Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 215: Two deadly enemies gather

Deep in the mountains of 100,000 miles from the battlefield, clouds and mist lingered on the top of the mountain, and the **** figure in the blood pool burst into anger and growl.

In these eight blood channels, the trickling viscous plasma is continuously injected into the blood pool, converted into pure energy for its swallowing and absorption, and integrated into the body to form a complete flesh, but according to the current degree, it takes at least 3 days to complete. Eight [. ? C) O? M]

But right now, he doesn't have enough time.

The old man of the clans stayed in the human world in the past, but was killed in the war but a trace of the gods escaped. He was seduced by the ancestors of the Emperor Ji family at first, and was driven by him at first. Hongmeng Palace is in his hands, hidden in the endless years, and reached an agreement with the Blood King. The former helped him to regenerate with the blood of endless souls, and obtained innate blood power endless. The ancestor of the upper family allowed the blood king to get rid of blood. The Inheritance Hall of the Land is free. So far, the two elders have cooperated with each other, and there has not been any difference, and the old man of the upper family has reached the most critical moment. However, Xiao Chen returned and killed the old man of the Celestial Big Six, and it was his avatar's primordial heart that awakened from the retreat. This was the order to capture Ziyan, Yuewu and the Xiao family. He casts a spell to kill the witch magic power, and destroys Xiao Chen silently, just because this old man is very clear about Xiao Chen magic power. If he doesn't kill right now, he will surely become the confidant of the entire fire tribe.

However, after he fully recovered and issued the order, Xiao Chen happened to come, and this is the situation today.

"Damn! It's a little bit worse. As long as there are three more days, the old man will be able to regenerate against the sky, and he will get this endless power blood body. By then, the world will be able to stop the old man at all!"

"Old man is unwilling, unwilling!"

The old man roared wildly, condensed the flesh and flesh more densely, the legs had already given birth to the epidermis, tight and powerful like a young man, but from the Internet on the leg was still the **** horror.



The blood pool trembled, setting off layers of blood waves, making the pungent **** smell in the air a little heavier.

The blood condensed again turned into the figure of the blood king. At this moment, he focused his eyes on the old man of the tribe, and whispered, "My king knows that you can break a certain imprisonment. If you don't do it now, I'm afraid there will be no chance. "

"Releasing part of the primordial power of the king to enter, I can bring the endless blood of the sea of ​​blood to help you complete the final body shaping. Is it not good for you and me to get what you want, in the end, it will be better than Daoyou's years of preparation and effort. It's even going to end up going down completely. "

"This is what the king said, and where to go from here, Daoyou decides early."

The blood king spoke in a deep voice.

The old man of the family heard that the flesh was shaking on the dripping face, and the two blood swirls in the eyes were trembling. Obviously, he was thinking about it. After a short while, the old man suddenly lifted up and said coldly: "Okay, today the old man will take a gamble and open the town for the time being to release you, but there is one point I want to remind the blood king Taoist friends, don't have other thoughts, otherwise the old man Even if you die, you will be buried with you! "

After all, this weird waved his hand suddenly, and a roar instantly appeared in his mouth, "Fill the town, open!" During the roar, the whole blood pool suddenly trembled violently.



The sound of mountain fragmentation kept coming, the cracks were dark, and I didn't know where to go. But the next moment, the blood spring suddenly burst out of the crack, thick and red, shocking.

Along with the blood spring, a **** smile appeared in the blood king's mouth, and then the figure suddenly collapsed into the blood pool and disappeared.

"Power, my king's power, come on, return to my king's body!" The roar of the blood king roared, causing the whole blood pool to set off an endless wave.

The eyes of the old man's eyes flashed sharply, but at this moment there was nothing to say. Every bit of flesh and blood on his body was like a monster that had been hungering for countless years, and devoured the blood and water flowing from the crack in the ground into pure energy. Inhaled. With the constant engulfing of energy, the organs of this old monster are rapidly formed, and the surface skin is also growing to the naked eye. When the entire body is fully grown, the blood body is completely developed.

