Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 390: Caught in the bottom of the sea

But at this moment, there was a wave of aura coming from above. (Eight (one Chinese W) W> W>. 818W.COM

Xiao Chen saw the situation immediately, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, without any hesitation, he raised his hand and pointed down!

Magical power, finger of silence!

Into Shouyuan, the destruction force is revealed. The more infused, the stronger the power.

The Huangquan Grinding Disk condensed instantly, carrying the breath of endless destruction, and fell suddenly!

The word Huangquan is bloody, and the unicorn soul beast growls!

Xiao Chen's face changed slightly, and this time he condensed the Huangquan Grinding Disc. He actually felt that the body's longevity was almost no loss. On the other hand, instead of reducing the power of the Huangquan Grinding Disc, he was much stronger than before, and the ghosting shadow was more solid.

Although he didn't know exactly what had happened, he could barely sense that in this Huangquan mill, there seemed to be a strong source of power. It was this thing that replaced the power of Shouyuan. Makes Huangquan Da Mopanwei more powerful!

Xiao Chen's eyes brightened, thinking that he had previously killed a Taigu nun who was a blood prisoner by this technique. Was this female Yuanshen swallowed up by Huang Quan?

His thoughts turned around and he was forcibly suppressed. Now that the situation is not deep in thought, save the people first, or else once the terror beasts on the sea floor recover, he will only go away.


The Huangquan Grinding Disk fell, and under its rotation, the endless destruction force was scattered from it, crushing the tentacles wrapped around Yunzhang and Lone Bamboo, and suddenly a little photoelectric overflowed from it, and was directly swallowed by the Huangquan Grinding Disk.

After swallowing these optoelectronics, Xiao Chen was keenly aware of the energy lost from the source of power with a touch of induction between him and Shentong.


Xiao Chen was too late to ponder, and a roar suddenly appeared in his mouth.

Yun Yan and Lone Bamboo both showed gratitude at the same time, nodded and didn't dare to pause for a while, and went straight to the sea!

"Xiao Chendaoyou save me!"

"Please Xiao Chen Daoyou shot, I'm grateful!"

"If Daoyou rescues himself, there will be a good report afterwards!"

Below the river map, the finger and others have spoken with anxiety.

They were really afraid that Xiao Chen had left, so the wait for them would be ridiculed.

Xiao Chen frowned, watching a few horrified faces, waving his hand, and Huang Quan shot his hands again, heading for Liu Shiyan and Nie Yan.

In all fairness, if he saves people, he will naturally choose to save the monks first.


The grinding disc was run over, Liu Shiyan and Nie Yan's tentacles dried up into powder, and there were light spots overflowing from it. The source of power in Huangquan's grinding disc was not weakened, but it was more powerful.

"Thank you Xiaochen Taoyou!" Nie Yan hurriedly walked away.

The complex colors of Liu Shiyan's eyes glanced over Xiao Chen's body, and turned away after giving the gift.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. He had no feelings about the remaining five people in fairness. He wouldn't be disturbed if he left here. After all, it is shameful to point to what the Master has done, and others such as ** Hetu are powerful aliens.

The five seemed to perceive a change in his mind, and his face suddenly showed fear.

"Xiao Chendao friends, for the sake of you and me as human monks, please save me. The previous things were all confused and fascinated by the Liu Shiyan, but I will not die!"

"Human race friends, as long as you can rescue four of our division brothers and enter the temple of war in the future, my monk in the Three Stone Realms will make friends with Tao friends and make some compensation!"

Xiao Chen's heart moved slightly, raising his hand, and was about to drop Huang Quan Mopan, but at this moment, his face suddenly changed, as if his shot angered the horrible beast on the bottom of the sea, and the power burst from that tentacle. Instantly skyrocket!


In the misery, the three ancestors of the three ancient ancestors in the ancient times of the Three Ancient Stone Ages couldn't resist the horror force uploaded by the tentacles. The shield was crushed and the body collapsed into a pool of broken flesh.

