Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 474: Robbery in Space Turbulence

In the space turbulence, the green-robed monk roared forward, speeding like a thunder, and with one step, he could cross the endless space. (August Yi? Novel Network WW>W]W). The power of 81ZW.COM's tossing and raging spatial turbulence is like a silver ocean, torn apart from the middle, revealing a path that is enough to pass, like the sea before the waves break. The shark that is walking has a dangerous and bloodthirsty breath.

This time the spirit world is full of crises, and fights are inevitable... Xiao Chen took a deep breath, her lips pressed together slightly.

If there is a killing, then come!


Huo Zuha sat cross-legged in the turbulent space, and at this moment, his eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes revealed a little joy!

Sensing the sudden appearance of the breath, Suha compared it carefully and confirmed his identity.

Waiting for decades outside the Palace of Wars, finally waiting!

Standing up, this fire clan destroying powerhouse tried hard to condense the breath in his body, his face was uncertain.


The Lord of Ziyuan lifted slightly, and the corners of his mouth exposed from the shadow of his robe slightly cocked, feeling cold.

He is not sure whether something is really on him, but according to the information he has received over the years, the facts are very likely to be as he speculated. If this treasure can be obtained smoothly... After returning to the Great Thousand Worlds, he will definitely be rewarded by the Lord, and even divide the territory and establish his own kingdom of faith!

bring it on!

Get closer, and then...you will not escape!

But at this moment, a hot breath suddenly exploded. Although it was far away countless distances, it could still sense the terrifying power contained in it.

This scorching heat, burning the sky and boiling the sea, is easy!

The Lord of Ziyuan's face instantly stiffened, and then completely gloomy, with an angry roar in his mouth.

"Damn it!"

In the next moment, he did not hesitate to explode the strongest power, boldly shot.

Suha from the Huo Clan took the lead. As long as he waited for a while, until Xiao Chen completely entered the attack range of the two, he would definitely be able to stay behind in an instant. There will be changes.

The secret investigations and evidence collected over the years have made the Lord of Ziyuan full of fear and caution towards Xiao Chen. This is a human monk who has countless cards and is good at creating miracles. He has entered the spiritual world and has been in desperation for many times, but he has always been able to reduce the danger and learn from it. Enough benefits are turned into a force to promote their own growth and progress. Therefore, he didn't dare to be careless about this killing, but now all this has been upset by Suha, an idiot.

I hope there are no accidents!


Xiao Chen's heart jumped fiercely, and the sudden hot breath in front of him caused a chill from the depths of his soul, deep into his bone marrow blood.

Fire monk!

The moment he sensed this breath, his figure turned around without any pause, and went straight to the depths of the turbulent space to escape!


The breath in his body exploded crazily, Xiao Chen aroused his strongest power and fled without hesitation.

Facts proved that his choice was extremely correct. After the aura of the Fire Clan monk appeared, the second aura of destruction appeared outrageously, and the two murderous intents firmly locked him!

Two disillusioned monks!

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, his eyes were even more frightened, and he secretly said carelessly.

Hearing what happened to the human race in the Palace of the Gods of War, Xiao Chen was irritated. Although he tried to stay calm, he still couldn't be as meticulous and steady as usual. He just wanted to enter the spiritual world without realizing the crisis, but forgot to be in the turbulent space.

Ambushing on the way to the spirit world, although a clumsy way to wait and see, is extremely effective.

Once Xiao Chen got the news and left the Palace of the Gods of War, he would fall into their killing game.

After this shock, Xiao Chenqiang suppressed his upset, and his mind completely recovered. The space clone had already sensed his breath, but the distance between the two was too far, and even at his own rate, it would take nearly an hour to arrive.

Before that, Xiao Chen had to deal with the chase of the two disintegrated cultivators independently.

Although there was a distance between the two sides, Xiao Chen was still secretly anxious in her heart when she sensed the eagerly approaching aura. The Shattered Cultivator tried his best to escape the light, and the speed was so fast that she might be able to catch up within a moment.

Then it will be troublesome!

If there is only one person, Xiao Chen can barely fight with the help of the small shop, but now he is facing the chase of two shattered mighty powers, he has no choice but to escape!

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, tried to grasp all available means, tried to delay time, and waited for the arrival of the space clone.

Once the body merges with it, the power increases, not to mention, within the turbulence of the space, the fire monk and the other Shattered Power can never think of causing any harm to him. When the time comes, he will fight or go, all under his own control. .

But where is the opportunity?

Feeling the two approaching auras, Xiao Chen's mind turned sharply, as if he had caught something, but it was as if there was a layer of window paper, naturally unable to break through.

Two shattered powers?

Xiao Chen's eyes lit up.

In the situation just now, because of the particularity of the spatial turbulence and the cultivation base of the two people in the Disruption Realm, Xiao Chen did not notice their aura. If he waited for a while, waited for him to rely on enough to enter the storm, it would undoubtedly be the most difficult. Good choice.

But this is not the case now, but the Fire Clan cultivator took the initiative first, and another talent exploded.. Although this was extremely inconspicuous, Xiao Chen got extremely important news from it.

