Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 835: Tit-for-tat

But at this moment, a sneer came, "This house, which was the house of the Zhao family ten thousand years ago, is not difficult to gather here again, but the identity of the master may not change. Bayi Middle School O} M] "

In a group of congratulations, this sentence was absolutely jarring, and the entire hall was quiet for a moment.

The smile on Gu Liancheng's face slowly converged. Although he didn't want to have trouble, he didn't let anyone get bullied. He looked at Wan Lihai and said lightly, "Elder Wan is drunk, don't drink more today. , Go back to rest earlier. "Although the tone is euphemistic, the meaning of pursuing customers is clear.

"Are you driving me away?" Wan Lihai whispered, and he suddenly laughed. "You really ca n’t stand jokes in Qilian City, I just said a joke, you said you want us to have fun, but now we want to have fun You turned your face because of a joke, and you really were hypocritical. "The wanton laughter echoed in the hall, and the monks around retreated slightly. Today's affairs involve the four hereditary elder families. They don't want to be involved.

"Uncle Wan, you are really drunk. Let's go back early today, my nephew will send you." Wu Changjun said in a deep voice, his face was slightly gloomy.

Wan Lihai's laughter suddenly converged. He stared sharply at Yun Changjun, sneering: "I speak to your father. Where can you qualify as a junior jack, I do not know what is noble and cheap, and want to talk to me, etc. You will take control of your uncle's family before you talk. "

Yun Changjun's face turned red for a moment, but he did not speak, but was interrupted by Qian Liancheng raising his hand. He reluctantly returned and said, "Wan Lihai, today is the joy of my grandfather's family. You really want to force the old man to tear his face. ?"

Hunyu laughed suddenly: "The elders don't have to be angry. This is just a misunderstanding. Wandao friends are not intentionally trying to embarrass your family."

Qilian City looked at Soul Jade and said lightly, "Elder Soul Jade thought that this was really a misunderstanding? The family opened the door to welcome the guests, but did not welcome the deliberate provocators. My four majors have always been harmonious, and they are so provocative today It ’s the first time that things have happened. Do you mean that you can insult my uncle ’s family by relying on the strength of the corpse sect? I wonder if it can be understood that my blood is not seen in the eyes? ”

In the hall, Monk Xuesha's face became gloomy for a moment, and his eyes on Wan Lihai and others were suddenly filled with badness.

Soul Jade's heart "sucked" a bit, he did not expect that the Qilian City approach would be so sharp. If the matter of today is raised to the level of the sectarian gate, I am afraid that it will lead to tension between the four sects, and they must be accounted for.

"Haha, Elder Yun has said a lot. Today we and Wan Dao came, and we can sincerely congratulate you without any provocation." Du Wen smiled round the field, "Elder Wan, do you mean?"

Although Wan Lihai was unwilling, but nodded at the moment. He gave a severe look at the city, saying: "This is a great joy for the family, if it is not fun, it is not too bland. Since the joke cannot be opened, then Let's do something else. "

Pu Liancheng's eyes narrowed slightly, "Wan Daoyou said so, I must have prepared in my heart, let's just say."

"Okay!" Wan Lihai sang, "Since the elder grandma is so refreshing, the old husband no longer hides the grandma. The old husband has recently been refined into a living corpse, and the power is quite overbearing. I want to talk to the elder grandma today Make a gambling agreement, as long as the elder **** sends out monks to defeat the old man's corpse, the old man will congratulate the ten million yuan crystal, congratulations to the eternal family's anniversary, otherwise, how about this banquet today?

The hall was quiet, and no one had thought that Wan Lihai would make such a sharp bet.

Qi Liancheng was silent for a moment, and slowly nodded, "Since the elder Wan has spoken, if the old man dare not respond, it is not a joke. Wanting to come to such an opportunity, the elder Wan must be quite confident in his own dead body, old man Let ’s take a closer look. Just ten million yuan crystal, I want to change my family ’s Daqing to dissolve in advance. Elder Wan ’s bet is a bit stingy. ”

"What do you mean by elder?"

"The old man heard that Wanjia controls one hereditary elder of the corpse sect. The big reason is because the three emperor corpses supported by the family are not excessive. As long as I win the family, the elder Wan will send the three emperor corpses. My grandmother's gatekeeper is just one. "

There was an instant air-cooling sound from the entire hall, Wan Lihai opened his bet to dismiss the Dajia family today, Daqing, and Qilian City directly named one of the three emperor corpses of Wanjia. The two are now tit-for-tat, no matter which side If you lose, you will lose all face! If the matter of today is not handled properly, I am afraid that the relationship between the corpse sect and the blood evil sect will soon become frozen!

There was a slight smile on Wan Lihai's face, and there was no arrogance before him. "The elder grandmother has a big appetite, but the old man agreed, as long as your grandmother wins, I will personally send an emperor's body to the grandmother. House! "

Pian Liancheng's heart sank slightly, Wan Lihai's attitude gave him a bad feeling, but he didn't show the slightest sign on his face, and said lightly: "It's a word!"

Wan Lihai sneered, a flash of light flashed between his sleeves, and a pale monk appeared. His eyes could fall directly on the monk's family. A roar uttered in his mouth, his eyes were gradually congested, and a tyrannical killing slowly spread from his body. .

In the hall, the surrounding monks were infected by this breath, and they felt as if they were in the blood of the corpse mountains, and their eyes began to look terrified.

"Zhao Zhan!" Looking at the people in front of him, Qi Liancheng's face became extremely ugly.

"Yuan Liancheng, you shouldn't have thought that Zhao Zhan can still survive from the palm of your year. You have occupied the status of my Zhao family these years, and now you should enjoy it enough. I will let you own everything I lost everything bit by bit! I will ruin your uncle ’s family and kill everyone. Today is just the beginning. ”His voice was weird, hoarse like the friction between two rough stones, but the grudge and hatred , But enough to make people scared.

"Elder Xun, I brought Zhao Zhan back to the ancestors at that time, and did not hesitate to save his life. He had been raised for nearly 10,000 years before he was made into a corpse. Today, he shot it. I don't know Elder Xun will send him away. Who shot? "Wan Lihai said lightly, but his eyes were all cold.

Qilian City had an ugly face. Zhao Zhan had the power of the King of Creation in that year. Now he has been refined into a living corpse. He is afraid that he has strength and growth. No one in his family except him is his opponent. Now he understands that Wan Lihai has done all kinds of things just to try to anger him, so that he can complete the bet and make him unable to get away. At the moment, it appears that his scheme has succeeded.

After a long silence, he whispered, "Quan Guo, today you will fight a dead body with the elders of the elders. Go all out and let me down."

In the corner of the hall, a middle-aged monk heard a bit of bitterness in his eyes, but his life was saved by Lin Liancheng. Even if it was returned to him today, he knew that Lin Liancheng would never give up today! As soon as he thought about it, he pressed down his heart as much as possible, and a decisiveness gradually developed in his eyes! He walked into the court and saluted to Lianlian City deeply, "If there is a mistake, the owner, the wife and children in the family will bother you in the future."

"Good!" Qi Liancheng nodded and responded.

Quan Guo turned to look at Zhao Zhan. The violent atmosphere burst out and yelled, "Come on, let me see. The waste you stepped on by your homeowner in the past is now inhuman and evil. What daring to dare to come to the family's life! ”The city sent him to kill is not to let him die, one step away from the peak of the creation of the world, make Quanguo the most likely person in the family to defeat Zhao Zhan, if he also fails The Nian family did not need to send other monks to die.

There was a strange smirk on Zhao Zhan's face, and the corpse swelled out of the body, without a word, a shadow was saved.

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