Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 796: Ice cold

Xiao Chen frowned, turned and looked in the direction of the Shenji Pavilion. Taking Xi Dongshui as his example, the Shuiyang sect stepped forward, all eyes were cold and poor. 〔< 〔Eight (One [(Small [Speaking Network W? WWW.81ZW.COM

"Dongshui, Shuiyang Zong Shaozong, I don't know how to call friends?" Xi Dongshui stopped and said coldly, "If Daoyou has enough power for my Shuiyang Zong, let's stop today, otherwise I'm afraid it will be necessary to give me an account of Shui Yangzong before I can leave. "

Hong Dawei watched the appearance of Xi Dongshui, struggling to kneel and fell to the ground, "Sao Zong, this person is a newly admitted sin star monk, without any background, so please ask him to be his subordinate!" Hong Dawei knew in his heart that Shao Zong was afraid of it It's the background behind Xiao Chen. As long as this point is set aside, there is a great possibility that he will shoot.

"The new monk." Xi Dongshui's eyes were slightly bright, and he turned to Xiao Chen, and said, "It seems that you, Xiao Chen Daoyou, have no strength to compete with my Shuiyang sect."

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "So what?"

"Ten ten million yuan crystal plus that gourd, my Shuiyangzong can let you leave, otherwise you can't leave Dongguo City today!" Xi Dongshui whispered, and while he was talking, a jade slip in his hand was already pinched broken.

Deep in Dongguocheng, two powerful breaths burst into the sky instantly.

The two figures came from the sky, and they were far away at first glance, but they were close in just a few breaths of time, all of them looked bleak!

The old man's eyes were slightly swept away. His eyes were instantly stiff, and the monk's body was suddenly stiff, and the scene suddenly became silent. Then he whispered, "Sao Zong, I wonder what happened?"

Another cold monk didn't say much, but he stood here, but like the cold of all ages, there was a chill and coldness of scalp.

Two Monks of Creation and Kingship!

Xi Dongshui salutes respectfully, he is Shuiyang Zong Shaozong, but the two in front of him are respected in the sect, even if the cation is quite courteous to them, naturally he dare not presumptuously, step forward and walk to the two, Briefly inform.

"Today's matter, I also asked the two elders, Tuomu and Lihan, to take the shot." The words fell, and his eyes glanced over Xiao Chen with coldness. Now that the two elders in Zongnai are shooting, he wants to see how Xiao Chen responds!

Tuomu nodded, already understood the meaning of Shao Zong, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen's body, his eyes scorched hot. The monk who created the kingdom of Kings of the Sinning Star for the first time will certainly be rich. Now that I have hit Shuiyangzong, naturally I can't miss this opportunity.

"Since Shao Zong has spoken, the two husbands are also unwilling to embarrass you, and hand over 10 million yuan crystals and that gourd, and I will let you go." He said something, let you leave today, and Does not mean that your life will not be charged! An enemy who created the kingdom of creation will always make people feel uneasy. It is naturally better to remove it earlier.

Xiao Chen was expressionless, his eyes fell on Monk Shuiyang, and his heart sneered. It seems that things can't be done today. Naturally, it is natural to start first and take Shuiyang Zongliwei to kill chickens and tamarins.

He murmured in his mouth and strode forward, "He who obstructs me, bears the consequences!"

The water on Xi Dong's face was suddenly cold. He did not expect that Xiao Chen could still be so tough at this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth slightly sneered.

Tuomu and Li Han's face was gloomy. Seeing that Xiao Chen stepped forward, the cold elder Elder stepped forward and stepped on the ground!

A cold air came out of him, and a layer of ice cap quickly condensed in the sound of "click". The blue ice cap was crystal clear and reflected this fantastic glory in daylight, but what was contained in this beauty was The terror was spreading, and he went straight to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed fiercely, and the evil monk Sin Reality shot really fiercely, before the ice sheet was approaching, he had sensed the horrible chill contained in it! This chill is strong enough to pose a threat to monks who created the kingdom of creation. If the cultivation is not enough, they can only get deeper and deeper, and finally be completely covered by the cold, until the physical body is destroyed and the Yuanshen collapses. Seemingly simple shot, but murderous.

If he hadn't entered the hunting galaxy before facing the cold, Xiao Chen was afraid that he would have to use the "Broken Element" to excite all the power in the body to compete with it, but now his physical body has undergone the dual training of the star array and the dragon pool , The degree of power has reached an astonishing level, and the strength of the mana in the body is enough to be comparable to the monk of the founding king. In this state, he does not need to be afraid of this level of supernatural power!

Xiao Chen's face had not changed at all, as if he had not seen the icy ice sheet, and his expression was still moving forward under his feet.

The coldness in Li Han's eyes was even heavier. He did not expect Xiao Chen to dare to be so magnanimous and directly bear the power of his soul with his flesh! Since you want to die, I'll do it for you! The chill idea turns, and the denser and clearer the ice sheet on the ground, the stronger the chill in it!

The next moment, he roared inside, die!

The ice sheet on the ground had spread to Xiao Chen's feet, and the horrific chill poured into him, his figure stopped for a moment, a layer of strong ice was born on his body, covering the whole body with an amazing degree. Looking at it now, Xiao Chen's body has been covered by ice, just like an ice man in an extremely cold place. At the same time, the continuous horrible power of ice and cold is still pouring into his body crazyly, making him more solid. !!

The absolutely icy breath spread out from the ground ice sheet, which caused the temperature of the entire space to drop suddenly, just like reversing the space and entering a cold world suddenly. The bitter chill made the surrounding monks' faces change greatly, and their feet receded, and their faces were full of panic. This chill came and made them feel the threat of death. If they fall into it, they may be killed directly!

Xi Dongshui hesitated slightly. From Xiao Chen's performance, he must have some reliance in his hands, but now he would be so easily resolved? This doubt was turned down in his heart, and the elder Li Han was deeply cultivated, and his power was even more amazing. It was normal for Xiao Chen to be restrained! Now they are in the hands of his Shuiyangzong, they are the fish on the cutting board, let them be slaughtered!

The eyes hidden in the dark at the same time revealed regret. If it had been known that Xiao Chen had no background, they would have shot him down. But now that Shuiyangzong has already taken the lead, they can't help but give up.

Frigid expressionless, but his heart sneered, falling into the power of his courage, with the passage of time, the ice became stronger and harder, and the chill became stronger and stronger, and the captive monk was reluctant to escape, even if he supported hard, In the end, I ca n’t escape!

But just then, his face suddenly changed.


A crackling sound came out, and in this deadly environment, it was so clear that it was directly introduced into the ears of every monk here, attracting an infinite amount of light, and falling on the figure covered by the ice.


The loud noise suddenly exploded, and the strong ice was shattered by life and turned into countless pieces. Under the blessing of the terrorist force, it burst out and went straight in all directions, attracting the exclamation of countless monks in the surrounding area, one after the other, avoiding dodge. The bad monk was hit directly by the ice block, and the whole body suddenly flew backwards as if being hit by a wild cow. The sound of bone cracking from the body was terrifying.

Xiao Chen's expression was calm, and there was no change from before. Although Li Han's power of ice is strong, it is still far worse than the power of ice cold in Shenglong Pond, even his clothes are not damaged. At the slightest.

In the horrified eyes of the surrounding monks, he lifted his feet and stepped on the ice cold one step!

With a muffled sound, the ground trembled suddenly, and a layer of water-like power suddenly centered on his footing and spreading to the surrounding area! Where it swept away, the ice cap collapsed in the cracking sound, stirring up the ice debris.

This wave of force flew along the ice sheet to the cold.

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