Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 4: Ancient thunder beast

"Over it!"

"It's incredible that this survivor survived the unicorn thunder beast!"

"This person definitely has extremely powerful miraculous power, otherwise he will die.? <八

"If this person doesn't die, he will certainly be the backbone of my unicorns in the future!"

"28 thunder has passed. I wonder if this 29th thunder can he resist it."

"How powerful is the unicorn thunder beast? This monk can resist it, and it will inevitably be severely hit. The 29th thunder, it will undoubtedly die!" The opener is a unicorn who is strong in the heavens and the earth, and blinks in his eyes at this moment. The icy color spoke faintly.

Everyone was silent when they heard what they said, and then sighed, apparently the same thought in their hearts.

However, they did not know that the unicorn thunder beast has now been destroyed. Instead of trauma to Xiao Chen carrying the power of the thunder, he was absorbed and refined by his refining, otherwise the look of these people must be quite wonderful at this moment.


The unicorn thunder beast did not do any good, and Jieyun naturally felt it. It suddenly violently tossed, and his breath became more violent.

Above the void, a robbery cloud cracked, but it was a piece of south, and once again it condensed and formed.

"Three Eyed Thunder Beasts of the Ancient Nine Thunder Beasts!"

There was another exclaim in the mouth of the unicorn monk.

The three-eyed thunder beast roared, three-eyed eyes dazzled with thunder, full-blooded blood, and fierce breath. At this moment, the four-footed thunderfoot, the body of 100,000 feet carrying endless thunder power, burst into space cracks.

At the same time, the human body of Xiao Chen and the avatar of the ancient demon can not bear the power of the unicorn thunder beast.


Thunder Dragon's body swelled to the size of thousands of feet, and the dragon's eyes scattered with excitement. The **** Thunder condensed the body to be more solid and refined. The whole body was polished like blood-colored jade. Looking at the three-eyed Thunder Beast, a roar suddenly appeared in his mouth.

Lei Long was born in the world, favored by heaven, who is the thunder master, and controls the thunder of the world.

Although now weak and the source of Thunder is weak, the power of the source explodes, still causing a sobbing noise in the mouth of the three-eyed Thunder Beast, which seems to be dreadful, and a large number of Thunder forces in the body fluctuate violently and unstable, and then collapse.

Space avatar shot low, drink space, the origin of space burst, the power to control the chaotic flow of the space, the town weakened the three-eye Thunder Beast contains the thunder power.

The human body of Xiao Chen and the avatar of the ancient demon shot at the right time, and they jointly exploded into the strong combat power. With the cooperation of Thunder Dragon, they slaughtered the Three-eyed Thunder Beast and devoured its thunder power.

Bathed in thunder and light, cheering in the mouth of little blood, this robbery cloud condenses the thunder beast, which contains infinite power of thunder. Once devoured like a body, it can have its power expand continuously, and the rapidly growing body can also show that This point, but swallowed up the two Thunder Beasts to contain most of the energy, so that its shape suddenly increased to 15oo feet, the power of the Thunder Road has also increased by a few points, it makes him extremely happy.

As for the human body of Xiao Chen and the avatar of the ancient demon, the mystery of Swallowing Thunder devoured the power of Thunder to become pure energy, and continued to train the flesh with its power, making the flesh stronger and able to clearly sense the increase in the power of silk. .

The 29th thunder!

The 3o thunder, Jieyun split again, condensed into one of the nine ancient thunder beasts, Jinding thunder frog!


On the 31st thunder, Jieyun transformed into an ancient turtle of nine ancient thunder beasts!


The 32nd thunder, the nine thunder beasts swallowed up in the shape of a cloud!


The 33rd thunder, Jiuyun transformed into the land of the nine ancient thunder beasts!


The 34th thunder, the heavens of nine ancient thunder beasts transformed into a cloud!


The 35th thunder, the fifth of the nine ancient thunder beasts! The beast, as its name suggests, has five births, which can release five colors of blue, purple, black, red, and blood. The size of the beast is 2o ten feet, and Sanwei can cover the sky.

It is rumored that in the ancient times of famine, it was a fierce thing in the world. It has a violent temperament and enjoys eating blood. Often, it can be opened directly with five open mouths to swallow thousands of souls. Once angered, the world can even thunder with the Thunder Beast King The dragons fought without falling into the wind, ranking second among the nine thunder beasts.

