao Qi told Li Mu.


Perhaps the State of Qin will not treat the people of the other six countries equally, and this is true in history.

The first emperor of Qin gave the people of the six countries not the real grace, but the old Qin people.

This also resulted in the rebellion of the Six Kingdoms after the death of Qin Shihuang, and finally the huge Qin Kingdom fell apart.


Zhao Qi cannot guarantee that in the future, Qin will treat all Yanhuang and Huanghuang equally, but he can guarantee that the future will inevitably be Yanhuang and Huang, and treat them equally, without any distinction between different countries.

Because if Qin Shihuang really falls, Zhao Qi will take advantage of the situation and take control of the world.

This is Zhao Qi’s ambition.

He will never surrender to the incompetent king.Those sons of Qin Shihuang were not worthy.

Zhao Qi, who is like the world, must treat him equally.

Hear what Zhao Qi said.

Li Mu didn’t expect it at all, and was surprised by Zhao Qi. He looked at Zhao Qi incredible.

“Before I saw you, I thought you were a person who was in awe of King Qin’s authority. Otherwise, King Qin would never grant you such authority, but after hearing your words, my impression of you has changed.”

“You are a crazy person, a crazy person that has never been seen in this world.” Li Mu said in a deep voice, with a complex expression in his eyes.

Obviously the words Zhao Qi said today, the righteousness of the same family, and even the kingship, have a great impact on him.

“Perhaps crazy.”

“But in this world, it’s just to live better.


“I cannot guarantee that King Qin will treat the Yanxia and Huang people equally, but I will try my best to make him treat the whole world equally. King Qin is a man of great talent and strategy, and he will never be limited to his views.

“The governance of the Korean realm is now treated like my Qin State, and even when the soldiers are dealt with, the original Han realm soldiers have all been put under our army, and they have become my great Qin elites. Give the original changes brought about by the treatment of the soldiers.” Zhao Qi said slowly.

“If I am willing to surrender, can you guarantee that King Qin will not let go of the grind and kill the donkey? Will not settle accounts with my subordinates, Qiuhou?” Li Mu asked, staring at Zhao.

Zhao Danran met Li Mu’s gaze, and his four eyes met: “I can promise, and if you surrender, you will save my Yanhuang and Huang clan from fighting and fighting bloody battles in the same room. Not only can I guarantee that King Qin will not shed light on the donkey, but also know how to surrender. Let you continue to command the 300,000 troops of this generation and sit on the border of this generation to guard against alien races.”

“Really?” Li Mu said with excitement in his voice.

If you can still command 300,000 troops and garrison the generations, this will not only prevent the donkeys from being unloaded, but also the peace of mind for Li Mu and all the generations.

“This is my Zhao Qi’s promise.” Zhao said firmly.

“Do you have any other requirements?”

“As far as the king is concerned, you can’t manipulate it.” Li Mu didn’t believe it.

“My promise will not change. For the sake of the righteousness of the same clan, and for the sake of the same clan to avoid war, it is incumbent on me Zhao Qi.”

But again, I also have one condition. “Zhao smiled slightly.

“What conditions?”

Li Mu asked immediately.

Such kind treatment, if there are no conditions, Li Mu would naturally be a little disbelief.

“If one day, the kingship wants to deal with me, I want you to lead the 300,000 army to serve me and help me against the kingship.” Zhao suppressed Qi’s voice, with a serious voice.

“Are you serious?” Li Mu asked sternly.

“If you are not serious, why should I say this?”

“All this is for the future. I must plan ahead. Only I can control my life.” Zhao Qi said in a deep voice, with a domineering voice.

Li Mu was immersed for a moment.

Finally nodded: “Zhao Qi, I finally understand why Han Fei’s kind of weird talents are willing to surrender to Qin, and you also moved me.”

“You talk a lot, the survival of the same clan is compared to a door, for the so-called rotten kingship, what is it?”

“Under the bloody battle, the lives of hundreds of thousands of young and strong soldiers of my clan are wasted. If I let a foreign race know about it, I will laugh at it, and if it is my personal selfishness that I will kill hundreds of thousands of generations, it is me. It’s a crime.”

“You promised me, and likewise, I promised you.”

“I am willing to surrender, but not to be afraid of Qin, but to avoid fighting among the same clan and to preserve the strength of my clan. Similarly, if you really have the day when you are targeted by the king, I, Li Mu, will do my best. Wan Dajun will help you.”

“Similarly, this is my Li Mu’s promise to you.” Li Mu said to Zhao Qi sternly.


He stretched out his hand directly to Zhao Qi.


