"Old man Peng, as long as you bring out real good things from the Shenji Museum this time, let alone wait for half a day, it doesn't matter if you wait for half a year. Bayi Chinese W] W] W].) 81ZW.COM" beside the long table, The old ghost said with a low smile.

"Haha, fellow daoists, rest assured, this auction of my Shenji Pavilion will definitely not disappoint everyone." Old man Peng smiled slightly, his face was full of pride, his eyes swept across the sides, "Most of the people who came today are If you are an old friend, but there are also new friends, the old man first stated the auction rules. In the auction of treasures, only Yuanjing or equivalent treasures are collected in exchange. Anyone who is interested can bid with jade slips, and the higher price will be paid. The specifics wait until the auction starts. , The unknown friend naturally knows, the old man no longer delays, and the auction of the Shenji Pavilion officially begins." At the end of the word, he waved his sleeve, and a jade plate with a flash of light appeared directly on the long table, on the blue jade plate. Quietly placed a dark red stone, one by one, the fine forbidden runes circulated quickly on the stone, sealing its breath.

The faces of the old monsters at the long table changed at the same time. With their cultivation, they can naturally sense the breath radiating from the stone.

"Red stone is made by compressing the power of the sun star with the force of the formation technique for thousands of years, and one star can produce up to a hundred pieces. The appearance of this stone represents the extinguishment and collapse of a sun star, which is a taboo technique. But today this piece of redstone has no problem with its origin. It was made from a red giant that is about to destroy itself." Old man Peng swept his eyes, "a piece of redstone, a one-time loss, detonated by mana. Unleash the power that is compressed to the extreme in an instant, comparable to a single blow from a cultivator at the Peak of Creation. The price is one million yuan, and you can bid for it."

The first auction item attracted the attention of all monks.

Xiao Chen's gaze fell on the red stone, and he secretly sighed in his heart that the Sin Star Territory was so astounding that he could come up with such a method of dividing the power of the sun star to refine the treasure because of the lack of monastic resources. This method was never heard in the Great Thousand Realms.

This redstone can also be regarded as a heavy treasure. With this thing in hand, even if one more hole card is added, fighting with a monk at the same level is equivalent to being invincible, and it can even reverse the battle and save your life in a critical moment. This treasure auction, of course, attracted many monks to compete.

Xiao Chen was low again after seeing it. Although Red Stone was good, it didn't attract him much. However, the competition for this treasure is still fierce. Every old monster at the long table has a jade slip in his hand. Those who are interested can enter their own price, and the Shenji Pavilion will naturally know it. There are two female cultivators around Old Man Peng who have low statistics, and will quote the highest bid, so that the bidders will consider whether to continue bidding. This method can hide the identity of the bidder to the greatest extent, making it impossible to know who took the treasure away, so as not to cause trouble afterwards.

"Two million and one hundred thousand crystals." The female Xiu whispered, and quoted the highest price.

At the long table, many old monsters frowned, their eyes swept from the left and right, but they couldn't notice the slightest abnormality. The mood of these old monsters can naturally hide all their thoughts.

Old man Peng waited for a few breaths, and saw everyone shaking his head and giving up, with a smile on his face, saying: "Okay, since there are no dao friends to continue to bid, Redstone was shot away by the Jing Dao friends who bid 2.13 million yuan. Please ask fellow Taoists to clear Yuanjing and take away the treasure after the auction is over." While he was speaking, he flicked his sleeves again, the red stone had been taken away by him, and another treasure appeared on the jade plate. This is a black cylindrical treasure with the thickness of a child's arm.

"The second auction item, the rainstorm pear blossom." Old man Peng showed a proud face, "My Shenjizong elder Kuyazi created it with all his strength, the top-quality magic weapon of Shenjizong, built-in fine iron needle Nineteen, once stimulated, they can burst out in an instant, with strong shooting power, which can tear the protection of the creation realm monks. Used alone, the power is already amazing. If it is quenched with poison, it will be a killing weapon! "

"Rainbow Lihua, the price is 800,000 yuan, please bid."

