Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 42: Five Elements Enlightenment

[Christmas, I hope everyone happily, and He Meimei! 】

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The horrifying power of the golden spirit strangles the large array. This kind of terrorist attack is afraid that only the peerless strong men with more than three realms can pass through, otherwise they will be torn into pieces and completely destroyed. ? M]

Although it is isolated from the dojo, in the endless power of the golden spirit, Xiao Chen can already sense the sharp breath they emit!

However, it is Fengrui!

The power of the Five Elements Golden Spirit, the Lord killed.

In the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen suddenly realized that he was sitting cross-legged, Yuanshen scattered, carefully sensing the pulsating breath of the power of the outside world. Cold, tough, direct. This is the power of the Jin Ling. The only attribute revealed is the sharp sharpness. In the face of all obstacles in the world, all are broken!

The left eyebrow dojo stopped moving, hovering quietly in the power of the gold spirit, and silently withstood all attacks, but the color was still dark, and the body was never harmed in the slightest.

This stop was a full 33 years. The left eyebrow was exactly 99o years in the field. Sitting silently across the knees, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes. The two rays of light in the eyes shot out, but they were condensed into swords. The sharp breath was revealed. It ’s horrible.

"It turned out that this is the power of Jin Ling." A groan in his mouth, a smile appeared on his mouth, his eyes returned to calmness, Xiao Chen slowly raised his eyes, watching the power of Jin Ling raging outside, although at the moment he did not repair anything. Ascension, but the perception in Yuanshen has been profound.

The monk has spiritual roots, five spiritual roots, and ten million evolutionary paths. Although he has cultivated mana, learned supernatural powers, and possessed great power, how many people know the essence of his mana very well? If we are blindly pursuing supernatural powers and neglecting perceptions, our future achievements will be limited.

In this dark road, under the strangulation of Jin Ling's power, Xiao Chen relied on the left eyebrow dojo to resist, and sat in it for 100 years to realize her enlightenment, and finally gained something. Although the revision is not up, if the power of Jin Ling is driven again to perform magical power, the power will certainly be much stronger. And there is a faint thought in his heart. If he can thoroughly understand the power of Jin Ling, even if he is low, he can directly grasp the origin of Jin!

"The delay here is 3 years. It seems that there is no gain, but the real gain is enough to be worthy of treasure! Xiao Chen would not be able to get this chance of good luck without the dojo. But now I have reached the limit and want to continue. It ’s inconceivable that it ’s time consuming. But now that I ’m a first glance, I ’ve found a way, and I can continue to feel even if I leave here. ”

"In that case, let's move on."

Xiao Chen got up, his thoughts moved, and his left eyebrow whistled forward in a trembling field.

call out

Suddenly, the power of the rich golden spirit disappeared, and the surroundings returned to quiet again. Only the light wood breath came in and was inhaled into the body, which made people feel refreshed.

If nothing is wrong, the first test of the black road should be passed.

The ground is a green mud path, and the surrounding area is lush. There are ancient trees covering the sky and flowers under the wind. The scene is flourishing. In the breeze, there is a strong sense of vegetation.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate, his mind moved slightly, and Zuo Mei Daojin continued to move forward. Although there seemed to be no danger here, he still didn't dare to care.

A cyan wooden spirit suddenly gathered from the flowers and trees on both sides, and fluttered in the wind like a ribbon, winding directly on the body of the dojo without harm, adding a touch of faint green.

Along the way, traces of Mu Ling's breath continued to be emitted, wrapped in layers, and rolled up continuously, all of which contained rich Mu Ling vitality, without any power to attack and kill.

Xiao Chen frowned, sitting cross-legged, and sensed the spirit of Mu Ling outside.

The left eyebrow marches forward, and as Mu Ling stops at the strongest breath, the dark body is now turned into a green color, which is infiltrated by the power of Mu Ling.

The power of the Five Elements Muling is vital.

In 38 years, in the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen's physical body constantly changed during the period.

In the first five years, the flesh was full of vitality. It was slightly stiff for another 1 year, and the surface flesh was lignified for another 15 years. The whole flesh was almost woody for another 2 years, and the heartbeat and breath were all subtle to the extreme. Unconscious stakes.

