Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 11: Ethnic battlefield

Taking the Yasha Millstone City and the Unicorn Optimus City as the line, the 3ooo mile area is the ethnic battlefield. As it goes deeper, it is more dangerous. Enemy attacks may occur at any time, and you need to be careful to survive. [August 1 W] W]. 8> 1ZW. Com

Because of the large number of monks who persecuted here for many years, this group of people has a terrible area of ​​3ooo miles. The air is filled with strong evil spirits, covering the sky and the sun, making the sky a little dark, and the cloudy wind roars.

Taking the ancestors of dead leaves as an example, Xiao Chen and his team of six did not stop at all and rushed forward. There were four monks who led the way in the later period of calamity, and naturally could be endless in this ethnic battlefield.

call out!

call out!

In the harsh sound of the air, several figures roared through the shady mist and mist.

"Hey, six monks in the realm of Yasha tribe, everyone is friendly and ready to meet them." Hundreds of miles away, a first-born milky white unicorn with a shape very similar to that of a human monk suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth. Show a little sneer.

"Tunggi's unicorn comes with a talented supernatural power, which can be sensed within thousands of miles. It seems that we will gain something again this time." Another burly unicorn big man laughed and said, this person is obviously this team collar. Dozens of unicorns sneered, all of them cultivated to be in the state of fit, of which there were also six in the later level of the fit.


The unicorn monk team broke the restraint, and the figure whistled straight to the 6 monks of the Yasha clan.

"Hands on!" The two major ethnic groups have fought for many years, and the monks meet each other in the ethnic battlefields without saying a word, and they shoot directly and fiercely, and want to put their opponents to death. Taking the monk's collar as the example, dozens of unicorns exploded at the same time. Fighting in the ethnic battlefield requires a battle decision, otherwise the longer the delay, the more likely it is that something will happen, and even the enemy ’s stronger monk squad will fall from the hunter to the prey.

So at this instant, more than a dozen unicorn monks have burst into full force.

The ancestor of the dead leaf suddenly lifted, sneered in the sleeve of the robe, and immediately the green oil Jianmang shot out instantly, whistling straight towards the Yasha monk, and at this moment it was close, so that he could clearly sense that it came from the Jianmang The venomous atmosphere of the body caused a chill in the body.



When the monks shot in the later period of crossing the calamity, the power was naturally not to be underestimated. The unicorn monks were directly chopped, and the green oil swordsmanship was undiminished, and they easily entered the unicorn monks. Nowhere was they spared. , All flesh and blood primitive gods were swallowed by green mans.

"Monk Crossing Robbery!" You can easily kill the monks combined. Of course, you can only do so if you cross the above realms. "Damn, kill me today and wait, there will be masters of the clan who will chase you to death in the future!"

The bitterness and low drinking had not yet fallen, and the unicorn monk collar was also instantly cut in half and completely killed.

call out!

call out!

Lvyoujianman whistled and merged into the ancestors of the dead leaves. The pedestrian's advancement didn't even stop at all, and the whistling continued.

In the ethnic battlefield, in order to prevent the other monks from directly entering the field immediately, there are two great monk monks who bless them. They can only fly in the sky and travel 3 miles away, even if they take Xiao Chen and others for at least a few days. time.

Along the way, Xiao Chen and his party encountered 17 unicorn monks besieged, but they all died regardless of the number of people. That dead leaf old emerald oil swordman did not continue to shoot, obviously this old monster relies on magical powers to devour others' flesh and energy to enhance cultivation. There is also no limit to repairing, otherwise, if he is devoured madly, cultivation will not remain until now. Later stages of crossing the robbery.

The four gangsters in the later period took turns to rest and kept their peak combat power at any time. After all, they were in the ethnic battlefield. Everything could happen, so they couldn't be careful.

A day and a half later, the party arrived at the center of the battlefield of the ethnic group. The stronger the spirit here, the more monks died over the years. After a short rest for half a day, the crowd went on their way again. This time, it has been a lot smoother. On the way, I only encountered a wave of very weak unicorn monks. Seeing that they were not far from the unicorn territory, they were about to leave the ethnic battlefield, and everyone was a little faster.

But at this moment, for the Qianji Taoist suddenly stopped, his face was full of suspicion.

"Qianjidaoyou, what happened?" Afterwards, Ziyun Fairy opened her face solemnly, and Qianji Sanren's actions were definitely targeted, apparently he noticed something different.

