Chapter 112 Zhao Qi: They are all of Yan and Huang ethnicity

Inside the Chinese Army Camp.

Everyone surrounded the Zhao State sand table map.

However, the generals of the two camps stood behind Zhao Qi, Wang Qiang, and Huanqi.

The military aircraft at this moment is naturally made by the general.

“Zhao Qi, you must have understood the situation of Daidi after reading the military report we gave you?” Wang Jian said.


Zhao Qi nodded, with the same serious expression: “Li Mu is worthy of the Zhao country veteran and is good at war. This time he has deployed the army to the place, and he only gave me two choices for Da Qin. The first is to pay the price to win the city. Such a price will be higher than 100,000 soldiers killed in battle, and this is only an estimate. The second is the war of attrition, but the countries will definitely help Li Mu. It is not a good thing for Da Qin, and it is difficult to win.”

“Ha ha.”

“Zhao Qi, you deserve it. I can see the dilemma that this battle has brought to Da Qin at a glance.” Wang Fei laughed and praised without concealment.

“In the past month, Wang Jian and I have formed more than a dozen siege attacks. Although our army is well prepared, it still suffers heavy losses. We only wait for our army to attack. Li Mu will stand by on behalf of the city, and the two wings of the cavalry will defend the city. Then we will take advantage of the trend and make a surprise attack, and our Daqin siege army will suffer from the enemy.”

“This battle is too difficult.

“I Daqin can’t have too many casualties, but it can’t be dragged on either.

Li Mu “obviously has fully grasped the shortcomings of my Da Qin.” Huan said immediately.

“Zhao Qi.”

“You can defeat Pang Yuan and Lian Po two veteran fighters from Zhao country one after another. I don’t know what your opinion about this battle?” Wang Qiang looked at Zhao Qi with some expectation and asked.

The same goes for Huan.

At this moment.

They really have no other way.

If any.

That was the final decision of the last two generals, storming Daicheng, and conquering at all costs.

But before the last step, they really don’t want to.

Feel the expectations of the two.

Zhao Qi’s expression remained unchanged, but his expression was thoughtful.

“The key to this battle.”

“It’s not about fighting to the death on the battlefield.” Zhao Qi said solemnly.

“What do you say?” Wang Jian and Huandi both raised their heads and looked at Zhao Qi, full of anticipation for “May 8 Three.”

Judging from this situation, it seems that Zhao Zhenqi has a way to defeat Li Mu.

“This battle.”

“The army is supplemented by deterrence, and attacking the heart is the main thing.”

“Specifically, I can’t say much, but I can be sure that the key to success or failure in this battle lies in attacking the mind.

“I wonder if the two generals believe me?” Zhao Qi raised his head and said confidently.


Wang Qiang, Huan said without hesitation: “As long as you have a way to break Li Mu, you can do anything you want us to do.”

Zhao Qi smiled: “Tomorrow, the whole army will line up, the Israeli army will deter and make a strong offensive move. In addition, I will come to Daicheng to prepare wine and talk with Li Mu before the battle.”


Without any hesitation, Wang Jian directly responded.

As for the safety of Zhao Qi in Daicheng, there is no need to worry about it.

Before the two armies.

Nearly a million troops watched.

If anyone dares to play tricks, they will inevitably be ridiculed by millions of people, whether it is one’s own side or the enemy, it is the same spurned.

Especially when it comes to a high position like an admiral in a country.

The reputation is also very important.

“Dare to ask the general.

“Then if you make a strong offensive tomorrow, is it to attack or not to attack?”

Wang Jing couldn’t help it anymore, and asked Zhao Qi aloud.

“The army is the auxiliary and the attack is the main focus.

“It all depends on tomorrow.

“If you can’t attack the heart, then there is only a strong attack.” Zhao Qi said.

“At the end I will understand.

Meeting Zhao’s confident gaze, Wang Qian couldn’t help but be convinced.


The generals of the two major battalions standing in this Chinese army camp also felt the charm of Zhao Qi as a general. Master, and this also made everyone feel his confidence.

“This kind of courage, this kind of stability.

“Well worthy of the power of the admiral.”

The generals in the camp thought to themselves.

“Have you heard of it?”

“Tomorrow, my two big battalions and the whole army will go on an expedition. We must make a strong attack on the city, regardless of casualties.” Wang Jian also became serious, and said to all the generals.”promise.”

