Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 164: Gather together


Thousand feet of space in front of the Demon avatar split apart instantly, and a ten-foot-sized giant sword immediately emerged from it. (? [{[Bayi Chinese {W] W> W>.> 8> 1? Z] W>.> C] O] M>

"Well! Whoever dares to come to Wan Mozong to spread the wild, don't you know that this place is the place of the handsome hood, and don't want to die and quickly retreat, otherwise it will be late!"

The ten-footed giant sword opened his mouth in anger, and the sharp sword rose up into the sky, bursting into the sky instantly, tearing countless clouds in an instant, and it was really overbearing.

The demon avatar's mouth was slightly drawn. At this moment, a little bit of fun in his eyes looked at the giant sword in front of him, and said lightly: "You are still such a treasure-playing temperament. Although you see strength, you still like publicity. It seems that nothing has happened in these years Grow. "

The shop was shocked, and it seems that people really know it, but although the adults in the shop are less prestigious and handsome in the sky, there are not many people they know. Who is this person and why hasn't I seen it before?

"Who are you? How can you recognize this coach?"

The demon avatar shook his head helplessly, and secretly wondered where the subject found such a living treasure. It must be very hard to endure these years.

The shop looked blankly at the Demon Clone, suddenly trembling fiercely, and the sword body swing almost planted directly. "Xiao Chen, you are actually Xiao Chen, how is it possible!" This is because the excitement caused the tone to go out of tone, quite a bit. Panicked.

"Why did you become like this, and your breath changed ... uh, no, you are not Xiao Chen!" The shop suddenly returned to her senses, and she felt a little in the heart and finally understood, "It turned out to be your kid, Why, Xiao Chen didn't break you down at first, alas, I didn't know where to get you a demon body, but I did not expect to cultivate some skills. "

The current person is not Xiao Chen. The shop immediately regained its arrogance, Mans said reasonably.

Obviously, the demon avatar knew the nature of the shop very much. At this moment, when he heard the words, he didn't talk nonsense with it, and said directly: "The body is back, now he ordered me to come here to find you to join him."

The shop was slightly stiff, and then pretending to be indifferent: "Here you are, where is it? Let him hurry up and meet the coach, and I don't need to run there in person."

The demon avatar was silent, then turned and walked away, and said, "I have informed you, if you do not go, you will be at your own risk." The voice has not yet fallen, and the figure directly tears the space in the space fluctuation.

Qingpao, black eyes, sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The shop trembled in the heart, shouting: "Don't introduce it, let's go together." The words fell, and this moment he got into the torn space of the demon avatar and disappeared.

"Hum ..."

"What are you laughing at? I tell you, the coach is not afraid!"


"No, you hummed the handsome face again!"



In the void, a faint sound wave came, and the diffusion disappeared.



Above the sea, lightning flashes and thunders, the clouds are cloudy, there is pouring rain, and torrential rains stir up the sky.

One person and one sword stood on the void, looking up at the sky.

"Hey, aren't you saying that Xiao Chen is here, where is he now?" The shop looked around, but all the rain that was within a hundred feet of each other would be drained by an inexplicable force, and never fell a little bit.

The demon avatar, the black robe hunting and hunting, raised at the moment, and said lightly, "In heaven."

"Heaven?" The shop looked around, but now there is nothing more than a lightning bolt, and there is no doubt in his heart.

But at this moment, the loud noise came from the high altitude. This sound was not a thunderous external sound, but a unique sound wave. Only the real powerful peaks in this world can detect it.

The vast expanse 6, the vast ocean 6, and East Xuanzhou. . Dozens of monks opened their eyes at the same time, their eyes expressing shock.

A dark hole appeared in the dark sky silently, and the violent space breathed out. A tall figure stood in the hole. At this moment, he took a step forward and the figure directly stepped forward.

Xiao Chenyang, looking at the sea this day, breathing a familiar breath, a little smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

After hundreds of years, he finally returned.

The demon lifted up, he was connected with Xiao Chen's mind, and could sense each other even tens of thousands of light years away. At this moment, he nodded slightly to him, and stepped forward to appear next to him.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell slightly surprised, and then he nodded and smiled: "It seems that you have worked very hard in these years, or you must have some opportunities, otherwise you will not have the practice like today." The demon avatar can reach the state of fit, This really made Xiao Chen a little bit pleased.

