The old man Peng's face remained unchanged, with a faint smile on his face. {[ W}.> 8? 1] ZW.COM This is the God Machine Museum, who dares to live here, waiting for him will be God Machine Sect is not dead Endless hunting! He doesn't think that any of these people dare to challenge the majesty of God Machine Sect!

"A crystal of 7.8 million yuan."

"8.8 million crystals."

Quotes for women, the shock in their eyes could not be suppressed.

The old man Peng could not help but show a little bit of heat, a price increase of one million yuan at a time, such a big hand in the evil star domain is already extremely amazing.

At the same time, more than a dozen old strangers at the long table were silent, and this offer made them feel trembling and frightened. A few monks who threw nearly ten million yuan crystals existed among them. Those who are still contesting at this moment are afraid that only the last two or three are left.

Xi Dongshui was slightly low, and his expression was still calm, but the round-faced monk with a sinking water on his face made it clear that they were one of the contenders for this thing.

After a few interest payments, a new offer appeared, "Nine million yuan."

But this quote just appeared, it was refreshed again, "10 million yuan crystal!" When she spoke, the female repair couldn't hold her heart excited, her voice trembling slightly. Shenji Zong opened the Shenji Museum to spread across the evil star domain, but there are very few treasures that can be auctioned up to ten million levels. Today's events will inevitably be included in the records of the Zongmen. Yuanjing reward.

The whole secret room is quiet and silent, and you can hear the gasp of the bidder who is participating in the auction.

Xi Dongshui slowly raised, even if he was in a stable state of mind, now he is still complexion and slowly spoke. "After ten days, it is the birthday of my ancestor. I came to the auction today to buy a congratulatory gift for his elderly people. Li. Under the bid price of 10.1 million yuan, I also asked Daoyou to give this Su Wu mansion to my Shuiyang sect. "In a word, he turned to the old man Peng and apologized," This matter Dongshui broke the rules It ’s really that I have only saved 10 million yuan for many years, and I ca n’t take more. To apologize today, the Shenji Museum in Dongguo City can be exempted from paying three yuan for three years. I also ask senior Peng to be surprised. ”

There are no absolute rules for evil galaxies, as long as they have enough power, they can change many things.

For example right now.

Peng Laohang is not good, but the ten million yuan crystal has far exceeded the value of Su Wu Manor. In addition, the disposal of Xi Dongshui has given Shenjiguan enough face. It is not too bad, and he groans slightly. Later remained silent. This is a tacit attitude. Although Shenji Zong is powerful, he still has to give them some face within the sphere of influence of Shuiyang Zong.

Xi Dongshui bowed his hand, and his eyes swept across the long table. He wants to see, who is going to compete with him today, who is paying the price of tens of millions?

Although all the strange people in the closet are all with strong backgrounds, they are mostly weaker than Shuiyangzong, and the cation is almost a breakthrough for the creation of the king of the world to rise to the peak of the world, making them even more fearful. Now Xi Dongshui opened his eyes, and their eyes were scattered in the dense room. Most of the monks who participated in the auction today are the surrounding galaxy monks. They know each other well, and they are not able to make a lot of big money, and from the performance at this moment, it seems that they are not the bidders today.

Soon, everyone's eyes gradually began to focus on the three newly joined monks. Today, the author should be among these three.

The eyes that gathered brought Xiao Chenxia and the two monks on the opposite side to look different.

"Although Xia Xia took part in the auction, he has already closed his hand." The monk groaned a little and explained, after all, in the field of others, he did not want to offend Shui Yangzong for no reason.

The monk on the other side nodded, and although he didn't speak, he had already expressed his attitude.

In this way, all eyes are looking at one place.

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly. He did not expect that things would have evolved to this point and slowly raised, while Xi Dongshui's eyes turned at this moment, and he slightly arched at him, saying: "This Taoist, I wonder if I can cut love With a kind smile on his face, he was a little apologetic, but Xiao Chen had already felt his hostility before, and naturally he would not be deceived by his disguise at the moment. But he groaned a little, still faintly arching, and said, "So, this Su-Wu manor has given Tao friends."

Although the Su-Wu Manor is good, it can only bear the power of the creation of the kingship, not Xiao Chen's ideal, only because there is no better treasure, he will retreat next. But now there are very many ten thousand yuan crystals. Although he has many yuan crystals in his hands, he doesn't know how long he will be trapped in the evil star domain, and he will eventually save some. The most important reason is naturally Shuiyang Sect. Although he is not afraid of trouble, he does not want to provoke too much. He is not afraid of the forces on the surface of Shuiyangzong, but whether it has hidden power in the dark is not what he can know.