The generals of the two camps said in unison.

“Zhao Qi.

“We are all vulgar people, so don’t talk nonsense. If we can break through Daicheng and defeat Li Mu, both Huandi and I owe you a favor, and in the battle of tomorrow, the entire army of my two battalions will be handed over to you. , Even if it’s me and Huanqi.” Wang Jian said to Zhao Qi with a serious expression.

“Yes, that’s right.”

Huanqi nodded immediately.

after all.

What gave Wang Jian and Hengdi this time was a real big problem.

The cost to break Li Mu was too great. Although it was the last effort to destroy Zhao, if the army suffered serious casualties, their effort would be worth it.

“Destroying Zhao is also the key to me. This is the time when the vice-professional of Beast Tamer has been opened.”

“Of course, it would be better to get the favor of two generals.

Zhao Qin smiled in his heart.

As the top power in Da Qin, Wang Jianquai undoubtedly had great power in Da Qin, and getting their favor will definitely help Zhao Qi in the future.

The next day.

On behalf of the city.

Nearly 600,000 great Qin Ruishi all gathered.

Countless black armored figures stood in front of the city.

Hundreds of trebuchets and ballistas.

Hundreds of nearby vehicles and thousands of ladders are listed in the thousand army, and all the siege ordnances of the two major battalions are ready.

The beating of drums shook the world in front of Daicheng.

On behalf of the city.


Qin Jun “seems to be ready to attack.

“It’s no longer a tactical test.

Several generals looked at Li Mu headed by Chengguan, with a somewhat worried expression.

Look at Li Mu.

He is about fifty years old, much younger than Wang Han and others.

Being able to become a general on one side at this age is enough to prove Li Mu’s outstanding ability. Of course, the reason why he was able to take charge of the generation army may also be because of his identity, because he Li Mu was originally a generation, if Zhao Di The generals in charge will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the local people.

After all, this is a problem left over from Zhao’s history.

“Strike it out.”

“This time the general has deployed his army here, unless he kills the general, unless the entire army is destroyed, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for his Qin army to take control of our land.”

Li Mu put his left hand on the hilt of the sword and looked at Da Qin Ruishi who was about to attack without a wave of waves.


He had been waiting for this day.

months ago.

After receiving the edict from King Zhao, he led his army southward to help, but he heard the bad news before he really entered the territory of Handan.

Lian Po died in battle, Zhao Wang ordered.

This let Li Mu know that Zhao Di was completely defeated.

So he immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops and returned to the land, and quickly deployed troops to defend.

It can be said.

At this moment, the royal family of the Zhao family has fallen into the hands of Zhao Qi, and there has never been a Zhao royal family.

Li Mu also had no way to establish King Zhao again.

Can only go to death to fight Da Qin.

From then on, we can also see his kind of tolerance of Li Mu.

And at this moment.

“Admiral, look.”

“Qin Jun came out.”


“That person drove a big worm, is he the newly promoted general of Qin Guo, Zhao Qi?”

“According to the information we have investigated, Qin Admiral Zhao Qi tamed the worm as a mount.

“He, unexpectedly came to our place.”

Several generations of local generals pointed at Chengqian Road with a startled tone.

Li Muburan took a look.

-The head driving the blood-red worm, the figure in the armor is slowly approaching his Daicheng.

Following him, there are more than a dozen sharp men who prepared the table, holding meat and spirits in their hands.

“What does he want to do?”

“Persuade you to surrender?”

Seeing this scene, Li Mu frowned.

And at this moment.

Zhao Qi drove the blood tiger to just thirty feet in front of the city gate. If the archer on the city releases an arrow, it will be a scene of ten thousand arrows passing through the heart.

However, Zhao Qi did not have any waves, raised his head very calmly, and said calmly: “General Li Mu, can you dare to go down to the city for a while?”

“Admiral, is there any explosion in it?”

“This Zhao Qi is good at conspiracy and tricks, so you must guard against it.”

“Yes, in the battle of Nanyang, Zhao Qi didn’t use a conspiracy to attract General Pang Yuan to the bait, and it was eventually destroyed.

“This person, don’t fail to prevent, definitely do something.”

Subordinates “Suggested, shoot directly with random arrows…”

Hear Zhao Qi’s invitation.

