Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 178: Return from space turbulence

Wuyuan Taoist was silent for a moment, and then took a deep look at Lei Dao Tianzun, and said: "If this is the case, then there will be fellow Daoists who will take care of my junior for a while, and I will leave. Eight [一〔中??< Text W]W] W?.] 8) 1) ZW.COM"

After saying this, the old strange distraction phantom disappeared instantly.

After a while, when the Wuyuan Daoist's divine consciousness completely left, Lei Dao Tianzun's complexion instantly darkened, his eyes were uncertain for a while, then he smiled coldly, and said: "The five-member old ghost realized that Xiao Chen was extremely difficult to deal with. With the thought of withdrawing and leaving. Presumably this old monster feels that he and Xiao Chen have not forged an endless hatred. As long as you are careful to dissolve it, you can get out of the matter, but the old man will let you get what you want."

"Since you feel that you haven't completely broken with that Xiao Chen and never die, then the old man will help you. The little girl with green eyebrows is already quite tempted to practice the Arctic Furnace technique, and I am afraid that she will be able to advance and not fall soon. When you reach the realm of Xiaocheng, you will be able to acquaint yourself with and increase your cultivation. This little girl has a charming physique. She is a good candidate for the furnace. The old man originally wanted to keep it for his own use, but now he has to cut his love. Your disciple took up the body of the little girl with blue eyebrows, and there was no way for the five-member old monster to resolve it with Xiao Chen. Seeing how you have two thoughts, the old man had no choice but to advance and retreat with me."

The old monster spoke coldly, and the coldness was overflowing in his speech.

"Little **** Xiao Chen, as long as you tie the Five Yuan Daoist to me, no matter what card you have, you will definitely die. Presumably the old immortal from the Alchemy Association will never sit back and watch the Five Yuan old ghost happen. Foolproof."


In Phua Zong, the sky is clear and cloudless, and the sun is swaying and falling.

Although it is the late autumn season, the green trees and red flowers in the mountain gate are like spring, with a gentle breath, without any dryness and coldness. There is that spirit bird twittering, cranes humming, and the graceful posture is looming in the clouds.

The so-called Xianjia Weather should be like this.

Nearly 2oo years of time have passed, the wind chimes are getting more and more moving, standing in the air, the skirt is blown by the breeze, and the outline of the rounded body, a little less green and more charming. And from the sense of breath, this female cultivation has reached the initial stage of not falling, and there is a high-level person with special majesty in her brows.

This female came out of the light, and several Shoushan disciples stopped from a distance, and bowed respectfully to salute, "The disciples pay homage to the uncle Feng." The achievement does not fall, and the status of the sect rises naturally. Although it is not respected by the elders, it is not small watch for.

Feng Ling'er nodded slightly, as if she hadn't seen the admiration of her in the eyes of these disciples, but looked at them with a touch of melancholy in the green robe.

Senior Xiao Chen is also the favorite of Qingpao, but I don't know how he is now, has he really fallen away like a rumor?

Slowly shook his head, Feng Ling'er dispelled his thoughts, and at this moment, he took the next step and wanted to use his teleport magical power to leave. But at this moment, the woman's complexion changed drastically, her teleportation supernatural power had not been displayed yet, she was interrupted abruptly.

The space in the area where Phuazong was located instantly solidified under the action of an inexplicable force, turning into a cage to block any monk from leaving.

Such appearance naturally shocked Fengling's heart.

At the next moment, the Puhua Zongzong rang out with countless anger and anger, and dozens of escaped lights rushed into the sky. It was Napu atom, Puyangzi, Pufangzi and others. These old ghosts obviously also noticed the immediate space. The change.

Being able to seal off the entire Puhua Zong’s tens of thousands of miles of space silently, such supernatural powers have exceeded the limits of ordinary monks’ imaginations, and even those who do not fall into the realm of cultivators will definitely not be able to do it. This secret shot is very likely to be a The peak monk of the combined venerable state.

With such thoughts in his mind, the faces of the Phuazong monks became even more ugly, but no one dared to speak. They all looked towards the back mountain of the main peak. The current situation has already exceeded their processing limits, and only the head teacher is qualified.


A majestic aura suddenly exploded from the main peak of the Puhua Sect, and went retrograde like a Qianlong going out of the abyss. The momentum was huge, and it instantly stirred the changes in the surrounding area.

Venerable Tianchi appeared, his expression gloomy, and his heart was filled with anger. After the Phuazong war, this old monster went deep into retreat and practiced hard, but his cultivation base has made some progress. Today, he was practicing suddenly and was sealed his own gate, and his heart was naturally surging.

