Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 836: Tit-for-tat (continued)

He was extremely fast, but in a flash, the figure was approaching Quan Guo, and his big hand opened and shot directly at his chest! In the package of corpse gas, Zhao Zhan's palm has been turned into a cheekbone claw, and even some bone spurs have emerged, and the sound of whistling and breaking sounds when shooting. ([Eight? <<<< A Chinese << 网 W] W] W). } 8} 1) ZW. Com

Quan Guo's face changed slightly, but he is also a man who has endured all kinds of battles. At this moment, he is in danger and is not chaotic. He punches forward with a low drink, and the rich blood bursts instantly, releasing a cold and decaying atmosphere! His fist was also exhausted, banging Zhao Zhan's head!

The four sects are familiar to each other. Most of the magical masters of the blood sect are related to blood, and the heart is their weakness. Once the blood of the whole body collapses, the repair is greatly reduced. The mortal corpse is a dead body, but its vital door is the skull. Otherwise, even if its torso is shattered, the living body will not die.

The two shot out instantly and revealed severe brutality, which meant endless endlessness! Quan Guo's eyes stared slightly. He punched out to force Zhao Zhan back to resist, but didn't want him to have no intention of stopping at all, it was a life-fighting look!

An idea of ​​receding came into his mind for a moment, but was immediately suppressed by him! Although the two did not confront each other, he felt a pressure from Zhao Zhan. In other words, Zhao Zhan's cultivation was to be above him. If he fought back, he would stand back and fall into the downwind. Die.

In this case, it is better to fight a dead battle. He may be able to save his life by being hit in the chest, but Zhao Zhan's head was shot with his palm and it will undoubtedly die! With this in mind, Quan Guo's eyes flashed sharply. Instead of converging, his hand moved faster!

Zhao Zhan's blood-red eyes suddenly flashed a tadpole, and the palms of the two fell down the next moment.

Quan Guo's eyes widened, his chest was pierced by an arm, and a still-beating heart was still held in the palm exposed from his back, but his palm fell on Zhao Zhan's head, but he failed to fall on him at all. Leaves a slight scar.

Zhao Zhan leaned close to his ear, and said softly, "Did you not know that the physical bodies of living corpses are generally hard?" The words fell, and he took them without hesitation, and he cracked softly and his heart broke. Blood water burst out.

He slowly withdrew his palm, and left Quan's body to fall to the ground, blood and water trickling out from the scars on his chest, but soon the blood turned black. The black spread quickly to his body, and then began to corrode, but within a few short breaths, it had turned into a pool of dark blood. The corroded "zizz" of the ground under the blood, revealing shocking pits.

Zhao Zhan put out a bright red tongue and added the blood stained on his hand, and the red eyes looked at Qilian City. "Next, who are you going to send?"

Qilian City looked down at a pool of dark blood on the ground, his face was somber and his eyes were cold, but his heart was colder at the moment! The death of Quanguo made him understand that Wan Lihai was well prepared. Once he succeeded, he would not give his family any chance to turn around. Although he is not afraid of Zhao Zhan, he cannot shoot today, otherwise Wan Lihai will not stand idly by, and things will evolve into a direct conflict between the Blood Shazong and the Corpse Sect, and even give the opportunity to the secret family members to take advantage Leave the uncle's family to a hereditary elder.

Although he lost only one match, Qi Liancheng knew that his family had lost.

"Elder Chen, many Taoist friends are here today. You don't have to waste everyone's time. If your Chen family continues to fight, you can send someone to shoot at any time, and the husband does not need to rest. If you dare not continue, then simply give up and directly Let's disperse today's so-called Daqing gift. "Wan Lihai sneered and pressed hard.

Countless lights came together and fell on Qilian City, waiting for his decision.

Wu Changgong's face was pale, he was slightly low, but his eyes were flashing with excitement. He suddenly had an opportunity to reverse everything. If he could grasp it, he would be able to get his father's approval again. Although there are no small risks in doing so, his condition today cannot be worse. If he does not fight, he will regret it even if he really dies!

Qi Liancheng's lips trembled a little, but at this moment he hadn't waited for him to speak. Qi Changgong set out and suddenly walked towards the corner of the hall. His sudden performance instantly caught the attention of countless monks.

Tong Changgong stopped and saluted deeply, "Master, please take a shot and help my family survive the crisis!"

At the corner, Xiao Chen frowned. He looked up at the man, his eyes were cold and warm.

"Master Liuyun, my juniors know that this opening is extremely bold and even ridiculous, but Chang Gong has no way! You are now a guest at my uncle's house, and it can be considered to meet the requirements of the elder Wan. Please take the initiative and help me uncle One hand, great grace, the elders will remember forever! "Tong Changgong knelt to the ground with a bang, and kept slamming into the ground. His forehead ruptured quickly, and blood was flowing down his face. "I beg your hand, I beg your hand!"

Qi Liancheng looked at his son kneeling on the ground, and suddenly a tremor broke out in his heart, and the guilt hidden in his heart burst out. He looked at Xiao Chen. Although he tried his best to keep calm, the longing in his eyes could not be covered. But with the passage of time, Xiao Chen's expression remained indifferent, and a ray of hope in his heart gradually cooled, Shen said, "Chang Gong, don't make Liuyun Taoyou difficult, you come back."

But at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly raised his gaze and looked at Qilian City and said lightly, "If I take care of this for my grandma's family, what will the Taoist friends do?"

Qi Liancheng was dull, and a burst of excitement came into his heart. Although he was not sure whether Xiao Chen had this qualification, now he is already the last hope of his family!

"The old man promises that as long as he survives today's difficulties, his family will guarantee the Dao friends to complete the enlightenment. In the future, the Dao friends will be my uncle's family to sit on the VIPs. If there is a need in the future, the old man will definitely help!"

Xiao Chen whispered quietly, raised his body after a few breaths, and pulled up Chang Chang Gong, "Okay, today you are doing your family, this seat is over." The hall was quiet and silent, all eyes gathered on him She was deeply shocked. They do n’t know Xiao Chen ’s identity, but from what Liancheng said, he must be a strong man. After seeing Zhao Zhan ’s shot, he still dares to respond to this, which is enough to prove Xiao Chen ’s strong confidence in his own power!

Wan Lihai sneered at Lin Liancheng, "I didn't expect the grand family to use the power of outsiders to gamble with the old man, which is really ridiculous! But the old man wants you to send a family monk, otherwise this bet will be counted on you defeat!"

"Elder Wan can only say that the old man sent a monk. Now Liuyun Taoist is a guest in our house. What's wrong with him?"

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