Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 25: Deep into the sea

Such a change, unexpectedly everyone unexpected!

Raise your hand to cut off the sand spider and eat it through the straw, how much it needs to be done! At the moment, the poison ant can't bear the pain of the brutal beast, and he jumps fiercely, only to feel cold all over the body. ({Bayi [[Fiction [{? 网 {W> WW.81ZW.COM

On the other hand, monks and other unicorn squads are full of incredible meaning, especially the blood tiger, with his mouth wide open, even if it is imported by the wind and sand.

"Brother Chen Xiao!" Lisa said in surprise, but her head couldn't react, and at this moment she appeared to be a gentle and weak Xiao Chen.

Only the scorpion's state of mind is the most stable, coupled with some speculations before, at this moment, he is the first to return to God and hug his fist: "Thank you Chen Xiao for helping you, and my husband and others are grateful."

The poison ants look completely ugly, and the comer really is the helper of the scorpion and others! But at this moment, what he saw in front of him made his eyes widen instantly, and endless fear was born in his heart. I saw a wave of the man's robe sleeves, and released the sword's qi at will, but the sand spider was sprayed out of the large net and easily cut, and all the unicorn monks were released.

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "You don't need to be polite to Earth Scorpion and Taoist friends. You have also helped a lot in the calculation. Right now, you will return this favor."

"These people, Chen Xiao took over for you."

As soon as Xiao Chen's voice fell, a sharp roar suddenly emerged from the poisonous ant's mouth. With the sound falling, the sand spider, which was struggling and writhing fiercely because of the pain, suddenly stopped, and two rows of eight small eyes instantly cast a blindfold. Layer of blood color, rich evil spirit burst out from his body instantly!


The weird state that the wild animal can explode in the dead is in this state. In this state, the whole body is boiled, the burning life bursts out of the strong attack, it is fierce and endless. Once cast, no matter what happens, this sand spider wild animal will die. .

"Retreat!" The poisoned ant Li Xiao grabbed his parents, flashed his lights, and frantically moved to the rear. A group of iron sword team monks lined up in a rigorous evacuation formation. Even when they were hunted down, they could explode with strong attack power, showing that Sufficient fighting experience, although panic, did not lose a proportion.

"Monk crossing the robbery! This man is actually a monk crossing the robbery!" A poisonous ant's heart gave birth to 120,000 points of fright, and he could easily wave his hand to cut through the web of sand spiders. Naturally only the monk crossing the robbery could have this power, "This place How could a scorpion know the strong man during the robbery period, and really deserve it! "

This person growled madly, but could only pray for the sand spider to enter the bloodthirsty state, which could block for a moment and let them escape their lives.


The scream of tyrannical screaming in the mouth of the sand spider, the sound is like the sharpness of iron stones rubbing, the bloodthirsty state makes it forgot the pain of chopping off the drinking straw for a time, but for the person who hurt it, this wild beast hates it. After the fall, eight flexible and strong arthropods suddenly exerted their strength, the figure burst out, and the horror opened wide. It seemed that he wanted to swallow Xiao Chen directly and chew to swallow to relieve his hatred.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and it was not safe in the sand at the moment. Although he changed his appearance, he would still be recognized by them if they were encountered by the Qianji scattered people, dead leaves ancestors, and Taoists from Montenegro. wonderful. So this time, he made up his mind and decided that he would not waste time with this wild animal.

With a wave of the sleeves, the feet are staggered, the arms are raised, the arms are bent, the fists are blown out!

And at this moment, the sand spider's wild animal figure just arrived. Because of the perfect timing, angle, and degree, it seemed that the sand spider had sent his head shell to Xiao Chen's hands, and he was blown on it with a punch. .

The loud noise burst instantly and was low and heavy. The sand spider's huge body shot out at a faster rate than when it came, dropping the sand surface to form a huge pothole, and there was no sound at all. Although seemingly impervious, flesh and blood has become a paste under the carapace.

The earth scorpion was shocked, this morning Xiao physical body was so arrogant, the sand spider could shake it to death. But now this person can't think deeply, and hurriedly said: "Chen Xiao, and seniors, also asked the seniors to take the shot, leaving this poisonous ant and others, I am so grateful."

Xiao Chen heard his words flicker, holding the soul bowl in his hand with a flash of aura in his hand, throwing his hand up, this thing stood up to the wind, and was shaped into a full 3oo feet, shooting directly to count the iron sword team monks Shrouded in. With a faint aura of light, the power of this Baofeng town was overbearing. It was easy to subdue all of them, and the body was rigid and could no longer move.

