Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 518: Dragon Emperor

But this power will not last forever. Xiao Chen can clearly sense the rapid flow of sperm in the body. This is the craziest burning before destruction. Like the meteor in the sky, it drew a dazzling trajectory, but it was destined only once. [

This kind of explosion that directly enters the level of the ultimate broken element at no cost can be exchanged for the most powerful force. Until the magical power of the broken element fails, it needs to be supplemented with incomparable horror energy to ensure that it is not damaged, otherwise it will die. With Xiao Chen as the ultimate broken element for the destruction, he was afraid that he would have to devour all the power equivalent to the three broken monks before he could complete the supplement. This was obviously done. Therefore, with this shot, he already has a belief in death! And this death will be the complete collapse and annihilation of its own power. Even a ray of gods in the funeral flower cannot be saved, which represents the true annihilation and eternal life!

Xiao Chen stood up in the sky, the broken green robe was tumultuous, the black raging and tumbling behind him, and the mad raging and mad raging, like a demon!

The ancestral pupil of Jade Palace shrank violently, and his face was filled with horror and despair, and a strong death crisis suddenly shrouded him so that he had no doubt. At this moment, Xiao Chen could tear him into pieces in the next moment Off.

"Masters, save me!"

In the scream of screaming, the old man flashed with aura outside his body, and fled like a mad man from behind.

But at this moment, it is too late.

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes and suddenly fell on the ancestor of Jade Palace, his face was full of emotions, and his murderousness was like tide. Today's things are all worshipped by the ancestors of the Jade Palace, how can he let him go. Raised with one hand in the sleeve, he suddenly shook at the ancestor of the Jade Palace.

The entire space was suddenly rigid, and the mighty force burst out suddenly, turning it into a sweeping force, wrapping the ancestors of the Jade Palace in a moment, and twisting fiercely!

Mortal roar was briefly miserable, came to an abrupt halt, and blood bloomed. Under this twist, the ancestors of the jade palace collapsed, and the Yuanshen was crushed into powder by life, erasing all traces existing in the world, and will never fall into the abyss of death!

From the beginning to the end, the three blood gods, the fire tribe Suha, and the master of Ziyuan never made any effort to save each other. The ancestors of the Jade Palace were just a piece of chess available to them, and now they have no use value. Why bother again. Moreover, the strength revealed by Xiao Chen at this moment is the root cause of the five people's fear, and they dare not have any slight movement!

This power is too strong! They are so powerful that they are in awe of their hearts and are afraid to face them. Although I don't know what means Chen Xiao used to gain such power, it must be costly and cannot be maintained for a long time. As long as he persists in the past, they still have to let them slaughter.

The lords of the Suzu and Ziyuan members of the Huo people were gloomy. They had never thought about the stability of the situation, but now they have such a change, they could not help but be dissatisfied with the three blood gods' proposal. However, things are now a foregone conclusion, and grievances are useless. I can only find ways to make up for them.

"Dear friends, you and I joined forces to suppress Xiao Chen. His borrowing power can not last forever, and we must be able to cut it together when we work together!"

Xiao Chen sneered, never fearing killing, "Today Xiao Mou performed mysterious techniques to explode the Xeon Power. I didn't think I could leave from here alive, but if I disregard my life, among the five Taoist friends, I am afraid At least one person must be buried with me. "

The three blood gods, the fire tribe Suha, and the Ziyuan master heard that their faces were instantly stiff, and their eyes were jealous.

At this moment, Xiao Chen yelled suddenly, "Shoo, take Ziyan and others away, and send them back to the spirit world!" His voice sounded instantly. From the opening of this temple, the aura of light flashed, and the silver robe space shot. Without any pause, a wave of robe sleeves instantly wrapped the monk monk in, just to retreat.

"Third avatar!" Angrily growled in the mouth of the slightly **** God of God, "Since it is here, leave it to this seat together!"

The portal of the hall was closed off, and the dissipated forbidden aura lighted up again, and the light became more dazzling.

The ancestor of the Jade Palace took the shot, and Xiao Chen put on the "Broken Yuan" to resist. No matter what the reason, he eventually violated the heavenly contract, so this time he stepped up and dared to take a shot, and he was not afraid of the power of the contract to backfire.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed fiercely, and a fist blasted at the closed portal in a roar. "How can you stop me from saving the price of this fight! Give me a crush!"

With one punch, it seems that all the air in the entire space is compressed, and it turns into a powerful force that smashes down. The temple was restrained from flashing, and then collapsed to a faint degree. In the bang, the closed door was broken and turned into a gravel.

The space avatar communicates with the spirit of the human race. When Xiao Chen shot, the figure followed the laser shot. When the portal of the temple was smashed, his figure was forced out, and the broken stone was not close, so Forced to be crushed by a force of space. Escaping from the hall, there was no delay in the space avatar, bringing Ziyan, Yuewu, Xiaoyi, Qingmei, etc. into a group of auras, and went straight to the spiritual world with the fastest degree.

Xiao Chen exhibited "Broken Yuan", and the three bodies have the same origin, none of which is spared. Once the body falls, the space avatar will die. And he wants to make sure that everyone around him is sent to a safe place before all this.

This is the only task Xiao Chen entrusted to him.