Qianji scattered people slowly shook his head when he heard the words and whispered, "Things are strange, do you not think that you and I have gone too smoothly? It is actually close to the half-tribe battlefield of the unicorn territory. Only encountered an enemy monk squad. "Speaking here, this old weird gaze focused on the way forward," Although there is nothing strange ahead, it gives the old man a sense of extreme crisis. He has cultivated some magical power in the next, right The crisis response is extremely acute, and it seems that there must be a problem in it. "

Hearing this weird mouth, the dead ancestors, the Taoist from Heishan, and the fairy Ziyun all looked gloomy.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and his heart was not frightened, but now he is controlled by others. It is impossible to escape under these four weird eyes. Only when there is a change, he has the opportunity to act.

Now, it seems that this opportunity is coming.

"Since the Qianjidao people feel inductive, obviously this is by no means unfounded, so you and I will slowly slow down. As long as everything goes well, we can leave the ethnic battlefield for at least half a day and then enter the unicorn territory. , There is no need to be cautious. "The ancestor of the dead leaves began to think a little bit, and was immediately approved by the other three monsters, and his party then slowed down and moved forward carefully.

For a moment, Qianji Sanren's face became more and more gloomy, only because the uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger, but he could not feel the slightest crisis from the front, even if he let go of his thoughts. It is this unpredictable potential danger that makes this weird even more daunting.

Suddenly, the Ziyun Fairy's pretty face suddenly changed, and then screamed: "Retreat! There is a unicorn army in front!" This beautiful Yasha tribe woman cultivates a probing magical power, but it was not shown before, but Looking forward at this moment, it almost scared the soul out of the sky. I saw that they were less than two thousand miles away, and there were countless unicorn monks marching in silence, all looking utterly murderous, and the number was roughly looking at no less than 1 million people. It was divided into two parts, the left and right, which stretched for nearly 10,000 miles. , Like two beasts moving forward in the ethnic battlefield in silence, any obstruction in front will be directly wiped out. Among these 1ooo million unicorn monks, there is even the golden-hoofed rhinoceros, which is as big as a thousand feet and panting, which is a powerful brute unique to the unicorns. Only the unicorns can. Tame it as a siege weapon. In the war between the two races, the one-horned golden-hoofed rhino will cause serious death and injury to the Yasha tribe. As for the monk army, the number of various wild beasts can't be counted at a glance. On this army team, there are dozens of strange magic weapons hovering around each, all of which are disc-shaped. Each one has a size of a thousand feet, and a few strange fluctuations are scattered from it. It is precisely because of these fluctuations that the army's air intake can be completely blocked. Come down.

With the scream of the fairy Ziyun, Qianji Sanren, the dead ancestors, and the black mountain Taoist simultaneously discovered that the complexion became extremely ugly in the next moment, and the pupils contracted fiercely to express anger.

The unicorns are going to siege! It is not difficult to see this from the murderous battle.

Damn, the two races will explode once in thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, but they were met with extreme unluckyness. They will be able to cross the ethnic battlefield in a little while, but now it ’s too late. The unicorn army is ahead, and Mo said it was them, even the Mahayana Heavenly Realm must be retreated.


There was no hesitation in the next moment, Qianji scattered people, dead leaves monsters took Xiao Chen and Moru respectively, and Heishan Taoist and Ziyun Fairy turned back and went crazy, now they can only pray for the unicorn to attack the city There is no monk in Heaven and Human Realm, or even if the four gangs join forces later, they will still be dead.

Although it was only one step away from Mahayana in the later period of crossing the border, the difference in strength between them was quite different.

call out!

call out!

The four monks in the later period of the calamity could not continue to cover up their home repairs. At this moment, they burst out with all their might, and whistled away.

"By ordering the Lord, stop them, we must not send news of our tribe's aggressive offensive, kill!" The unicorn army struck, already secretly ambushing in the ethnic battlefield to clean up the Yasha monks to prevent the monks from revealing.

At this moment, the four ancestors of the dead leaves and the Qianji scattered people were suddenly blocked, and hundreds of unicorn monks killed them from the wings.

"Shoot, you must not be blocked at the moment, otherwise you and I will die if you are caught in the army!" Qian Jisan's population drank drastically, and his eyes were endlessly hot.

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