Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 433: The situation has changed rapidly

In the valley, the white mist lingered, and the blood prison monks were stationed here, waiting in silence. <? Bayi. 8] 1] ZW. Com

It's been two days since the messenger passed. According to the truth, Xiao Chen should have received the information. If there is any action, he should have arrived now. But to this day everything is still calm and calm, and Ogudo's face grows more gloomy, revealing an invisible coercion.

The more depressing the atmosphere in the valley, the adult Xu Li's face gradually paled, but he tried to prevent himself from showing any panic. If even he had no confidence, Lord Ogudo would immediately punish him!

Will definitely succeed!

Xiao Chen will come!

Frost, Jelson, and Monty are the three ancient warrior warriors of Gokuchi. Their eyes fall on Xu Li, and they can't help showing some compassion. If they fail again this time, they will definitely be forgive by the nature of adults. Can't stop him.

Although the four of them had some friction and collision during the day, at this moment they saw that Xu Li was in such a situation, and the three of them couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow for the rabbits and dead foxes. Who knows whether they will follow Xu Li for some reason in the future. Footsteps.

However, this emotion was hidden deeply, and their expressions were indifferent, and they did not dare to show the slightest signs. Otherwise, they were really looking for trouble when they were seen by Lord Oguto.

The gorgeous Bloodweave King's Tent was set up in the camp. As the residence of Lord Ogudo, the tents of the Blood Prisoner were arranged in turn on both sides, like the stars and the moon, showing enough humbleness and awe. Leaving a wide area, strong prisoners of blood prisons visited, Lone Bamboo, Yunyu, Huguan, Huguan and Jingyangzi were guarded here. Everyone was repaired by the town, with a slight breath. Pale.

"It's been a day since Xiao Chen received the message, and it's still the future. He killed the only human race woman among the five with a blood sacrifice and made it into a picture and shadow jade."

Xu Li husky opened her throat.

Augusto's king's account was silent, and the Blood Prison monk respectfully claimed that he grabbed Yun Zhi directly with his virtual camera.

The face of Guzhu and others struggled with anger, and murmured in a low voice. Yun Yan Qiao's face turned pale, her eyes closed with despair.

But at this moment, an angry roar suddenly came from the king's account, "The east wind is like a storm, the King of the Three Heavens Gods, are you here to fight against the old man?" The roar did not fall, and Huamei's account Under the influence of a horrible atmosphere, it was instantly shredded into powder, and Augusto's figure appeared, his face sinking like water, and his eyes were cold.

The monk who was about to use the **** monks to stop immediately, seized Yun Ji with the trend, and gathered with other people in a moment.

"Haha! Why do Augusto friends say so? The old man and others came only to be trusted by Xiao Chen's friends and rescued a few friends for him. As a friend of Taoism, he tried to make things difficult for these young people. It will be ridiculed by others. "Dongfeng, such as a faint laugh, came from the depths of the clouds and fog. At first, it was far away, but it was close to his ears before it fell. More than two hundred figures came out of the white mist silently and entered. The valley is far away from the blood prisoners.

Xiao Chen stood at his feet and glanced a little. He already saw lonely bamboos and Yundi among the blood prison monks. Although his appearance was very bad, he was not injured and tortured, so he felt relieved and nodded slightly to them. Be careful not to worry.

Guzhu, Yunjing, Humen, Huguan, and Jingyangzi showed excitement on their faces. They did not expect Xiao Chen to take the risk to rescue them, and they did not know how to get the inclination of the Three Stone Realms and the Cave Realms. Strong support, obviously there are many hidden feelings, Xiao Chen must pay a great price. The five were grateful and guilty, and vowed that if they could not die today, they would definitely give back to Xiao Chen in the future!

Augusto sneered, and said in a cold voice, "What the old man does, you should know why you should cover it. But there is a little old man who doesn't understand why Xiao Chen is out of the wilderness, why don't you kill him, but help him instead? Take a shot and fight against me? "

Dongfeng chuckled a smile, "Since the old man and the three **** kings have shot, naturally there is a reason for the shot. This will not bother Ogudo's friends, but he also asked them to order Xiao Chen Xiaoyou as a friend. open it."

While talking, this old man stepped forward, and the ancient atmosphere appeared faintly. Although it was thin, the threat was quite obvious.

In the Ares Palace, he dared to confront Ogudo with a single gun in front of him, only for him.

In the same sneer, the three gods of Dongtian took the same step. The mighty breath of the ancient pole eight songs broke the body. The three are compatible, which can reveal the power of the ancient realm.

The three kings joined forces and could retreat in the face of the ancient power. This is the foundation of Dongtianjie's foothold in the War God Palace, and it is also the main reason for them to dare to join forces with Dongfeng Rubao.

The Ares Palace confronts the Five Realms, the Blood Prison Realm is the strongest, the Three Stone Realms are the second, and the Dong Tian Realm is equivalent to the Fu 6 Realm. Stronger, the last seat is the spirit world.

At present, only Sanshijie and Dongtianjie are qualified to play with the blood prison world, and both of them are weaker than the blood prison world alone, so it is expected that they will join forces today.

The two worlds joined forces, and if Dongfeng could break up, they could entangle Oguto. The King of the Three Heavens was enough to cope with the three battles in Blood Prison. With the remaining power comparison, it was natural that the two worlds joined forces to prevail.

If it is a hard fight, the blood prisoners will inevitably suffer!

