Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 819: Intentional shot

Fuquanyou looked at Xiao Chen, who was bound by the vine's prison, and his mouth slightly tilted, revealing his coldness. ? Bayi Chinese {网 W? W? W). ] 8) 1ZW. COM has fallen into his magical powers. Even if this Liuyun body repair has the power to rival the world, he still doesn't want to get away easily!

But at this moment, a faint voice suddenly came out of Aoto's prison, "Since the Daoist has already shot, then I will be punched without coming and going!" The voice dropped, and the "crisp" sound suddenly sounded. , Ivy's prison was broken in an instant, the wood rattan was broken, and the flowers were broken!

Fuquan's magical power was broken by his physical strength!

Xiao Chen's robe was broken, but his body did not show any damage. His calm eyes flashed coldly. He stepped forward and blasted out with a punch in the void!


One punch fell into the void, but it seemed to fall on a big drum, and a slightly loud noise came out suddenly!

Fu Quanyou's color changed instantly, and a sense of confusion appeared in his eyes. He stretched out his hand and patted it in front of him. Suddenly, a layer of wood-blue halo appeared, blocking his entire body like a slightly wavy mirror.

But the next moment, the cyan mirror surface suddenly trembled in an astonishing amplitude. Fuquan's face turned pale, and he blew bleeding water in his mouth. At the same time, the mirror suddenly broke.

Fuquanyou's chest bones cracked and cracked, and her body flew back.

Xiao Chen sneered: "Don't leave, take another punch!" He opened his mouth, stepped forward under his feet, and punched without hesitation.

Void aura flashed, a monk's figure appeared directly, and he swept his sleeves. Void suddenly produced a mighty force, and collided with the power of that punch! Above the void, the two forces faced each other, making a rumbling sound like a roar of a beast roaring, extremely windy.

Xiao Chen's broken robe agitated, her eyes narrowed slightly, her eyes chilled even more, and her mouth yelled, "It's a good Yuanzong, but there is another person, but you can't fool me alone! If you fight, then I will fear you. Yuanzong is impossible! "

The prince of Yuan Yuan was shocked secretly. Only then did he meet the ups and downs of the power, which actually caused his blood to soar and frantic in his body. Although he didn't do his best, Liuyun didn't hesitate! If you really let go and kill, he may not be able to leave him! At this moment, when he heard the words, he waved his hands in a hurry and said, "Liuyun Taoist friends should not be angry. This seat is the Suzeraint of Yuan Yuan. Today, I sent the elders to the blessings, but I just wanted to invite Taoist friends like a ancestor to a banquet, so as to solicit the Tao. Friends, never malicious! "

"No malicious intention?" Xiao Chen sneered, "Three or two times forced me into the sect, and after being rejected, he directly intimidated me by force. When he shot, he killed him. Could all this be misunderstood by the suzerain?"

The tougher he is now, the more the Master Yuan Yuan felt that he wanted to take a wrong move more, and the more he did not want to blame Xiao Chen! Although he is the master of a case, if he provokes such a powerful bodybuilder, unless he is killed, there will be no peace in the future.

"Liuyun Tao's friends were angry. This was caused by the improper handling of the elders. It was not my intention to Yuanzong! Now this case assures Taoyou that my Yuanzong will not embarrass Taoists immediately. What happened today, how? "

Xiao Chen was silent, and then nodded coldly after a while. "I hide my whereabouts for some reason. I don't want to be pushed out by Wu Yuanzong today. I hope the suzerain has faith, otherwise I will not let it go!"

On the surface, it seems that Wu Yuanzong was unreasonable first, and coupled with the lack of certainty, although his heart was gloomy, he did not reveal it on the surface. He nodded slightly, "Taoyou rest assured, this case is goodbye!"

In a word, he left Fuquan, who was not badly damaged.

The World War of Kingship of Creation has attracted the attention of the entire city. Xiao Chen turned and stepped back in the air, instantly attracting countless awe-inspiring eyes.

Falling in the courtyard of the Soochow Caravan, Fang Shihai, Wu Min, and others saluted respectfully, looking a little more awe in the shock of Xiao Chen's eyes. Although they guessed Xiao Chen's strength, they did not expect that he would be qualified to fight against the Suzerain. They didn't know what they were talking about in the air, but Wu Yuanzong's retreat was right in front of him. In other words, with the help of one person, Master Liu Yun forced the whole Yuan Yuanzong back and forth!

