Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 820: Small friction

The Soochow caravan has been walking in the territory of Yuanyuanzong and the surrounding star domains for many years. In addition, Shihai Ji will be a human being, and the relationship between the parties is extremely appropriate. Easy. ? M] But after half a month, the star ship gradually moved out of the caravan's range of activities and entered a relatively unfamiliar star field. The caravan began to face large and small troubles, although not serious, it also caused the businessmen to The monks of the team gradually covered a haze.

With less than one-third of the journey, we have already encountered these troubles, and the road ahead must be more and more difficult.

Fang Shihai frowned, turning his gaze to the cabin where Lord Liu Yun lived, his heart was a little calmer. If the caravan really encounters troubles that cannot be solved, presumably the adult Liuyun will not stand idly by. However, having said that, but in the ordinary little trouble, he still did not dare to alarm Lord Liuyun at will, so as not to cause the adult to be dissatisfied. But this way, the caravan guards are a bit stretched, and the road ahead is long. These people alone are not enough to deter the bandits walking in the star field.

After careful consideration, he took the star chart and looked at it for a while, and finally decided a place for the caravan to cultivate temporarily.

The star star, one of His Majesty Dong Chenzong's control of Xiuzhen Star, has a stable and orderly situation, and is a well-known caravan for cultivation and supply. The caravans of all parties will choose this place as a break. Although the Soochow Caravan did not run this kind of remote business, Fang Shihai has started to collect information to understand the path along the way after receiving the order. When doing caravan transactions like this, they naturally need to put more effort in this area to minimize the trouble when the caravan goes out.

After the order was issued, the caravan monks were refreshed. During this time, they were tense, and it was natural to be able to cultivate in a safe place for the time being.

Fang Shihai, accompanied by Wu Min, personally sought to meet with Master Liu Yun, and explained the matter to ensure that the caravan would stay out for a maximum of two days, and would not delay Master Liu Yun too much time.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly after he groaned. During this time, he had been carefully watching the changes in the blood talisman. Under Jinwenfeng, its recovery was obviously extremely slow. According to this trend, no accidents will occur for at least two months. . This time is enough for him to enter the evil star.

After expressing his gratitude, Fang Shihai didn't dare to stay long, and led Wu Min to retreat.


The star star, due to Dongchenzong's good governance, has gradually become a place for transit supply and suspension of cultivation for small and large business teams and large business groups in the surrounding stars, which has led to the prosperity of the entire star and gradually became his subordinate. One of the most important stars of cultivation, Zongmen's power gradually transferred to this star.

On this day, the star ship of the Soochow business group finally arrived here.

Looking at the star that was approaching from afar, the caravan monks cheered.

Fang Shihai's tense heart also slowly loosened, with a smile on his face, hoping that enough guards could be recruited on the star, "The star ship suspended the star on these two days, and will leave at noon at the latest. . This trip is extremely dangerous. No one is allowed to act on their own, stay on the starship for repairs, take care of the cargo on board, and the old man immediately enters the star star to solicit caravan guards. "Speaking here, he turned to Wu Min," Min You, please ask Master Liuyun to see if he wants to disembark and relax? "

Wu Min nodded and turned away, respectfully asked Fang Shihai what he said.

Xiao Chen groaned slightly and shook his head. "No need to worry, this seat is left on the boat."

"Then the adults will not be disturbed, and the junior will leave." Wu Min conceded and saluted, and told Xiao Chen Fang Shihai's decision, "Teacher, since the adult is not going, I will stay on the boat so that the adult can call."

Fang Shihai nodded, "Min Er, you are very thoughtful, so you stay on the boat."

Wu Min has not spoken yet. A small boat has arrived quickly outside the Pingxing ship. A monk Dongchen Zong appeared and arched his hand slightly, saying, "I don't know where all the Taoists came from, and where are they going?"

Fang Shihai smiled and arched his hand, and said, "The Taoist friends are polite. We are the caravans in the Yuan Yuanzong. We want to go to the evil star and pause for a while."

"It was originally a Taoist friend in Yuanyuanzong's territory. This road is a long way to go." Brother Dongchenzong smiled and said, "Don't delay the Taoist friends, please follow me to park the starship."

After the star ship followed the boat, it flew towards the star and slowly moored under the command.

However, when the star ship was very good, the whole ship suddenly trembled, Fang Shihai's body flickered, and he suddenly turned his head, his face became ugly. Aside from them, another starship starred into their starship ship, because the hull restraint had gradually extinguished most of the time. This collision actually caused some damage to the ship ’s body. Repair, I am afraid it will cost a lot of Yuanjing.

Fang Shihai took a look at the damaged hull. After a while, he apologized to the fact that none of the other starships appeared on the ship, and his face became a little ugly. He screamed, "How did you dock? Berth? "

The starship ship of the other party was one to the starship ship of the Soochow Caravan. It should be a business group that has been running outside for a long time. The monk on the ship heard the condescending glance at Fang Shihai, but he was full of contempt and contempt, without apology.

