Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 216: Consumption of fused body

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At the same time, in the blood pool, the blood king suddenly opened his eyes, and a few different colors flashed in his eyes. First, he looked at the ancient demon avatar, then fell on the old man of the clan, his mouth slightly raised, "Taoyou We have reached the final step of reshaping, but the blood flow in our body is uncontrolled. Hehe, this is the fault of the king. He has never explained this blood to life and magical powers to Taoists. "

"This magical power is the magical power of the Qu Guo Yi Mai family. Only the people of the Qu Guo Yi Mai family can perform it, and use the blood of thousands of souls to shape the blood body and obtain the power. If it is cultivated by foreign nations, it will not be abnormal at first. In the last step, blood will be drawn back. Only the smoke will end. "

"Ha ha ha ha! The king borrowed your hands to raise blood for endless years, and now it is finally about to come to pass, but this time I would like to thank the fire tribe friends. But now, it should be when you disappear, as long as the king swallows you , You will be able to fuse the blood, then capture Xiao Chen ’s child, devour the blood, completely destroy the town and release the body. By combining the blood and the power of the king ’s body, the king will become the new ancestor of the Yanhuang tribe! ”


The blood king's eyes gave out a fiery color, and the figure burst into the blood pool, and madly got into the old man's body.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! The old man suffers endless suffering, he can be born again at first sight, never willing to die! Old man is unwilling!" The old man of the clans snarled wildly, his face fiercely distorted, but he suffered a backlash of blood throughout his body. Without the power to fight back, he could only let the blood king burst into the body with his blood.

The two old undead gods devoured each other frantically, but the blood king is like a fish in this blood body. On the other hand, the old man of the tribe needs to be distracted to suppress the blood backwash.

After counting the breath, only the **** figure in the blood pool sat cross-legged, and the flesh and blood on his face returned to relax. At this moment, his eyes suddenly opened, and two **** swirls quickly spun up, "Ha ha ha ha, fire patriarch, thank you, King!"

Laughing out of this figure, it was clear that the blood king won the battle.

Outside the mountain, the ancient demon avatar's face became extremely ugly instantly, and his hand attack was even more fierce.

The two eyes are opposite. Although it is not the body, the blood king still sees the identity of the ancient demon avatar instantly.

The next moment, the blood king roared suddenly, "Swallow up the blood, and finally become blood, and condense the king!" With the roar opening, the blood waves in the blood pool exploded, turning into endless pure energy and integrating into this person.

At the third breath, the outside of the mountain was banned and the head was full of flesh.

The ancient demons broke the ban, and the blood king achieved blood.

One step behind!

Blood King **-The body and the body are evenly perfect. Each piece of blood is distributed in the right place. Every move seems to be able to explode.


Eyes opened, two of them blood swirled into pupils, still the pale blood color, a faint weird breath appeared in the rotation, as if the human **** could be swallowed forcibly, the blood in the body flashed slightly, and then a **** noble robe was taken out of thin air Condensing and falling on the body.

"Sister Xiao Chen, don't wait for 2oo, the king has been waiting for you for a long time, and see where you are today to escape."

The ancient demon avatar's face was completely gloomy, his pupils contracted violently, and his eyes were afraid to look at the person in front of him. He watched as this man devoured the old man of the clan, but there was no idle emotion in this weird and tragic fate, and the identity of the protagonist ended in the same tragic end. Just because he is about to face a life-and-death fight, there is no doubt about the blood king in front of him, but it is not his body, but part of the mana's mana penetrates the fissure of the town, devouring and occupying the blood of the elders of the upper race and feeding endless years . Therefore, the blood king in front of him is by no means the invincible existence that Xiao Chen saw at the beginning.


The ancient demon snarled in his mouth, and the three-foot Qing Feng was instantly cut off.

He is naturally hostile to this blood king, and he wants to devour the other side to obtain a complete bloodline. In this case, naturally, there is no need to say more, and it depends on the final result of this battle.

A sword is cut, and the spirit is full of energy. The shop is transformed into a magic sword.

The blood king smiled coldly, standing in the blood pool at this moment, with a wave of the blood robe, suddenly the endless blood power turned into a skull out of nowhere, and he opened his mouth wide in the strange smile and directly swallowed at the sword. . Although this blood skull is transformed from magical powers, it seems to have its own intellect. When it bite a bit, it actually directly cut off the Jianji sword gas. Although it was screamed, it still went straight and went straight to ancient times. The magic avatar swallowed.