For a time, the blood king and the old man of the clans all kept silent, devouring energy frantically to enhance each other's strength. The two of them had their own misfortunes. Naturally, they would never have half trust in each other. For fear that even if Xiao Chen did not appear, the two old monsters would have a day of desperate fighting.

At the same time, in the Ji Family monk's battle, the look of the ancient demon avatar changed suddenly, his eyes completely darkened, his eyes seemed to penetrate the endless space, and fell directly on the blood pool. At this prescription, there was a breath that made him extremely familiar.

Blood King!

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted violently. Why the horror that was sealed in the **** place appeared in Hongmeng Palace. He was not clear and had no time to think about it. There is only one thought in my heart, and I will try my best to let this old man return to his peak state, otherwise everyone will die today.


There was a wild roar in the Demon avatar's mouth, and then he strode under his feet and went straight to the source of the breath. Although the formation method is strong, he cannot isolate the induction between him and the blood king, only because they have almost the same blood in their bodies!


In the course of the journey, the blood shadow shot from the clouds and mists, and the screaming of the ancient demons did not flash, his face was cut with a sword without expression, and it was chopped in an instant, and there was no pause in his steps.

Blood Shadow growled madly, seemingly under some kind of urgency, and suddenly became violent. A whole set of eight Blood Shadow madly attacked and killed Xiao Chen, and wanted to delay it.

cut! cut! cut! No matter what the situation, the ancient demon avatars are all looking calm, savagely cut off, let your **** shadow claws be sharp, and you cannot escape! Although the blood shadow is strong, the breath is not even weaker than that of the ordinary monks in the early period of the fit, but in the face of the ancient demons, they have no way to do it, even to stop him at all. But even so, the black robes outside the ancient demon's body were still torn by a few rips, but the sturdy demon's body was enough to block off the attack and never suffered any harm.



Eight blood shadows have been cut repeatedly, and the body's breath has been weakened by half. At this moment, they screamed in unison, flew into Xiao Chen, and blew up at the same time before approaching. The **** energy of that sky burst out with strong corrosion toxicity.

This thing can't be stopped by sight, but it is necessary to stop the ancient demons at the expense of self-destruction.

But at this moment, the ancient demons flickered slightly in the eyes of the avatar, and the next step when they stepped out of the figure disappeared. Only a black stone appeared above the void. The next moment the terror self-explosion energy burst out suddenly.

However, under this wave of destruction, the black stones are still the same as before, and even the slightly faint color has not changed at all. At this moment, the stone trembled suddenly, and then cut through the energy impact, such as riding a boat in the wind and waves, whistling out of the explosion envelope. The next moment the light flashed, the ancient demon avatar appeared again, put away the black stones, and strode forward.


At the moment, the ancient demon avatar rushed out of the big bond by induction. At this moment, there was no pause, and the space was directly torn and the teleportation went straight to the source of the blood king's breath.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" But for just a few breaths, the blood king's breath was more than twice as powerful. If he went on like this, the consequences would be disastrous.

The ancient demon avatar had a glamorous complexion, teleported several times in a row, and the figure appeared outside the clouds and haunting mountains.

"Drink!" In the burst, the shop cut down directly.


Qianzhang Sword came out of the void, blasting out of the mountain, leading to endless clouds and fierce writhing gradually thinning out, faintly seeing which side of the blood pool.

Two figures!

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted and became very ugly. One of them was the blood king, and the other one was what he had seen in Soul Searching in Emperor Dandan Yuanshen, and at this moment Xiao Chen finally understood why Familiar feeling.

This figure is actually the old man of the tribe!

The reason is without him, just because at this person's eyebrows, a group of flame clan patterns is formed faintly, and there is a faint blood flame jumping, this breath Xiao Chen will never sense an error.

This old monster has been swallowed up by King of the Nine Bloodswords in Starfield Big 6, Xiao Chen saw it with his own eyes, but why is it still appearing now. Xiao Chen couldn't figure it out, but he didn't have time to think about it. Both the old man and the blood king were endless with him. At the moment, two strange people appear at the same time. The situation facing Xiao Chen is even more crisis.

"Cut!" The roar of the ancient demon snarled again and again, relying on the shop's sharp sharp shots, which immediately made the clouds outside the mountain trembling to collapse.

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