Countless unicorn monks watched this second-fifth thunder beast enter into the cracks in space, but they didn't talk like that before, just because the scene before them had completely lost their speech ability.

Starting from the 28th thunder, Jieyun transformed into an ancient thunder beast, and the power soared countlessly, and some people expected that the monk who crossed the robbery would die. However, until this moment, the thunder robs continued to land. There is only one explanation for this, that is, the robbers are still alive, otherwise the templars will dissipate directly.

It should be noted that at this moment, the thunder cloud-shaped condensed thunder beast carries power, which is enough for the monks in the heavens and the three realms to resist, and it will undoubtedly die, but the monk who still crosses over is still insisting.

It is based on the practice of crossing the calamity limit and entering the level of heaven and man, and can have monks who are more than three levels of heaven and man. This qualification can be regarded as extremely anti-existent in the entire ethnic group. As long as there is no death, the lowest level in the future Both can become the top beam of the ethnic group, and even have the opportunity to go further, take a key step, and then become the strongest layer in the entire ethnic group, which can affect the fate of the entire ethnic group.

"This monk crossing the robbery is definitely a peerless genius who can only come out within 100,000 years in the hundreds of millions of unicorns in the territory of the unicorns. With his limit repairs, his combat power is actually comparable. It's amazing how monks and princes marched in the three realms. "

"You must insist on it. If such a genius is ridiculed, it will definitely be a major loss for my entire unicorn."

"It's the 35th mine and the last two levels. Don't be surprised."

"Master Ma Xinxin, the genius of 100,000 years before the emergence of the ethnic group in Yuanlong area, I hope the adult can come out in front of himself to fight for his income. Although it is unknown whether this person can persist, but with his current performance , Enough for adults to come forward. "

"The messenger faction comes here in person. If the person completes the robbery, he will immediately take it down at all costs."


For a time, countless newsletters of Yujian spread wildly from here, making this news spread wildly with an amazing degree, causing countless powerful monks to change their looks.

"Cross within the turbulent space!"

"Arouse the cloud-shaped thunder beast!"

"Crossing the calamity has more than three forces of heaven and man!"

"Genius! Absolute genius!"

"If it does not die, future achievements will be boundless. Now is the best time to establish a relationship with him, otherwise it will be difficult to draw closer relations after the ethnic groups value him in the future."

"Shoot right away and rush to Yuanlong area!"

Countless powerful unicorns have shot one after another and can occupy an important position in the ethnic factions. They are resolutely domineering, and there are even peaks of heaven and human beings and five realms! In such a state, the ethnic title and the emperor's character are used to indicate the status of honor, and it is already the highest peak in the entire ethnic group. Being able to seduce them is enough to show how powerful this Xiao Chendu robbery is, and it is enough to get the attention of this level of existence!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen knew nothing about the outside world, and his entire attention now fell on the 34th Thunderformed Five-Thunder Beast. From this thing, he felt a great threat, and even endangered him. life.

At the point of life and death, show strength!

Only in the most dangerous places can we see the mentality possessed by the monks, the panicked ones are ranked inferior, the complacent ones are moderate, and the calm ones are superior!

Xiao Chen watched the thunder beast madly rushing in the roar, looking dignified, but the dark eyes were a cold and quiet color. Although Tianjie was strong, it was impossible to kill him here at this moment.

"Space collapse!" The space avatar naturally sensed the current crisis situation, suddenly roaring in his mouth, and shot with all his strength, forcing the force of the origin of space regardless of counter-phasing, and performing space forbidden magic.

If you practice to the Dacheng realm, and the space collapses, you can instantly cause the space within the space of 10 million miles to collapse directly, forcibly exile all the creatures to the depths of the space turbulence, and use the power of the space turbulence to destroy them. Although the space avatar does not have this power at the moment, it is still fierce to shoot at any cost.

Around the huge body of the five thunder beast, the force of endless violent space trembled suddenly. During the severe vibration, it shattered and shattered to produce the force of destroying the space strangulation. The endless wave of waves generally swept towards the thunder beast.


The moment when he displayed this supernatural power, blood spurted suddenly from the avatar of the space, forcing the far-reaching supernatural power of his own body to force himself, and he had already suffered severe damage under the backwash.

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