Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 519: Five Elements Origin Fusion

Xiao Chen behaved violently, his magical powers poured wildly, and his mind seemed to have fallen into chaos. As a result, the three blood gods, the fire tribe Suha, and the master of Ziyuan all evaded, and did not want to slam them in the fight to avoid hurting themselves body. W]. > 8] 1] ZW. Com

But no one noticed at the moment, there was no chaos in the depths of his eyes, and some were just calm. Xiao Chen is like the most clever hunter in the world. Even if the situation is critical and time is running out, he has never rushed. He is patiently waiting for the best opportunity to make a shot, and he is sure to kill one person! He only had this opportunity once, and he couldn't have any surprises. Only at the moment when the best opportunity came.

When Shentong fights, Xiao Chen tears forward fiercely with one hand, and the power of Shentong tearing the sky suddenly burst, tearing the blood mist waves in front of him. Based on his cultivation today, all magical shots are incomparable.

The shattered sea of ​​blood blends with the aftershocks of the tearing magical powers, tumbling and impacting the temple body. If not, this temple is the treasure of the blood prisoner's hard-working sacrifice for many years. Town, this scarred temple has long since collapsed.

Now that it has reached the limit, it collapsed directly under the impact of this force. In the flash of aura, it turned into a gravel and blasted away in all directions, making the six people appear in the void outside the world.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't pause for a moment, his eyes flashed sharply, and he reached forward and grasped fiercely, Huangquan's big grinding disc suddenly appeared, the size of this thing was hundreds of feet, and the light of Huanghuang was flowing endlessly.

In the endless sea in the early years, this thing swallowed the eight-armed swallowing heavenly chapter soul, and the ranks skyrocketed, reaching an incredible state. Although Xiao Chen could barely drive this thing to defend his enemies, he couldn't release all the power of the Huangquan Grinding Disc. But now he is comparable to the bustling repair, and when he performs "The Broken Element", the power he possesses in a short time is comparable to the peak of bust. Driven by this repair, the force of Huangquan's grinding mill finally burst!

The Huangquan Da Mopan was originally silence, which means that the supernatural powers have gradually grown and evolved. Decay and silence represent the power of death. The integration of the unicorn soul beast in the Wuyuan Realm has opened up another evolution of this thing, which can swallow the soul of the soul and become a source of its own power, between the virtual supernatural power and the physical treasure. At this moment it turned into a withered yellow shadow, headed straight for the relatively weakest Detroit blood **** among the three blood gods.

The three blood gods, the fire tribe Suha, and the master of the Ziyuan go forward and retreat at the same time. It is too difficult to find an opportunity for the shot. That being the case, he can only create opportunities by himself.

Detjin's blood **** hurriedly burst out of the blood cloud to resist, increasing the blood **** slightly and the blood **** of Michigan's face suddenly changed, and immediately shot to help the siege.

Xiao Chen's supernatural power has already made them suffer, and now seeing Huang Quan's big grinding disc shot, he dare not have the slightest intention. The three blood gods are one, and each is glorious and the other is glorious, and the others are damaged. It is natural to help each other more.

With the help of Huangquan's large grinding disc, it was barely contained the three blood gods.

Xiao Chen didn't chase and kill while taking advantage of the situation. When the three blood gods were forced to retreat, the flash of light in his hand, the shop had already appeared in his hands, turned without warning, and beheaded to the Lord of the Ziyuan.

Although this sword did not provoke all the power, the power released was still terrible. The pure and sharp sword intention, the carrier's intention of killing the world, and howling came.

The pupil of Ziyuan's main pupil contracted, and his mouth roared, "General Suha helped me!" Among the five, the three blood gods are one. The fire tribe Suha and Ziyuan's master are naturally close to each other to resist Xiao Chen.

But this time the fire tribe Suha had a little hesitation. Although they still shot, they were a little slower. It was not obvious, but they could not hide the feelings of the people here.

The master of Ziyuan was pale, and the purple awns had already faded a lot during the roll. Because Su Ha never shot with all his strength, under the sword of Xiao Chen, he suffered some injuries in his body. Although not heavy, his mana was lost a lot. The move of the Suzu of the Fire tribe was naturally because of the passage of time. Xiao Chen was afraid that he would not be able to persist for too long, so he wanted to borrow his hand in advance and lose the power of the Lord of the Ziyuan in order to gain an advantage in the later treasure competition.

The Lord of Ziyuan saw this, but now he can't say much, his heart is dark and he hums silently.

In the eyes of all these incomes, Xiao Chen felt keenly aware of the opportunity. As Su Ha and Zi Yuan guessed, the power released by "Broken Yuan" could not last, so once he saw the opportunity, he would not hesitate. Shoot!

One sword was cut off, Xiao Chen didn't pause for a moment, and the backhand was another sword, and then beheaded to the master of Ziyuan.

The master of Ziyuan called with a cry, and his face had an unstoppable fear, and his figure went backwards and forwards, and he dared not to tap his front again to compete with it.

The fire tribe Su Ha secretly rejoices. Xiao Chen fights against the three blood gods and the master of Ziyuan. The three fight against each other and all are damaged. As long as he can maintain enough strength, after Xiao Chen does not support, he can have The biggest chance to **** treasure.

But just before his thoughts fell, Xiao Chen turned abruptly, revealing a monstrous murderous power in his dark eyes, and instantly locked Suzu Su of the fire clan, with one hand extended in his robe sleeve, and he grabbed the whole sky!

