Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 29: Mystery opens

"The sand beast impacts and weakens the energy of the sky-shade, which is when you and I use their means to break the sky-shade!"

"Remember, when you enter the moment, the three of you and I must enter the sand shuttle at the same time, otherwise they will be transmitted in different directions at once, and then it will be troublesome. [八? [一 小说 网 ((W? W> W]. "81ZW.COM" Qianji scattered people to speak in a deep voice, this strange man this time I do not know what means, even can see the outside world.

The ancestor of the dead leaf and the Taoist in Montenegro nodded.

The three eccentrics looked calm, but the hotness in their eyes was hard to hide.

The old flame of the flame shook for a while, and the fists in the robe sleeve couldn't help clenching into groups, and the heart kept roaring: "There is a treasure! There must be a treasure!" The loss teleportation rune enters the millstone city and falls into the unicorn siege war. Live, be cautious and forbear.

The flame old devil has suffered extremely serious wounds both physically and mentally, so he can only hope that there is a treasure behind the sand and take it into his hands to heal his losses, otherwise he will really lose money.


The entire sand sea was silent, a roar came from the mouth of the sand beast king at 5o, and the strong hind limbs suddenly stepped on the sand surface, arousing the sky when the sand grains penetrated, and the figure was like a moving mountain peak, mixed with powerful forces. The momentum of resistance rushed out.


The 1st King of the Sand Beast briefly added, and at the moment when his own degree reached the limit, by virtue of his huge volume, the impact force was enough to tear any barrier in the world, but its volume of 3o million feet is now under the shadow of the sky But still like ants.

The surging destructive force flooded into the sand curtain, and wherever it passed, it was naturally weakened by the magnetic force attached to the sand particles along the way. Although it crashed and opened a depression, it did not cause substantial damage to the sand curtain.

However, just after the impact of the first Sand Beast King, the second Sand Beast King followed closely, rushing out in a roar, and hit another place in the sky covering the sky.

Next are the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 33rd!

A total of 33 sand beast kings were lined up in sequence, each occupying a prescription position. Relying on their huge bodies, they continued to violently hit the shading sky curtain, each of which contained a majestic force, making a loud noise, and knocking the sand screen out of ripples, of which The magnetic force transfers and merges, constantly offsetting the forces of destruction from the surrounding area.

The carapace is fragmented, the scales are flying horizontally, the minions are fragmented, and the 5o body is 3o long. The beast king of the beast attacked in spite of his damage, as if the shady sky in front of them had endless deep hatred with them, and he wanted to destroy it.

For three consecutive days and three nights, the Sand Beast Kings were exhausted, watching the still-flowing sand covering the sky in front of them. There was an unwilling roar in their mouths, but they did not continue to attack, but slowly backed away from each other. Disappeared in the hidden sand.

There was a silence between heaven and earth. After a while, it was determined that the sand beast had gone far, and the aura of light flashed through the shuttle. It was several times faster than before, and the whistling rushed forward and went straight to cover the sky.

The magic light of the unicorn flashed a little, far behind.

A black stone passed silently through the sand.

The three were separated from each other and hurried forward.

"Fast! Fast! There will be a slight deviation in the magnetic force of the sand curtain every 30,000 years. The dissipated atmosphere attracts the attack of the Sand Beast King. We must open the channel before the magnetic force of the sand curtain is restored, otherwise it will be late."

"Go forward with all your strength. There are absolutely no sand beasts here."

Qianji San roared among the population. Through the sand shuttle, three old monsters sat cross-legged, their mana exploded, and they urged this treasure to the fullest extent.

Hundreds of thousands of miles, quickly passed in the full force of progress, covering the sky is in front of him.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Stopping through the sand shuttle, three strange figures of Qianji Taoist, Dead Leaf Patriarch, and Montenegrin Taoist appeared instantly. The light flashed violently and went straight to the sky, the mana burst, and there was a certain earth-colored mark. The magical ceremonies came out to cover the three people, to resist the wind and sand strangulation.

"Shoo!" Qianji Sanren and the dead leaf ancestors looked at each other with a flash of aura in their hands. They actually took out one of the same jade boxes, each of which was rectangular in shape and had a size of three feet. Fly directly out of it, and there are scattered fluctuations in it.