With a wave of the robe sleeve, the mana in his body was imprisoned. Xiao Chen retracted the soul bowl, stepped forward, and the figure went straight to the depths of Shahai.

"This block will keep them from moving for three hours. How to deal with it, you have to decide for yourself. In addition, don't tell anyone about my news." The voice has not yet fallen, and his figure has fallen into the endless sand sea. Disappeared.

"Thank you, Chen Xiao, seniors, and so on!"

The scorpion led a group of monks to respectfully salute, and looked at the direction of Xiao Chen's departure with a look of emotion. Who would have thought that these young gentlemen who did not show up for a few days would actually be a strong tribe.

Especially the blood tiger, at the moment is even more annoyed at the same time, at the same time secretly fortunate that the senior Chen Xiaoxiao did not have general knowledge with him, otherwise he would definitely die unsightly.

As for the Iron Sword Squad poisonous ants and others, they are all dead. Today, they will not be caught as a killer. How can they be imagined? Presumably from today on, the iron sword that is quite famous among the sand sea hunters. The squad was about to disappear.


In the depths of the sand sea, the sun is burning, the wind is raging, the wind and sand are overwhelming, and the environment is extreme. But at this moment in the sand and sea, there is a tall and straight figure walking slowly, looking at him at a glance is not fast, but if it is a small induction, it can be seen that each step of this person's fall seems to contain magical powers, It can instantly cross thousands of feet away, and the raging winds and sands will stand still outside of him three feet away.

The wind and sand raged on the outside, but this person was ruddy and his clothes were neat, but he was not affected at all.

This person is Xiao Chen.

The scorpion and other people were rescued in the marginal area of ​​the Shahai. As he said, the unicorn team helped him a lot, and it was considered a reward. To Xiao Chen, it doesn't matter if he is alien or not. People have a trickle on me, and I should be a reporter.

He didn't pause for a while, and went straight to the interior of the sand sea. According to the information obtained from the soul search in the fairy's mind, the entrance to the mystery was very deep in the sand sea. How exactly is Ji San Ren here?

At present, Xiao Chen is only as deep as 50 million miles. The sand and sea environment is so bad. The wind is blowing up the quicksand, and the power is extremely strong. The ordinary mandarin monk's mana shield is absolutely unbearable. Once in it, I am afraid It will be sieved in an instant. There is no hunting beast team here. After all, here, aside from the external environment, the wild beasts bred in the sand sea are also overbearing.

"call out!"

As Xiao Chen moved forward silently, the sand grains at his feet suddenly subsided, and then there was a crazy suction created from it, but it was some kind of soft beast hidden in the sand. There was no bone in his body, and his mouth and **** could not be swallowed. Everything is digested, and once it is swallowed, the consequences are unimaginable.

Xiao Chen's face was calm. He hadn't encountered this kind of software devouring the wild beast at this moment. At this moment, the external light flashed stably, and he raised his hands to shoot several water spirit swordsmanship. Although this sword is not powerful, it contains a lot of water spirit. For this kind of wild beast that is buried deep on the sandy bottom, its lethality is not trivial. At this moment, the thick water vapor was sensed, and a frightening and snarling roared from the mouth of the barbarian animal. He turned directly and drilled into the depths of sand and stone.

Pushing this brute back, Xiao Chen didn't chase him down, and kept moving forward, but his brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly. "It's okay to be here as people are scarce." Whispered, he Spread the consciousness, and the white color will be recovered.

In this sea of ​​sand, the mad sand rushes through, and the monk's consciousness will also be impacted, and the wear and tear is extremely serious. It is determined that there is no monk atmosphere around, Xiao Chen exerts magical powers, stretches the mana shield, and the figure directly integrates into the ground. He stops slowly until the depth of Baizhang, and the light flashes slightly on his hand. Then a black stone appears on his hand, under his feet. Step forward, the figure disappeared.

The next moment, the black stone trembled slightly, then quickly moved among the sand and stones.

Although the external storms are bad, the sandy world is more dangerous. Numerous sandy sea creatures live in it. Once the monks enter the atmosphere, they will definitely lead to crazy attacks. It is easy to get in and it is too difficult to get out.

If it weren't for the treasure of the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen would not dare to do so.

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