Supernatural, "Juxing"!

Under this grasp, beyond the void, a little star appeared above his head, with a touch of aura.

Oriental Aoki, Western Gengjin, Red in the South, Thick Soil in the North! The Quartet's stars are all star-strength masterpieces, and the light of the stars rolls and converges, turning into blue dragons, white tigers, Suzakus, and Xuanwu four genus beasts.

"Call, the origin of wood!"

"Call, the origin of gold!"

"Call, the source of fire!"

"Call, the origin of the earth!"

Xiao Chen waved his hands again and again, between his fingers, the four genus powers burst, shot directly, and poured into the shadows of the four genus beasts.

"As the master of my origins, I give you the power of origin!"

With Xiao Chen's roar, above the void, the shadows of the four gods and beasts suddenly became solidified. After integrating into the origin, they have truly possessed the power of ancient gods and beasts, and they are arrogant!


The four beasts moved suddenly, almost at the same instant, and went straight to the fire tribe Suha and swept away.

Fusion of the four genus origins, which belongs to the magical powers, is unique to the "Five Elements Primitives". The integration of the "Juxing" magical powers can make it explode its own terrorist power. The strength of this power can be called terror, even if it is destroyed. Yes, it is not easy to bear.

The Suzu mouth of the Fire clan was bitter for a moment, and his thoughts had not yet fallen, and things had changed like this, but his actions were not slow, he swept his sleeves, and the endless sea of ​​fire directly condensed to resist the magical powers of the stars.

"Ziyuan Daoyou, help me!"

Based on their own strength, the three blood gods, the Su tribe of the Fire tribe, and none of the masters of Ziyuan are Xiao Chen's rivals. They are also extremely clever and never confront alone. The master of Zi Yuan exhausted all the means before he barely got rid of the second slash of the swordman. At this moment, I heard that thinking of Su Ha's deliberate slowness before, his face became extremely ugly for a moment. He should drink a sound in his mouth, but the degree was significantly slower. More than one beat.

You make the fifteenth day of the first day!

Don't blame anyone!

The fire tribe Suha cursed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do, after all, after all, he was playing tricks first. Fortunately, the Lord of Ziyuan is not a real idiot, but he still understands the principle of "one glory and one glory, one loss and one loss".

But at this moment, Xiao Chen shot again. The violent momentum in his body suddenly dissipated, calm and restrained, like a sharp sword before the scabbard. Once shot, he must be stained with blood. Look up at the fire tribe Suha, who is struggling to resist in the shadow of the four gods and beasts.

This time, Xiao Chen selected the beheaded person. From the beginning, it was the fire tribe Suha!

Among the five, the three blood gods hold the group, trust each other and join forces, the strongest and most difficult, no matter which one of the three is chosen, it will attract the other two to help, making it extremely difficult to obtain opportunities.

Ziyuan's main character is cautious and rarely does anything extraordinary. His magical power has never left the range of five people joining hands. Once attacked, he can be quickly helped.

As for the fire tribe Suha, although he did not differ much from the master of Ziyuan, Xiao Chen had previously shot the three blood gods and the master of Ziyuan temporarily to retreat, and his clever move caused dissatisfaction with the master of Ziyuan , Is the direct cause of funeral.

In fact, anyone who chooses Ziyuan's Lord and Huo Suha can do it. In the final analysis, the hatred between Huo Suha and Xiao Chen is heavier. This is the most important reason. Since there is only one blow to kill one person, it is natural to choose the one that you want to kill the most.

This is an extremely simple question.

At the moment when Xiao Chen decided to take a shot, the three blood gods and the master of Ziyuan naturally noticed that they were not good, and among the four populations, they were angry and roaring at the same time, and they were approaching Xiao Chen. Although they don't care about the life and death of Suha of the Huo race, the five can join forces to resist Xiao Chen. If they are defeated one by one, they will have the same consequences.

So Xiao Chen doesn't have much time for his shots, so naturally he can't waste it.

"Call, the source of water!"

For the three blood gods and the master of Ziyuan, who were approaching behind him, Xiao Chen never went to see anything, drank in his mouth, and a group of blue-colored primal power suddenly appeared. He was holding it in his hands, throwing his hands and throwing them straight, He rushed to Suha, the siege of the Four Gods.

The siege of the fire-fighting Suha four gods and beasts roared simultaneously, their bodies shattered without warning, manifesting the four origins of gold, wood, fire, and earth, fused with each other, and blended into a chaotic motif. And at this moment, the source of the blue water suddenly fell into it!


It was at the moment of the origin of water that the four genus sources that were perfectly fused fluttered together, and the powerful repulsive force suddenly burst, and even the fused gold, wood, fire, and earth origins showed signs of collapse again. .

Xiao Chen's face was calm. At the moment, he had anticipated it in the scene. He didn't hesitate. He stepped forward, and the broken green robe was hunting and hunting without wind. His hands hugged forward.

"Five Elements, Rong!"

This time, he will use the peak power at this moment to forcibly merge the five elements' original power. Once completed, the terrorist power that can be released is enough to cut down the power of destruction!

This is how he prepared for a long time to prepare for the fire tribe Suha.


[It got stuck in the morning, and the update was half an hour late, sorry ... then go to the code, the remaining two chapters must be updated on time. 】

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