Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 24: Beast Crisis

[Explain, last Wednesday ’s update, because 5 ca n’t remember the update, so it ’s changed to a weekly red ticket over 10,000. Next Monday and Tuesday 4 will be changed every 3,000 words or more. Although it ’s not 5 but the word count is actually almost. Bayi ((Medium.) 81ZW.COM ... So, please do n’t be entangled in buns that have n’t been updated, in fact there are more ...]

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The voice fell, and a group of more than 50 unicorn monks strode forward, exhaling in breath, suddenly frightening many passing unicorn monks to one side. The speaker was a black robe unicorn monk. .

The earth scorpion and his monks could see the person clearly, and his complexion instantly became gloomy. His eyes were full of jealousy. The former looked at the party.

"Poison ants, don't bully people too much. The prey we got last time has been snatched by you, what else do you want!" Lisa Qiao flushed and drank softly, her chest rising and falling because of anger.

"Little girl's mouth, my father's name is what you can call!" A chubby unicorn monk stood behind the poison ant, staring at Lisa with small eyes. Although she was scolding on her mouth, she drooled almost. One place.

The blood tiger's eyes widened, stepping forward and holding the little girl behind him, he yelled: "Look what you look at, and then see if you can pull your eyes out when you step on the bubble!" When talking, I can't wait to grab the chubby boy directly in his hand and unload Eight.

The chunky monk shuddered with fat on his face and almost sat on the ground with his butt. The poison ant looked at his son ashamed, and then hummed and pulled it back, and said humbly, "Why, is your unicorn squad the one who teaches this junior, and dare to be so rude to the husband, is it because you want to borrow my hand? Help you get some good training! "

The sound dropped, a strong breath suddenly exuded outside the body, and it was directly pressed down.

The ground scorpion's complexion changed slightly, and the robe sleeve waved, directly blocking the breath. The two took a step back at the same time, but they were almost on the same level.

The two sides confronted each other, but no one dared to take the shot. This place is not in the sand. Once the killing is started, if there is no reason, it will be severely punished by the ethnic group. Whoever starts first, no matter what it is today, the end will not be too wonderful.

After a while, the poisonous ant sneered and said: "I hope you don't meet the old man's iron sword team in this sand sea, otherwise, hehe." This person waved his hand suddenly, and led the monks behind him to turn and leave.

The ground scorpion's face was ugly, and his eyes were frosty. At this moment, a robe sleeve led Lisa, Blood Tiger and others away.

Xiao Chen stood not far away, watching the two sides betray each other. At this moment, his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, and his eyes were full of worries.


The sea of ​​sand is vast and the sun is bright. Fortunately, the wind is slightly diminished, and the line of sight is clear, but the hot temperature makes people feel a little irritable.



On the ground, the roar of the fighting method was inaudible, and when I looked closely, it was the scorpion that was strangling and killing a small group of sand ants carefully. A bell was suspended above the head. Stopped the ants for help. This group of wild beasts is extremely horrible. Once they explode, it is said that they, even the strongest in the heaven and human realm, must retreat when facing the top ant nest. Overwhelmingly hard sand ants swept in, and any living beings would be swallowed up, and all the places they passed would be turned into dead domains.

Therefore, when hunting, the Beast Squad needs to carefully lead out a small group of sand ants, and then ban them with trapped ants. This small magic weapon is created by unicorn monks to specifically kill sand ants, although the grade is not high. However, it can break some kind of connection between sand ants. Otherwise, once a large number of sand ants are attracted, let alone hunting, it is not easy to save their lives.

But today, the unicorn team is doing quite well. Seduction, banning, hunting, everything is done in an orderly way, and in a few moments, all these sand ants can be killed, and it is a big gain to clean up.

This passage can be made when entering the sand sea for the first time, which makes most of the monks in the team smile a little.

Although the scorpion looked relaxed, his eyes were full of caution. The perennial beast-killing made him a very cautious character. Although the number of sand ants gradually decreased, he still had no care.

Over the years, the monks who have entered the Sandy Sea Beasts, no matter if they are weaker or stronger than him, all the arrogant and arrogant have died. The earth scorpion did not want to follow in the footsteps of others.


A black blade of light on the hand was cut off, and the last shot of the sand ant was killed. The wound went from the lower jaw to the end and penetrated the entire abdomen, but the most important carapace was completely preserved without any damage.

This is a means to kill thousands of sand ants, which can be entered from a point of fatal injury without any deviation.

"it is good!"

"Daddy is so good!"

The monks of the unicorns praised the opening, and did not mention it. This clean method alone is by no means comparable to them. The sand ants who died in the hands of the ground scorpion were almost the same. Will not waste a trace of power, damage the carapace.

The earth scorpion looked calm. At this moment, he said something lightly, and said, "Okay, let's clean up, let's leave right away." Except for the sandy ants and other vicious beasts, the greatest danger is the monks in the same family.

In the sea of ​​sand, no less than a few monks die every year because of fighting for prey, killing treasures, and killing unicorns.

But as soon as his voice fell, a sneer came, "Why bother to pack up, it would be better to leave it there for now, and it would be better for us to collect it."