Today, Dongfeng Rubao and Dongtian Three Kings originally wanted to use the power to suppress others, forcing Augusto to step back.

However, they estimated that something was wrong, and this idea was doomed to fail.

The situation in the blood prison world is much more severe than outsiders know. According to the prediction of the wise men, they have less than 10,000 years. Even if there are many cities that use blood sacrifice to suppress the world, they will not be able to support the period.

No solution can be found in 10,000 years. The blood prison world collapses, but the promotion and destruction are complete, and the four bloodline masters who can complete the transformation of the blood can be separated from the Xiao Qianjie at any time, and everyone will die!

Augusto is also included!

Whether it is to save the fate of the ethnic group, or to help his own body break through as soon as possible, to avoid the tragic fate of the blood prison collapse, he is eager to devour Xiao Chen.

He has a clear hunch, and as long as this is done, he is likely to take the crucial final step.

So today, he will never fall back.

Ogudo sneered, his fingers twitched, and five drops of black blood on his finger shot out, and they were directly incorporated into the five solitary bamboos and clouds. "The blood poison that the old man has cultivated so far has been removed from the body. Except for personal rescue, even the monk in Desolation can't cure it. Xiao Chen, if you don't want to watch them rot in front of you and die and die, just come over alone, the old man will naturally let them go! Otherwise, they All dead! "

Dongfeng Ru's face suddenly gloomed, his eyes flashed coldly, "Auguduo, the old man advised you to think twice before moving, not to be impulsive, otherwise no one of the blood prison monks brought behind you today can go back alive. "

"Ha ha ha ha! My blood prison world can't last long, if we can't find a solution before that, all of us will die! In this case, it will be different if you die early and some later!" Gudo's expression was crazy, his eyes gradually filled with red blood, "Xiao Chen, my husband said last time, you come alone, or they will die soon!"

Xiao Chen's face was ugly, and his hands flashed with aura. Hexagonal prisms appeared directly in his hands, exuding a beautiful azure color, illuminating the space around the square, forming a ripple of light like water waves. Working with you to use this treasure as a condition to save my friend, it seems that you can't do it right now. If they happen, the younger generation will immediately destroy this pillar! "

"Don't!" Dongfeng Rupo and Dongtian Three Kings' faces changed greatly at the same time.

"My little friend must be impulsive. Since the old man promised this thing, he will naturally do his best to do it. He also asked his friend to be careful not to damage this treasure." Dongfeng Rubao whispered, his eyes were anxious, and he turned to anger. "Ogudo, if you dare to touch them, the old man's hard hit will endure with you today, leaving all your **** monks!"

"Augudou friends have something to say, don't be impulsive." Hercules King Shen Sheng said, "As long as Tao friends let Xiao Chen's friends away, we can make every effort to compensate Tao friends."

After Augusto took out the six prism beam, Xiaoguo's eyes kept falling on him. He didn't even hear the words of Dongfeng Rubao and King Hercules. The blood color in this weird eye gradually faded and his body disappeared. Shocked with excitement, "The five-element crystal pillar, the hexagonal shape, can open up hidden treasures and find a pure world that has not yet appeared. The old man thought this was only a rumor spread among the ancestors, but he did not expect it to be true! "

Ogudo also apparently knew the secrets of some hexagonal prisms. At this moment, he whispered, and the look of Dongfeng Rubao and the three kings of the sky changed, and his eyes suddenly gloomed.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he was not so low to let him see the change of his look, but he already had a plan .. It seems that the six prisms really hide the secret of the sky, it seems that it is vital to open a treasure It is no wonder that Dongfeng Rubao will pay so much attention, and Dongtianjie will do its best to compete. If so, perhaps the situation today will become more complicated. But the more so, the better it is for him, the chaotic situation will have the opportunity to catch fish in the muddy waters, and even have unexpected gains.

"Xiao Chen, give the six prisms to the old man, I swear I will never embarrass you, and I can send your friends back safely." Augusto suddenly opened his eyes, bursting into his eyes.

"Xiao Chen, my friend, remember the old man's contract with you. If you violate it, you can blame the old man for turning his face ruthless!"

"Put the crystal pillar with me, the old man can protect you from danger!"

"Huh! Augusto, you are now insecure, why should you take refuge in others?"

The two sides confronted each other, and the focus shifted to the hexagonal prism in the hands of Xiao Chen. No one wanted to step back a half step, and the atmosphere became more stalemate.

At this moment, the three kings of the heavenly sky, Xiaoyao God suddenly said, "Dongfeng is like a broken friend. Now that the friends of Augusto already know the news of the treasure, we want to join forces to divide it obviously will not work. Together, Augusto ’s friends will let Xiao Chen ’s friends go, and you and I will break the treasure together. Dao friends must forget that the treasure is extremely dangerous to enter and exit. Guduo's friends helped each other, and the security increased naturally. After the treasure was opened, you and I fought by chance. "

Speaking of which, the man paused slightly, and his eyes fell on Xiao Chen. "But then, the crystal pillar was delivered to the monks of either party. I'm afraid you and I wouldn't rest assured. I had to let Xiao Chen's friends follow us for a while. Until the end of the treasure, it will not return to the Temple of War. "

Dongfeng's face was cloudy and cloudy for a while, although he did not want to, but now there is obviously no better solution. The old man hummed a little and agreed.

Augusto hesitated slightly, and slowly nodded, "Okay, that's how it was decided."

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