Several generations of local generals immediately faced Li Mudao cautiously.

“All right.

Li Mu glared at several generals, and coldly reprimanded: “On the battlefield, it is a strategy of soldiers. Even if it is a conspiracy, it is a way for soldiers to win. Maybe they can’t afford it, but the key to victory is.

“Furthermore, in the Nanyang battle, what conspiracy and tricks Zhao Qi talked about? He prevailed brightly. Relatively speaking, is it not a conspiracy and trick for my Zhao to send an assassin to assassinate Zhao Qi?”

Hear this.

The generals who were talking just now were silent immediately.


If the battlefield strategy is all conspiracy and trickery, then they Zhao Guo sent people to assassinate, wouldn’t it be even worse.

“Zhao Qi dared to bring a few people with him, showing his courage. If he wanted to play tricks, it would be disgusting.”

“Open the gate of the city, I would go down and talk with him.”

“The fighting between the two armies is morale. Zhao Qi dare to come to the city to see it. If Li Mu is timid, what morale is there for the army under his command?” Li Mu said solemnly.

He turned around and got off the city pass.


Riding alone, he drove directly towards Zhao Qi outside the city.

“Li Mu, be invited to give a comment.”

Li Mu stood up and got off his horse, facing Zhao Qi’s indifferent way.

Seeing Li Mu’s indifference, Zhao Qi didn’t care, and turned to the blood tiger.

A few sharp men behind him immediately stepped forward and directly clothed the table and cushions.

Meals, spirits.

It’s all ready.

When you are ready.

The Ruishi next to Zhao Qi left directly and returned to the army.

In the center of this huge battlefield, only Zhao Qi and Li Muren were left.

“Please sit down.”

Zhao Qi took a seat directly and showed his hand to Li Mu.


Li Mu nodded indifferently, and took a seat, facing Zhao Qi.

I have heard of General Li Mu for a long time, and seeing him today is a rare blessing. “Zhao smiled slightly, lifted the jug directly, and poured a glass for himself and Li Mu.

“General Zhao is famous in the world. In just a few years, he has become a general from a small soldier. It has never been in the world. Moreover, General Zhao is so young, and there is no one in the world. Li Mu was fortunate to see it today, but if General Zhao If you want to persuade Li Mu to surrender, you don’t have to.” Li Mu’s tone became a little gentle, but he was naturally hostile.


Zhao Qi smiled, noncommittal.

He raised the wine glass and faced Li Mu in one fell swoop: “Dare to drink with me?

“Why don’t you dare?”

Li Mu directly raised the glass and clinked with Zhao Qi.

Then he took a kind of heroic admiral and drank it in one fell swoop.

Zhao Qi smiled and drank it.

“General Li Mu is not afraid of Zhao being poisoned.” Zhao Qi smiled.

“If Zhao Qi, who is well-known in the world, would be such an underwriter, then he would not sit at the current high position.” Li Mu said calmly.

“Hahaha 0…

Hear the words.

Zhao Qi laughed.

“It is rare that General Li Mu has such praise for Zhao, and Zhao is not honored.” Zhao Qi smiled.

“General Zhao’s goal today should be to persuade Li Mu to surrender, right?”

“If this is the case, then General Zhao doesn’t need to mention it again, to eat the monarch’s salary and bear the emperor’s worries.”

“I, Li Mu, is a minister of the State of Zhao. Even if the emperor is already in the court, he is still a minister of the State of Zhao. If he surrenders, how would the world think of me, Li Mu? Wouldn’t it be said that Li Mu is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?”

“Today’s battle.”

“Your Qin army is ready to attack, Li Mu waits until he is killed in battle.” Li Mu said with a strong ambition to die.

“Zhao has a few questions, I wonder if General Li Mu can answer them?” Zhao Qi directly changed the subject, smiled, and said.

“Please say.” Li Mu said.

“I don’t know what General Li thinks about this world? What about the nations of this world?” Zhao Qi asked.”In the world, there are many countries, and each country has hundreds of years of heritage, but I have to mention that your Qin country is indeed blessed, and there are no monarchs in the past. This also makes your Qin country stronger than ever. Qin Kingdom, the accumulation of your past dynasties.

“Looking at the world, perhaps only you, Qin State, can dominate the world.

