Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 389: Undersea tentacles

"You follow me.

Knowing how to control Yuguang, move forward proudly.

Nie Yan smiled sorry for Xiao Chen, and then followed.

Liu Shiyan bit his rosy lips, glanced at Xiao Chen with a resentful look, and took off a scent of incense.

Lone Bamboo and Yun Yan were slightly silent, and they took hold of their fists and followed.

Xiao Chen's face was calm. He never minded the choice of the five people. They were a short-term joint organization. Once there was a disagreement, he didn't think that his so-called status could really restrain them.

Since he already wanted to drive, he would not be depressed.

With regard to his own sense of Yuanshen, Xiao Chen is quite convinced that since these people do not listen to their own persuasion, they can only let them listen to their fate.

"Well, since Lord Shaodi refused, naturally there was a necessary reason. The five did not listen to dissuasion, even if they died, they blame themselves!" Zhou Dongwang Lengheng said, his face was rather ugly.

Xiao Chen smiled lightly. "Well, there is no need to take care of other people's affairs. We still have to look at it. If something really happens, if we can make a shot, we can't just watch them fall. After all, in this endless sea, I still have many places to count on their strength. "

After the words fell, he took the next step, and the figure turned into a streamer.

Behind him, Wang followed closely.

For a moment, Xiao Chen stopped and waited for a while. He watched from a distance and the other four monks in the Three Stone Realms stopped somewhere on the sea. It should have been the Soul Eater shark.

He stopped here, too, so that they didn't have to worry about him falling down and showing their attitude.

** He Tu glanced over Xiao Chen and whispered: "You and I may be injured, and there may be damage. If this person does not act now, will it pose a threat to you and me?"

After pointing a little hesitantly, he didn't say anything, and looked away at several people around him.

"Huh! Xiao Chen Daoyou is not the kind of person behind him. This can be guaranteed." Guzhu hummed coldly, apparently very dissatisfied with the distrust revealed by the two men, ** Hetu and Zhiren. .

Yun Zheng nodded and said lightly, "I can guarantee this too."

Liu Shiyan then nodded, "Xun Shen also thought that Xiao Chen Taoyou was not this kind of person."

"Haha, it seems that you really have confidence in Xiao Chen Daoyou. In that case, naturally there is no reason to doubt it." Nie Yan haha ​​smiled, glanced at the finger, meaning.

The eyes of the master turned gloomy, and he hummed.

** Hetu's eyes flashed a little bit surprised, apparently did not expect Xiao Chen to have such a high credibility in this human race team, nodded slightly, and said, "The following is just to avoid accidents, since all the Taoists have no opinion I did n’t say anything when I was down. Soul-eater shark is in the bottom of the sea peak cave formed by black coral deep in the bottom of the sea, waiting to dive into the bottom of the water, there is a Buddha like a beacon of the gods to protect the treasure. Time to kill these soul-eaters to avoid other accidents caused by the fighting. "

Mentioning the matter at hand, the faces of them were all calm and nodded silently.


As a sign of sincerity, the ** Hetu four people dived into the sea first, and Zhizhi and others hurriedly opened the mana shield and followed.

Xiao Chen squinted his eyes slightly, and after coming to this sea, the anxiety in his Yuanshen was a little bit heavier, pointing directly to the depths of the sea. It seemed that there was something hidden here that could cause him a lethal threat. .

It seems that the killing of Soul Eater Shark is not as easy as the imagination of the finger.

This time, maybe they will suffer a big loss.

"Attention, if something is wrong, we will immediately take action, we can save a few to save a few, if not, let them go."

"Greedy comes at a price."

"Yes, Lord Shaodi."


Under the sea, it was repaired by people like ** hetu, zhizhi, etc. The dive speed was extremely fast. The strong horizontal water pressure could not affect them at all. Even if some wild beasts passed by, they would be killed by them. .

A group of monks converged as far as possible and went straight to the soul shark's lair to erase.

A coral mountain gradually appeared in sight, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, and could not see the end. Above this coral mountain, there are naturally formed caves, and here is the residence of the soul-eater.

"Here, it's close enough to the soul-shaking shark's place. Their primordial sense is extremely sensitive, and the current sensing under the sea is extremely accurate. If they come up, they will be revealed." ** Hetu underwater transmission , Complexion.

His finger flickered a little, and his eyes flashed hot. "That's it, we'll take a shot and fight!"

"it is good!"

At the next moment, the finger-upper shook his hand, the Buddha's long beacon suddenly appeared, and after being urged by the decree, the light spot of that bean suddenly gave off a dim light, covering the entire bottom of the sea.

As long as it is within the range of the aura of light, the attack method of the soul-stealing shark Yuanshen will be greatly reduced.

"Do it!"

The nine strong breaths burst instantly. Among them, ** hetu was the strongest, and it was cultivated in the middle of ancient times. It was also known as the attacking strong sword. His figure instantly turned into a sword, and it seemed to blend with the Qingfeng in his hand One, bluntly went straight to the soul-eating shark in the middle of that ancient times.

The other three Three Stone Sword sword repair forces can not be underestimated, they each found a soul-stealing shark, but they faintly surrounded the strongest soul-stealing shark in the middle. Obviously, what they said in their mouth should be in the secret treasure In the hands of this thing.

