Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 473: Have to do something

Xiao Chen's eyes were fierce, and a monstrous killing machine in his chest was born, but he was slammed and kept awake. "Tell me in detail the situation on the battlefield. Someone guarded by his ancestors, how could the human race lose most of it? Territory. Bayi Chinese Network W] W] W.81ZW.COM "

Tai Adao people smiled bitterly, "Although the ancestor of the ancestors is the power of destruction, there are as many as four blood gods in the Hell Clan's destruction level. If they enter the out-of-bounds war, the adults are not their opponents at all."

"In the battlefield of the spirit world, the four blood gods did not dare to enter because of warnings from various ethnic groups in the spirit world, but the blood prisoners are strong like clouds, and there are many of them who reach the peak of the ancient world. Although the adults are strong, they can live in one place and ignore the overall situation! The blood prison army is so powerful that they can occupy most of our territory in just a few decades. "

Xiao Chen frowned, forcing herself to stay calm and extract the needed information from it.

There are four blood gods in the blood prison world who are equivalent to the destruction of the realm, but because of the resistance of the various ethnic groups in the spirit world, they did not enter the spirit world.

In other words, the terrible blood prisoners below the ruined territory are raging in the territories. Xiao Chen slowly raises his eyes, and his eyes are full of murder. Since you are here, do n’t leave anymore. Doubling it back!

"I know this. You can rest assured that this seat immediately left the War God Palace, because of my affairs, we must not let the ethnic group suffer."

Xiao Chen is in the God of War Palace, and all the external storms have nothing to do with him. However, once he leaves and returns to the spirit world, he will inevitably provoke the death of the blood prisoner. Even though the four blood gods in the blood prison have not entered the spirit world, the blood prison army is seven. Ten million, of which there is no strong one, Xiao Chen is here, the crisis is heavy.

"Master Xiao Chen, the old man is willing to return to the tribe with you and contribute to my tribe!" Tai Adao said in a deep voice.

"Xun Shen is also willing to return with Lord Xiao Chen, and I ask your permission." Mingxia Fairy gathered her salute.

"I'll wait to return to the ethnic group with my adult!"

Xiao Chen watched the monk kneeling in the temple, his heart agitated slightly. Maybe they were selfish, maybe they had some secret plans, but they were all human monks, and human blood was flowing in their bodies.

In the face of ethnic catastrophes, no one can ignore them.

This changed his impression of the monks in the temple, but he groaned slightly. He still shook his head slightly. "With your strength, even if you return to the spirit world, you ca n’t do much. , To respond to the unexpected ... if the ethnic group really happens, you may be able to become the tinder of the ethnic group. "

Xiao Chen's remarks are true, but more importantly, he feels the conspiracy in this matter.

If the blood prisoners really want to retaliate against the human race, why wait until today .. Think of the monks of the fire tribe descending from the great realm, Xiao Chen faintly grasped something. If so, they followed and left, afraid that there would be only one death.

Xiao Chen's current practice is that he can barely protect himself before his destruction, how to protect them.

Tai A, Ming Xia, etc. still wanted to say more, but Xiao Chen waved his hand and interrupted, "I have decided on this matter, you don't have to say much."

With no words, he got up and strode out.

The matter started because of him, and it can be explained without knowing the fashion. Now that you know, how can you let innocent people and ethnic groups to bear the due calamity for him.

Since he came against him, he made the storm more violent. Seeing that he was finally beaten to death and beheaded by Sheng Shengsheng, he was also stirred upside down by him, and the sun and the moon changed color!

But at this moment, a voice appeared directly in Xiao Chen's ears, "Xiao Chen, you retreat to the monk and return to your residence. The old man has something to tell you."

Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, but he was depressed by a strong state of mind. He showed no difference at all, and turned back, "You don't need to worry about me. This seat will leave after a little preparation. Let's go." He turned and went straight to the residence. Go away, push the door into the temple, backhand cloth for the next layer of prohibition.

Looking at the back in front of him, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, this breath seemed a little familiar.

The bearded man slowly turned around, seeing the person ’s face, Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, and then he expressed his awe and gratitude. Finally, he understood where the familiar meaning came from. "The younger Xiao Chen sees the senior Daomo, thank you The legacy of the battle character legacy that year! "

This man is in the Moro Realm Medicine Garden, leaving a trace of Taoism demon!

After Xiao Chen entered the shrine, he never thought about the relationship between Dao Demon and him, and even this time he was recruited into the shrine by exception, he also believed that he could not be separated from this person.

But never thought that the two would meet today.

Dao Mo's eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and when he saw his awe, his respectfulness came out of his heart, his face could not help showing a little satisfaction. This opportunity has nothing to do with my husband. "

Dao Mo waved his hand, but it was a rare and sloppy character.

"Regardless of whether his predecessors have contributed, Xiao Chen has already remembered this, and dare not forget it at all." The grievances are clear. For this, Xiao Chen has always done very well.

Without the battle-word tactics left by Dao Mo at that time, he may not be able to stand in the Palace of War God now. The two seem to be doomed in the dark. They have their own destiny. Unable to measure.