** He Tu and Zhi Zhi exclaimed at the same time, they could only desperately resist the tentacle strangulation.

"Dao You will do it soon. We can't hold it!"

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, the robe sleeves fell, and Huang Quan's disc suddenly hit, crushing the tentacles of the two.

The next moment, there was a dull growl in the bottom of the sea, and the trembling water screamed.

call out!

call out!

The shattering sound of shattering water waves came instantly.

Xiao Chen's face changed, and he did not hesitate to turn around.

** Hetu and Dingzhi, two monks, were naturally ancestral monks. They were just as fast as lightning. They just got out and caught up in a flash. The three fled wildly above the sea near the same position!

However, they did not escape too far, and three of them were slightly blackened with tentacles, as if they were swept away by the celestial whip, and they were tied down and suppressed directly.

Xiao Chen's face became extremely ugly in an instant. He didn't expect to have this kind of accident. The sudden explosion of the horrible beast on the seabed actually put him in trouble together. Moreover, the undersea beast seems to know that his prey escaped because of his shot. The three tentacles tied the thickest and most powerful Xiao Chen. Unless the King of the Three Kingdoms followed closely on his side, he built a shield with the five elements of the original power. , He may not be able to withstand the horrifying pulling force from this dark black tentacle.

A low roar came, and the three's faces became extremely ugly at the same time.

** Hetu's eyes flashed sharply, and he passed on his finger to the master, "He pointed to the Taoist friend, this submarine beast now only hates this Xiao Chen himself. You and I joined forces to bomb him down to the bottom of the sea. This person must struggle to fight back. The undersea beasts have given up their strength to deal with him, maybe you and I have hope of getting away! "

There was a moment of hesitation flashing through the eyes of his superior, then he nodded fiercely.

Xiao Chen Yuguang noticed the changes in the two's looks, and jumped violently in his heart, making a bad cry.

But waiting for him to respond at this moment, two terrorist attacks fell instantly.

Taking ** hetu, zhizhi lord ancestors' mid-early and early repairs as his full shot, the strength of it instantly broke the balance of Xiao Chen's barely resisting the tugging balance. The elementary shield of the Five Elements trembled violently. Hit the bottom of the sea!

Xiao Chen roared, but couldn't help his hands against the two, and two blackish tentacles shot from the bottom of the sea and swept straight towards him.

"Huangquan mill!"

Xiao Chen roared, his sleeves waved, and the disappeared Huangquan mill disc reappeared and crashed. Although the two slightly black tentacles suddenly withered, they were not smashed. Obviously their texture was extremely hard!



There was a crazy booming sound from the bottom of the sea. Although I could not see clearly, I could also know that Xiao Chen was fighting with the terror beast on the bottom of the sea.

At the same time, ** Hetu and the tentacle strength of the surprise of the finger entangled on them really weakened a lot. The two exploded at the same time, shaking their restraints and shaking their heads, and they did not return to the sea. go with!



The two broke through the water, rushed into the clouds, and hurried to escape into the distance, afraid to stay for a while.


The lonely bamboo, Yunyan, Nie Yan, and Liu Shiyan, who had been waiting for a long time, showed a little joy on their faces, but after the two men approached the river map and the fingers, they did not see Xiao Chen. Several people's faces did not feel slightly changed.

"Where is Xiao Chen Daoyou now, and why hasn't he come out with you?" Gu Zhuhan said with a surge of sword in his body.

** He Tu blinked his eyes, Shen said: "Xiao Chen Daoyou shot and rescued you, it seems to have annoyed the horrible beast on the bottom of the sea. The strength of this object's tentacle burst suddenly soared, and the next three masters have stunned Among them: Xiao Chen Daoyou couldn't avoid it, was caught by several shots and fell to the bottom of the sea, I'm afraid .. "

The four of them suddenly changed their faces.