However, when the demon occupied the demon body and devoured the Mu family's countless souls, coupled with the pure magic energy support in the magic cave, and the top exercises of the "Devil Ancestral", today's achievements are within a reasonable range.

The demon avatar groaned slightly, then shook his head, and said, "I still can't reach you." The speech was very calm.

Xiao Chen chuckled, then turned his eyes slightly on the shop, "Why, are you guys going to stay there? Don't hurry up."

"Ah, okay ..." The shop buttock responded, then interrupted abruptly, and coughed quietly, and said, "Xiao Chen boy, the coach is no longer able to be called by you. It ’s a small shop. I ’m going to change my name to Xuanyuan! ”

"I want to be in the right place, and you must be respectful and polite to me in the future."

"I want a beauty, and I have to be as beautiful as Li Xiaoyi."


Xiao Chen's lips were soft and he whispered, "How else?"

The shop saw a tremor in his heart. He secretly said that for the sake of a happy life in the future, he must not admit it, and he must clenched his teeth to die. He is just bluffing. The coach is now so powerful that he doesn't need to watch him He looked pale.

"Otherwise, the coach will abandon you and choose another obedient master!"

There is no room for reincarnation.

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "It's too noisy, I can't hear you a bit, you and so on." The voice dropped, he looked up at the sky full of clouds and thunder, and said lightly: "Scatter."

Quietly speaking, the roar of the thunder immediately stopped, and the thunder and light disappeared in the sky. Only raindrops between the heavens and the earth fell to the sea.

"Small shop, what do you say, say it again."

Xiao Chen turned around, and Feng Qingyun said lightly.

The shop took a breath of air. . Obediently, he opened his mouth to dispel the Thunder. . This. . To what extent does he fix it, is it better than the handsome pot of the shop.

"Well, you can't change the name, but you must agree to the coach on other conditions!"

Although his tone remained firm, he lacked most of his confidence.

Xiao Chen shook his head. "The rain is still too noisy and I can't hear you." With one hand waving, "Burning."

Countless flames in the void condensed out of the air, and instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire. The high temperature of the sea of ​​fire can actually incinerate the void into a dark background. The dark clouds were directly evaporated and dissipated, and the entire sky turned into a red, until the end A dark cloud dissipated the flame before slowly receding.

Drinking thunder and burning down the clouds, the lightning flashes and thunderstorms poured in the last moment, but the wind and calendar are now under the sun, and even the blast disappears as if it was burnt.

However, in the warm sunshine, the shop felt cold all over.

Shivering for a long time, then he bit his teeth and said, "You can change your name and your status, but you must have a beauty, or the coach will not kill you!"

The shop hissed, and tenaciously guarded the bottom line in his heart.

Xiao Chen heard the words silent, then turned without a face, fluttering in the void deep in the palm of his hand.

Silent and silent, the space shattered, a fissure crack appeared, and the endless silver and white raging space raged inside, causing the space above the sea surface to become trembling and unstable.

Just strike, penetrate the realm of reality, and connect the chaotic flow of space!

The shop is completely stagnant, dispels the endless thunder, burns the dark clouds, and waves to break the world of cultivation. It seems that these older people are not only themselves, but they must practice well, and they must not continue to waste time and life, otherwise today It won't be so aggrieved.

The shop secretly ruthlessly but wanted to cry without tears, only to feel that the good life he had envisioned had gone away from him at once.

Xiao Chen turned and said lightly, "Let's go." Raising his arms and palms while speaking.

The shop was dejected, as if the big **** defeated fell into Xiao Chen's hands, and there was no arrogance before.

Xiao Chen chuckled, and his fingers flicked on it, and then the **** thunder burst out and permeated the sword.

The next moment, the tragic sound rang through the world instantly.

"Ah! I'm wrong! My dearest great host, please look at bypassing me this time in the shop for your loyalty to you these years, I will never dare!"

"Ah! Ahh! I'm electrocuted! The master is killing me."

Xiao Chen ignored this sorrow, his eyes flickered around, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "The next time I return when I return again, it will be when the blood rains and the enemy's head is cut off."

The words fell into the turbulent space, and the space cracks quickly merged and disappeared.

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