[The Christmas update is unchanged. This chapter is from last night's code to 1 o'clock. Hey, it's updated regularly, people have gone out, and half a day away. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W>. 〔8〉 1] Z> W ?. ? C} O] M]

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The left eyebrow dojo is quietly suspended in the air, in which Xiao Chen slowly closes his eyes, and is reflecting on all his own feelings, thoroughly understanding and turning into his own.

The power of the gold spirit, the power of the wood spirit, the power of the water spirit, the power of the fire spirit, the power of the earth spirit, the power of the five elements, and the transformation constitute the five tests on the black road, each of which is extremely dangerous and contains killing power, if not Xiao Chen There is Zhibao left eyebrow dojo in hand, and it is impossible to pass.

However, although this time is dangerous, after passing, he still got great benefits. Although the cultivation has not increased, the Yuanshen's perception of the five elements' spiritual power has been profound.

To this day, Xiao Chenxiu has improved his magical powers for the first time, but this is the first time that he truly understands the nature of mana in essence.

The power of the gold spirit, the attribute is sharp, and it always goes forward. In the face of any bondage, it is severely broken. Just as the monk has to go forward bravely, not afraid of difficulties, climbing the road.

The power of the wooden spirit, the vitality of attributes, the gentleness and uncontestedness, can be absorbed by all things to strengthen one's own body, but temperance is required.

The power of the water spirit, the attributes are lingering, endless, soft and silent in the subtle enhancement gradually, just as the monk must not blindly be fierce, need to be flexible and flexible, to be more tough.

The power of the fire spirit, its attributes are violent, it is hot and powerful, and it burns the tongue with flames. Just as the monk ca n’t miss the path, he must be overbearing. When he is decisive, he must be hard-hearted.

The power of the earth's spirit, its solid attributes, and its thickness are like mountains. The deep atmosphere has no power to resist. Just as the monk ’s path requires a ditch and an ambition, he can achieve the avenue.

The power of the five elements and the five attributes are different, and there are thousands of contacts. When there are thousands of feelings, this is what Xiao Chen gained. In addition to the deep understanding of the magic power, there are monks who set up their lives and secretly cultivate the avenue.

"It takes 37 years to perceive the power of Jin Ling. The left eyebrow is 111o years old."

"It takes 38 years to comprehend the power of Mu Ling, 114o years in the left eyebrow."

"It takes 49 years to perceive the power of the water spirit. The left eyebrow is 147o years old."

"I feel the power of the fire spirit, it takes 1o years, and the left eyebrow dojo is 3oo years."

"It takes 6o years to comprehend the power of the earth, and 18oo years to the left eyebrow."

"As for today, if we calculate carefully, in order to appreciate the power of these five elements, the outside world has a total of 195 years, and there is a full 585 years in the left eyebrow dojo.

"Although it has been delayed for nearly 2oo years, it has been repaired without advancement, but it is extremely important for me. The gains are unimaginable. Even if it is lost to the peak treasures, Xiao Chen has no regrets. . "

"Now that I understand the power of the Five Elements, I have opened up another path for my spiritual practice. I did not just focus on improving my cultivation and enhancing my supernatural powers. Instead, I felt my own control over the strength of the power. When I thoroughly understood it, The day is the time to achieve the origin. This world ’s avenue, cultivation, and magical power are all clouds. Only the power of the origin can exist in the strongest and supreme existence, even if only the Yuanying cultivation, if you can completely master the five elements, you will have an idea. , May also have the power to destroy the world, to kill the monks in heaven and earth, but in a matter of thought. "

"Compared to this, even if some treasures are lost, what can be calculated."

Xiao Chen groaned. At this moment, his eyes were slowly opened, his eyes were moist and restrained, and he was calm and peaceful. His breath was gentle and peaceful outside, and there was a faint mood of flowing and creating a perfect cycle. Under the detection, it gave a star-like sea. feel.

"The five levels of the black road belong to the five elements. Each level contains endless killing power and endless power, but now it has become a thing that helps me cultivate my understanding and open up a wider world for my future avenue practice."

"If it was not with the Yaksha monk Moru, Xiao Chen would not be forcibly taken away by the ancestors of the dead leaves, and forced to explore the secret with them. The world is very different. "

"Nothing in the world is so mysterious. It seems to be long established, but it is constantly changing due to manpower."

