Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 12: Kill parent-child

[New volume, strive to step into the rhythm as soon as possible, pull up **, I hope you all support a lot, buns thank you! 】

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In the next moment, the four monsters shot without any reservation, but the most dazzling one was the mountain tribe Heishan Taoist. At this moment, there was a roar in the mouth, and the flesh rose wildly. It was actually 5oo in size in the breath. There is no defense at all in the magical magic weapon, and a few punches can smash several unicorn monks directly into powder to completely die. Bayi Middle School [文 W? W] W]. } 8} 1> ZW. Com

More than a hundred unicorn masters in the realm of physical fitness, faced the four powerful late-fighting powerfuls to fight, but after a few breaths, they have been beheaded, flesh and blood, and spilled onto the ground.

After the slaughter, the four old monsters closed their hands at the same time, and continued to move forward with a gloomy face. It took them only a moment to escape, and they would be much safer then. But at this moment, there were several sneer sounds, "Why, four Yasha Taoist friends killed my many unicorns, so it's impossible to leave so easily."

"Since it's here, leave it to the old man."

The voice had not yet fallen, and among the unicorn army behind, six strong breaths burst instantly, and they shot straight out of here.

Xiao Chen was held in his hands by the thousands of scattered people. At this moment, his face couldn't help but become extremely ugly. No matter the Yasha tribe or the unicorn tribe, he would not hesitate to kill him once he appears as a tribe, but it is only Only by following Qianjidaoren and others can we protect ourselves. Feeling the sudden burst of breath in the rear is approaching, he could not help looking even more ugly. Qianji scattered people and dead leaves ancestors had to bring Xiao Chen and Moru forward because of the need to move forward, their own crickets were forced to lower a lot. If they continue to do so, I am afraid they will be overtaken by the six unicorn strong men behind , Then the consequences will naturally be unimaginable.

For a time, the eyes of the four weirds gathered at the same time, one of which was cloudy.

Xiao Chen thought of them instantly, and couldn't help but jump hard.

Fairy Ziyun hesitated slightly, Shen said: "There is a flying treasure on the body of the body, and at most one person can be carried, otherwise it will affect its own puppet. How to make a decision, the two Taoists decide early."

"Master, you must save me. The disciples have been with you for thousands of years. You have always been courteous. Even if there is no credit, there is hard work. You must not leave the disciples!" Then Molu is not a stupid person. Screaming suddenly upon hearing the words, his eyes were full of surprise.

The ancestor of the dead leaves was dull and hesitated slightly, and said, "The old man cannot leave his disciples to escape, Qianji Taoyou, you leave this tribe of young people, I will leave." Between talking, this old strange face was indifferent.

Moru heard ecstasy, patted the flattery continuously, and fell on Xiao Chen, but it showed the color of resentment. At present, the situation is naturally a mortal monk who wants to give up, and must be waiting for the unicorn The strong will tear him into pieces!

This man had a malicious imagination in his heart, and showed a little pity in his eyes.

Qianji scattered people and nodded, this Moru is extremely important to the dead leaf ancestors, otherwise he will not take him wherever he goes, and his mind is moving to loose, but at this moment Xiao Chen It suddenly spoke, and said lightly: "If I am a senior, I will not let go. Although Xiao Chen does not know what the seniors are trying to explore, the seniors from Qianji have to spend a teleportation rune and have to hurry to guess. After a few minutes, there may be a treasure born in that secret realm soon. Once so, it will definitely be noticed by the monk monk. I am afraid that there will be no chance for your predecessors to intervene in this secret realm. "

"The yaksha fire-powered monk is not in the minority, but it is not easy for your predecessors to find a person with sufficient strength and control in a short period of time. If you give up the juniors, you must push back a lot of time if you want to do something. Day, in case, eh, all of your predecessors are smart people. I don't need Xiao Chen to be too straightforward. How to decide now, please think twice. "

Xiao Chen's voice was calm, and there was no fear on his face. At this moment, the sounds of the four weirds couldn't help changing, especially in the eyes of the Taoist and Fairy Ziyun of Heishan.

"I think Xiao Chen ’s friends are reasonable. If this delay makes the mystery fall into the hands of the unicorns, who can explain it?" Heishan Taoist said in a deep voice, and his polite manner was not polite. Although the Shanti tribe is a vassal race, there are countless strong people in the Yasha tribe, and there is no need to fear the monks of the Yasha tribe.