"It's impossible!" Lone Bamboo stopped drinking. "Xiao Chen's friend position is far above you and me. If the undersea brutal beast bursts, it's the two of you who are most likely to fall, but now you escape, Xiao Chen There is a hidden affair among the Taoist friends! "

I felt ashamed in my heart, and when I heard the words, I was shocked and angry, and my face suddenly became gloomy. "What's the meaning of the solitary bamboo friends, is it because I suspected that my two shot and murdered Xiao Chen's friends?" "

Yun Zheng took a step forward and stood with the lone bamboo, his attitude is self-evident.

Nie Yan and Liu Shiyan were full of suspicion, but did not make a statement in hesitation.

"Huh! Why? Couldn't the two want to get rid of me?" Han Zhi said with a cold voice, slowly dissipating with the ancient breath of ** He Tuzu, and the atmosphere suddenly froze.

"Okay, okay, we just got out of the house, so we should n’t be inwardly anymore. Xiao Chen has a lot of friends. Even if he falls into the bottom of the sea, there is no possibility that he can get out. Let's wait here." Nie Yan hurriedly opened the circle. .

Liu Shiyan nodded again and again.

Lone Bamboo and Yun Yan were both in the downwind. At this moment they heard a low hum and gave up.

** Hetu and Zhizhi looked at each other, and they all saw a strangeness in each other's hearts. He and the two of them joined Xiao Chen into the dark sea floor. Naturally, he hoped that he would fall into the hands of the horrible beast. Otherwise, if he succeeds, Get out and things will be troublesome.

The six of them had their own thoughts, and their eyes fell on the surging sea.


One, two, three more, more and more black tentacles came out from the bottom of the sea, binding Xiao Chen layer by layer, and letting Huang Quan's great grinding disc shot wildly. Although this tentacle can be seriously damaged, it cannot be crushed. broken.

Along with the shot, the energy source in Huangquan's grinding disc could not be supplemented with energy, and gradually became weaker, while more tentacles were constantly swept up.

Xiao Chen's face became extremely ugly!

The pressure of the Five Elements Original Shield is increasing, and it even makes a sour "squeak" sound, which seems to be cracked in the next moment.

Now he has another method to try, which is to use the power of the rules. It should be possible to directly smash the tentacles wrapped around the shield. Once this is the case, his mana's mana is severely depleted. If he cannot escape, he will face a crisis of death. .

In other words, even if he successfully escaped, how could he let the two men assassinate him and kill him. In weakness, how could he resist the beheading of the two.

As for the four people, Lone Bamboo, Yun Yan, Nie Yan, and Liu Shiyan, he couldn't believe it!

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and the thoughts in the Yuanshen flew. After a moment, his eyes were frozen, his eyes flashed with determination, and he looked towards the dark sea floor.

Unable to use the power of the rule to get out, now he has only one way, which is to kill the undersea beast and then get out.

Although this thing is terrifying, but after all, it is a wild animal in the sea and has no wisdom. Xiao Chen has a left eyebrow and a dojo in hand, so there is no need to worry about being killed by it.

Mind moving, he raised his hand to collect Huangquan Mopan Shentong, weakening the stalemate with that tentacle.

call out!

The next moment, Xiao Chen's figure was pulled directly into the dark sea floor, but his face was calm, his dark eyes were calm, without any fear.

If you want to kill him, you also need to see if this beast has such power.

As he got closer and closer to the bottom of the sea, Xiao Chen held his breath and stared, his eyes flashed, and he looked straight towards the bottom of the sea, gradually seeing the face of the beast on the bottom of the sea, making his mind completely shaken!

This is a horrible multi-footed octopus. Its body stretches out and is tens of thousands of miles in size. It is so quietly lying on the bottom of the sea. As for the coral peaks seen by ** hetu, zhizhi and others, it is just A section of its huge tentacles.

The capture of the tentacles of Xiao Chen and others before was just a subtle thing derived from this huge tentacle. In other words, the horrible octopus and the beast lying on the bottom of the sea did not shoot at all!

It's just that some of the derived tentacles are so powerful. If this octopus and beast explodes, what kind of level will it reach!


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! 】

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