Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 179: Furious billions of souls die

Numerous years were fortunate to see that the fit monk shocked the World War 1 disciples of Puhuazong, and they were all pale, with fear almost fainting in the eyes, causing countless disciples to enter the panic, and they were horrified, and they did n’t know how to teach adults and teachers Why are the brothers and sisters so scared? Eight [One [中 ?? <文 W] W] W ?. 8) 1) YW. Com

Finally, in the eyes of countless monks, shocked, feared, or dull, one foot stepped out of the chaos of space, and another step followed.

The monk Qingpao stood outdoors in the chaotic door of space, with a calm complexion, a pair of dark eyes shining like stars, shining a touch of coldness.

After almost 2oo years, he finally returned.

At the moment when he saw the complexion of the incoming person, he was still surprised that the disciples of Puhuazong understood it instantly, and couldn't help but take a breath.

They are no strangers to this face. The countless wanted jade Janes in the realm of cultivation and secretly circulated battle videos are enough to let them remember his appearance thoroughly, and he will never forget the slightest thing in this life.

It is here that at Puhuazong, that monk shot out violently, killing Jin Yuzong Bing Ling with unparalleled power, and beheading hundreds of upper monks of Jin Yuzong, making this a great monk overnight. Land fall apart.

Faced with the two late powerful monks strangling, they were unafraid, summoned 50,000 armored warriors, used the combined attack method to destroy the true world, summoned the shadow of the mysterious palace, and shocked the two late integrated monks to release their magical powers and plunge into space chaos. The stream disappeared without a trace.

Since then, there has been no news in nearly 2oo years. When countless monks thought that he had been ridiculed, this prestigious man in Moro ’s true world over a hundred years actually appeared again and left from the turbulent space. , Return from within the turbulence of space.

This monk, Xiao Chen, left countless rumors of a comet-like rise in Moro's true world.

At the time of the assessment of the branch of the Alchemy Association, he was still a monk who did not fall into the limit accumulation realm and his trip to the pharmacy. After more than ten years, he completed the accumulation without falling in one fell swoop and used the later limit repair to kill the combined monk.

Crossing the calamity makes the fit, and the initial repair is to shake the fit later, and the Lei Dao Tianzun is detached and retreats.

After disappearing again for five years, he appeared in Puhuazong, using the thunder to slay the peak of the first peak of the fit, and defeated Lei Dao Tianzun and Wuyuan Taoist.

Such an impressive record has spread throughout Moro's true world, but everyone who knows how to set foot on the road knows everything. It is just now that many monks have an idea in their hearts at the same time. It has disappeared for almost 2oo years. How far has Xiao Chenxiu been promoted? Can I fight a combined monk?

War fit late monk!

If Xiao Chen had performed extremely badly before, I am afraid no one would dare to imagine his strength to such an extent. After all, the monks are promoted to fit, and the slightest improvement is difficult, especially the later state of fit, and it takes an endless accumulation of years to make a breakthrough.

The monk Mo said that for thousands of years, even if it can break through in ten thousand years, it is rare.

But on Xiao Chen, no monk dared to imagine it from a lower place. The combat strength of that year was comparable to the mid-level extreme monk of the fit, and now it is not impossible to reach the later level of the fit.

After all, Supreme Master Tianchi is a powerful body. At this moment, he is the first to come back to God. His stiff face barely squeezes out a smile and says dryly: "Xiao Chen has been a friend for more than a hundred years. Congratulations. "

This evil star was able to fight the ice sage bludgeon that year. This time, the return was huge. Obviously, when the magical power was far away, the old man couldn't help it.

Countless Monks of Puhuazong were awakened. At this moment, they were saluting respectfully, landing and falling on the ground.

In front of this, they are not qualified to stand in the air at the same time.

For the respectful expression of Supreme Master Tianchi's apparent care, Xiao Chen had not seen it. At this moment, his eyes were cold on the person, and he said lightly: "Xiao Chen has no intention of coming here, but just wants to ask, where is Qing Mei now?"

Upon hearing this, Lord Tianchi's body was suddenly stiff, and dense sweat beads instantly penetrated from under the skin, soaking his robes with his forehead. The thought of Xiao Chen's furious defeat for Fang's family at that time, at the risk of killing Jin Yuzong and his party, he shocked the two late monks of the fit, and his fear grew wildly in his heart.

