Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 773: Dangerous

The icy and cold atmosphere encircled Xiao Chen's body with the red hot force, and the spilt breath was passed to the outside world. The pond at the bottom of the cold pool suddenly boiled violently. Bayi novel

A wave of hot force from the crimson seemed to be summoned from all directions, rushing from all directions, through the ice, into Xiao Chen's body, and the raging ice cold atmosphere, the battlefield between the two directly expanded to Xiao Chen's whole body!

The cold and hot power swept through the body, and the pain caused by it suddenly skyrocketed! Xiao Chen's body trembled slightly in the strong ice. You can clearly see the flesh under the skin or the tremor swelled or shrivelled. With his slightly sloppy face, you can see what kind of pain Xiao Chen is suffering today. Under this pain, his mind is on the verge of collapse, but he is still struggling to support it. Subconsciously absorbs the free temperamental force in the broken flesh. After repairing the flesh, he has apparently stronger resistance under the raging of two opposing forces. The power, however, was still only slightly resisted, and then torn and destroyed again.

And the power exploded after the "Broken Element" was finally completely exhausted at this moment. Xiao Chen's state fell into the bottom of the valley instantly, and he could not get sufficient strength to supplement it, and he would soon sag. Moreover, he is now in a perilous situation where the cold and hot forces are confronting each other, and he is in a state of death.



Arms, thighs, chest ... The flesh and blood of the whole body suddenly shattered, showing a frozen dark blue, which was formed by the freezing cold after losing resistance. In the middle of it was a large expanse of flesh and blood that melted away like ice and snow in a silent and silent way, and a layer of reddish hot breath spewed out. In just a short time, Xiao Chen's entire body has been damaged and almost completely destroyed. Through the broken flesh, you can even see the pale golden bones and the pale golden viscera of the releaser, but they are still struggling to support, but they The released golden color is also dissipating with an amazing degree, and it will soon collapse if there is no accident.

The cold and hot confrontational confrontation of the opposing forces, coupled with the trough of the state after the "Broken Element", with the mild power now generated, is not enough to make up for all this.

Perhaps one breath or two breaths, Xiao Chen will scorn.

The so-called life and death on the front line is his state at the moment.

Suddenly, the golden light in the Yuanshen space illuminated every corner. The golden seal rises. Since hunting the galaxy, it has been hidden in Xiao Chen Yuanshen. Now it looks like the shape has shrunk a circle, giving birth to a layer of fine and delicate texture, just like a golden sun, releasing eye-catching glory . If you look closely, you can see the golden seal body, and occasionally there will be a flash of colorful.

Apparently it devoured the Manglong Yuanshen. After this period of dormancy, the golden seal gained a lot of benefits.

At the same time, a pure and powerful force spewed out of the golden seal and directly integrated into Xiao Chen's body.

At this time, it happened that he could not support it, and was on the verge of death. The sudden emergence of powerful forces reversed the whole situation in an instant! Although it is not enough to make Xiao Chen's physical body recover in a short time, the combination of this force and the mild force produced by the fusion of cold and heat forces can control Xiao Chen's state at an acceptable range at this moment.

Xiao Chen's idea is still vague, and he is still subconsciously absorbing the new temperamental power, but he does not know that he has passed the greatest danger of this time.

Having paid so much, next, it's time to harvest!

Out of the abyss on the verge of death, Xiao Chen was severely damaged by the cold and hot forces, and began to recover with a slow and firm degree. The warming power of the constantly regenerating place merged into the physical body. After repairing the flesh and blood, The resistance of the two hot forces is rising at an amazing degree, and the flicker of gold between the flesh and blood texture is gradually becoming rich.

The entire Thang Long Pond (Tan) boiled completely, and became red as blood under the rendering of hot blood. However, this shade of red is different in color according to different depths. The deeper the blood, the thicker the blood, the stronger the coldness of the pond water!

Yan Mingyue and the Grey Crow ancestors absorbed the cold and hot forces in the cave at the same time, their faces frowning slightly, it is enough to prove that they are also suffering from mild pain at the moment, but compared with Xiao Chen See little witch. But because of this, the benefits they can get from Shenglongchi will be far less than Xiao Chen!

The whole valley is trembling slightly. Each use of Shenglongchi needs to consume endless monastic resources, and there must be monks who are strong enough and can be recognized by Shenglongchi to preside over the array.

Because Shenglongchi absorbs not only the power of treasures, but also great luck!

Only by incorporating Dayan Qiyun into it can the magical function of Shenglongchi be changed against the sky. Because of this, in order to prevent the loss of the National Games, although Yanyan is strong, there is only one place in Shenglongchi!

And what controls all these forces is light.

At this moment he opened his eyes slightly, feeling the breath that was gradually stabilized, and finally a look of anxiety dissipated in his eyes.

"Xiao Chen, don't blame me for not reminding you of the danger. This opportunity is too rare, and it will be of great use to you in the future." He whispered, but his eyes were gradually relieved. Although Xiao Chen had not been reminded, he had a decision in his heart. If Xiao Chen really did not support, he would definitely rescue him. Only in this way, not only will he have to withstand the backlash of Shenglongchi's power, but he will also cause Yan Huang's suspicion.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen did not let him down.


The bottom of Shenglong Pond (Tan).

The absolute cold water has turned into red, and it is thick like blood plasma, blocking all the falling sight. And under this shroud of blood, a piece of strong ice stood on the bottom of the lake, which had been infected by blood, and one of them could be seen faintly.

Xiao Chen's vague thoughts have been sober at the time of the most intense war in the body, and he immediately noticed the situation inside the body at this moment. His severely damaged flesh has been restored to its intactness, and the flesh, bones, and organs underneath all show a faint layer of golden light. Although it is not rich, it has been greatly improved compared to before. After seeing his golden bones, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind: deep in the immortal Budu Mountains, in the unpredictable caves, the strange thirteen skeletons seemed to be pale golden, and they went through endlessly. The years have eroded and are still intact. But this thought turned slightly and was immediately suppressed by him. Now is not the time to think about these things.

Strands of warm power are constantly generated in the cold and hot assassination, and are absorbed into his flesh. It is precisely the existence of this power that will make his flesh and blood become pale golden. The damage caused by the confrontation of the forces is more resistance! At present, in the two-strike collision, his physical body still has multiple damages, but the damage degree and scope are extremely small. He is quickly repaired under the new temperamental strength, and the physical body repaired by the heart counters the damaged strength. Will be enhanced again.

The golden seal is suspended in Yuanshen space, and continuously and steadily outputs pure and powerful power, integrating into Xiao Chen's body, helping him to stabilize his body state. Before Xiao Chen's thoughts had not been blurred before, he could still sense his physical condition. Now he can survive, naturally because of the help of the power of Jin Yin.

But at this time, he had no more time for careful observation.

It seems that the power of the white absolute cold and the power of the red absolute heat have been scattered and killed, and no one can help each other. Both have converged their powers at the same time, and stopped the fighting between each other.

Xiao Chen was startled, and a feeling of palpitations instantly developed, spreading every corner of his body, making his body slightly stiff. He doesn't think that this is a halt of two extreme forces.

After a short pause, there must be more horrible collisions!

And it turns out that the development of things is no different from what he thought.

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