In the suspended hall, everything was born between the electric light and flint. When the space was separated and left, Xiao Chen's last strand of restraint was let go. The breath on her body became more violent and mad, it became more and more fierce, murderous, the dark eyes were shining like stars, and the light of God was shining Gaze like a knife.

"Three Xueshe, Huzu Suha, Lord of Ziyuan, the five of you actually want to kill Xiao as such. Today I will give you this opportunity!"

Xiao Chen spoke faintly, but there was mad murderous lingering in the meantime, and he waved his hand, and suddenly a strong imprisonment suddenly appeared, covering the whole hall.

Now, it's not that they want to kill Xiao Chen's sleepy seal ... but that Xiao Chen doesn't want to let them go.

The path has been practiced for more than 7,000 years, and it has crossed the blood and sea of ​​the corpse. Now he has to ridicule here, how can he be reconciled in his heart, without complaint. Since ridicule is unavoidable, you should always vent yourselves and fight fiercely. If you can kill and kill the enemy, you can also talk to comfort.

In this battle, Xiao Chenhuai believed in death.

Cope with the five disillusionments and shoot outrageously!


Spirit Realm, Demon Territory, Long Island.

Within the palace, the Dragon Emperor stood high, and at this moment his eyes suddenly opened, revealing a rude coldness. "Dragon of Heaven, the Emperor will go to a line outside the company if there is something important. If it goes well, he will definitely return within 100 years. Here During this time, you will be in charge of the Dragon race. "

His Royal Highness, the boy was dressed in a thunder-patterned Chinese suit, and when he heard that he stood up and saluting politely, "Follow the imperial order of the Emperor Dragon!" His expression was slightly indifferent, and the delicate **** unicorn born in his forehead was burning with a layer of milky flame.

With a flash of aura on his hand, he took out a jade bottle, which contained three thunderbolts.

"These three thunderballs have been condensed by me recently, and I will send them to Lord Dragon King. I wish you a smooth trip!"

The size of the Dragon Emperor was "haha", and the jade bottle was taken away by flicking sleeves, and three thunderballs were taken out. The slight induction did not detect the abnormality, and it was directly swallowed. The lightning force is the might of the dragon of the heavens, which can release a powerful force of destruction, and it has a supreme coercive deterrent to the dragon people. Only the Dragon Emperor can rely on its strong cultivation and powerful flesh, and bear the power of the thunderbolt unceasingly, and use its power to temper the flesh.

"For more than two thousand years, the Emperor has used your power to condense the thunderbolt, and the strength of the physical body has increased a lot. If this great thing can be done, the Dragon of Heaven will take the great feats, and when the old man returns, he will certainly give you some good fortune! Okay, time is running out, my emperor is gone. "

While talking, the Dragon Emperor took a step forward, waved his hand to tear the space, the figure submerged into it, and disappeared.

The dragon of heaven is the blood around Xiao Chen. At this moment, the cold face is even more sensible. "Master Dragon, I hope your goal is not Xiao Chen's master, otherwise ... I will blame me for being ruthless."


There is nothing in the world outside, a suspended temple sits in it, and the aura of light flashes on it, and the hidden horror breath continues to flow from it. Barred by restraint, although thin, the horrific power released by each strand of power is enough to obliterate any living being in the world.

After a fierce battle, the space avatar Enron took Ziyan and others and it burst.

Xiao Chen used the technique of "Broken Yuan" to explode the horror power. With an enemy of five, he shook the three blood gods, the fire tribe Suha, and the master of the Ziyuan five, without falling into the wind. In spite of Xiao Chen's irrespective of his injuries, the magical powers poured wildly, and his fierce momentum was strong, and he gradually suppressed five people.

If the three blood gods, Su Ha, and Zi Yuan can work together to resist, the war situation will definitely change, but the five will eventually have their own thoughts, and no one wants to shake Xiao Chen ’s might by himself, causing himself a little damage.

The Lord of the Fire tribe Suha and Ziyuan suspected that Xiao Chen had the treasure. If this was true, once they were killed, there would be a fierce battle between the two. After all, no matter who can get them, it is a big credit!

Although the Three Blood Gods have never heard specific news from the two populations, they are not stupid, after all, they are consciously aware that the Lord of the Fire tribe Suha and Ziyuan are so committed to kill Xiao Chen in order to obtain a treasure from him .

Would it be so common for the Daqianjie ethnic group to send so much devastated monks into the Xiaoqianjie to search for it? Once they got it, if they could take it back to their own use, it would be natural fortune. Even if it is not possible, it can be turned over to the powerful forces of Daqianjie in exchange for the bright future. Now that the blood prison community has been destroyed and the blood of the blood prison clan has been cut off, they naturally have to plan for their future.

The five had their own babies. Although they joined forces, they were far from reaching their peak strength. Xiao Chen was keenly aware of this. Using the gaps between them, the supernatural powers exploded madly, and the more they gained the upper hand, making the three blood gods, Su Ha, and Zi Yuan The five were defiant.

But these are not the real thoughts in Xiao Chen's heart.

Today, if there is no opportunity for insurrection, he is doomed to fall, if so, how can he be alone on Huangquan Road and always beheaded to bury him and be a companion.

So he is always looking for opportunities!


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! 】

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