"I don't know which Daoist fellow came to my Phuazong, so I might as well show up." When the ordinary monk dared to make such unreasonable provocations, this old monster had already killed Xiao Xiao easily, but the visitor was obviously a fit monk, so he could not help him. Responding accidentally.

If things can be resolved, this old monster does not want to be a great enemy of a fit cultivator under the sect tree.

But this time the voice of Venerable Tianchi fell, and the void was silent. The cultivator who secretly shot did not answer, and instead of dissipating the space blockade, it became heavier.


Too arrogant!

Even if it is a powerful monk in the combined state, what can they do, they actually don't even look at their Phuazong! Having been so scorned, if it is so dingy, forget it, and the news will spread in the future, the Puhua Zong will definitely be discredited.

From the Venerable Tianchi to the disciples of the outer sect, all the Phua sect monks are bizarre and angry, no matter who they are, they must pay the price today!

Venerable Tianchi’s face was hot, especially when he felt the eyes of countless disciples converge, and made this old monster very embarrassed. Ever since he achieved the Dao of Combination, has he ever been so shaved, even if the strong person in the middle of the Combination is with him In contrast, most of them maintain basic etiquette.

After all, in this world, unless there is great power in the later stage of the integration, no cultivator in the combined state can take action at will, so that the cultivator in the early stage of the integration does not need to be too in awe of the mid-term existence.

Could it be possible that the coming person can still be a late-fitting monk? Venerable Tianchi sneered in his heart. It is well known in the cultivation world that there are only a few great powers in the late stage of the fit, and most of them live in seclusion. There is no possibility for him to provoke him.

If the cultivation base is below the late stage of the fit, this old monster will not have the slightest awe, even the strong in the middle stage of the fit can't help him.

"Huh! Daoists just hide their heads and show their tails and dare not show up. Doesn't it mean that you and I have lost your identity as a monk."

"Today I have lost the face of my Phuazong. Tianchi must seek justice from fellow Daoists, otherwise this matter will never be let go."

Venerable Tianchi spoke in a cold voice, his eyes swept across the divine sense detection, but no matter how he used his methods, there was no evidence, and he frowned secretly now.

But as soon as his voice fell, a loud roar suddenly came from above the void, accompanied by the rolling-sound, the space suddenly split, and that terrifying space energy escaped from the crack.

Countless exclaims came from the Phuazong monk when he sensed this crack and dissipated breath:

"Space turbulence!"

"It's actually a place where monks must die. Such a tyrannical space energy is really terrifying. When I get caught in it, I will be torn into pieces and destroyed."

"How can there be turbulent cracks in the connected space for no reason? Could it be that a treasure will be born."

Venerable Tianchi was also taken aback by the scene in front of him. Entering the spatial turbulence with his cultivation base can only resist for a moment at most. Once the mana is consumed too much, it is impossible to escape the end.

Hearing the disciples one after another, this old monster couldn't help but give birth to a few stage wings in his heart. Is there really a treasure?

Just when the gazes of tens of thousands of Phuazong monks gathered, a black shadow appeared in the turbulent flow of space. It seemed to be walking outwards. The form gradually became clear. There was a faint voice from it, "Tianchi Taoist friend, close I haven’t seen it in 2oo years, and the Taoist fellow’s cultivation level remains the same, but his anger has grown a lot."

The voice was flat, but at this moment it was like a thunderstorm, causing the countless Puhuazong disciples to be struck by lightning instantly, and their bodies became stiff.


There is a monk in the space turbulence!

Everything in front of them has completely subverted their long-held beliefs. In all the records of cultivation classics, the space turbulence is very simple and very simple, but the content is extremely consistent: the space turbulence is filled with the power of endless violent space, and the unity can enter and die. Hope the latter Take a warning, don't get too close.

But now, someone actually walked out of the space turbulence.

But at this moment, the moment he heard the voice of the figure, Venerable Tianchi's complexion changed wildly, and his pupils shrank sharply, revealing incredible meaning. In this shock, there was endless panic and fear.

Feng Ling'er's body was stiff, her beautiful eyes stared at the more familiar figure in the space turbulence, and the corners of her mouth showed a bitter meaning. Perhaps today the Puhua Sect is facing a catastrophe, but all of this is their own choice. other people.

The elders like Puyangzi, Pufangzi, Puzizi, etc. also looked like hell, their bodies swayed like a convulsion, and they had obviously guessed the identity of the person from this voice.

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