Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 165: Return to the old land

In the turbulent space, the shop swallowed foam continuously, seeing Xiao Chen moving forward comfortably, and howling in the heart. [[Bayi? {

"The handsome nine-death fusion of the sword body, hundreds of years of hard work, I thought that meeting in the future would surely stun Xiao Chen's stun, and then the handsome body shocked him, and then he bowed to me carefully and carefully, and it was fun and easy to use. There are a lot of beautiful beauties, and then they are happy and happy like gods. "

"But for Mao! The boy is so horrible now!" The shop's mouth straightened. "This is a turbulent space. The handsome man will fall into at least seven or eight layers of skin even if he can't die, but Xiao Chen's kid actually. Even more perverted than me, walking in the court can actually force the space to make way for him, this, this, this is too bad for the coach, "

Xiao Chen's face was calm. He didn't take his mind about the changes in the shop. Although this strength has seen a lot of rise in strength, but it is still the small shop, otherwise, if you really have a second heart for him, Xiao Chen would not let it go so easily.

This is a typical self-expanding type. Once the strength increases, the courage will be fat, and it needs to be constantly beaten.

Xiao Chen held the shop's body in his hand, and stopped for a moment before moving silently, looking at the different flashes of light in the space in front of him.

"Finally arrived." Yu Luo waved his hands, the space in front of him shattered, and Xiao Chen stepped forward and appeared instantly.

The vast star field is infinite and the surroundings are all dead and silent. Only the faint star light flickers, ancient, desolate, years, and loneliness. It seems that this star field has been like this from countless years ago, and it has never changed at all.

This time the strength is different, once again came to the stars, Xiao Chen can feel a lot of changes in many things.

Pieces of big 6 fragments are suspended in the void, slowly drifting outwards. On the big 6 fragments, there are gorgeous palace ruins, densely cracked, and dark red blood stains. It seems that the palace of the emperor in ancient times has already fallen.

Xiao Chen took a breath, looked forward, his eyes penetrated the endless distance, through the countless pieces, and fell on the vast big 6.

Star field big 6.

At that time, the Quartet City was transformed. Xiao Chen entered this place and walked through the killings. With great care and a bit of luck, he gained great opportunities here and achieved double babies.

Today, I still want to remember things, but today I return again. This place is still the same as it was then, but now Xiao Chen is no longer a young monk who is manipulated by many weird figures. He has already qualified in the world.

"I don't know if you've been anxious for so many years, Xiao Chen has arrived today, and then he tore his face and battled one." He said softly, Xiao Chen stepped down, and the figure galloped towards the Big 6.

He looked calm and walked safely, carrying his hands on his back, with a blue shirt. If this Starfield Big 6 had not been destroyed before the cataclysm, Xiao Chen did not have the ability to control the area here, but now it has fallen, and some remaining means are not enough to worry about.

As for the positioning of the so-called old man of the family that year, Xiao Chen kept in his hands, but there was no interruption at the moment. After all, until now he didn't know how deep this old monster was hiding, so he must be careful.

However, at the moment, the three big avatars are gathered together, the shop is in hand, and Xiao Chen's combat power has reached the state of extreme strength. This shot is to completely engulf others' Dao Daogu and improve it, and to finish everything that was not finished that year.

One step down, penetrating into the big 6 edge, there is a forbidden brake, Xiao Chen breaks it with his backhand, and the outside body rises.

Only two steps, such as within 6 years, countless dead bodies roar on the ground, there is a thick dead air on the way to converge into a skeleton shadow and swallowed up, Xiao Chen's face does not change, a punch forward, hard shattering, the general roll Up.

Three-step stop, from 6 to deep, is blocked by the wall of blood crystals standing between heaven and earth.

Xiao Chen stopped, with no expression on his face, and the coldness of his mouth flickered with coldness. "The wall of blood crystals can only be opened with the sacrifice of the spirit blood of the humble descendants." His voice is calm, but he has his own killing breath Swiftly.

"Today, Xiao Chen will break the thing that absorbed and swallowed my ancestors, and completely destroyed the last place left by the so-called upper clan."

