Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 772: Fusion of ice and fire

Xiao Chen's entire body was wrapped in strong ice, just like a moraine, unable to move at all, and could only resist with her own strength. ? Bayi [(中? <文 〔

The icy power contained in the water at the bottom of the cold pool suddenly increased several times, which exceeded Xiao Chen's expectations. But when he realized this, the figure had fallen into the absolutely frozen package, even if he wanted to break free, it was too late.

Today, he has been trapped at the bottom of the cold pool. If he cannot change the status quo, he will lose all the surge of power after the "Broken Element" in his body.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen forcibly suppressed the restlessness in his heart and waited in silence.

He believes that since the light makes him this way, there must be his truth, rather than simply trying to let him die.


Outside the cold lake, the light slightly closed his eyes. At this moment, his eyes suddenly opened, his eyes flashed, and he whispered, "Little boy, you are the hope of my Dorona Naga re-emergence, I have tried my best to help you too late How can it hurt you? This time, you will depend on yourself for how much you can gain in Shenglongchi. "

As the words fell, he stepped forward, and the figure instantly appeared on the cold lake, his face was dignified, and his eyes were full of meaning.

Void sit cross-legged, one-handed out of the sleeve of the robe of light, pointed to the cold pool, interrupted his mouth to drink, "Shenglong battle, change your life against the sky, Kai!"

With one finger, the whole valley suddenly trembled, and the clear waves in the cold pool also gradually produced a wave of waves.

Eyes fell on the surface of this cold lake, and a faint tinge of blood could be seen from a very deep place, and then spreading madly upward with an amazing degree.


Xiao Chen's anxiety gradually came to his senses, and he felt the almost unsustainable feeling of the fast-moving power in his body and the insane and endless icy invasion. Once the power is exhausted, he will enter an absolute state of weakness in an instant, and in this state, the absolute icy breath at the bottom of the pond is enough to freeze him instantly!

Falling into the depths of the endless cold pool, his body froze in the ice, and he couldn't move a little bit. All he could hear in his ears was his increasingly weak heartbeat. The torture awaiting death in this state magnifies the terrible horror between life and death. At all times, Xiao Chen is suffering from inhuman torment and bears all these things with a strong heart. Switching to an ordinary monk, I am afraid that it has already collapsed. The price of the collapse is to lose the barrier to the cold atmosphere and be killed instantly!


Xiao Chen has stopped breathing and even deliberately reduced the circulation of mana in the body, guarding the main organs of the viscera and weakening the protection of other parts of the body. In this way, the invasion of the cold force at the bottom of the pond will become more serious and make his body Taking greater damage, but able to extend his life to the maximum extent possible.

But even so, the power in him was gradually on the verge of exhaustion.

It's the last moment, if there is no change, it is death!

At this moment, the bottom of the entire Hantan suddenly shook slightly. Although extremely light, it never escaped Xiao Chen's induction. His dim eyes suddenly flashed, and between life and death, his induction reached the point of extreme precision.

This is the turn he is waiting for!

After the microquake, there was an instant silence, followed by a violent tremor!

The entire deep pool is caught in this tremor, and the source of the tremor is below the bottom of the pool!

A stream of viscous liquid like plasma overflowed from the bottom of the pool during the vibration, and instantly diffused into the water, turning into a touch of blood color, and then spread to the surrounding area with an amazing degree.

This blood color seems to contain endless blood power, spreading in the cold water, but the color is not too dim.

Immediately following this viscous blood-colored liquid, there is a second strand, a third strand ... the number is increasing, overflowing from the bottom of the pond, quickly diffusing into the pond water and spreading.

Rendering the assimilated cold pool water, covering the hard ice including Xiao Chen, a trace of blood power seems to be attracted, quickly digging into the hard ice, instantly turning it into red blood, like blood condensed and to make. When these **** powers came into contact with Xiao Chen's body, they were not directly hindered, and disappeared into it.

The **** power that penetrated into the body, the first feeling that Xiao Chen brought was the heat!

Absolutely intense heat, like the deepest lava in the volcano, has the heat of incineration in this world!

Under this power, his mighty body could not even make any resistance, and it would be easily incinerated into ashes.

Fortunately for Xiao Chen, at this moment, an endless amount of icy cold power was drilled into it.

Absolutely hot and absolute cold, this is in two extreme forces, regardless of whether any one exists alone can destroy everything, but when they meet together, they will produce magical changes!

Absolutely high-temperature fiery blood power met Xiao Chen's raging cold and cold power. The two immediately burst into a fierce collision. With Xiao Chen's physical body as the battlefield, the fiercest assault was launched.

The moment when the hot blood entered Xiao Chen's body, he broke into the ubiquitous absolute cold, and contracted directly into a ball like a shock.

This strange and even opposing atmosphere appeared, which immediately attracted the attention of Xiao Chen's body in the cold and cold atmosphere. The cold and cold forces that raged in the flesh and blood around him suddenly gathered and released a thick white ice mist. The fiery blood began a siege of madness.

In the face of the icy cold power that is countless times its own, the fiery blood force was tightly contracted into a ball, but without any fear, the red fireworks were released between the tremors and the terrible high temperature burst.

The white ice mist and the red fireworks made instantaneous contact, and two opposing forces, fiercely intertwined and strangled together.

The icy coldness passed, everything froze, turned into frozen soil in the ice, red fire, and flesh and blood was incinerated to achieve boiling fire pulp.

Where the two forces are fighting, Xiao Chen has been frozen by the cold and frozen body. At this moment, the induction force is suddenly restored, but if he can, he would rather refuse to recover.

The extreme cold and extreme heat used his body as a battlefield to fight, releasing an extremely amazing destructive force, and reducing him to a fragmented part of the battlefield. In the process, what emerged was the endless pain. With Xiao Chen's state of mind after ascension, he couldn't hide all the pain!

Xiao Chen was suddenly plunged into deep waters. When confronted by two very different forces, he could only hold on to his support.

But on the edge of the main battlefield where two very different forces are killing, in the aftermath of the killing force, there is a certain fusion between red and white!

The fusion of cold and hotness turned into a warm force, a hint of dim gold, flashed slightly on the surface of this force. The word "moderate" means gentleness, warmth, and nourishment. It is a neutral force that can be absorbed, so after it appeared, it naturally merged into Xiao Chen's broken and fragmented body. With the integration of this power, Xiao Chen's body seemed to be injected with new powerful vitality, and the damaged flesh was quickly repaired with an amazing degree. It is just that the amount of such warm power is very small, and it has been exhausted after repairing part of the flesh. But this part of the flesh has changed a bit more than before, the tougher and firmer the texture, and a trace of faint golden light shining between the flesh and blood texture.

Xiao Chen keenly grasped the vitality in the crisis, so he endured the suffering from the flesh, and began to consciously seek to absorb the two temperate forces scattered on the edge of the battlefield and absorb them to repair himself. In the face of death and the horror crisis lingering, he has even forgotten the chance of Shenglongchi. What he thought in his mind was just how to survive the crisis in front of him and save his life.

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