Xi Dongshui had a faint smile on his face, and glanced at Xiao Chen, seeing that he was still a calm look, could not help frowning secretly, then shook his head in his heart. [Eight [(? 一 中文 (W] W> W].] 8> 1) Z} W.COM, his elixir, has great effect on the monk who passed down the kingdom, and even if he chooses, he will also Will choose to exchange with him.

At this time, the black-faced monk had taken the storage of Xiao Chen in his hands, and he dug into it, and instantly saw that child's fist, the size of rice grains polished by blood crystals, and his body suddenly stiffened. His face suddenly turned red.

Blood jade dragon tooth rice!

With this breath, he will never make a mistake.

This heaven and earth treasure contains the power of rules. The refinement of monks can learn the rules, improve their own realm, and then peek into the road of ascension.

The black-faced monk suddenly lifted up, holding the storage ring firmly in his hand, and fell on Xiao Chen's body, taking a deep breath, and then suppressed his heart's turbulence, "I don't know how many friends want to exchange with my husband?"

The surrounding monsters have seen this person's reaction in their eyes. Naturally, there is another turmoil in their hearts, which can make the black monsters react like this, which shows that Xiao Chen is precious to exchange elixir!

Xi Dongshui's face was stiff, the smile on his face disappeared, and the rest was gloomy.

If Xiao Chen hadn't seen this, he groaned slightly and said, "Twenty tablets."

"Deal!" The black-faced monk whispered, put the gourd in his jade box, and raised his hand.

Xiao Chen took it, and there was nothing wrong with a little inspection, so he put the jade box into the storage ring, his hand flashed a little, and he took out nineteen blood jade dragon teeth rice and packed it in a jade box, and sent it to the black-faced monk. In his hand, he reminded: "Dao friends are advised to check carefully to avoid causing trouble."

The black-faced monk felt a sorrow in his heart. If anyone knew that he had blood jade dragon tooth rice in his hands, I was afraid that there would be a big trouble contaminating his body. He nodded and put the jade box into the storage ring and checked it carefully. A smile on his face indicated that the transaction was completed.

"Dongshui, this is your storage ring, put away." The old man stood up and arched, saying, "Dear friends, the old man has some urgent matters, so he won't stay long anymore. Goodbye!"

After completing the transaction, he didn't want to stay for a long time, and strode away.

Several old monsters looked at the back of the black-faced monk, hesitated slightly, and still suppressed their thoughts.

Xiao Chen watched the man leave, and he paused and rose up, arching: "There is something to do next, leave." Yu Luo turned to leave the secret room and gave a command. Naturally, a monk from the Shenji Pavilion approached the road carefully.

Xi Dongshui looked at Xiao Chen's back, his eyes were cloudy for a while, and then he pressed his heart impulse after half a ring.

The two left one after the other, and the rest of the weirds did not have the intention to continue to exchange. They all got up to clear the Yuanjing with the Shenji Museum. They took the treasures of their respective auctions and left. The small auction was completely ended here.


"Old man Peng, did the old guy seeing the auction today not go far?" The old guy looked with a smile on his face, but his eyes flashed from time to time.

The old man Peng sneered, "These immortals know that the black elder monster is not easy to provoke, and hit the idea on the monk Tsingpao. If the boy does not have enough background, I am afraid that he will be intercepted soon.

"I think that the gourd is not ordinary, and the kid is very arrogant. It is a fat sheep. Let us do it. Don't let this opportunity go for nothing."

The old man frowned, and then slowly shook his head. "I can't see the person, so don't take the risk to get in trouble. Let's wait patiently, and someone will take the shot for you and me. Decide how to proceed. "

"It's still thoughtful of you." The smiling old man nodded. "Look now if this kid has any means to keep his own life."


Xiao Chen, a monk at the Shenji Pavilion, led the way to the first floor. Wu Jiao never went away. He saw that he hurried forward and gathered his salute, "See Lord."

"Come up, you and I leave here." Xiao Chen's face was so dull that people couldn't see the mood in his heart, and he strode out.