Since 2o, the woody body has decreased in the next 5 years, and most of the body has been restored in the next 5 years. Only 5 years later, only the epidermis has remained woody. Only 38 years have passed since then.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes, his eyes were green, his eyes were more gentle, and he seemed to have infinite vitality.

When he woke up, he didn't say much, but frowned slightly, and meditated for a month, then he sighed slowly.

The left eyebrow dojo is advancing again, passing through the spirit area of ​​Muling, restoring the original dark nature, and the second test of the black road is broken.

Xiao Chen looked at the situation in front of him, with a thoughtful expression in his eyes.

A stream was born from the source, jumping and leaping happily down the stream, and a black stone was in the bottom of the water, following the current.

A little bit of the power of the water flowing slowly between the drops of water, slightly soft and gentle, entangled with the body of the left eyebrow dojo, endless and connected, seems to be weaving a large net, although slow, but constantly.

The stream ran, gradually turned into a stream, then became a river, and finally poured into the ocean. The vastness and boundlessness, the power of the water spirit followed, and the big net weaved more and more, from weak to tough. At this moment, it is indestructible.

This big net starts from the weak point of the first point to the power of the water spirit. It is soft and weak, and does not show the slow growth of the mountain water. The imprisoned town formed in the end is enough to suppress everything in the world!

In the ocean, black stones were sealed by the power of the water spirit, suspended in a quiet place.

49 years.

Xiao Chen felt the power of the water spirit, and his breath changed accordingly. At first it was stiff and straight, such as Xiongfeng plunging into the sky, and then gradually faded, endless, like a stream of water, but to this day, they merge the two, rigid and soft.

"This is the power of the water spirit."

Xiao Chen groaned and sat still thinking about March, then he controlled the left eyebrow dojo to move on.

The third test was passed through the power of the water spirit to transform the ocean.

The power of the water spirit suddenly disappeared, and turned into endless hot waves of fire, burning, burning the mountain body to the color of red, coming to the face, all the fiery hot fire is a force.

A sea of ​​fire.

At first, the flames were bright red, marching into them, the color gradually deepened, turned into red, and the temperature was higher, until the core of the sea of ​​fire, the flames had turned pale white, jumping lightly, burning silently, but the power was more powerful The mountain on the ground was turned into magma, and bubbles popped out from time to time, and a light sound of "pop" immediately shattered.

Rich, violent, and fiery fire spirits flood the whole sea of ​​fire, or the sea of ​​fire is transformed by the power of fire spirits. Once in it, you need to bear the power of fire spirits. If you ca n’t resist it, it will instantly Will be refined into ashes and die completely.

The body of Zuomei Dojo quietly advanced in the sea of ​​fire until the core of the sea of ​​fire stopped and was quietly suspended.

In Xiao Chen's dojo, Yuanshen sensed the power of the external fire spirit, closed his eyes slightly, and his face revealed a sense of understanding from time to time. With the help of small blood, although he did not really grasp the origin of fire, he could feel the essence of fire, and the flesh and blood **** was soaked by the essence, so this feeling is the smoothest, but it has been completed in just 1o years. .

Two flames of nothingness burned quietly in Xiao Chen's eyes.

The fourth test, and the last level.

Earth Power!

Thickness, solidity, deepness, and greatness are the attributes of the power of the earth, and the main defense is the defense.

In this fifth test, Xiao Chen was subjected to the killing of the power of the earth.

Earthy spiritual light spots are wandering in the void, like fine sand and dust. At first, the power was very small, but as the march of the earth power spots became more and more, the superimposed killing power became stronger. For example, if Wanshan is at its peak, any living creature that enters it will be squeezed to death.

At the core, there are countless spiritual light spots in the air, condensing into a liquid, and shaking slowly. Although the amplitude is very small, each tremor will produce a force of millions, and it will be crushed by the momentum of rowing mountains.

This pressure is so strong that monks below Heaven and Human Realm will be killed immediately after entering it, and Heaven and Human above 3 Realms may be alive.

It was in this place where the pressure of terror came. Xiao Chen was in the dojo, and after 6o years of quiet consciousness, he reached his own limit.

As for this, the five tests marked by the black road on the map all passed.

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