The stele is yellow in color, engraved with numerous intricate lines, interlocking and closely connected, looking cluttered and strange, but at this moment, with the fluctuations, the lines on the stele gradually become brighter with the naked eye. A line of spiritual power emerged from the two halves of the stele, interconnected with each other, and gradually moved closer to the center under the force of an inexplicable traction.


At the next moment, the two halves of stone monuments meet completely and become a complete whole, and the lines on it are all lit at this moment. A deep, magnificent, ancient, majestic breath suddenly emerged from the stele, and earth-colored runes escaped from the stele, all of a sudden, directly integrated into the sky.

Qianji Sanren, dead leaf ancestors, and Montenegrin Taoists all looked tense, and their eyes fell on the sand curtain in front of them. If there were no mistakes, they should react.

Just as the three weird thoughts tumbled, the runes merged above the curtain of sand in front of them, and the sand flowing under the tremor slowly receded to the sides. A portal with a size of a thousand feet covered the sky. Gradually emerged from the curtain.

This portal is pure azure, and even layers of water are flowing, and the rich and extreme water spirit breathes out from it.

In the middle of the sandy sea, which is extremely dry with absolutely no water vapor, the portals appearing behind the sand curtain are full of strong water and spirit!

Qianji scattered people, dead leaves of the ancestors looked at each other, and they all saw each other's hearts excited. At the same time, they took a step forward, drank, and stretched out their hands with ten fingers to fly, one after another, and turned into a rune.

The runes in the stele are the runes of the earth, which opens the shady sky.

At this moment, the two monsters are launching a rune of water, which opens the blue portal.

Rune integration, thousands of blue portals suddenly appeared layers of water waves, centered on this ripple, the portal slowly opened, the front road was filled with water vapor, obstructing vision, isolated from the gods, but no overflow from it.

At the moment when the door was opened, the ancestors of Dead Leaf and Qianji Sanren immediately expressed their joy and drank, "Go!"

The next moment, three old monsters entered the shuttle shuttle at the same time. This treasure flashed a little, directly into the sand curtain water gate, and disappeared instantly!

The moment the sand shuttle left, the unicorn treasure moved instantly, and the sand curtain door appeared directly outdoors.


The appearance of the old flame of flames, sensing the thick water vapor escaping from the portal, this person couldn't help laughing, "Ha ha ha ha! Such a rich water spirit is definitely a smoke wave and a thousand water array. With the means of the old man, you must be able to go ahead In one step, the treasures were collected! "

In the giggle, the old man directly put the unicorn magic weapon into the storage ring and replaced it with a worn-out bronze bell. The bronze bell laughed, the whole body was covered with green patina, and there were even three or four breaks on the bell body. It was extremely dim and no sense of spirituality was revealed.

Seemingly dilapidated, shaped like waste, but from the cautious eyes of the old flame demon, it is clear that this thing is absolutely unusual. The old man raised his hand and offered the bronze bell, and his foot moved forward, and the figure disappeared through the sand curtain.

After a few more breaths, everything was calm and calm, and no abnormalities appeared. But at this moment, in the sand layer on the ground, a black stone suddenly rose up silently, paused a little, and went directly into the sand curtain and disappeared.

The sandy sea returned to peace. Only the wind and sand raged. After a moment, the open blue portal shuddered, and then shrank back, slowly shrinking and eventually disappeared. The sky-shade curtain returned to its original appearance, surging and flowing.


Unicorn, ethnic temple.

This is the place where the unicorns have the highest status of the entire ethnic group. The top powerful members of the tribe gather here. All major commands about the ethnic group come from here, just like the heart of the entire ethnic group.

Suddenly, dazzling golden light burst into a secret room somewhere in the temple. At the moment when the golden light appeared, several light beeps sounded at the same time, silently and silently, the figures of six unicorn monks appeared directly outside the back room.

"Another clan is coming!"

"Haha, I wonder where this treasure came out?"

"Why guess, you and I will know when you go in."


The six unicorn monks seem to be ordinary, but they have their own coercion and faintness when they raise their hands. Obviously, they are high-ranking perennials. Although thin, they are enough to make the monks of ordinary heaven and earth look pale.


The Chamber of Secrets opened, and six mermaids came in. The dense outdoor world may seem small, but it has its own space. In this space, a scroll of nothingness floats slowly like a wave of water, the size of which is 100,000 feet, and the dazzling golden color comes out from a certain point in this scroll.

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