So Xiao Chen chose to stop.

His voice was calm, but he directly acknowledged that he had competed with Xi Dongshui to compete for Su Wu Manor, and everyone became cautious when he looked at him. It is not unusual for monks to be able to come up with ten million yuan crystals. And after knowing that he had offended Shuiyangzong, Xiao Chen dared to admit it so frankly. This strong self-confidence showed that he was not afraid of possible revenge from Shuiyangzong. He just quit without wanting to cause trouble.

For a while, more than a dozen strange people in the secret room speculated about Xiao Chen's identity, but even if they racked their brains, they could not think of his identity.

Xi Dongshui looked momentarily stiff, but quickly resumed as usual, laughing: "Thank you, my friends." Without Xiao Chen, this Su-Wu manor can earn up to 7 million yuan. Now he not only spends it Obtaining this object at a high price, it seems that he has accepted humanity.

Xi Dongshui's heart was gloomy, but he didn't show the slightest. Xiao Chen's performance made him dare not to act lightly, but he had a calculation in his mind. After the auction today, he immediately sent someone to investigate his identity. If he really has a deep background, today ’s things must not be stopped. He It is Shuiyang Zong Shao Zong, but it is not a fool. It will not cause Zong Men to provoke a strong enemy because of such things. However, if he didn't let his daunting background, then Xiao Chen would not want to leave the Shuiyangzong territory!

After a brief episode, the auction continued. Although there are also many fine treasures that have attracted various veterans to bid, Xiao Chen has no intention of continuing to shoot. The leather armor and black sword given by light let him not be lacking in treasures, and the ancient Bodhi tree in Yuanshen space and the golden seal hidden in his Yuanshen gave him the same peace of mind in the defense of Yuanshen. He was slightly low, but he could sense the eyes that fell on him from time to time. Obviously, he had previously bid 10 million yuan for crystals, and many monks had already moved other thoughts. It seems that it is better to wait until the auction ends soon, otherwise there will be trouble.

An hour later, the last auction item was sold, and the old man Peng smiled and said, "Today the auction is over, but according to the rules, after the auction, you can exchange small-scale treasures here. Please ask everyone how to trade. Dao You decides, I wo n’t intervene in the Magic Machine Museum. "

Xiao Chen originally wanted to leave, but now he heard a word and hesitated slightly. Every monk in the King of Genesis is rich, maybe they have what he needs.

The ghost and old man looked slightly gloomy. He valued a treasure today, but was photographed away. He never got what he needed. He heard the first one got up and said, "Today, we will start with the next one." There was a flash of aura in his hand and he took out two treasures.

"The blood-drinking fork is a kind of evil soldier. The old man spent a lot of hands and feet to cut down a creation monk. This treasure can continue to grow through the killing of strength. Cause a threat, in exchange for one of the attributes of overcast defense. "

"The blood ancient sword is made from the spine bones of the beasts of the creation world. It is soaked and absorbed with its own blood and put into the cold to cold places for thousands of years to be exchanged for a primal defense treasure."

"I don't know if a Taoist is willing to exchange and talk to me."

The words fell, all the old monsters in the secret room shook their heads, and after waiting for a while, no one spoke. The more ugly the ghost old man looked, but he couldn't do anything, so he had to put away the treasure.

After him, another old man in brown clothes stood up, "There are also some treasures in the old man's hands to exchange with you friends ..."

Xiao Chen watched for a while, and several people got up, and they exchanged all good treasures, but they were not too cherished. After all, good baby, everyone wants to stay in their hands, how can they easily give to others. When he gradually lost his patience and was about to get up and leave in advance, the monk known by Xi Dongshui as Uncle Hei hesitated before he gritted his teeth and arched, "I got a treasure in the early years, but I worked hard for a long time , But could n’t control it, today I took it out to have a look with you friends. ”

While talking, he took out a jade box with a flash of aura in his hand. Open the jade box, exposing one of the gourds about the size of an adult's palm. It looks like jade, and there are no traces of carving, and there are occasional colorful flashes.


[I'm a bit tired, I feel like I'm being chased and updated by the day ... I'll make two more chapters, eat something to continue the code, and two chapters before twelve. 】

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