Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 30: Celestial Lingbao

"Tiantian Lingbao!"

"Well, look at the breath induction power is not weak yet, I don't know who should give the treasure of this family?"

"Old rules, everyone recommends one person and then discusses the candidates. [Eighty One {<< 小

"it is good!"


The real high-level members of the six unicorns stood under the scroll, discussing them in a whisper, and repairing them to the point that they are already the peak of the ethnic group. Although selfish, they will also speak from the actual situation, and will never propose vulgar ones. generation.

After all, every piece of Heavenly Treasure is a treasure of the clan. Only when it falls into the hands of a truly powerful potential can it explode into the strongest combat power.

"Tassel." Among the six, an old unicorn monk slowly opened his mouth, then nodded, and said, "A few months ago, this little guy led Erlang to win Millstone City in one fell swoop, expanding the territory of my unicorn. great merit."

"After 50,000 years of cultivation to the three realms of heaven and man, the degree of progress is also top in the ethnic group."

"In this case, then give him this supernatural treasure?"



In a short time, this piece of Tongtian Lingbao, which was enough to attract countless monks from Heaven and Earth, had already been determined by them, and nodded to each other. As far as they are concerned, although Tongtian Lingbao is precious, it is still so. It is far from qualified for them to spend more time.

After counting the breath, a caution from the tribal temple passed through the endless space directly to its destination through some kind of supernatural power.

Millstone City.

The frontiers of the Fork Tribe that resisted the invasion of alien races have now changed hands and were occupied by the unicorns. After the initial victory, the unicorns did not continue to advance, and they fully grasped the stone city in the shortest time. They stiffly resisted the seven attacks of the Yasha tribe and stood firm in March. The city finally merged into the unicorn territory and became a monopoly. Horn race field!

At this moment, the resident Yaksha Presbyterian Church in the city has now become a unicorn high-level residence. A first-born golden unicorn monk sits in the temple, looking calm and solemn, and is practicing with a slight closed eyes. But at this moment, he opened his eyes suddenly, and he didn't feel awe in his eyes.

"Welcome to the Eastern Emperor's instructions!"

Tassel stood up and bowed respectfully.

It was at this moment that a pale green halo appeared in the temple instantly, and then a flash of light immediately disappeared and disappeared.

The tassel closed his eyes, apparently reading the information, and this person was also a little confused. The award of the capture of the millstone city had already been issued. Why did the information about the holy place of the ethnic group come, and it was the shot of the Emperor Dong Huang himself.

However, at this moment, when he saw the content of the message, his body was suddenly stiff, and then he opened his eyes suddenly. The ecstasy in his eyes could not hide the slightest bit.

"Ha ha ha ha! Ben Hou knows that the ethnic group will not treat me badly, and I won the reward for the capture of Moshi City. I didn't expect the real big head here!"

"Tiantian Lingbao is actually Tongtian Lingbao. If I can take such a treasure into my hands and refining it thoroughly for thousands of years, I will certainly be able to skyrocket in strength, hard to shake the heavens and the world, and follow me in the future. To improve, this power can continue to increase. "

"The desert plains, go immediately and collect the treasure!"

Tassel ecstatic, based on his cultivation of the three realms of heaven and man, can be so disoriented that we know how precious Tongtian Lingbao is!


The person's foot fell next, and the figure disappeared!

Two days later, over the desert plain, the tassel figure appeared directly, and the whole body was full of breath, without any pause, and went straight to the center of the sandy sea. But even so, the breath of breath in the peerless powerhouses of Heaven and Man is so overwhelming. Once it appears, it will suddenly trigger a large-scale spiritual riot in the whole Shahai, and the sky will suddenly become dark, attracting countless unicorn monks to rise in shock, with fear and awe in their eyes meaning.

"Heaven and Human Realm!"

"It's absolutely extraordinary, heaven and earth, this breath, I am afraid that there are three levels of heaven and earth, which is really terrible!"

"Why do adults of this ethnic group come to Shahai?"

"How can I know about this matter, but from the hurried breath of this adult, I am afraid that something has happened, is it a treasure in the sand?"