“I accept your promise.”

Zhao Qi smiled, directly raised his hand, and gave Li Mu a direct high-five.

At this moment.

On behalf of the city.

Even the army formation of the Great Qin Ruishi.

Everyone saw the moment when Zhao Qi and Li Mu had high-five, it seemed that they had reached an oath.

“Does the general surrender to Qin?”

“What the hell is going on?”

“Why is General Qin able to impress the general?”

Li Mu’s generals at the city pass were surprised and puzzled.

And in the Daqin army.

Watching Zhao Qi and Li Mu high-five for a moment.

Everyone’s expressions changed.

“Zhao Qi, it really succeeded.”

“Li Mu, are you really willing to surrender?”

“If this is the case, then I, Da Qin, will be spared the scourge of swordsmen and soldiers fighting Li Mu, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers can be prevented from perishing.

Wang Jian and Heng Di looked at each other, both with a kind of surprise.

“You go back to the city to explain the situation, I will also go back to Wang Qiang, Huan He and the others, but I am sure they will agree.” Zhao Qi said with a smile.

“I believe you.” Li Mu laughed loudly.


The crux in his heart has been solved, and Li Mu is no longer helpless like the rain and the rain before.

“After an hour.

“Meet here again.”

Zhao Qi smiled, turned around, and drove the blood tiger towards the main formation.

And Li Mu stared at Zhao Qi’s back and muttered to himself: “Qin, I really gave birth to a person, but this class of outstanding people can only be managed by the current King Qin. He only serves the King Qin, but like the next generation of King Qin. Without courage, he will certainly not be reconciled, and he has no such awe of kingship at all.”

“If the future is targeted by the king’s power, I must help with 300,000 troops. If there is such a future, then how can Li Mu dare not give up my life to accompany you? It is your promise today and the promise of the people of Yan and Huang who treat you equally. .


Li Mu recovered.

Back on the horse.

Galloped quickly into the city.

Until Li Muyi enters the city.

The generals on the city pass immediately surrounded them.


“Did you just reach an agreement with Zhao Qi but failed?”

“Does our army want to surrender to Qin State?”

“General, can’t we betray Great Zhao?”

As soon as Li Mu came back, he was immediately surrounded by a group of Zhao generals, and everyone eagerly wanted to know the situation.

“In order to avoid being overwhelmed, for the survival of 300,000 soldiers on our behalf.

“I have accepted Zhao Qi’s conditions and surrendered to Qin to avoid the disaster of war.”

Li Mu looked at the people in front of him and said slowly.

The words fell off.

Some generals breathed a sigh of relief, but some generals were full of anger.

“Li Mu, do you know what you are talking about?”

“You are treason.”

“You surrender to the State of Qin and deceive the emperor, how do you deserve to be Zhao Chen?”

Several generals pointed at Li Mu’s nose and cursed.

They had fled from all over the country of Zhao, and they were also the real people of Zhao. Originally thinking that Li Mu and Qin would fight to death, they could still protect themselves, but now that Li Mu surrendered, how could they wish?

“The country has fallen and you abandon the city and fled, how do you deserve to be Zhao Chen?”

“Besides, did you people treat us as Zhao people in the past?” Li Mu gave a cold glance.


Seeing Li Mu’s indifferent gaze, several generals who scolded suddenly panicked.

“Take them all down.

“Go to jail.

Li Mu is not vague.

In this generation of land, in this generation of land under the command of the army, he is the only one in charge, and the whole army is convinced.


Upon hearing the general’s order, the generals rushed forward and directly took down the noisy generals, and then pressed them down the city gate.


“Have you really decided to surrender to Qin State?”

Many generals under Li Mu looked at and asked.

“I just thought about it for a long time. After all, this battle will be defeated.”

“Qin’s attack, even if all of us were killed? It would cost me 300,000 soldiers for nothing, and at most it would bring the same casualties to the Qin army, but what about this?”

“Zhao is dead, King Zhao is dead, and all the royal clan of Zhao is captured by Qin.””If this battle again has such a hatred with Qin, millions of people will become purgatory from generation to generation.”

“I don’t want to see this scene.”

“And… Zhao Qi’s words touched me.

“We were originally from the Yan and Huang clan, and we were in the same room. Were we ridiculed by the foreign race?” Li Mu said in a daze.


Surrendering to the Qin Congress will make him bear infamy, but instead of avoiding hundreds of thousands of casualties and avoiding generations to become a purgatory on earth, how about he alone in infamy?

It’s totally worth it.