This kind of insidious treasure is best used in life-and-death battles. It is especially suitable for group battles. It attracted fierce competition from the bosses at the long table, and was eventually taken away at the price of 1.78 million yuan.

Old man Peng became more rosy, he was obviously satisfied with the bid prices of the first two treasures, and smiled: "The first two auction items are all fine products, and the third treasure will naturally not let you down." He put away the rainstorm. Pear Blossom, a palm-sized manor in the jade plate, with pavilions and pavilions, is decorated with mountains and rivers. It is extremely beautiful, and every place is extremely delicate.

"Dongfu Treasure Suwu Manor, created by Master Wumingzi, the great elder of Shenjizong, is a treasure of Shenjizong." Speaking of this, Old Man Peng paused slightly before speaking slowly, "My Shenjizong's Dongfu type treasures have always been It is known for its amazing defensive power. This Suwu Manor is a rare masterpiece, and the monks in the world of creation can't break it. With this treasure in hand, it is equivalent to having a safe training place anytime, anywhere. In a critical moment, offering this treasure is equivalent to providing one more protection for yourself, enough to resist all attacks and gain valuable breathing time. Today’s auction of Suwu Manor is also my God’s machine school in return for you. You have paid back for the business care of the Shenji Pavilion over the years. The preciousness of this treasure should not require the old man to continue to say anything."

"Suwu Manor, a treasure of the Dongfu category, is priced at two million yuan. Interested Taoists can bid now."

The sound fell, and the secret room was quiet.

The eyes of the bosses around the long table became hot at the same time. Although Redstone and Rainstorm Pear Blossom were powerful, they were far less tempting to Suwu Manor. Taking this thing into the hands of it will give them more security in the future.

Xiao Chen's face remained unchanged, but he couldn't help but frown slightly. His main purpose here was to buy this treasure, but now it seems that it is not easy to get it into his hands.

After a short silence, someone couldn't bear the temptation of the treasure, and was the first to make an offer.

"Two hundred and one hundred thousand yuan crystals." The female cultivator's lips opened slightly, revealing her neat teeth.

If someone makes a move, others are naturally unwilling to be lonely, and the treasure race begins.

"Two million two hundred thousand yuan crystal."

"Two million three hundred thousand yuan crystal."

"2.5 million crystals."


One of the two female nuns is responsible for statistics, and the other makes an offer. After a short period of time, the price has reached 4.2 million yuan, which has more than doubled compared to the previous one.

Several bosses at the long table showed a pity one after another, sighed and shook their heads slowly, seeming to have given up the competition. But whether this is a trick to confuse people, or whether it is the case, is unclear.

Xiao Chen still maintained his original posture, and even his expression remained unchanged. After listening to the quotation of 4.2 million, he did not hesitate to enter the price of 5 million. He originally had millions of crystals in his body, plus the tens of millions accumulated in the storage ring that the light gave him, and he spent five million to buy this Suwu Manor. Xiao Chen didn't feel any pain. If this kind of treasure of the cave mansion is sold in the Great Thousand Realms, the price will be at least 20 million yuan. It is only because of the barrenness of the Sin Star Territory that the purchasing power will increase several times.

"Five million yuan crystal."

The quotation sister's voice was calm, but her eyes flashed with surprise. An increase in the price of 800,000 yuan of crystals at a time, such a big deal, even in small auctions at the level of the creation of the king, it can be seen that the quoting monks are determined to get this thing.

More than a dozen old monsters on both sides of the long table frowned at the same time, but the bid was completely confidential, and they did not know who made the sudden move. Several old strangers who had originally looked calm, their eyes became gloomy.

"Five and five million yuan crystals."

"Five thousand eight hundred thousand yuan crystals."

"6.5 million crystals."


The price began to soar. Although several old monsters were reluctant to give up, after a little hesitation, they gave up and continued to bid. Suwu Manor is a good treasure, but the price is still a bit high today. Although they were monks in the world of creation and entrusted the king, the Yuan Jing in their hands was not easy to obtain, so they had to bear the pain. But in this way, his complexion would naturally not be any better, and the atmosphere in the secret room suddenly became serious.

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