When he heard this voice, the earth scorpion's face was gloomy and gloomy, and he suddenly turned around, just to see more than fifty monks in the sand sea come in silence, for the mouth is the poisonous ant!



The monks of the unicorn squad flashed with aura of light all over their bodies. They ignored the sand ants on the ground and looked coldly at the person.

"Poison ant, what do you want?" Di Xie said in a deep voice, with fear in his eyes. The sand sea is vast and boundless. Although the periphery is not large, the chance of encountering acquaintances is extremely small. At the moment when their hunting is completed, the poisonous ants lead the Iron Sword Team to appear. All this can only be explained. The poison ants have long been following them.

An unpleasant hunch appeared in this person's heart.

"Hey, now that I happened to meet a scorpion friend here, then the old man said something straight." The poisonous ant's eyes flickered slightly, and said lightly: "My son, who hasn't achieved anything, has long fancyed you. My daughter, I begged me to come to my house many times to propose a marriage, but the scorpion Taoist friends always do not give the old husband a chance to speak. Today in this sandy sea, I also asked the scorpion Taoist friends to give a reply to the husband, I do not know whether I agree with this family matter ? "

During the talk, the Iron Sword Team monks sneered around.

The local scorpion heard his words change, and utterly said: "My daughter has already been assigned to the disciples blood tiger, this old man has already stated that the poison ant Taoist need not mention it again!"

The poison ant's face was calm. At this moment, he suddenly sighed when he heard the words, saying, "It's a pity. This time, the old man still wanted to marry with the unicorn team. Then you and we cooperated to cross the sea, but now it seems I wishful thinking. "

"Which is the case, then you and I will liquidate the old account of the year. Now after all these years, some things should be over."

The scorpion heard the words, and the coldness overflowed in his eyes. "Poison ant, what are you trying to do? Are you ready to leave all my unicorn squads? You must forget, we are all in the mid-term practice, as long as I am today If you can go away, the news will return to the clan, and everyone in your Iron Sword Squad will be severely punished! "

"So, the old man advises you not to take the risk."

"Hey, you do n’t need to worry about the scorpion and Taoist friends. Since the old man dares to take the shot, naturally he has the full confidence to leave all of you, so that no news will be passed back to the family. As long as the treatment is clean, even if someone suspects it, As long as there is no evidence, what can it do. "The poison ant sneered, his eyes sneered," The palm of that year, the old man almost lost his life, and today I will let you even return to Bengal, but you can rest assured that Lisa is alive I ’m pretty, I will erase my memory and make her the daughter-in-law of my husband. I think you should be very satisfied with this. "

"Do it!"

After drinking and dropping, the poisonous ant and his back repaired not only did not step forward, but backed up, and the sand on the ground trembled violently. A giant spider with the size of a thousand feet, a dwarf appearance, and a brown-yellow sand-like spider. Rising from the ground, a big roar opened wide, revealing the sharp and disordered fangs, and it looked terrifying.

Barbara Sand Spider, a combination of strength to repair later.

The ground scorpion saw the appearance of this wild beast, and felt the violent breath released, and his face suddenly became pale. It turned out that this poisonous ant actually did not know when to conquer such a powerful brute, no wonder this time he dared to shoot.

And the most important point is that this sand spider beast, which is comparable to the late stage of the fit, is enough to kill the entire unicorn squad.

"Run away!" This strange old man roared violently in the mouth, and the mid-fit was so explosive that he wanted to stop for a moment.

But all this is in vain.


The sand spider is a powerful brute in the sand. At this moment, a mucus is sprayed out of the mouth, and it is directly formed into a large net, which is hundreds of feet in size, and directly covers all monks in the unicorn squad.

This large netcom body is yellow sand, extremely tough and extremely sticky, but it is a predator for sand spiders. Once it falls into it, it is difficult to get out of it, even if the monks in the later period of integration can not easily get rid of it.

"Haha, earth scorpion, today you are going to die in the hands of the old man!" The poison ant laughed cheerfully. "Sand spider, leave this girl, all the rest belong to you, go and enjoy the feast!"

Sand spiders are cruel and murderous by nature, and they like to swallow blood. At this moment, they heard a cheerful hissing in the mouth, eight huge arthropods swayed, approached forward, opened their mouths, and a straw-like object ticking the mucus and scorching hot air from it. Popped out, fast as lightning, went straight to the scorpion's head and fell.

Devouring the human brain is the favorite thing that sand spiders do.

The earth scorpion and others looked pale, but they couldn't move under the cover of the big net, and they could not help expressing their despair.


There was a sudden faint hum in the void, and there was a silver and white Gengjin sword screaming and instantly chopped down. The straw was cut out of the sand spider's mouth, and a large stream of green viscous liquid flowed out of it. The big pits were eroded, and the painful sand spider barbarians kept tumbling and rolling on the ground, roaring in the mouth.

The figure of an ordinary unicorn monk appeared in the field, stood with his hands on his back, and looked calm, except for the dark twinkling of twinkling eyes.

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