The fingers and others did not dare to take the slightest care. Although the Buddha's long beacon can resist the strongest primordial attack of the Soul Eater Shark, making their combat power greatly weakened, the body with a length of one hundred feet, the sharp sharp fins, and the mouth full The cold fangs of Hanmang are enough to prove their power!

Even with physical power alone, these big guys are not easy to deal with.

The fierce battle exploded in an instant, and everyone burst into the Xeon Superpower. They dared not to leave anything at all. After all, it was an endless sea floor. If it was delayed, it would provoke other powerful wild beasts. They would be miserable.

Supernatural powers raged, the soul-eater sharks writhed, stirred up endless rapids and dark tides on the bottom of the sea, and rolled up numerous sea mud, making the entire sea floor instantly dirty.

Above the sea, huge waves rise!

Xiao Chen's face instantly turned into a solitude. His Yuanshen could not detect the battle to the bottom of the deep sea, but through this sea change, it is not difficult to detect the battle at this moment. It seems that the fighting has exploded.


A monk from the early period of the ancient times in Sanshijie first built his merits. The sharp sword in his hand came out directly, rising against the waves, becoming a hundred feet in size, bursting into an endless dazzling sword, and chopping the soul-eater shark in front of him. split into two!

A lot of blood suddenly poured out, and the thick **** smell spread far away.

Stimulated by blood of the same kind, the remaining twenty Soul-Eating Sharks became violent immediately, and their eyes were **** red and their mouths opened wildly to bite, but no matter how they struggled, they could not avoid being slaughtered.

One soul eater died one after another, the whole seabed was stained with blood and water, and the **** smell became more pungent. Later, only the middle period of that ancient ancestor shark was still struggling to support, but was surrounded by four people in the Three Stone World. After the kill, the sturdy Soul-eater Shark Overlord still couldn't escape the shadow of death, wailed, and was inserted into the eyes by two swordsmans, struggling for a moment, and eventually died.

"Haha, okay, thanks to the effectiveness of the Taoist buddha's long light, this time directly reduced the soul attack shark's strongest primordial attack power, so you and I can kill it all so smoothly!" Fuxi, ** He Tu's face suddenly showed a smile, and pointed to his hand, quite grateful.

The finger on his face showed a touch of color, but pretended to be indifferent. "It just happened to happen. I didn't expect the Buddha's long lamp to have such a wonderful effect in the face of the soul-eater."

Speaking of which, the person's eyes flickered, and the hot color flashed, "Now that all the soul-eaters have been killed, you and I don't have to delay any more, and pack up and leave early."

Nie Yan, Liu Shiyan, Lone Bamboo, and Yun Yan could not help but catch their eyes when they heard the words.

** He Tu nodded with a smile, "It should be so. The five Taoist friends are assured that the four brothers of the division have already set up a soul deed, and they naturally believe, until I find the treasure taken by the soul-eater. All the beast crystals and soul-stealing beads belong to the five Taoists. "

The man dropped his hand slightly, and went straight to the corpse of the soul-eating shark in the middle of the ancient times. He raised a sword and blasted it, arousing a stream of blood, dividing the thing directly into the body, and then inside it. Search it up.

But at this moment, the whole sea floor suddenly trembled, and there was a sudden burst of brutal and chaotic coercion, which seemed to be some kind of sleepy horror creature, now waking up!

** Hetu, Lizhi and other people's faces changed greatly and startled.




The bottom of the sea was trembling, and numerous tentacles were shot out violently, directly breaking through the layers of water waves, stirring the towering undercurrent.


"Run away!"


Although it was not clear what the tentacles that broke out on the ocean floor were, the horror breath that emanated from it suddenly changed the face of ** Hetu and Zhizhi, and did not dare to pause, the body suddenly turned into a streamer, and it was banging. Go straight up.

Now their minds are wrapped in fear. When they think of Xiao Chen's refusal to intervene, they are conscious of how stupid they are!

But now it's too late, regret is useless, how to escape here is the most important thing!




Induced by the strong breath of the gradual recovery of the sea floor, they did not have any idea of ​​resistance at all.

But at this moment they are fast, but the tentacles detected by that bottom of the sea are faster, bringing a virtual shadow on the bottom of the water, squeezing the water waves to the sides, sweeping underneath, there is no hefty destructive power!




One by one, the tentacles came out, directly wrapping the escaped people, suddenly shrinking and rolling tightly, and desperately pulling away to the bottom of the sea.

Because this tentacle shot out near the death place of Nazu Ancient Soul Eater Shark, the four people in Sanshijie ** Hetu were first wrapped by tentacles. They wanted to take away the Buddha's long beacon, and the treasure was taken away by a tentacle. , He also fell to the bottom, with the bottom of the river map.

The top three are three three-stone sword repairers, Nie Yan, Liu Shiyan, Lone Bamboo, and Yun Yan. All of them are entangled by this tentacle. No matter how hard they struggle, they can cut off a tentacle. Immediately there will be more tentacles entangled, making them unable to escape. And the most terrifying point is that the power from this tentacle is increasing, it seems that because of their struggle, they have accelerated the recovery of a certain terrorist existence underground.

Once it's awake completely, all of them will be pulled into the endless dim sea floor!

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