Wu Jiao's heart jumped slightly, and she was acutely aware that Xiao Chen's state at this moment was a little wrong, but she dared not ask more questions, and hurriedly followed him.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, but his heart was sneer slightly. When he took part in the auction of Su Wu Manor, these old immortal hearts were afraid that he had already moved his mind. Just hit the attention on him, it depends on whether you have this qualification!

There was a hint of coldness in his dark eyes.

However, Xiao Chen's waiting shot did not arrive, but another group blocked the way of the two.

Miao Cheng and Bao Yu were thrown directly to the ground, their faces were pale, and blood remained between their noses and noses.

Wu Jiao saw the person who was blocking the road, and then looked at the status of the two.

"Who killed my brother?" Hong Dawei spoke slowly, his forehead beating blue tendons, making his repression calmer. Behind him, a dozen iron feather guards took a step forward, his face was cold.

The monks in the surrounding area jumped violently, and the eyes of Xiao Chen and Wu Jiao suddenly became full of sympathy. Shuiyang Zong Hong Dawei, the leader of Tie Yuwei, cultivated himself in the world of creation, and always shot fiercely, which is a very famous role in Dongguocheng.

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows slightly. It seems that today is not all right, but that things have come together.


"Shao Zong, it's Zong Nei Hong Dawei. Shall we go and see?" A monk asked behind Xi Dongshui.

Xi Dongshui frowned slightly, then shook his head, "Not in a hurry, wait a moment." He stood on the big ship of the Shenji Museum, watching Xiao Chen's back from a distance, his eyes narrowed slightly. Trouble caused him to have the opportunity to expose his identity. If Shuiyang Zong was not allowed to fear, then he would just take this opportunity to leave him!

"Yes, Shao Zong."

The monk with a round face is Xi Dongshui's brother. Although he has no climate, he knows his brother quite well. Now that he understands his meaning, he can't help showing a little smirk.


Xiao Chen looked at the monk in front of him, and he should practice some kind of hegemonic decision-making in the creation world, and he was extremely sturdy, afraid that it would be enough to rival the ordinary creation world monks.

"Hong Dachuan, I killed it."

He spoke softly, his voice calm.

Hong Dawei suddenly turned, and his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, saying: "Very good!" His voice didn't fall, and his next step came out. The figure shot out suddenly, grabbed it, and went straight to Xiao Chen's door.

Although the brothers of the Hong family are both cruel and spiteful characters, the two brothers have a close relationship and rely on each other. Now that Hong Dachuan is killed, he is resentful to take the shot, which is directly a killing move!

Xiao Chen's look remained unchanged. He raised his hand only after Hong Dawei was approaching. With a wave of his robe sleeve, the power of the void instantly appeared, surging like a wave. Hong Dawei's body suddenly stiffened, and a groan was heard in his mouth, and the figure flew away instantly.


Hong Dawei fell dozens of feet away, the ground crack spread to a large area on all sides, his face was pale, and blood stained between his mouth and nose. He looked up at Xiao Chen, his eyes full of panic.

At the moment, more than a dozen iron feather guards following him were stiff, and a cold air rose suddenly in their hearts, which quickly diffused into the flesh and blood gods, making them fall like an ice cellar. But the master who is in charge of the creation of the realm is not the enemy of Xiao Chen Yihe, and was hit by his sleeve!

Monk of Creation World!

As soon as they thought about it, the paler they became, and they didn't dare to move slightly.

The monks in the surrounding area looked at Xiao Chen's eyes greatly, showing deep awe. The strong are respected no matter where they are, especially in the Sin Sin.

"Hong Dachuan was killed by me. If you want revenge, you can come to me, but next time, I will kill you!" Xiao Chen said faintly, and with his current strength, he never looked at Hong Dawei. He was about to step away, but a voice suddenly came, "Hehe, in the realm of the Shuiyang sect, hit my monk Shuiyang sect, dare to be so arrogant, Taoist is the first person I have ever met. "


[The update time in these two days is very chaotic and late, it really feels a little tired, sorry for everyone. After all, it costs money to read books, and Baozi's professional conduct should be regular and quantitative to ensure updates ... Baozi strives to adjust himself and strive to resume normal updates as soon as possible. I apologize once again to everyone and bow down. 】

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