After realizing Xiao Chen's mass killing in vitro, the blood crystal wall suddenly had some kind of abnormality. The blood-colored mountain wall turned into a rich red, this red was extremely sticky, and the ups and downs beat like the sea of ​​blood in the seal stone wall. In this sea of ​​blood, there are countless dead bones ups and downs, thousands of remnants sorrow and pain, and struggle endlessly.

The tide of blood was surging, and there was silence in the surging, but it fell into Xiao Chen's ears like a rumbling sound that could cover the sky, and the screams of the dead bones and the residual soul came from the ears. It acts directly in the Yuanshen and cannot be resisted but can only be forced to bear it. This scream resounded in the Yuanshen space and turned into an extremely powerful Yuanshen attack method, with extremely lethal power. Changing to an ordinary monk, even if the monk in the early stage of the integration is repaired, it may not be possible to resist the damage of the blood crystal wall.

Xiao Chen's face did not change at all. There was an ancient Bodhi tree sitting in Yuanshen space. This Yuanshen attack didn't hurt him, but at this moment, his eyes moved on the wall of blood crystals, but his face gradually became cold and slaying.

This thing can have the power at the moment. I don't know how many human blood and spirits can swallow it. It is the most direct and **** evidence of the monk's massacre.

In order to sacrifice the wall of blood crystals, I do not know how many killers have been created.

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and surging, "My ancestors' blood and Yuanshen were bound to this endless years. Today Xiao Chen will completely destroy you and put an end to all this."

"Everything that was born before a long time ago, Xiao Chen didn't know much but remembered it. From then on, the journey along the road will inevitably check everything out."

"The so-called Shang clan endured the endless years of suffering of my clan, and one day, my clan will be repaid double!"

The words fell, Xiao Chen's eyes filled with sorrow.

"The ancestors left their souls, Xiao Chen returned you free today, dissipated safely, and you don't have to endure this endless pain!"

The fist in the robe sleeve was clenched tightly, and now he raised his hand and punched forward.

call out!

A punch came out, and the situation exploded, triggering a sudden change in the entire Starfield Big Six. Numerous forbidden crackles were completely destroyed by a coercive atmosphere. Ten thousand dead corpses were lifted at this moment, and a scare was revealed in the blood-colored eyes.


Like the first sound that broke out when the world was opened, the monk trembled!


Second punch!


The third punch.

The flesh and blood on Xiao Chen's fist was shattered and smashed away, revealing the sensible bones, but he didn't feel anything, and three consecutive fists blasted out in silence without any pause.


A crack suddenly appeared. At first, it was extremely inconspicuous, but with the appearance of this crack, it seemed to start some kind of chain reaction. The dense “clicking” crackle sounded instantly across the world.

Numerous cracks appeared on the wall of blood crystals, more and more, getting larger and larger. In front of Xiao Chen, with the center of the three punches falling, spider-like cracks covered the entire wall of blood crystals in a very short time. on.

Xiao Chen closed his hands, the flesh grew rapidly, the blood returned, and the wound on his hand healed and disappeared.


Opening faintly, it was extremely low at first, but the sound became higher and higher after the sound came out. Later, it turned into a billowing sound torrent, which filled the world with sweeping waves.

Like the powerful in ancient times, the word is the law.


The collapse began. On both sides of Gao Wanzhen, the wall of blood crystals that could not see the end, completely collapsed and destroyed in a short period of time. The fragmented blood-colored stones continued to melt and dissolve in the void. The soul ceased to be miserable, his eyes were confused, and finally he was relieved.

This immense amount of remnant souls was relieved at this moment and released from the blood crystal wall's suppression for thousands of years. Although the soul has become incomplete and cannot be reincarnated, it is the best result for them to continue suffering without suffering.

Xiao Chen looked at the dissipated soul in the sky, his face calmed, and the sorrow in his eyes even more.

"My ancestors, go all the way!"

The eyes of the mortal spirit gathered, and at this moment it seemed to nod and chuckled, and the shape disappeared like snow under the sun.

Xiao Chen was silent, lifted for a while, his sadness disappeared, but there was sadness in his chest. He stepped forward and continued to move forward.

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