The Huo Clan monk who killed him is not the same way as the other person!

It is even bolder to speculate that the two are in a state of opposition, because they have killed him for the time being. It is precisely because of this that the Fire Clan cultivator will be the first to take the initiative after he perceives his breath!

Perhaps there were other reasons for this, but Xiao Chen no longer cared about it. His whole mind was immersed in the deduction of this matter.


Now I can only give it a go and bet that the two will fight inwardly because of him. Once that happens, maybe Xiao Chen will be able to win the most scarce time at this moment... If there is an accident, then use the left eyebrow guard to resist it.

Zuo Mei Daochang is the treasure of Zuo Mei Taoist's lifetime practice, and it has the powerful blessing power of the creation realm. It should be easy to resist the blow of destruction.

That's it, do it!

Xiao Chen was originally the one who killed Guojue. At this moment, he made up his mind, and the angle of his advancement suddenly changed. He actually approached the aura of Ziyuan Lord slightly, and the distance between the two was shortened.

The Huo Clan Suha took the lead and was the closest to Xiao Chen, but the situation suddenly changed at this moment.

Xiao Chen approached the Lord of Ziyuan!

Once the Lord of Ziyuan killed Xiao Chen and took away the treasures from him, it would be extremely difficult to fight for it again. If the marshal knew that he had done such an important thing, even if he returned to the Great Thousand Realm, he would not escape severe punishment!

The Lord of Ziyuan's expression became serious in an instant, and the moment Xiao Chen suddenly turned, he had already seen through his calculations. But even so, what could he do, even if he knew it was, he couldn't take a step back.

Xiao Chen pressed his lips tightly, feeling the breath of the two parties getting closer, his eyes were serious.

The calculations and failures will be announced soon!


The terrifying hot breath suddenly exploded, and the mighty supernatural power suddenly exploded, and went straight to...the Lord of Ziyuan to defeat!

In the turbulent space behind him came the frightened roar of the Lord of Ziyuan, the old monster hit back with a backhand, but the figure was forced to pause, and the positions between the two were instantly exchanged, and the fire clan Suha approached Xiao Chen!

"Idiot, this is Xiao Chen's calculation, can't you tell!"

"This will naturally know about this, but knowing that it is a calculation, I also have to take action. The treasure must never fall into the hands of fellow Taoists!"

"Damn it!"

Hearing the crazy roar from behind, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with joy, but even if he succeeded, he also entered an extremely dangerous situation.

Suha of the fire clan and the Lord of Ziyuan are already very close to him, and he may fall into the siege of the two if he is not careful, so he dare not be careless at all, burying his head and fleeing into the depths of the turbulent space!



In the turbulent space behind him, roars and roars were heard from time to time. The behavior of Fire Race Suha has completely annoyed the Lord of Ziyuan, but as Suha said, knowing that it is a calculation, they can't stop, because they distrust each other. With fear, they decided that they would not allow the treasure to fall into the hands of each other!

And Xiao Chen used this cleverly to barely support it when the two interfered with each other.

And the longer the delay, the better for him, because the space clone is not far away.

Three figures roar and sneak in the turbulence of space!

"Damn it! Stop it!" the Lord of Ziyuan roared, "We are so obstructive to each other, no one can kill Xiao Chen, time delays, if there is an accident and miss today's great opportunity, it is extremely difficult to succeed! "

"You and I have each signed a heavenly contract to kill Xiao Chen together and fight for the treasure again!"

Huo Clan Suha's face was as sinking as water. Although this person took the lead, and even took the lead against the Lord of Ziyuan, he was not as stupid as the latter said. He also saw the situation thoroughly.

This is indeed the best way at the moment, and he doesn't want to continue to delay.

"it is good!"

Suha and Ziyuan each signed the Heavenly Dao Contract in the fastest possible time, which is considered to have completed the agreement. Then they hummed together, no longer attacked each other, and pursued them with all their strength.

However, the expressions of the two of them are still gloomy, once Xiao Chen beheaded, it is the time for the two of them to fight for life and death!

Under the stirring of the terrifying coercion of the Destruction Realm, it can even destroy the entire Little Thousand World, the entire space is turbulent, and the advancement is suddenly disturbed.

At the moment Suha and Ziyuan signed a contract to stop each other's actions, Xiao Chen had already noticed that his face instantly became extremely ugly.

The two bosses have joined forces!

He had expected this, but it came a little bit faster, **** it, it was a short while away, and the space clone was coming!

But the time left for Xiao Chen is not enough!



Two horrible auras exploded instantly, and the Qi machine was firmly locked. Xiao Chen's body became stiff, his face suddenly pale, and his mind was under extreme pressure.

There was a gleam in his hand, Xiaodian had already fallen into his hand, Xiao Chen gritted his teeth tightly, and was ready to let go!

Since I can't escape, I've fought a battle... I hope I can survive until the space clone comes!


[Because of some things, today's update was delayed, I apologize to all the friends who are waiting. The first update, there will be updates later, continue to codewords. 】

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