The ancient demon avatar had a gloomy face, but did not stop it. After the blood skeleton approached, the small shop body in his hand suddenly rose to a hundred feet in size, and it was mixed with a mighty force to cut it.

The main body of the shop can withstand the 1o24-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-dimensional array. It is extremely strong and sharp. It can cut the world. At this moment, the main body beheaded and killed in the blood skull scream and dissipated in the void.

The blood king's face changed slightly, and his eyes were slightly gloomy. "I didn't expect that in just 2oo years, you can grow to the point where you are today. Such a degree of progress is also outstanding in the peak period of my country."

"Both of you and I have the purest blood in the ethnic group, but only the King can make my Qu Kingdom rise. The blood in your body must be swallowed by this net!"

"Using the power of the blood pool, the supreme blood is achieved, and the world is overwhelmed!"

The blood king roared, and the next moment the blood pool on the top of the mountain trembled, and then the endless blood waves screamed as if attracted and went straight to the blood king's body. With the integration of this blood and water, the blood king ’s body suddenly rose wildly with the naked eye's visibility, and instantly turned into a hundred feet, and then thousands of feet and ten thousand feet swallowed the blood pool of blood and stopped the skyrocketing. Booming out from these 40,000 feet of blood.

"Not enough. The king's blood has been formed. He hasn't devoured enough blood. He has imprinted the blood of the king's mark, and sacrifice your flesh and blood gods!" The weird fluctuations that emanated from the blood veins instantly dispersed, spreading in all directions with a very fast degree.

Below the mountain peaks, eight blood canals lead to the ground and extend into a vast underground grotto. There are more than 50,000 Huangji family monks, 2oo million ordinary people, 19 Buddhist monks and four The Dagu tribe is almost 2o ten thousand monks, 8oo more than 10,000 ordinary folk, the number is actually more than ten million! But at the moment, all of them were terrified, but their bodies seemed to be imprisoned and they couldn't move a little bit. A drop of essence blood slowly leaked out of their bodies along the pores, dripped to the ground, and gathered along the dense channels carved out of dense lines. The small stream, trickling, and finally merged into the eight blood canals, under the action of an inexplicable traction, countercurrently flowed up the mountain walls of the cave.

All of them remained sane and conscious. They could clearly sense that the body's blood and mana and even the power of the Yuanshen were constantly dissipating and being forcibly deprived. Endless fear impacted his mind, but there was no voice in his mouth. Only " "Tick" "Tick" the sound of blood falling to the ground. The monks are fine, but the five ancient and ordinary people of the five ancient groups, densely packed and tens of millions, have already been killed and wounded countlessly under the power of this strange deprivation. Most of them have dried up their bodies and broken their souls, and their bodies have finally decayed into blood and water.

At this moment, a weird force came from the outside instantly, and the Huangji family monk, who was still struggling to persevere, suddenly widened his eyes, his eyes were covered with fine bloodshots, and they grew bigger and bigger, eventually bursting out.

It was not just the eyes that burst, but their skulls. The endless blood and mana were directly shattered into the blood screams in the fear and screams of Yuanshen and poured into the blood canals. As for the 2oo million ordinary people of the imperial family, there was no trace. The power of resistance is completely dead.


In the clouds lingering in the large array, Kitaniko and Huangji Danji fought fiercely for a long time. At this moment, they looked very cautious. Although the opponent was repaired a little weaker than him, but he was really fighting, but he could not suppress his opponent. From time to time, this man's ruthless magical powers forced Beiguzi to retreat in anger and drink.

Huang Jidan chuckled. At this moment, he felt the violent atmosphere coming from the direction of the blood pool. He couldn't help exulting, and the master was finished!

"Haha, today you wait for me in the Hongmeng Palace, no one wants to leave alive!"

"Children, the master has woke up and dragged them!"

The man laughed wildly.

But at this moment, his face was violently violent, and then the breath in his body went away uncontrollably, and there was a misery in his mouth, "Master, why do you want to do this, my Huangji family will regenerate for you and destroy 2oo people, you Why are you doing this to us! "

"Master forgive me, forgive me!"

At the same time, Huangji Danxi, Huangji Danteng, Huangji Danyuan, and a group of monks of Hongmeng Palace fell into a painful roar.





The crackling sound of dense linen flesh was endless and gathered from all directions, making people scalp and pale.

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