"You hit our starship, and you still have this attitude. Today, you must come up with a statement, otherwise it is not over!" Fang Shihai, although knowing the reason to go out without causing trouble, but now also by their attitude Inflamed.

"Say, what do you want to say?" Between the words, a monk in the Jinpao came out of the starship starship opposite him, looking at his 20-year-old appearance, his face was full of coldness, "You hit the starry star of this master Ship, I have n’t even considered you a lot. You came to talk to Ben Shao. It seems you want to make trouble? ”

Fang Shihai's heart sank slightly. The opponent's attitude of fearlessness was obviously dependent on it. Could it be that they have a strong background on the star, and with that in mind, his anger could not help but extinguish a few points, as a long-term caravan monk He can understand the truth of being able to stretch and bend.

"Dongchen Zongdao friends, you can see this in your eyes, who knows what is wrong with him, what do you do?" He said that he had lost his previous toughness, and wanted to pass Dongchenzong's monks to verify him. Guess, if he really can't provoke him, he won't help himself.

The monk Dongchenzong, who was responsible for guiding the two starships to moor, suddenly became stiff, and Fang Shihai's throat had attracted a lot of attention. Most of them were monks who ran caravans. Although this was not a big deal, it was not handled. I'm afraid it will affect the reputation of Dong Chenzong, but the troubled little man in front of them also recognizes that they can't help but be distressed for a while.

The two looked at each other, and one of them accompanied carefully to the young monk of the Jinpao, and the monk Dongchenzong who led the way for the Soochow caravan to turn around and landed next to Fang Shihai.

"This Taoist, I ’m just advising you not to speak up today, so as not to cause trouble to your body." He said a glance at Brother Jinpao during the conversation, and whispered: "This ordinary man ca n’t be provoke, presumably, Taoist is out. And don't want to cause trouble? "

Fang Shihai was ready in his heart, and when he heard the words sank, he nodded slightly. In the realm of Dongchen Sect, if something goes wrong, they can only suffer. One thing is not as good as one thing, and patience passes.

When Monk Dongchenzong saw that he was willing to eat the stuff, he smiled suddenly, nodding his head and not speaking.

Soon, the adjustment on the Star Ship was also completed. Brother Jinpao nodded proudly and said lightly: "Okay, today ’s things will not make it difficult for you, I will not hold them accountable and tell them to be careful in the future. The words fell, he watched Fang Shihai sneer, and led a large number of monks Hao Hao Tang Tang straight to the star.

"Okay, the matter has been resolved." Another monk Dongchenzong came to the Soochow caravan and star ship. "You'd better leave as soon as you are okay, and don't conflict with Lin Shaosheng, otherwise we won't be able to protect you."

Whispering, two monks from Dongchenzong left.

Fang Shihai's face was blue, but he had to bow his head under the eaves. He thought about it and gave up his plan to leave now. The star is so big, he is very unlikely to encounter this Lin Shao again, and the most important thing is that after the star, there is no safe place to stay for a long distance on the way, the caravan recruits The matter of guarding can no longer be delayed.

"Bears, your brothers and I will go to the star to recruit guards. We will be back at the latest tomorrow. When the old man is away, the caravan will be in charge of Miner."

After commanding a sentence, Fang Shihai took Xiong Er and others straight to the star.


As the largest caravan distribution center in the surrounding star domain, Skystar has a variety of industries. It is natural that there are many monks who rely on **** caravans to earn commissions, and the level of repair is not weak. Fang Shihai and others found a place to solicit caravan escorts. Although they were a little far away from the evil star, they soon recruited some monks under the generous rewards. According to this degree, they can recruit enough manpower before tomorrow. Fang Shihai's face showed a little smile.

But I have to say that Fang Shihai's luck is really bad this time. The more he doesn't want to meet, the more he just can't avoid it.

In a teahouse not far away, Lin Shao was sitting on a wide chair, and his eyes had fallen on Fang Shihai and his sneer.

Opposite him, there was also a young monk who, from the perspective of clothing, was afraid that he was also a person with a great background. Lin Shao's complexion was taken into account by him. He glanced downstairs and laughed: "How, son Brother Mu, do you have holidays with them? "

"It's not a big deal." Lin Zimu said faintly, and said the previous thing briefly.

"These guys who walk in the caravan actually dare to provoke you. It seems that they don't want to operate in the territory of our Dongchenzong." Zhang He's face was a little surprised. He is the son of Zhang Yun, the elder of Dongchenzong. Although he is not outstanding, he is loved by Zhang Yun. Zhang Yun is the authoritative elder of Dongchenzong who presides over the star. Had it not been for this point, the young owner of the Danglin Family Business Group would not have approached Zhang He.

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