"Perhaps that's the case. I heard that the strangeness that appeared in the sandy sea was hidden with treasures. It also attracted the strong among the clan to investigate, but it was finally gone. I thought it was just a rumor, but judging from today's events, Come, things are true. "

"It can attract the fire of the strong men from three realms of heaven and man. I don't know what treasures have come out of the sand sea. It is really exciting."

It is in the speculation of the unicorn monk that the unicorn trinity strongman Tassel has rushed into the endless sand and sea, and the wind and sand have no obstacle to him at all, and there is no trace within a thousand miles. Wind and sand raged.

call out!

The harsh sound of the air cut through the sky. After entering the area of ​​Shahai Yili, the person's hand flickered a little, and he took out a green fingertip treasure and took it with him. Then he whistled into it.



The breath of the strong man in the heavens and the three realms is as dazzling as the lights of a harbour in the middle of the night. It immediately attracted the attention of countless powerful sand beasts, and even the sand beast king existed, roaring in his mouth, raging into the sky.

The tassel's complexion has changed slightly, and the sand beast in the sea of ​​sand has been heard to be extremely powerful. But he was not afraid. As a monk in the Three Realms of Heaven and Man, the finger on his hand was the treasure given by the ethnic group. With this thing in hand, these wild beasts would never dare to hurt him at all. Otherwise, it will be completely wiped out by the anger of the ethnic group.

It was in the roar of countless mighty beasts that this person did not stop, again spending two days to the most central place in the sandy sea, in front of him was the shade of the sky.

"Presumably this is the thing that protects the Celestial Spirit Treasure. It seems that I have arrived early, and the treasure has not yet been born." Liu Su was relieved. Although the precious treasure had been given by the ethnic group, there were variables before it was available.

In history, there are also people who have given away treasures but were eventually taken away.

"Huh! The treasure that belongs to my tassel is mine. Whoever dares to rob me, I will kill him!"

"At the moment the treasure is not yet born, Benhou sits still waiting for the treasure to be born!"

Tassel sits cross-legged directly not far from the shading sky. Although the wind and sand might be overwhelming here, it is not much for those who are strong against the heaven and the earth.

"Tiantian Lingbao must fall into Ben Hou's hands!"


Smoke waves Qianshui array.

Xiao Chen looked at the external situation through the doctrine of prohibition and manifestation of the dojo. He looked surprised. After this dry and deadly raging core of the sandy sea, covering the sky and the curtain, there is such a paradise, which is really unexpected.

There is a round of water-blue objects like the sun in the sky. At this moment, the warm light of blue is scattered, and the ground is scattered. Green hills, grass, lush trees, everything has endless vitality.

In this smoky wave and thousands of water arrays, he has become a world of his own, and it is filled with this rich and incomparable water spirit. And the most important point is that there are living beings in this smoke and water.

A hare-like creature looks like a hare, and is jumping happily from now on, but all the hair on it is blue, and even the eyes are blue. general.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and calmed down his heart center. It seems that the situation in this mystery is beyond the limits of his imagination. Here, I am afraid that it is not just the mystery left by the power of the Yasha clan.

He had long doubted that, being a strong monk of the Yasha tribe, why would he build a cave house in the unicorn territory, it seems that there must be a secret in it.

Xiao Chen frowned, thinking slightly, and a moment of firmness passed across her eyes. The next step came, and the figure appeared directly outside.

Take a breath and exhale, it is full of strong water spirit.

"The endless water vapour is absorbed by the smoke waves and thousands of water arrays, resulting in the lack of spiritual power of 300 million miles of water and the formation of endless sand and sea."

"The immense amount of water and spirit enters the formation method, and raises the power of the formation method to the extreme level, using the formation as the axis to support the existence of the entire space."

"What a big deal!"

Xiao Chen sensed for a moment, and Mian Shan couldn't help showing his admiration. For the mighty man who built this place, he couldn't help but admire it. This kind of method can be used by several people in the world, which also made him guess about himself. A little more firm.

This shading sky and the Yanbo Qianshui Array here are by no means built by the Yasha tribe. Otherwise, how could the peak of the dynamic unicorn tribe exist? Maybe this so-called Yasha secret place is simply a unicorn tribe. One of the treasures inside was only known by someone in the Yasha clan under the chance, and it was spread to the territory of the Yasha clan, and was known by the ancestors of the dead leaves and the scattered people of Qianji.

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