Dao Mo's eyes gave Xiao Chen a deep look. "The old man left a trace of the warrior's roots and inherited it, but it was just a whim, he didn't want many layouts to fail, but he never thought of it. You have already achieved such an achievement today. Being able to ascend to the spiritual world from the human world and achieve today's level, your growth potential is far beyond my husband's expectation. If I give you enough time, there will be boundless achievements in the future. "

Speaking of which, the old man hesitated a little bit and continued to say, "For some reason, I can't tell you too much, but I hope you can stay in the Palace of War God, continue to appreciate the stone tower uprightness, and use your progress. For more than 10,000 years, you will definitely be able to enter the tenth floor, and your achievements will be ruined .. At that time, you will gain a big and pleasant surprise in the God of War Palace. Therefore, the old man came today to discourage you from leaving the God of War Palace. "

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. He didn't expect Dao Mo to come. It was actually for this matter. He moved slightly in his heart, and his face was a little hesitant.

The Dao Demon did not hide it, nodded slightly, "According to the information of the ancestors, the Daqian Fire clan has sent monks into the spiritual realm. If nothing is wrong, this person should come to kill you ... and this blood prison invasion, extremely It may be a compiled trap, just waiting for you to jump into it. If you have entered the upper palace of Aresiya, the old man can help you, but now I am restricted to leave the stone tower. After you step out of Ares Palace, you will Can't get our shelter, waiting for you must be a plan of killing. Taking your current practice as a strength, although not weak, you can even get out of the hands of the broken monk, but you need to know that there is more than one destruction that wants to deal with you. Monk. "

"The repair of the fire clan, the purple robe, the corpse king, the four blood gods of blood prison, there are seven devastated monks on the bright side. If you fall into their hands, you will undoubtedly die. Therefore, the old man hopes that you can reconsider and make a decision. Don't regret it for a moment of impulse. "

Xiao Chen's face was dignified and he saluted deeply. "Thank you, Lord Daomo, for telling Xiao Chen about this incident, and it will also make me a lot of preparations .. But the good intention of the adult, Xiao Chen still refuses, not because he doesn't know what to do. Some things that I know are clearly wrong, and I also have to do them. The calamity of the human race today is caused by me no matter which aspect, if at this time, if I ca n’t stand up and take the due responsibilities , The mind will certainly leave flaws, and later want to complete the promotion, it is difficult. So, this time to return to the Terran, I have to do it anyway. Even if the situation is dangerous, it depends on whether they have me The means left behind, but today's matter, thank you Lord Daemon. "

"Just one point, Xiao Chen also asked Master Tao to give a reply. If I leave the War God Palace today, can I still come back to continue to enter the Stone Tower to comprehend?"

This is what Xiao Chen cares about.

To him, Stone Tower represents endless temptation and powerful power, which can make him cultivate soaring in a short period of time. How can Xiao Chen easily let go of this opportunity.

Dao Mo looked at Xiao Chen's face, knowing that his mind was settled, and he sighed helplessly. "It seems that the old man cannot stop you from leaving, but you must remember to be careful every moment after stepping out of the War God Palace, as for the future. .If you are safe, the gates of Ares are open for you at any time. "

Xiao Chen was grateful and deeply saluted.

Dao De stretched his hand and tore, the space in front of him shattered, and a crack appeared in front of him. "Let ’s go in, and you can leave the God of War directly. This is the only thing the old man can do for you."

Xiao Chen nodded, took a deep breath, stepped into it, and the figure disappeared.

The cracks in the space recovered, and the complex meaning appeared on Dao Mo's face. He was silent for a moment, sighed in his mouth, turned and walked, his figure disappeared instantly.

He should have done his best to say and do. Since this is Xiao Chen's choice, he cannot change it forcefully.

This robbery is menacing, I just hope he can survive it.

Crisis and opportunity coexist. Although this time is dangerous, it is also an excellent opportunity to sharpen. Whether it is shot by the waves in the clouds or whether it is courageous to go straight up and jump into the dragon gate is all up to him.


Into the cracks, although Xiao Chen believed in Dao Demon, he did not dare to take no precautions.

There was a flash of aura in his hand, and the Tongtian streamer shuttle appeared in his hand. If there was anything wrong, he would excite this treasure, and instantly tore away and teleport to escape.

Fortunately, the worst situation he expected did not appear. When he regained his sight, Xiao Chen now appeared outside the stone wall that entered the God of War Palace. He took a deep look at the object, and Xiao Chen did not hesitate to tear. Space, instantly enters the space turbulence, according to the sense of breath, go straight to the spirit world!

Xiao Chen's face was calm, but deep in his eyes was a cold mang, and his killing intention was compelling.

Since he has already appeared, he will not be afraid of any calamity, but what will happen to this calamity, and who will know?

The identity between the trap and the hunted prey has not yet been determined, and it will change .. It may be born at any time!


[Fourth more, today's update is complete, goodbye to you all tomorrow! I do n’t have any papers in my hand. I got up early in the morning and postponed the update until the afternoon. I guarantee that I have three hands. The four Taoist friends of the flurry dance, the justice of the law supported the monthly ticket, bowed down, good night. 】

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