These four old monsters were temporarily cooperating because of their interests. If it is natural to talk about daily things, they will not agree if they threaten the benefits they may get.

The dead ancestor's face became extremely ugly for a moment, and Qianji Taoist said nothing, but his eyes flickered, apparently he was quickly weighing the pros and cons, thinking about gains and losses.

"I personally agree with the Daoist of Montenegro, that the cooperation between the four of us was to explore the mystery together. If it is possible for me to lose my treasure, then I will not agree to this matter." The fairy Ziyun smiled with joy. The natural beauty of Tianshi is so seductive that he let Moru secretly swallow countless smears, but at the moment when his face is tight and tense, he looks like a snake.

"Master, don't you bother about the noise of the two of them. You have to save me. I'm your only disciple. I will inherit your mantra in the future. If I die, you do n’t want to find another satisfactory disciple. easily!"

"Master, save me, take me away!"

Fairy Ziyun sneered when she heard her words and said, "Treasures are the property of this seat. I'll take care of who you want to bring! But now that we cooperate, you and I will choose fairly and choose Xiao Chen's little friend."

The Montenegrin Taoist was slightly silent, saying: "Secondary."

Right now, these two old monsters have already spoken. Even if the ancestors of the dead leaves and Qianji scattered people choose Moru, it is only a draw, but as Ziyun Fairy said, the treasure will eventually be her thing. I am afraid that she will eventually have to follow her mind. Act.

Qianji Sanren's eyes flickered slightly, hesitating and hesitating at this moment, Shen said, "Dao Ye Daoyou, in this case, you will give up this disciple. The old man knows that you have devoted a lot of effort to him, but compared with the secret realm There should be no need for the husband to remind him. "

"If this is going well, maybe you and I can take a crucial step to achieve heaven and humanity. Taoist friends have been preparing for thousands of years but they have been in vain. You can train another one if your disciples are gone, but only once. . "

The old man said, but he had already determined the matter, Xiao Chen stayed and gave up Moru.

"No! Master don't give up on me!"

"You can't do this, Master, you can't do this!" Moru's face was filled with extreme fear. From Master's face, he saw a thought that made him feel terrified. Cold sweat instantly turned his jacket on. Wet robe.

The dead ancestor's gloomy complexion suddenly eased down, and he took a complex look at Moru and whispered, "Morrow, you have been with me for seven thousand years. You know why I am so fond of you, no matter what magic you want. , Woman, do I satisfy you all? "

Moru looked dull, and didn't understand why Master suddenly said so at this moment.

The ancestor of the dead leaf was expressionless and said lightly, "In fact, all this is because you are the biological son of the husband, and I am so good to you, and I want to compensate you, because the father cannot be overcome by the limitations of the meditation law. Environment, Shou Yuan is exhausted due to the loss of cultivation. If he cannot take the last step in ten thousand years, he will only be transformed into a fly ash and die. So I gave birth to you, it is to cultivate one flesh for me. At that time, if there is no way, you will take away your physical body and live. You and I are the same blood, and I have helped you carefully cultivate the physical body over the years. This is a great possibility for success, but after all, you are my parent-child and my husband. Will you have no feelings for thousands of years, and you will never make this choice unless you have no choice? "

"But this mystery exploration is my last chance. Perhaps my father can become a strong person in the heavens and the human realm. This opportunity I must not miss."

"So, don't blame your father. I don't have any other choice at this time. But the child can rest assured that if he can truly achieve the realm of heaven and humanity, he will definitely ask the powers of the upper world in the future to exert supreme power to revive you."

According to the ancestors of the dead leaves, the Qianji Taoist obviously knew that some faces could still keep calm, but the faces of Xiao Chen, Heishan Taoist and Ziyun Fairy were completely changed.

Moru has not recovered from this news, and the old ancestor of the withered leaf has roared, "Since having to die, my son will do the last thing for the old man. You take good care of it. "Yu Luo directly patted with a palm, which was a direct smashing of the parent-child Yuan Shen, and at the same time a strange force was instantly incorporated into his body, raising his hand and throwing it backwards.

"The old man has made a choice, I'll wait for a while!" The dead leaf old man said lightly. Although his face was calm, the coldness in his eyes was enough to freeze the spirit.

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