Such power, they naturally awe!

Xiao Chen glanced around the courtyard, and looked at Fang Shihai faintly, "This identity has been exposed, do not want to stay in the city for a long time, would you like to leave immediately? Otherwise, this seat will leave alone."

Fang Shihai respectfully said: "Master Liuyun rest assured that the caravan has been cleaned up, and we will come out immediately!"

After half an hour, the Soochow caravan and his party set foot on the starship and sailed away from Xiuzhen Star towards the depths of the stars.

Lord Su Yuan watched Xiao Chen and others leave, and he sighed, saying: "It seems that this time you and I think more, he is by no means the person who Shenjizong is looking for, otherwise he would never dare to openly repair Because of it, we are against En Yuan Yuanzong. "

Behind him, the pale-faced Fuquan nodded with a wry smile. This kind of powerful physical training can not be imitated casually. It seems that this time they caused themselves a trouble. I am afraid Yuan Zong is afraid that there will be an extra enemy for no reason. "

Lord Su Yuan was silent, and after a while he slowly shook his head and whispered: "If you really fight with life and death, this Zong is not sure to win him."

Fuquanyou's body was suddenly stiff. He lifted it up suddenly, looking at the star ship that had gradually disappeared into his eyes, his eyes were shocked!


"Sir Xiao Chen, this is the best cabin on the Pingxing ship. This is the teacher's residence. I have ordered people to clean it. I hope you are satisfied." Wu Min respectfully began.

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "I'm satisfied."

Wu Min's heart was loose, and there was a little silence, and her face was full of words.

"Tell Fang Shihai, since I remain in the caravan, as long as you are in trouble, as long as it is within my ability, this seat will not sit idly by and let him rest assured." Xiao Chen had already guessed what was in her heart.

"Thank you, Lord Liuyun!" Wu Min showed joy on his face. "That being the case, the younger generation will not disturb the adult, and you can call me if there is anything." She said, she respectfully saluted before turning away.

Xiao Chen turned around and took a seat. He came out of the room and searched carefully in the room. He nodded slightly after making sure there was nothing wrong with it. Although it was determined that Fang Shihai would never dare to play tricks on his back, it was always good to be careful. He waved the cloth to restrain him, and his face was moaned.

The conflict with Xun Yuanzong was Xiao Chen's intention. He did not think that Xun Yuanzhang would be such a domineering person. When he knew that a strong man appeared in the Zongmen area, he would send someone to solicit at any cost, or even Hit it. The most likely reason is that because of the desire of the God Machine Sect, the forces of the evil star domain have cast doubt on the sudden emergence of the strong. Xiao Chen was aware of this, so he seized the opportunity and did not hesitate to take the shot to make things bigger!

In this way, he can largely dispel the doubts of Yuan Zongzong. After all, if he is the one pursued by Shenji Zong, he would definitely not dare to use such a high profile. And taking this opportunity, he revealed the power of the body to create the world's princely realm, so that Wu Yuanzong had to eat the dumb loss, while also serving as his proof of origin. In the future, even if he shoots in the evil star domain again, with today's events, no one will doubt his identity.

When Xiao Chen went to Sin City, he was thinking of joining the Sin City. After all, only by becoming a member of the Sin City can he use the power of the Sin City to compete against the God Sect and avoid Wei Zheng's pursuit. The battle with Wu Yuanzong can not only prove his physical identity, get rid of the danger of being suspected, but also become an opportunity for him to show his strength. In this way, after entering the Sin Star, he can cause Sin City in a short time. note.

For many benefits, Xiao Chen has no reason to fail. Now it seems that things are moving in the direction he expected. He entered the Sinister Realm for the first time, and his powerful physical strength has not yet been exposed. It is natural and seamless to disguise himself as an adult and change his identity!

Converging his mind, he slowly exhaled, looked down at the palm blood charm, and the blood awn seemed to be a little stronger.

Xiao Chen's heart didn't feel slightly sinking, and he didn't have much time left.


[Old time update completed, sweat. . 】

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