Xiao Chen got up and passed all the tests. If nothing else, it seems that he has already qualified for the summit, but I don't know if it will be so smooth.

Mind moved slightly, the left eyebrow dojo continued to move forward, there was a mountain wall standing in front of less than a hundred miles, there were two portals, one black and one white, each flashing a faint aura, and the stone wall on one side was left with text, like the foot of a mountain, content as follows:

The monk's spirituality is indispensable for talent, but luck is especially important. If the congenital luck is missing, even if you have the opportunity to continue to succeed in the sky, all will be lost one day, and nothing will eventually die.

If you want to inherit this treasure, naturally you can't be the bad luck-ridden generation. There are two special lives and deaths, one is life and the other is dead.

There is another small print below: This door needs to be physically opened, the magic power is invalid, the magic weapon is invalid, and the cricket is invalid.

Xiao Chen looked calm and realized the power of the Five Elements, and made his mind more clear and clear. When he saw this portal of life and death, he had a faint thought in his heart. Now he saw this small print annotation. set.

Aura flashed, the figure appeared outside, and closed the left eyebrow dojo with one hand, stepped forward, and stretched out with one hand to the black door.

The "squeak" sounded softly and was not half-shaped. The black portal was pushed straight away. It was ordinary to the extreme. There was no magical power in the ordinary bridge section. There was no magic weapon for killing. A quiet room appeared in Xiao. Before the morning.

The room is not large, it is only seven or eight feet in size, and the layout is simple. There is a stone table, a set of tea set, and a futon. There is nothing else.

But one thing made Xiao Chen frown slightly, just because the quiet room was too clean, it didn't seem to have experienced endless years, a pot of tea on the table was still boiling hot, it seemed to be just here, there are still people here .

A jade Jank, quietly placed on the stone table.

Xiao Chen slightly thought about it, stepped into it one by one, the portal closed by itself, walked to the table, picked up the jade Jank, and slightly sensed that he had a little sense to enter into it.

Green mountains, green water, green bamboo forest, small bridge and flowing water farm house. An old man in a dungaree and a bucket-headed man is sitting by the stream, fishing with a fishing rod, the water is trickling, and the bottom is clear. It can be seen that the fishhook has a bend, and there is a bait. There is no legendary straight-hook angler. .

How can you fish without bait and hook?

Xiao Chen had a fascinating figure, standing three feet away from the old man, looking calm. Just because he sensed it clearly, all this in front of him was just a section of a shadow image intercepted by a man performing magical powers to block the inside of Yujian, without any power.


Just then, a grass carp was suddenly hooked, and the old man closed the rod skillfully, and put it away in the fish basket beside him. Then he sighed and said, "Since you can see the scene in front of you, that shows me Really dead, since you are a dead person, you don't need to have any awe. "

"Now you are here, obviously you want to take away the treasure left by the husband, so I think it is necessary to report the name, so that you can remember it in your heart, and think of it from time to time because no one will die if you die. I will remember that it is a very boring and sad thing. "

"The name of this seat is very ancient, but I do n’t know how to die, but I must be able to kill the old man. It must be some old monsters who are not born, so this seat doesn't want you to take revenge on me. Just find a posterity to take care of it. As for how to find it, when I disappear, you will naturally know, otherwise you will not get the treasure of the old man. "

"Gathering 66 arrays of eyes means that you have enough opportunities, which is also the most important point, otherwise there is no opportunity, even if you enter the secret place of the old man, you will not get real treasures."

"The eyes are bursting, the forest is extremely cold, and the power is enough to freeze and kill monks in the idle world. You can survive for an hour, and the cold air will dissipate. This time is a test of your qualifications to get the treasure left by the husband."

"When you enter the mountain and climb the white road, the first three clouds are to test your wisdom. If the meaning of the map cannot be shown up to this moment, then it means that you are just a fool with a good chance and some strength. The old man left you as a treasure If you do n’t get it, you can only go to the white road and get some dispensable things. ”

"Walking into the black road and breaking through the Five Elements Great Ban, it is the old man who tests your cultivation. If you do n’t break through, you will die, lest the treasure will damage the old man's name."

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