Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 3: Cloud shape

The strong unicorns in the surrounding area have gathered at this moment. The number is more than ten, and the number is still increasing. The weakest person also has the cultivation of heaven and humanity. Level exists. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W}. ] 8] 1? ZW. Com

"Promoting Heaven and Human Realm has such a mighty power. Such qualifications are rare among ethnic groups!"

"If it can be recommended to adults, it will definitely please adults and even reward them."

"After waiting for this person to cross the robbery, I immediately asked for an invitation, but I am afraid that it will not be possible to successfully recruit this person.

"Seeing things by chance, such amazingly talented monks must not be missed easily."

"Let's see who can make it into the door this time."

A group of strong unicorns have their own ideas in their hearts. It should be noted that among the ethnic groups, there are also factional divisions in various parties. If you can recruit a talented monk for your own faction, it will be very possible to cultivate an ethnic group The existence of a top beam helps this faction to have more say in the entire ethnic group.

Although this possibility is unlikely, once over the years there have been extremely qualified monks, any faction forces that have the means to insert them will definitely not miss it. Maybe after a thousand or even tens of thousands of shots, there may be luck.

And at this moment, seeing the first o thunder thunder himself, it made these faction monks secretly rejoice. This time, there is nothing wrong. The potential of this monk seems to be extremely high.

As for whether the robber is a unicorn monk, this is a ridiculous idea that they did not even think about it. It should be noted that among the spiritual communities, apart from the good ethnic tribal race, the relationship between them is quite tense. Even if there is no resentment, no one will ever mind killing a strong alien. After all, the races of the spirit world are already competing for survival. Under the same sky, it is natural to weaken the opponent as much as possible to strengthen themselves.

Therefore, it is said that there are powerful aliens who will run to their unicorn territory to cross the robbery, and it is a powerful and terrible thunderbolt. They are naturally unbelief.



The blood-stained cloud roared freely, and every time it trembled, there would be dazzling thunder and light flashing, exuding the horror of thunder and thunder, making the heart tremble, and then looking pale.

11th Ray.


12th thunder.


17th Ray.


27th Ray.


Thunder power is getting stronger and stronger, that robbed cloud has changed from pale blood to a thick blood cloud, it seems that the sea of ​​blood is condensed and condensed, and the power of power is soaring.

Within the turbulent space of space, Xiao Chen's human body and the two big frowns couldn't help but frown slightly.

The strength of this thunderstorm has far exceeded their imagination limit. If it is not within this space turbulence, there is a space avatar that uses the power of the origin to mobilize the space turbulence to weaken it, and the consequences will be unthinkable.

And right now, this 28th thunder has been bred for a long time, they can sense the more violent momentum of Jieyun scattered, but has never fallen.

It seems that this 28th mine is by no means simple.

Just when Xiao Chen's thoughts were rolling, a thunderous thunder burst into his ears instantly, even if the distance was endless, as if it were close at hand, he broke into their Yuanshen space instantly, like the roar of a ferocious beast.

Sudden explosion of power, can not help but let Xiao Chen and the two avatars instantly produce endless fear, and even shocked countless unicorns.

With the attention of countless monks, accompanied by this loud noise, the robber cloud was hundreds of thousands of miles above the tens of thousands of meters above sea level, and the corner of the southeast actually boiled completely without warning, falling off from the robber cloud itself, condensing and condensing, In the end, he transformed into a single-headed unicorn with his limbs on the ground and a horrible thunder beast of the size of 100,000 feet! This object is directly transformed from Jieyun, bringing together the power of countless pure thunder, the power of power is absolutely unimaginable!

"Jieyun transformed! Unicorn Thunder Monster!"

"Impossible, monks from heaven and earth, how could this happen!"

"Unfortunately, I don't know how murderous this rogue generation has created. It is a scourge of heaven and earth, and it will be killed at all costs."

"Taoyou was wrong. It must be noted that in addition to the terrible killings, there is another explanation. This is that this man is so talented that he is hated by heaven and earth. He wants to use the power of Thunder to kill him. dead!"

"Hated by heaven and earth, once such a person is born, it will be dazzling. Why I have never heard of it before, it seems that this is by no means the case."

"Why do you friends argue, anyway, now it is only 28 thunders, and Jieyun has transformed into an ancient unicorn thunder beast. Do you think this generation of thugs can retreat from such a thunderous thunder."

"Yes, this person will die, and I don't need to argue. It doesn't make sense anymore."

