Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 434: Four Realms join forces

The three parties made a decision directly. Even though Xiao Chen's qualifications were extremely bad, and he had a prism of six prisms in his hand, they were still not placed on a par with them. However, this contempt for Xiao Chen did not care, and his eyes were slightly different. Shem, "Everyone rest assured, Xiao Chen has no interest in the treasure. As long as the three seniors can set up a soul deed, they will never shoot at me afterwards, and the younger generation can follow you to the treasure. <? 81.? 8] ZW.COM, but my five friends, I also asked Lord Ogudo to remove the blood from their bodies and send them back to the Temple of War, so that the younger generations can rest assured. "

"Okay!" Ogudo raised his hand and merged into the solitary bamboo. The blood poisoning in Yunyu, Humen, Huguan and Jingyangzi was directly taken away by him, and the restraint of his body was also lifted. "You can go Now. "

The five left the Blood Prison monk's place, but did not leave immediately, but looked at Xiao Chen anxiously.

"Don't worry, I will watch you enter the teleportation array and leave, waiting for the treasure to end, and I will naturally return." Xiao Chen said lightly, and could not help but frowned slightly. "Master Ogudo, In addition to the five of them, there are two other monks in my tribe who are blood poisoned, and I ask you to give the antidote together. "

Ogudol whispered, without any difficulty, and took out two black pills. "One for each person. After swallowing, the medicine will be closed for one month. Naturally, the blood poison can be eliminated."

Xiao Chen wrapped the pill into his hands with a spiritual package, and the consciousness swept away without a trace. Then he looked towards Dongfeng Ruru.

The old man slowly nodded, "My friends don't have to worry, this Dan is indeed an antidote to blood poisoning. From the hand of Ogudo, the blood poisoning of any one of the blood prison monks can be relieved. You will be tempted on such a trivial matter, you can rest assured. "

Ogudol sneered, apparently dissatisfied with Xiao Chen's move, but did not say much.

Xiao Chen arched his hands and stepped forward and handed the pill to Guzhu, "Let ’s go, I will leave you, and tell the two adults, Tai A and Ming Xia, do n’t get involved in the treasure, stay here, I I will go back. "

Without a streamer shuttle, Xiao Chen would not dare to stay.

But now with this treasure in hand, he can get away at any time, even the ancient monks can't leave him. In that case, how dare he?

This mysterious land is so mysterious that it spurred the powers of the Three Realms to compete. He also wanted to follow up to see if it would be the best to gain something. If the real thing is not feasible, he can immediately pull away.

The five people, such as Guzhu and Yunji, nodded. With their understanding of Xiao Chen, since they have spoken, they must have been prepared in their hearts. Naturally, they don't need to say much. Wait for the adult to return. "

The five of them saluted deeply, turned around and stood up and left.

Xiao Chen followed far behind, and Augusto, Dongfeng Rubao, Dongtian Three Kings Qi Qi locked him secretly, and he was not afraid that Xiao Chen could escape.

Watching the solitary bamboo, Yunzhang, Humen, Huguan and Jingyangzi entered the teleportation array, and the aura of light flashed, their figures disappeared.

Xiao Chen's mind was slightly relaxed, and his expression suddenly became peaceful. When the five left, his scruples disappeared. If he was not curious about his treasure, he could leave at any time.

And more importantly, Xiao Chen has a faint intuition in his heart. The seven bottlenecks that he has been unable to break through. Perhaps he can only break through life and death after suffering. Because of this, he decides to stay.

Although dangerous, the monk had to follow the path of thorns. Although he could gain soaring power in the stone tower, he could not sail smoothly.

How can you grow without suffering.

No storm, no rainbow!

Xiao Chen's face suddenly appeared thoughtful. Invisible, the state of mind became more transparent and transparent, and even the bottleneck of the Seventh State was slightly loosened. A very different breath slowly dissipated from his body. Out.

Here are all the strong men with more than three ancient songs, and they instantly noticed the changes in Xiao Chen's body.

Augusto's face changed slightly, and his chill was even worse.

Dongfeng Rubao and the three kings of the sky looked at each other, and they all saw the shaking in their hearts!

At this time, it is actually possible to complete a breakthrough in the state of mind. How terrible this qualification is!

However, the more brilliant Xiao Chen's performance is now, the more powerful the three parties can be. They will never allow this threat to grow up!

Xiao Chen's eyes opened, and his dark eyes instantly brushed the moist color. Sweeping on these old monsters, he didn't seem to notice any strangeness. "Now ask adults to set up a soul deed, so that the younger generations can feel at ease. . "

Once the Soul Deed is established, the three-party monks will not dare to take action unless they have to, otherwise the Soul Deed will be defeated. Even if they have a way to resist, they will inevitably escape the trauma.

When this kind of treasure hunt competes for opportunities, a little injury in the body may lead to a shortfall of power or even fall into danger. No one is willing to take risks if the three parties confront each other.

But at this moment, suddenly a faint laugh came from the depths of the clouds and fog, "Since it is to set up a soul deed to hunt for treasure together, I wonder if I can add an old man and others." The voice did not fall, more than one hundred powerful words appeared in all Inductive.

Power of the stars!

Floating 6 monks!

The faint footsteps ranged from near to far, and the monks in the floating world walked out for the two elderly men.

The two are twin brothers. They look almost exactly the same. They are extremely face-to-face. Xiao Chen has never seen it, but the breath in his body is horrible. He has reached the peak of the ancient pole eights. The texture of the big sun robe, a silver ray of Haoyue robe, extraordinary style.