Xiao Chen's complexion was instantly gloomy, and his complexion became even more indifferent. "Where is the blue eyebrow?" Although the voice is quiet, it is the chill that penetrates this calmness that can freeze the monk's flesh and blood.

His Holiness Tianchi did not dare to remain silent. He could sense that the patient in front of him had reached the limit of patience, and he could explode at any time. "Ms. Qing Mei, and Qing Mei, when they left in the morning of Xiao Chen, had been raided Tianzun Taoyou took away. "


The sound fell, and a shocking weather burst from Xiao Chen's body. The strength of this breath has already repaired the space of the real world to bear the limit. With the main peak of Puhuazong as the center, the space of tens of thousands of miles suddenly collapsed.

This collapse is not the failure of the monk to tear the space, but the annihilation of the essence of the space. Once the destructive force is extremely horrible, within this space, all living beings will die unless they exist above the combined state. What's even more frightening at this moment is that a violent wave spread from here to the surrounding area. This fluctuation has a resonance property, which actually causes signs of instability at the same time in the space where Puhuazong is located. It is like a chain reaction. When Puhuazong's space is annihilated here, the destructive force generated will explode wildly, and then cause surrounding A wider area of ​​space is annihilated, and this devastating killing will cover millions of miles. All the creatures in it are dead and destroyed, like the catastrophe of the world.

At the same time, countless powerful monks in Moro's true world opened their eyes at the same time, suddenly got up, and looked extremely ugly.

"Breaking the iron law of cultivation, be dead!"

During Li Li, several powerful monks in the later stage of the fit stepped forward, tearing the space forcibly, and whistling straight to the source of breath.

Within a million miles, countless monks perceive the horrible atmosphere looming in the space, one by one horrified and pale. Most monks do n’t know why, but monks who are aware of the cause are even more frightened.

"Space annihilation! Space annihilation!"

"You Taoists fled, and there was a fit monk desperately!"

"Hurry up, or once you get involved, I will only die."

Exclaiming, screaming and scolding, thousands of monks drove Juguang in an instant, fleeing furiously to the periphery. Even if the monk is not above the realm of falling, he cannot cast teleportation. At this moment, the space fluctuates violently, preventing any space magic.

For a time, the sky filled the sky, and countless monks fled in a hurry.

But in this case, all the monks faced death, but none of them dared to run away. Right now the space they are in is annihilated and collapsed, because Xiao Chen's repression did not reveal the destruction energy.

As soon as the killing was withdrawn and repressed, hundreds of thousands of monks at Puhuazong would die.

This time, their fate has been out of their grasp, and Xiao Chen grasped it by hand.

If the Supreme Master of Heavenly Lake died instantly, the corners of his mouth trembled faintly and his breathing thickened, and at this moment endless remorse was born in his heart. At that time, if he himself tried to protect Qingmei, I am afraid that Lei Dao Tianzun might not dare to risk the world, and would kill him by breaking the iron law.

However, with this Xiao Chen's emphasis on Qing Mei, there is absolutely the possibility of desperate madness. By then, his Puhua ancestors inherited the foundation for tens of thousands of years, and the monks died. However, these are all his faults. If it was not for the covetousness of the past that forced Qingmei to marry and plant evil causes, how would he have the evil results today.

The so-called cause-and-effect cycle is unpleasant.

"Xiao Chen is a friend, and the old man was wrong in the old man's affairs. If the Taoist man wanted to kill the old man to resolve his hatred, Tianchi would have no complaints. But I have more than 100,000 monks from Puhuazong and millions of people living in China There is nothing wrong, they should not be subject to this catastrophe. "

"And the Taoist friends are breaking the iron laws of the cultivation world today, which will inevitably lead all powerful people in the cultivation world to join forces in hunting down. Presumably such a situation is definitely not something Xiao Chen Taoism wants to see."

"Today, I asked Daoyou to kill and kill one of Tianchi, and spared me Monk Puhuazong, and spared billions of souls."

Venerable Tianchi said sincerely, his face was dead and withered, but he grew old quickly within a few breaths.


[Baozi's new book "Jiuyang Tatian" has been released for support! 】

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