"Although I was unable to solicit, I was able to see the Thunderformation, which is also extremely rare in the Xiaoqian Realm, and did not hesitate to make this trip. I just don't know when the robbery can last?"

"Hey, if you're curious, you're up and looking at it. What's the result, wait for your own knowledge."

In ancient times, there were countless powerful creatures between heaven and earth. Among them, there are nine thunder beasts in the Thunder Road, all of which are extremely powerful and possess the power of destroying the heavens and the earth. At present, this beast of cloud illusion is one of the unicorn thunder beasts .

Although this thing emerged from cloud robbery, but the power of endless thunder converged, it still has a trace of spirituality. At this moment, a roar suddenly emerged from the mouth, the fierce beast burst into the sky, the limbs suddenly stepped down, and the figure suddenly turned into a blood color. Streamer, carrying a mighty thunderous power, burst into the cracks in space.

It was at the moment when the unicorn thunder beast entered the fissure in space. Within thousands of feet of this object, all the forces of turbulent space turbulence were forcibly driven away and could not cause any harm to it.

"Thunder Transformation!"

"Unicorn Thunder Monster!"

Seeing the 28th thunder instant, the eyes of Xiao Chen's human body suddenly gloomy, and the two avatars are also ugly. In the early years, Xiao Chendujie had suffered such thunderous robberies when he achieved integration, but in the beginning, the cloud shape changed, and the power was incomparable compared with today. It is simply not the same.

This thunderbolt might be too powerful, and I am afraid that Xiao Chen's three big shots will be all-out shots, and they cannot be stopped. But even so, he didn't have any fear in his heart, and suddenly a roar from the human body said, "The origin of Thunder, let me be scattered!"

Xiao Chen is in control of Thunder Dragon, and can rely on the source of Thunder. Although it is weak at the moment, it is the supreme existence of Thunder Road. At this moment, one finger comes forward and drops, the Thunder Beast screams wildly, and the blood thunder in the body suddenly becomes unstable. Then, a large amount of spilled body collapsed and dissipated, making its breath weaken.

The space avatar didn't hesitate, yelled in the mouth, the power of the space's origin has been exploded as much as possible, and it summoned the power that can control the turbulence of the space, turning it into a horror, slaying power, and crashing down towards the Thunder Beast.

The ancient devil yelled suddenly in his mouth, and the magic light flashed in his hand, and then the 100,000-millimeter black demon gun condensed out. The gunner pointed out that his own majestic power was explosive.

The human body's backhand flashed a little light, and the shop's body suddenly appeared in the hands, directly rising to the size of 30,000 feet. Within the turbulent space, endless sharp swordsmen were born, and the rumblings were endless.



The thunder beast was trapped in the turbulent force of the space, and was suddenly violent. His mouth roared again and again, his body was constantly bleeding with thunder, bursting and destroying mighty power, rushing through it, his eyes were full of murderous murder.

But even so, this object contains the terrifying Thunder Power, which is still rapidly decreasing, especially the interference of the original source of Thunder Road, which has greatly weakened its explosive power.



Xiao Chen's human body and the ancient demon avatar snarled at the same time. At the moment the thunder beast penetrated the turbulent force of space to block the block, he shot violently.

The black magic gun kept moving forward, the shop was extremely sharp, and at the moment, both of them burst into the Xeon attack.



Regardless of the two loud noises, there was a sudden wailing in the mouth of the unicorn thunder beast. The huge body was directly pierced by the black demon gun. The shop shot it and chopped its head. It was actually slaughtered by the body. Disperse and turn into the power of endless horror thunder.

Even if the thunder beast is slaughtered, the thunder that condenses this thing is still violent and overbearing. Once it explodes, Xiao Chen's human body and ancient demons are bound to be damaged.

But at this moment, the human body suddenly uttered a low-drink, "Little blood!" The voice had not yet fallen, and the blood on his eyebrow flashed slightly, and then a roar came out, full of majestic and overbearing breath, and the noble and energetic rushed.

The body of 5oo Zhang suddenly appeared suddenly. At this moment, looking at the power of the thunderous sky, a joyful roar suddenly appeared in the mouth. With a roar, the power of endless thunder destruction was actually a creek flowing into the sea and was generally swallowed by it. As he continues to devour the Thunder, the breath in Thunder Dragon's body is also rapidly enhanced with clear sensitivity.

The human body of Xiao Chen and the ancient demons are slightly loose in mind and body, and step into the thunder tide in one step, refining the power of destroying the thunder, transforming it into surging vitality energy and incorporating it into his own body to supplement the loss.

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