“But if we surrender, how would they treat the general? How would they treat us?”

“If you kill the donkey, you will settle accounts after Autumn 587.”

“We will no longer have the power to backhand.” A general said solemnly.

“Zhao Qi has agreed to this general. As long as I surrender to Qin, this generation will still be guarded by this general. The 300,000 army will not disrupt the generation and still guard the generation.” Li Mu said in a deep voice.

As for the agreement with Zhao Qi, he naturally wouldn’t say much.

This agreement is his secret with Zhao Qi.

If it’s not that day.

Li Mu will never reveal a single cent.

“So, then surrendering to Qin is also a good thing.”

“General, the general dare not deceive.”

“Qin State is already a must-win situation. The soldiers are also human, and they are also afraid of death. Your ability to make this decision is a good thing for 300,000 soldiers, and it is also a good thing for generations.”

“The final general and others thank the general for surviving.

It seems to be to give Li Mu a relief, but also with a kind of gratitude.

The generals around Li Mu bowed to Li Mu.

And at the moment.

Zhao Qi also returned to the front.

Wang Qiang and Heng greeted him immediately, looking forward with expectation: “How?”

“After some persuasion from me, Li Mu is willing to surrender to Daqin, and is willing to go to Xianyang to see the king.

“But there is one condition.”

Zhao Qi has a serious face.

“What conditions?”

“As long as we can avoid the disaster of my Daqin swordsmen and hundreds of thousands of casualties, even if Li Mu is an admiral of the enemy country, he has made great contributions to my Da Qin. This kind of contribution is enough to be an extremely human minister in my Da Qin.” Wang Weng said immediately.

“He still commands the 300,000 generations of the land army, guarding the border for us, Daqin, and guarding against foreign races.”

“This is his only condition.

“And I have agreed to him on behalf of Da Qin.” Zhao Qi said solemnly.


Hearing this condition, Wang Jian and Huanqi looked at each other, and then laughed with excitement.

“Zhao Qi, you have done a great job for my Da Qin again.

“Li Mu is willing to surrender to avoid the disaster of swordsmen and soldiers. This is really a happy event.” The two said with a laugh.

“Li Mu, the two agreed to the conditions?” Zhao Wei was taken aback.

“Li Mu is a general talent. With the king’s love of talent, how can he not reuse it? As for letting Li Mu guard the borders of the generations and guard against foreign races, this is even better. With the courage of the king, wouldn’t it be unwilling? ?”

“Li Mu is willing to surrender to Da Qin. This is the greatest sincerity he has shown to Da Qin. Such sincerity is enough to give everything.”

“Let him command the army, and let him work for Da Qin with peace of mind.”

“As long as the king shows grace, why not worry about Li Mu not coming home?” Wang Jian said with a smile.

As generals who have served Yingzheng for many years, Wang Jian and Huanqi naturally know the temperament of winning the government.

Li Mu is a talent.

If it is really captured by the war, Ying Zheng may also persuade him to surrender.Now Li Mu is not only willing to surrender, but also with 300,000 troops to surrender, so that Da Qin can increase his national strength. Why not?

“It seems I was wrong.” Zhao Qi also pretended to say suddenly.

In the bottom of my heart.

Zhao didn’t know the courage of Qin Shihuang.

Li Mu led the army to surrender, which is a great achievement.

Guarding the land will save the Emperor Qin Shihuang from the disaster of foreign races in the northern border of the land.

Commander only.

As long as it is free from swordsmen and casualties, this is the greatest good thing. As for Li Mu’s army, for the kings of other countries, it may be uneasy, but Qin Shihuang will definitely not, because he has the courage.

“Zhao Qi.

“This time I will definitely tell the great king personally.”

“Ding on behalf of the land is equivalent to Zhao Guoding.

“We only wait for Li Mu to surrender and take control of Daqin’s hands for generations.”

“Zhao Guo is completely destroyed.

Dynasty said with a big smile.


“I will play this work jointly with General Wang Jian.

“If it hadn’t been for your heart attack, Li Mu would never surrender. It would be you who made the first effort.” Huandi also said with a big smile.

This time Zhao Qi was able to persuade Li Mu to surrender alone, which shows Zhao Qi’s courage and wisdom.

For Wang Jian and Huanqi.

Although he didn’t get the power to destroy the land, he avoided the damage and death of the army under his command. It is obvious that Zhao Qi did a great favor to them, and this personal affection is considered to be owed.

“The work of destroying Zhao.”

“System task.”

“It’s done today.”

At the bottom of Zhao Qi’s heart, he is also looking forward to it.

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