"Haha, presumably this is Xiao Chen's friend who moves the Five Realms. Sure enough, the talents of the sky are admirable. The old man is floating in the 6 realms of the sun and the sun. This is the brother of the moon and the moon." The old man in the sun robe opened his hand.

Yinyue Daojun nodded slightly.

Xiao Chen's heart moved slightly. Although the two men behaved quite calmly, their eyes seemed to have deep meaning, but this feeling flashed through. Xiao Chen didn't know if it was his illusion. In return, "the two adults It's too good. The junior is just a little trick, showing off, but it makes adults laugh. "

"Haha! It ’s good to be young, crazy, but also a kind of courage to move forward, unlike me, who is dying and old, than you." Yang Ri Dao Jun waved his hands with a smile and glanced around, "What, it seems My friends do not welcome my husband and others. This treasure is open. Since you and I have noticed it, it is natural for you to be a part of the audience. Augusto friends, I wonder what you think? "

Ogudol chuckled, "Yangri Daoyou is naturally right, so does my husband."

The three stone realms and the celestial realm have joined forces to stabilize the strength of the blood prison world. Even if they enter the treasure, they know that they are not rivals of the blood prison world by themselves.

Therefore, the floating 6 realm came in, but it was a situation that Ogudol would like to see. Once the three stone realms and the cave heaven realm joined forces, it would be true that the floating 6 realms would stand on his side without hesitation.

This has nothing to do with moral friendship, but just the balance that must be maintained in the face of interests and needs.

Ogudo agreed and the situation suddenly changed. If the Three Stone Realm and the Dongtian Realm were against it, would it be necessary to push the floating 6 realm to the opposite side. Even if they were unwilling, they could only agree.

But Dongfeng Rubao still couldn't help but ridicule, "The two Taoists, Yangri and Yinyue, are really good at calculating, and they are closed all year round. I'm afraid the eyeliner hasn't left the treasure, otherwise how can we respond so quickly?"

Yangri Daojun laughed at each other with a smile, but was not upset.

Xiao Chen did not have the right to intervene in this, and was quiet, letting them fight for each other, let alone the contention of the four realms, the more turbulent the situation, it is also good for him.

The Four Realms reached an agreement, and successively set up a soul deed. Before the matter of the treasure was resolved, Xiao Chen would never be shot, and the matter was officially finalized.

"Well, now that you have a resolution, you and I will not delay time, lest fear of change may occur." Dongfeng Ru frowned. "We can't go to the treasure through the teleportation array. Yunwushan is still a long way from there. Distance, leave now. "

"it is good!"

There were about 500 monks in the Four Realms. At this moment, they shot or took out treasures or drove the light, and they turned into a rainbow.

The breath of terror burst, especially the ancient breath of Augusto and Dongfeng. The breath of ancient times is even more amazing, enough to scare any brute.

These five hundred monks, nearly all the peak monks in the War God Palace, are powerful and earth-shattering! Such as the meteor chasing the moon, gallop away.


The vast land is vast!

The terrain is rolling, the rivers and lakes are densely packed, there are eagles and flying beasts that strike for nine days, 6 rows of wild beasts fight the wilderness, there are wild beasts in the water making waves, what a wild place, what a wild picture!

Above this sky, there was a dazzling ray of light passing by, the mighty mighty pressure spreading wildly, and it stirred down the sky, and the angry and roaring of the King of the Beast came from far away, but no one dared to stop.

It is in this extremely fast-moving Mercedes-Benz that the days pass by in March.

"Well, it has been rushing for five days in a row, and it is not far from the treasure now. Let's continue our journey here for the last time." Changfeng Rubao slowly opened his mouth. "After approaching the treasure, a piece will appear. The chaotic area, in order to reach the treasure portal, we must go all the way. I think that the dangers of the chaotic place should be heard by everyone. You do n’t need to remind my husband. "

Augusto, the three kings of the sky, nodded on the 6th and the 2nd, and his face was dignified, apparently knowing the place of chaos. It is enough to let them show such cautious response that it is dangerous.

The monks of the Four Realms fell down and laid their knees on their backs. Although they were meditating and recovering, none of them really bet on all their minds, and there was a hidden fear among each other.

Since March, we have settled down, and joined forces together, but once the treasure is opened, the short-term cooperation situation will directly collapse, and the war is inevitable!

Xiao Chen noticed the change of atmosphere in the team and sneered secretly.

These five hundred monks, once the four realms of the fierce battle, must suffer heavy losses, I do not know how many people can finally leave in alive. But this has nothing to do with him. He was holding the muddy waters to fish, but he did not develop too much greed for this treasure. Any monk in the Four Realms possessed the power that he could not resist. If he insisted, it would be possible. Ending stunned. If nothing could be done, he would turn around without hesitation.

Two days later, the body loss of monks in the Five Realms recovered.

"The treasure is located, guarded by the beast king, and the best of them even have power not weaker than you and me. To avoid the hordes of hordes, from this moment on, everyone converges and proceed carefully!"

"Come out!"

There are countless wild beasts in the wilderness, and those who are extremely powerful may not fall into the wind even in the face of ancient power, and there are many powerful wild beasts under their control. Once they conflict with them, they will be extremely troublesome.

Moreover, even though the beast kings are fighting internally, when facing monks, they can let go of their hatred and unify. Even if the Four Realms are coming in, if you really fall into the army of brutal beasts led by several brute beast kings, you will be forced to be in a hurry, and there will be a large range of deaths and injuries at any time.

If conflict can be avoided, then it is better.

The team continued to go out, although there were some twists and turns. Fortunately, there were no accidents. After four days of continuous march, a chaotic area appeared in the sight of everyone.


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! 】

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