“Now my Great Zhao has been mostly destroyed by your Qin State, and your Qin State is no longer suppressed.” Li Mu said with a bleak expression.

“This is the general trend of seeing you?” Zhao Qi shook his head.

“Isn’t it?” Li Mu’s eyes condensed, looking at Zhao Qi.

“You only saw the great power of the world, and you only saw my Daqin dominate the world.”

“But have you ever seen that the countries of the Central Plains have been divided for nearly a thousand years, and the wars between them have continued for thousands of years. For thousands of years, how many people have died because of the scourge of wars in the countries?”

“Millions? Tensions? Even more?

“Have you seen these?”

“The kingdoms of the world are indeed divided into kingdoms, but have you ever seen that the kingdoms of the world have the same root and the same origin, and they are originally one. All the countries are one clan, and we are the Yanhuang clan.

“After so many years of fighting, how many people of the same race have died because of the scourge of war?”

“Don’t you see these?”

Zhao Qi stared at Li Mu and said in a deep voice.

Heard this.

Li Mu was silent, but looking at his frowning brow and the expression on his face, his heart was not so peaceful at the moment.


The countries have fought for thousands of years, and they have become enemies of life and death. But who could have thought that the countries are originally a family and have the same roots.

“As a general who guards the land, you should know the hatefulness of the alien races, and you should know that outside of the Central Plains, those alien races look at me.”


“Perhaps the foreign races in this era are not strong enough to contend with the countries of the Central Plains, but what about the future? My Central Plains, Yan and Huang, are fighting and depleting the power of the ethnic group. Wouldn’t the foreign races produce a bright king? Will the power of alien races be brought together?”

“The danger of the alien race, I believe you can see it through as a border general, maybe no one in the world can see it better than you.” Zhao said aloud, every sentence comes from the heart.

The foundation of the same family.

The trouble of aliens.

For the kind of heartless people, it may not be a big deal at all.

But for people who are truly ambitious, for people who are truly bloody, and for people who have a heart of honor and disgrace, this is absolutely like thunder through the soul.

It’s like the son of Han Fei in the past, now Han Fei who has been loyal to Zhao Qi.

After the country was destroyed, he wanted to die.

But before the sky 1.2, in the face of the righteousness of the Yan and Huang ethnic groups, he chose ethnic groups instead of one country and one household.

“The foundation of the same family.”

“The danger of aliens.

Li Mu muttered to himself, the thoughts in his heart were extremely complicated.


Zhao Qi is right.

As a general who guarded the border, he dealt with foreign races all the year round, and died in his hands. There were countless foreign races who died under the weapons of his commanding army.

The alien race was also repelled countless times by him.

But he also witnessed a scene of rampant and inhumane aliens slaughtering in the Central Plains.

They regarded the people of the Central Plains as if they were with dogs, killing them at will, fishing them at will, and committing adultery and looting.

They have no manners and know nothing but plunder.

And these years.

Fighting with aliens.

Li Mu clearly saw that the alien race was gradually becoming stronger and more difficult to deal with. Zhao Guo’s Hu clothing was very good at riding and shooting, but the aliens who were born on the grassland were not weak, because his Zhao country’s Hu clothing was more powerful than riding and shooting. It was derived from the aliens.

It was said by Zhao Qi.

The countless helpless screams of the same race who died tragically under the slaughter of foreign races, and their unwilling passing away, seemed to be present in Li Mu’s mind.

The danger of aliens.

It’s not false, but real.

He Li Mu witnessed it with his own eyes.

Just when Li Mu was immersed in his thoughts and said nothing.

Zhao spoke again.

“General Li Mu, look.”

Zhao Qi raised his hand and pointed at the countless Zhao Jun in red armor at Daicheng Chengguan.

Li Mu turned his head and took a look.

Zhao moved his hand again, and turned to the countless Daqin Ruishi in the dark behind him.

“Did you see them?”

Zhao Qi said.

Li Mu was silent.


“As far as you are concerned, the sharp soldiers behind me are your enemies, but have you ever thought that they are also with you, like the generals of Zhao Jun in the city behind you, they are all of my Yanhuang ethnicity, the descendants of Yanhuang. ”

Zhao Qi’s voice was thunderous, with a shout that originated from blood and soul.

ps: Ask for a monthly pass.

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